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The Ink Romance Series

Page 9

by Bridget Taylor

  It shouldn’t be such a turn on. I shouldn’t be so hot from him dirty talking to me about the pictures that have kept me up all night, but maybe that’s his goal? Maybe he is trying to associate those photos with lust? Maybe he wants to make me feel like that night between us wasn’t tampered by intrusion?

  “I’m yours.” My fingernails scratch down his back to the curve us his perk cheeks. I can’t see it, but I can imagine the slight tan line he has there making his bottom half paler than his top half. The thought makes me grip both cheeks in my palms, then, scratching them back up his back to his muscular pecs and tweaking his rosy colored nipples.

  He moans. “I can’t hold back.”

  Realizing I have my eyes shut, I open them and I drink in the sight before me. His brows are drawn together and his mouth is open. Realizing he must be close, I tweak his nipples again, but a little harder.

  “Leslie!” He grunts. As he orgasms, his fluid coats my folds. Suddenly, while still coming, he thrusts inside me, finishing his climax.

  He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t soften. He stays hard pounding into me punishingly as if I did something I shouldn’t have.

  “You naughty girl. You found my weakness.” He flips us over where I am on top of him.

  I sit up a little, his length too much for me to take in that position. “Ah, Kane.” Sweat drips down my neck. He sees the bead of salty water and laps at it, bringing his tongue from the base of my neck to my mouth.

  “You can take me.” He thrusts into me making me scream. We sit flush against each other now, his swollen sack against my cheeks. Breathing heavily, I start moving, rocking my hips back and forth until my clit rubs against his pelvis giving me extra stimulation.

  “Damn it. You…” He doesn’t finish his sentence as he throws his head back. His neck strains, the veins and ligaments popping from pleasure. His eyes are screwed tight as he takes what I give him. His hands go to my hips for leverage as he gives me the extra push of momentum making me gain speed. The headboard slaps against the wall with the fury of our lust.

  “Yeah, Crazy. Ride me. You ride my cock so good,” Kane dirty talks. He knows it gets to me. He knows it gets me closer to the edge. The edge I’ve been at all night. The edge I’m about to tip over.

  “Kane.” My hips stutter.

  “Kane.” I get a little wetter.

  “Kane.” My toes tingle and my legs feel numb as my orgasm builds.

  “Kane!” I arch my back as my orgasm sweeps through me. My hips gyrate slowly, searching for prolonging the ecstasy. I hunch over him while I heavily pant into his ear. He isn’t done though.

  He flips me onto my stomach, my legs straight as he slides back into my wet heat.

  He uses me to seek his pleasure and I’ve never felt so good.

  “You’re going to take every drop of me, aren’t you, Crazy?” His long thick shaft spears me.

  “Yes,” I moan loudly as he hovers over me, turning my head and searching for my lips to give me a violent kiss.

  “Yes what?” He hitches his hips.

  “Yes, sir!” I scream as wetness floods out of me. For the first time in my life, when I spasm, I feel spurts of fluid rush from me.

  Kane thrusts into me one last time, holding me tight as he loses himself in the pleasure he found through me.

  For the first time in my life, I’m embarrassed. I turn my head into the pillow looking for some type of sanctuary, but he stops me.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Kane asks worryingly. The sweat clings to his skin, sticking his chest to my back.

  “I…I don’t know. I feel really wet. I think you made me…” I can’t even say the words.

  “Leslie, do you know how much pleasure it brings me knowing I made you squirt?” He nibbles my ear. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything, it strokes my ego.”

  “Like you need anymore of that!” I mumble into the pillow. At least now I understand my body’s reaction.

  His deep chuckle fills the room. “No, I don’t, but you seem to stroke my ego every day. In more ways than one.” He slips out of me, both of us groaning at the sensation.

  “I guess it’s time for work.” I wish I didn’t have to work. I don’t feel like it!

  “Come on, Lazy Bones. It’s the first day the shop opens back up. I have to be there.” He slaps my butt.

  “Hey!” I stick my bottom lip out pouting as I rub the sore spot on my rear.

