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The Ink Romance Series

Page 27

by Bridget Taylor

  I shimmied until one leg was off and popped off his cock. He kissed my swollen abused lips that were raw and spit-slicked, thrusting his tongue over mine to show his dominance.

  I climbed on top of him, and as he said, I pushed my panties aside, as I quickly slid down his cock from how wet I was.

  A thud sounded in the car and I realized it was him banging his head on the headrest, "Fuck, you feel so fucking good. You feel better every time." He groaned like he couldn't wait any longer, and I was right. He thrust up into me, and it made me place my hands on the ceiling of the car.

  “Oh, yes, Kane. Yes!” I rode him hard, swinging my hips back and forth until my rear hit the horn. A short noise pierced throughout the night, but I didn’t care. I needed my orgasm.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last.”

  “No, no, no. I’m close,” I whined.

  The cab was filled with steam from our bodies, sweat coated my hairline, and the tendons in Kane’s neck were strained.

  “I need more.” I ground my hips harder against him, trying to get every inch. It was like I wasn’t going fast enough to get me over the edge, and I just needed a little more friction on my clit and that thick cockhead to pound my g-spot a few more times, and I was going to fly.

  Kane’s hands grabbed my hips to the point I knew I would have bruises the next day, but I didn’t care. He rocked me harder and faster than my body allowed, and I moaned, screamed, and yelled. My toes tingled and that empty feeling started to warm my belly.

  "Yes, Kane. I'm close. I'm …I'm…" My hips stuttered as I came. I groaned into the cab so loudly, that if anyone were to walk by, they would know what we were doing.

  He pounded through my orgasm, making it go on and on, until finally, he shot load after load inside me, my walls rippling around his pulsing cock until I collapsed on his chest, trying to catch my breath.

  “Fuck.” Kane breathed after a few moments of silence.

  Fuck, indeed.

  Chapter 6

  It had been a week since that awesome sexing in the truck on the way to my parents, which ended up not happening because my mom called and said my dad won two tickets to go on a cruise to the Bahamas for five days and they had to leave the next morning. Kane and I turned around and came right back to have a long night of sex. I swear my body was still sore in places I didn't know could be painful.

  Rori had finally called, saying that the animals were being flown in and so far, we had dozens coming in and it was just the first round of dogs. I walked into the shelter and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The dogs hadn't arrived yet; we were preparing for the madness. This was the calm before the storm.

  I walked into the room where all the cages were, and it was at that moment that I was thankful for the fire ruining the place. If it hadn’t, we wouldn't have all this room to help these animals.

  Rori was getting the cages ready, placing blanket, water, and food in them, while Max was counting inventory of food. Sampson was counting his medical supplies, wincing when he got to a particular item.

  "What?" I rushed over to look at everything. Rori had ordered five times the usual amount to get ready for this hurricane.

  “Oh, nothing. My back is killing me.” He stretched, placing his hand on his lower back until it popped. He groaned. “Oh my God, so much better.”

  “You scared the daylights out of me. I thought we didn’t have enough of something.” I smacked his chest.

  “Are you kidding? We are going to have supplies for months. Your girl here went overboard. She didn’t know how much to get, and she didn’t want to bother you, so she didn’t call.” Sampson shot her an annoyed glance.

  I giggled. "That's my girl! Better to have too much than not have enough. Good job, Rori."

  “Thank you. At least somebody appreciates me around here.” She stuck her tongue out at Sampson.

  I noticed Sampson was still wearing his wedding ring and it broke my heart every time I saw it. I couldn't imagine how he felt everyday trying to get over that pain. I don't think I could do it. Every so often, he would twist it around his finger, probably from habit, and frown after a few minutes like he was scolding himself that he was even touching it. I didn't understand it. I didn't know how he didn't want to feel it or look at it, but never tried to take it off. But what could I do? I had never been married and never had a significant other die. He probably loved that ring as much as he despises it right now.

  “What time do we start picking up the dogs?” I asked, placing my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

  “He didn’t tell you? Kane rented a van and went to pick them up about thirty minutes ago. He should be back soon,” Max stated.

