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The Ink Romance Series

Page 11

by Bridget Taylor

  “You little minx!” Molli pushes me as we make our way to the bar.

  “I have no idea what got into me!” I throw my face in my heads, embarrassed. My cheeks heat and I couldn’t be more thankful that it’s dark in here.

  “I’m ordering us a round of margaritas,” David shouts over the music and leaves us at the table.

  We sit there and we don’t talk about Kane at all. We talk about the business, Flamingo, the possibility of vet school.


  “Goodness, you are a wanted lady tonight!” Molli says.

  Turning around, I see Chase slithering his way through the crowd. I wave at him, but internally I can’t help but groan. He and I are just not going to work.

  Logan and I on the other hand…

  “Hey Leslie! Wow, you look great!” Chase gives me a hug.

  “Hey Chase! What are you doing out?” I sip on my margarita and act like I care.

  “Oh, just out with some of the guys.” Something in his eyes say it’s a lie. There is something I can’t quite put my finger on. “Well, if you guys get too drunk, come find me, and I’ll come take you home.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Chase, thanks,” Molli says as she leans into David. Every single time they drink, they touch.

  “No problem. I hope to see you later, Leslie.” Chase leans in and give me a kiss on the cheek but everything feels wrong. He just feels wrong.

  Chapter 5

  A few hours later and seven drinks, I am feeling great. Really, really great. Who would have thought that just a night out with my friends, bad karaoke, and drinks could make me feel like a whole new woman? Guess what didn’t happen though?

  Yep. You guessed it, Logan. Logan did not happen, again. Which is a shame because there is obviously something there. It is probably just sexual tension, but who cares? I can have sexual relations with whomever I want.

  “Sexual relations, really? Who says that?” David snorts as we walk outside Saturn’s.

  My face gets hot when I realize I said that out loud. I shouldn’t be held accountable right now for my actions. I have had one too many drinks.

  “Leslie!” Logan runs up to me and the sight of him makes me frown.

  “I’m done for the night. You missed your chance again.” I wave at him and stumble a little on the sidewalk into a tree, and David and Molli laugh. When she snorts, I start losing it. I clutch my stomach, partly because it hurts from laughing, the other part because I can feel the alcohol sloshing and that is never a good sign.

  “Whoa, are you okay?” Logan steadies me on two feet again.

  “Yep.” I pop the ‘p’ for more emphasis.

  “I had to work again. I know I don’t deserve it, but can I have your number?” Logan practically pleads.

  “I don’t know, Logan. You seem pretty busy. You can’t even come inside for a break. Why bother?” I slur. He sure is cute though. He isn’t anything like Kane, but that’s okay. Nothing will ever compare to Kane. I miss him. I miss his hair and those sexy ripped jeans. Oh, and those tattoos! I didn’t get to trace them with my tongue.

  “Aw don’t cry, beautiful. I am so sorry.” Logan embraces me in a hug. Well, I guess we will just let him think my tears were for him.

  “It’s fine. Here…” I take his phone and put my number in. I doubt it will ever get used, but what do I have to lose? Nothing.

  Logan kiss my cheek. “You won’t regret it. I have to get back, but will you be okay? Do you have a way home?”

  “Yes, they do.” Chase comes out of the club with his keys in his hands. I grip onto to Logan a little tighter because I’d rather be with Logan than Chase any day of the week, but I can’t seem to get my mouth to form the words. Everything is starting to become hazier. The street lights are blurting, there are two of everyone, and my feet hurt from dancing. I just want to go home.

  I look back towards the club and see all types of people stumbling out of it, laughing and having a good time. People who are drunk, people who are making out, people that are alone and look like they have had a bad day…just everyone. Do you ever wonder about the people you see and the lives they live? What do they do? What happened that day? For instance, this one guy just came out, his chestnut brown hair is messy like he has been stressfully running his fingers through it, his tie is crooked and loose, and his blue eyes are glassy from one too many drinks. He tilts his head back and for a moment I think I see a tear. I could be wrong, but he looks sad. I see him play with his wedding ring. He is twirling it around his finger. It is more of a traditional kind of band, silver, nothing fancy. You can tell it holds meaning. I watch him walk down the sidewalk a little to a bench and hold his head in his hands. Maybe he needs a friend.