  “You better get up and get moving because for some reason you are turning me on so much right now.” Kane grips the base of his shaft, closing his eyes.

  “You are insatiable.” I roll out of bed and walk into the bathroom.

  “Have you seen you?” He quotes what I said earlier back to me.

  Rolling my eyes, we step into the shower and wash off quickly.

  “Flamingo, Lily, let’s go!” I shout as I grab an apple from the kitchen and make my way to the Jeep. Kane is waiting for me by the passenger side door.

  “My lady.” He bows.

  “Oh. Thank you, sir.” I emphasize the last word seeing heat flash in his eyes.

  “You better watch it, Crazy. I’ll take you right here. Right now.”

  “Opening day, baby. You can’t be late.” I bat my eyelashes at him.

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters as he slams the door.

  Driving to the shelter and Ocean’s Ink, the ride is fun as we sing along to throwback songs. I can’t stop laughing as Kane throws his head back and shouts, “Oops I did it again,” by Britney Spears.

  When we pull up to the shops, a line is already formed outside Kane’s tattoo shop and I can’t help but notice all of them are women.

  Walking up the steps, Kane greets them, “Hey ladies.”

  “Hey, Kane!” they all say in unison making me roll my eyes.

  Kane doesn’t look back before going inside the shop. No kiss. Nothing.

  “Which one of you beautiful ladies are first?” I hear Kane say from inside the doors.

  Keeping my emotions in check, I go inside the shelter finally realizing what Kane wants with me. I’m nothing more than those Ink Bunnies lining up outside his door. I’m just another notch on an endless amount of belts.

  Chapter 2

  A few hours later, I notice that Kane is still pumping out tattoos. The tattoo they’re getting aren’t even that impressive. Most of them are choices to get something on the upper part of their breast. Shocker. I wonder why they would do that. Oh, I know. I can hear the conversation now between Kane and those Ink sluts.

  Kane would say, “Where are you thinking of getting it?”

  Ink slut would proceed to take off her shirt, stick out her chest, and point her finger to her breast and say, “Here,” while biting her injected bottom lip

  And who knows what Kane would do after that. My hope for him is biased. I would hope he wouldn’t try feeling her up for “work purposes.”

  Watching all the girls come out of Kane’s shop looking flushed and giving me the stink eyes really makes my blood boil. Why do I even like him? He is obviously a pig. He doesn’t care about anything except getting his rocks off.

  Sitting on the swing, I tuck my feet under me while watching them trickle out like bunnies from a hole. Kane walks one of the women out and both of them are laughing. He doesn’t see me sitting in the corner watching their interactions. If there is one thing I won’t do, I won’t be played for a fool.

  “Becky,” Kane says.

  Becky. Of course her name is Becky.

  “I hope you like your tattoo. It’s been great seeing you again. Call when you want another one.” He leans in and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “I’ll be calling for more than that, Kane.” She digs her claws down his back and grips his butt, palming it as she gives him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a red lip mark behind.

  That…. bitch!

  “See you later, Becky.” Kane walks back into the office blowing her a kiss goodbye and
hitting her with a wink.

  “Bye, sexy.” Becky walks away in her ridiculously high-high heels adding a swing to her round voluptuous hips.

  Tears fill my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. He didn’t even notice me sitting here. He didn’t even pay me any attention. He had to have known I was there, right? The swing has this slight creak to it when it sways making it known someone is sitting on it. He clearly drew a line today. I can’t believe I let him into my body. A guy like that, I’ll probably need to go get checked for STDs. Gosh, I’m so stupid.

  Stomping my way back into the shelter, I snatch the phone from Rorie, ending her call.

  “Hey! That was an important call! What in the world, Leslie!” Rorie tries to steal the phone back. We both struggle until I come out on top.

  “Ha!” I yell.

  “What’s your deal? What could you really need it for?” Rorie breathes heavily as she leans against the counter. The girl is skinny as a rail, but she is so out of shape.

  “Kane is what is wrong with me. It’s always what’s wrong with me.” I angrily hit the numbers on the phone.

  “Who are you calling?” Rorie steps closer.