  I push my way past Chase, David, and Molli. Logan has already gone back to work, shocker, so I figure why not talk to someone?

  “Whoa, where are you going?” Chase grabs me around the waist and I start kicking like a five-year old girl.

  “You better put me down!” I shout.

  “Woah. Okay, fine. Just be careful, I’ll be keeping an eye on you.” His voice sends my body into alarm. I just bet he’s watching me.

  “I’ll be fine. Does that guy look like he is in any shape to do me harm?” I point to the sad soul on the bench.

  “Just be safe. You never really know someone.” Chase turns around and starts talking to David about football.

  “Whatever,” I mumble. Here is hoping I can walk straight without falling on my ass. My shoes are silent as I make my way to the bench and sit down. He hasn’t noticed me yet or if he has, he’s ignoring me.

  “Hi.” Well, that’s better than nothing I guess…

  The stranger removes his hands from his head, showing his red puffy eyes. My breath catches with emotion. I’ve never seen anyone look so sad before.

  “Um, hi. Do I know you?” He sniffles and rubs his eyes.

  “No. I saw you and thought you looked like you needed a friend. I’ll be honest, maybe I need one too,” I say with a chuckle. Is my life so complicated that I’m sitting on a bench with a stranger? My life isn’t bad, but my feelings are all mixed up. Maybe all I need is a stranger’s opinion. He doesn’t know me, so what he says can’t be biased.

  He laughs. “A friend? You are brave to just come up to a stranger. This could all be a show. I could be a serial killer or something.”

  “The fact that you are saying that let’s me know you aren’t. And I don’t think someone could fake sadness.” Bravely, or stupidly, I grab his hand, showing support.

  “My wife died last week.” He looks up to the sky and fresh new tears fall down his face. He doesn’t bother wiping them away because every time one falls, it is replaced by another.

  “Oh my God. I am so sorry.” I squeeze his hand. My breath catches in my throat and tears threaten my eyes. This poor man.

  He shrugs his shoulders. “It was just supposed to be a routine surgery.” His eyes take on a funny gaze like he is reliving the moment. “A simple procedure to remove a cyst. That was it. A cyst. A blood clot formed and it made her go into cardiac arrest. Her funeral was today, and it still doesn’t feel real.” He stares at nothing while silent drops of water pour from his face.

  Now it’s my turn to sniffle. “I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how you can be feeling right now.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “It’s hard, you know. Walking into a home I shared with her. It’s hard to even look at the bed where we made love, the kitchen where we cooked, pictures from our trips. There are so many memories. I don’t know what do.” He looks at me with his teary gaze. His red eyes sink into my soul, tugging at my heart.

  “Well,” I sigh trying to control my emotions. “Have you thought of moving? Or possibly getting a dog. They are great therapy. You could come by the animal shelter if you want. I’ll waive the adoption fees.” I smile sadly at him. I just want him to feel something other than sadness.

  “You are too kind. So, what’s your reaso
n for sitting on a bench with a crying man? Your night that bad?” He laughs, but still, tears fall.

  “While my emotions can’t compare to yours, I just have some relationship issues I’m working out. I adore this man, but he really hurt me. Then there is this other man that I should like, but I don’t. The guy that I like, I compare everyone to him. Every time I look around something reminds me of him. He really hurt me though.” My emotion gets the best of me as my voice gets a little higher from holding the tears at bay.

  “I remember those days. It was like that with my wife. I’ll tell you this, if everything in life is better because of this person, if colors are brighter and food taste better, why not give it a try? Everyone hurts each other, whether intentional or not. You can’t stop pain. You just have to work through it,” the man says as he looks at his wedding band again.

  I pat his arm. “I knew I made the right decision coming to this bench. I’m Leslie.” I hold out my hand.


  “It was nice meeting you, Sampson. Come see me sometime at Ocean’s View Animal Clinic and Shelter.” I start walking away, but Sampson calls my name to get my attention.

  “Thank you.” I turn around to give him a smile and wave. I really do hope I see him. I want to help him through his pain.

  “What was that about?” Chase asks.

  “Just someone who needed someone to talk to. Are we ready to go home?” All of us start walking to Chase’s vintage car, making us sober up now that time has passed.

  After everyone gets buckled in, I start thinking about what Sampson said. You can’t stop pain, you just have to work through it. Truer words have never been said. Maybe I’m still working through it.

  Chase pulls up to my house and I see a big red truck in the driveway.

  “Oh, come on. I’m so not in the mood.” I groaned. Why is he here?

  “What’s he doing here?” Chase sneers.

  “I don’t know. Thanks for the ride Chase. I’ll call you.” I slam the door, but he opens his.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” he shouts.

  I look at Kane who is leaning on the beam on the porch looking casual, but there is a fire in his eyes that make a statement. He isn’t happy to see Chase.

  “I’ll be fine.” I walk away from Chase, hearing his car reversing. David and Molli pass Kane without a word and go inside. I don’t think they were being rude, they are just a little drunk.

  “What are you doing here?” I climb up the steps, exhausted.

  “What were you doing with him?” he demands casually. The jerk.

  “Kane, cut the jealous crap. What are you doing here?” I throw my hands on my hips wishing I had a starburst. Flamingo is barking like a madman in the house wondering where I am.

  “Mommy is trying to get laid. She’ll be in soon. Shut up!” David yells at Flamingo, and I tighten my lips to hold in my laugh.

  “We need to talk.” Kane starts walking towards me, but I hold my hand up to stop him.

  “I’m working through it. I’m working through the hurt. Don’t force me to talk to you. I will when I’m ready, but know you are in my thoughts always. I can never get you off my mind.” I get on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

  He smiles sadly. “Okay, I can work with that.” He kisses my cheek back and walks to his truck. In the morning, I might regret not talking to him, but if I feel that way, then that might let me know I’m ready to talk to him. If that makes sense.

  That went better than I thought. Thanks, Sampson.

  Chapter 6

  “Who is the best boy? Who is the most handsome boy? Aw, you like being scratched behind your ears. Only good boys get scratched behind the ears,” I croon at Flamingo, who is currently enjoying a good behind the ear scratch, thumping his leg.

  “You would think that dog is human with how much attention you give him,” Rorie says before walking Thor, our new rescued pit bull. It’s sad that no one seems to want them. They are strong, beautiful, and so full of love.

  Kind of sounds like Kane…

  “How dare you refer to Flamingo as anything other than human!” I can’t believe her! Flamingo has been there for us through thick and thin, and this is the thanks he gets!

  Rorie rolls her eyes at me. “Seriously? We are back at this again? Okay,” she mocks me.

  The doorbell rings, making me stop the scratched induced haze Flamingo is in. He growls at me, obviously not happy with my decision to stop.

  “You are so high maintenance. I have work to do! Shoo!” I wave my hand at him as he barks and struts away with his tail held high.

  “Unreal.” The recognition of Chase’s voice makes me shudder. I can only imagine what he’s doing here. I shouldn’t have let him take me home last night, but what do you do when you and your friends are drunk and need a lift? I could have called Uber, but come on, that was money I didn’t have.

  “Hi Chase,” I really hope my fake smile doesn’t show through. Why can’t this guy leave me alone? Maybe it’s because I haven’t spelled it out for him. Why do I have the feeling that whatever I say, he is going to take badly?

  “Hey Leslie. I have a proposition for you.” His long lanky body leans against the desk and I know feeling things for inanimate objects is weird, but my desk just got violated.

  “Oh, and what’s that?”