  “Hey, Chase.” I smile at Rorie

  “No! Leslie.” Rorie whispers and tries to steal the phone back again. “You don’t want him!” She wrestles for the phone, but I spin and pin her with my arm against the counter.

  “Yes, sorry I’m fine. It’s just a new dog trying to overpower me.” I smirk at her, and Rorie gives me a dirty look. “I was wondering if you’d like to go to lunch today. I know it’s short notice considering it’s already one. Oh, great. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes. Bye.” Hanging up has never felt so triumphant.

  “What are you doing? You aren’t a cheater, Leslie! You don’t even like Chase!” Her hands wave all over the place.

  “Well, in order for me to be a cheater, I’d need to be with someone, wouldn’t I? Kane has made it clear what he thinks of me. I am obviously just a piece of meat to satisfy his current need. He has been flirting with women coming into the tattoo shop, letting them grope him. They’ve been throwing themselves at him, and guess what? I was on the porch and he didn’t even acknowledge me.” My eyes start to tear again and my chest heaves from trying to hold it together. This is what I get for liking someone I shouldn’t have. I should have listened to my gut.

  “And you think running to Chase will solve this? Every time you get angry you fall back on this guy. That’s not cool, Leslie.” Rorie shakes her head.

  “I do not!” I do. I definitely do.

  Rorie sighs. “You know you do. Have you thought about talking to Kane? Maybe it was a misunderstanding?”

  “A misunderstanding that lets a woman grab your cheeks? I don’t think so. It’s my own fault. I thought, because we slept together, that we were dating. Maybe not exclusively, but after everything he declared at my house the other night, he led to believe he felt something for me. If you feel so strongly for someone shouldn’t you tell someone else to back off if they get too close?” I grab my purse. Chase should be here any minute. He’s a safe choice.

  “I think you should be telling Kane this, not me.” Rorie spins around and goes into the back room.

  Sighing, my shoulders drop defeated. Maybe she’s right? Do I tend to jump to conclusions?

  The doorbell’s ringing brings me from my thoughts. My heart pounds, thinking it’s Kane. I spin around quickly, but it’s Chase. I don’t let my smile falter though because that’s rude.

  “Wow, I don’t know what I did to deserve that smile, but I feel like a lucky man.” Chase walks over and gives me a hug. He squeezes a little too tight, but I ignore it. When Chase pull back, he slightly dry lips kiss my cheek making me think of Kane’s full soft lips.

  Not this again…I can’t be thinking of Kane when I’m with Chase!

  “Are you ready?” His hand slides to my lower back right above the curve of my rear.

  “Yes. I’m starved! Where are we going?” I trip over my right foot when walking out the front door, but Chase catches me around the waist right before my face would have met the porch. My hand goes to my mouth and I laugh.

  He throws his head back and chuckles. “Are you okay? Are you safe to take anywhere?”

  “I’m fine.” This time when tears well up, they are from laughing so hard. When I look up my eyes fall on Kane, who is talking to three different girls, but his eyes lock on me and Chase.

  Good, now you can know how I feel.

  Chase makes eye contact with Kane and steps over. “Hi, I’m Chase. Leslie has told me a lot about you.”

  Kane looks at his hand with his eyebrow raised; then, looks at me. He doesn’t take Chase’s hand and Chase drops it awkwardly.

  “Funny, haven’t heard anything about you,” Kane says venomously.

  “Chase, can you wait in the car? I’ll be there in a minute.” I walk towards them putting my hand on his arm.

  “Sure. I’ll be waiting.” Chase leans down and kisses my cheek.

  “Ladies, if you will excuse us,” Kane deadpans the Ink Bunnies.

  “Aww.” They pout.

  “Yeah, yeah we get it. Aw, Kane can’t pay attention to me. Beat it, tramps.” The sass comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.

  One of the girl’s gasps, “That is so rude.”

  “Yeah well, I call it like I see it.” I shrug a shoulder and walk into the tattoo shop to follow Kane.

  Kane slams the door, locking it, shutting the blinds, and it makes me jump.

  “What in the hell are you doing with that guy?” Kane’s voice is low. So low that it sounds like growl. It’s raspy and has a hard tone to it.