  Maybe if I act uninterested enough, he will leave! I regret ever going on a date with this guy. I should have listened to my guy instead of trying to make Kane angry.

  “I will pay you double if you come work with me. Put this place up for sale, come work with me, and we will be a power couple! I was thinking why I should keep going back and forth, back and forth, when we are so good together, it would be easier for you to come to me.”

  I stare at him shocked. I have no idea what to say. He thinks we’re on the level where I’ll give up my business and go join him like some…some whipped female! The only person I would do that for is Kane!

  I didn’t just think that. I didn’t. Kane isn’t even in the picture right now. I can’t handle this stress, I think my curls are falling out and I’m running low on starbursts.


  I blink away the shock. “Um, what?”

  “Did you hear anything I just said?” Chase’s tone takes on anger.

  “Yes, I did. I’m baffled that you would think you could come in here, suggest I sell a business that I adore, for what? I hardly even know you! We have been on two dates, I had no idea you were so serious. I am sorry if I ever led you on to think I want something serious, which I might have because of Kane, but that is not the case. I really thought you felt the same after our dates. They ended up as train wrecks. I’m sorry, Chase, you’re a good friend, but I don’t want to be with you, not like that.” The only thing I can do is shake my head. I get up to walk over to him to give him a hug, but he pushes me. My back hits the hard-sharp surface of the desk, making a painful scream rip through my throat.

  “You fucking bitch!” Chase yells so loudly my ears ring, and his spit lands on my face.

  I don’t move. I decide taking short breaths is the best way to not make any noise. There is no where to go. I’m trapped, and Rorie had her headphones on like she does every time she washes the dogs.

  Chase walks until he is right in front of my face, then he bends down and grabs my face with his hand. “You think you can play me,” he whispers in a sardonic tone. “You think you can leave me? I want you, Leslie. I saw you giving yourself to Kane when it was supposed to be me. It was supposed to be me!” He yells again, making me shut my eyes, bracing myself for him to hit me.

  “Why couldn’t you let it be me, baby? Uh? I’ll treat you right.” His hands go around my waist, pressing his body against me.

  “You can’t get rid of me. You can fuck whoever you want, but you are mine, Leslie. I’ve played your game. I’ve chased you. Give. Me. What. I. Want.” He pauses between each word as he licks my lips with his tongue. It feels like sand
paper, roughing me up until it can wear me down.

  “I’ll never give you what you want.” I spit in his face, literally. A big glob of saliva drips down his face.

  He breaths in. “Oh baby.” He takes his right hand to wipe it off his face, then he shoves his finger in his mouth, moaning from tasting my spit. He rocks his hard cock against my leg and I whimper at the violation. I can’t believe this is happening. How do I get out of this?

  “Kane!” I sob. “Kane!” I screech at the tops of my lungs before Chase smothers my mouth with his palm.

  “You better hope he didn’t hear you or I’m going to buy this place right from under your nose and you will have no choice but to answer to me.”

  “I would rather die,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “You just might,” he whispers, emphasizing the letter ‘t’ with his tongue. It causes my body to shake in fear. I can’t believe I didn’t listen to Kane. I thought he was just jealous of Chase. Who would have thought he knew the guy wasn’t good news? Who is that right about someone? I wish I would have listened. I wish I wouldn’t have ran away from Kane. Now I’m in this position, facing a monster that wants to do nothing but own me.

  “I’ve done some research into your little boyfriend, you know. Did you know he is a billionaire? I mean come on, who looks that homeless and is a billionaire? Makes no sense. And he’s a lowly tattoo artist? Come on now. Does he do anything with that money? What measures do you think it would take for him to spend it? Maybe, a trade off? The money for you, do you think he would accept? Do you think you are worth all those billions, Leslie? Cause I’m looking at you…and I would be torn.” Chase’s hand cups my pussy and grabs it, making tears roll off the side of my cheeks.

  He doesn’t waste them though. He brings his tongue to my face to lick my tears off as he holds his body weight against me.


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