  “I’m going out to lunch with him.” I stick my chin out in defiance and square my shoulders.

  “The hell you are! Are you kidding me! After everything, you’re going out with him, and not even behind my back, but right in front of my face?” Kane yells. Spit flies as he slams his fist against the counter.

  “Oh you want to talk about that? You want to talk about doing something in front of your face? How about you? How about you ignoring me, while I was sitting on the porch when you let that random girl grope you. All day I saw those girls leaving your shop with tattoos in provocative spots. I’m sure there are spots that you tattooed I couldn’t even see. You were blowing kisses, hugging, and flirting. I mean if you threw yourself at them even more, you might risk looking a little desperate, Kane! I should have known! I should have known a guy like you couldn’t be truthful.” I shake my head and push by him to get to the front door.

  “It wasn’t like that, Crazy! It’s work! They aren’t what I want. They keep coming back because of the flirting. It means nothing.” He goes to reach for me, but I pull out of his grasp.

  “I don’t want to be a part of that kind of life. Why would I want to be with someone that ignores me for other women? It’s degrading.” Finally, I reach the door.

  “Crazy, I don’t care about them. I care about you.” He tries reaching for me again, but I pull away.

  “If you cared about me at all, like you say you do, you wouldn’t ignore me and flirt with them. You wouldn’t let them touch your body because only I’m supposed to touch you like that.” Walking out the door, the soft breeze blows through my hair and Chase waves from the car.

  “At least I’m not going on a date with them!” Kane shouts.

  “No, you would just have sex with them right in front of me. Let’s be honest, going on a date with them is a little too classy for you,” I say spitefully.

  I turn my back on him walking towards Chase, a guy who is handsome and nice and who would never deny me.

  That’s what having love is all about, right? To never have your feelings denied and to be always reassured?

  Chapter 3

  “What was that all about?” he asks in a snippy way. His voice is clipped and on edge. He tries to hide it, but I heard. You can’t fool me.

  Well, you can if you’re Kane Bri

  Turning to Chase, I raise my brow. “With all due respect, Chase. I don’t think that’s any of your business.” My tone leaves zero room for argument. His hands grip the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles turn white and the leather creeks beneath the strain.

  “With all ‘due respect,’ I think it is my business. I have a right to know if you’re dating someone else. I mean, I know we didn’t talk about making our relationship exclusive, so it’s okay. But if you’re interested in him more, then maybe we should slow things down.” Chase pushes his black framed glasses up the bridge of his Roman nose, making him look a little nerdy, but I find it charming.

  Smiling, I say, “Well Chase, Kane and I…we did have something for a moment. A very brief moment. We are not an item. As for you and me, I’m not ready to label us anything yet. I would like for our business relationship to turn into a friendship before we smack a more serious commitment on it when we hardly know each other.” The words taste like acid. My throat burns from the lie. It’s like I’m being punished. My heart cries knowing it can’t have what it really wants. Kane’s flame is so much hotter than Chase’s, but I can’t just tell someone they don’t compare, that’s cruel.

  Chase lets out a relieved sigh so loud his chest moves and his whole body folds forward slightly. “Whew. Okay good. I was thinking that too. Anyway, let’s go to this nice sushi place. I hear they’re quick, good, and they’re right around the corner. We don’t have to worry about taking too long of a break.” Chase shrugs.

  “Sure, sushi sounds great.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, we pull into a new plaza. The pavement looks brand new. The plaza looks too modern around all the other buildings. My stomach turns. This all feels wrong. I shouldn’t be here.

  My door opens, making me jump. “Oh my gosh, Chase I didn’t even see you come around the car! You scared me!” Stepping out of the vintage car, he takes my hand to help me up since the car sits low.

  “You zoned out there. You okay? Are you thinking about that fight with Kane?” Chase asked through clenched teeth.

  I don’t think anything of it. He wants me. Kane had me. Typical jealousy, right? I did notice that Chase’s jaw is really defined. When he clenches, you can clearly see the muscle working angrily. I don’t know what it is. Call me crazy but that turned me on.


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