  I huffed. “Of course he didn’t tell me. He was trying to make sure I had one less thing to worry about.”

  “Yeah, sounds so terrible to have someone you love thinking of you like that.” The sarcasm was heavy in Rori’s voice.

  “He treats me like I’m made of glass lately.” I crossed my arms in defense.

  “Well, you were just drugged, nearly raped, and slapped. I can’t blame the guy.” Max shrugged as he continued counting.

  “Wow, Max. What a way with words.” Rori cuffed his head.

  "Ow, what? It's the truth. It was terrible what happened, but not bringing it up again is like ignoring the elephant in the room. Sorry, Leslie." Max rubbed the back of his head.

  I waved it off. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I’m nearly over it.” Thanks to Kane’s help by shoving my face in his lap about every other night. I loved it.

  “Cool.” Mac shrugged again before turning his back and counting some other kind of inventory.

  A horn honked from outside and all of us rushed to the porch to see a big white van back in. Once it was parked, Kane jumped out of the ugly monstrosity they called a vehicle and jumped on the porch to open the doors. He looked so good. He was wearing worn blue jeans that I had never seen before and a shelter shirt. He opened the van doors and surprisingly the dogs were quiet.

  Sampson ran up the crates. “Have they been like this long?” He searched all the cages for something, I just wasn’t sure what.

  “They have been crying a little, but no barking.”

  “Let’s get them inside. I’m going to need help doing exams and bathing.”

  Each of us grabbed a crate, lining them up against the wall where they would be held. It started to smell like dog pee and feces as the minutes went by. The smell of wet dog was also mixed in, and it made my stomach turn which was unusual. I was used to this type of scent since I was around it all the time. Maybe it was because I hadn't been in a few weeks?

  “Oh, God.” I knocked Kane out of the way in the lobby of the clinic and ran to the bathroom. I barely made it before I threw up breakfast.

  "Leslie are you okay?" Kane knocked, but I just groaned in return.

  He opened the door, "Aw, Crazy. You okay?" He got a wet paper towel before wiping my mouth off.

  “It’s so weird, I’m so used to that smell. It isn’t new,” I said dumbfounded.

  "Well, it's been awhile, maybe that's it. Come on. Let's get you outside for some fresh ocean air instead of this musty urine-filled, feces-infested building." Kane went to help me up, but the description he gave the shelter made my stomach turn again, making me dry heave. “Shit, I'm sorry." He rubbed little circles on my upper back as I rode through the nausea waves.

  “It’s fine, but that’s a good idea,” I moaned into the porcelain devil.

  “Let’s go.” He picked me up, wedding style, as he kicked the door open. We walked past Rori and Sampson, and both of them had concern written all over their faces.

  "I'm fine. It was just the smell. You guys need to put on a mask. The ammonia from the urine is going to be high. Oh, I shouldn't have said that."

  Kane stepped outside, and I wiggled from his embrace, barely making it to the bushes as I blew the last of my stomach acid onto the leaves.

  Poor leaves, they
didn’t ask for that.

  "I'm going to get you some ginger ale. I'll be right back, okay?" Kane leaned in and kissed my cheek. I nodded, unable to lift myself from the wooden beam just yet.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. Turning my head towards the tattoo shop, the same kid of a few weeks ago peered into Kane’s shop window.

  "Hey," I croaked. I cleared my throat, trying to swallow. “Hey!” I yelled louder gaining his attention.

  The kid looked like he was about to bolt.

  “Don’t you dare run.” I tsked my finger at him. He looked young. I wasn’t sure how old he was. Maybe twenty? Tops.

  His shoulder slumped as he walked over, kicking the rocks as he went. He looked downtrodden.

  “What’s your name kid?” I asked him. He looked like someone, but I just couldn’t put my finger on who.


  “Evan, I’m Leslie. It’s nice to meet you. I would shake your hand, but...”

  “But you just threw up in the bushes? Thanks.” He popped a crooked smile at me. Do all guys have this smile or is it just recently?

  I laughed. “Yeah, that would be pretty gross, wouldn’t it?”

  He laughed a little and a flash of pain danced across his eyes, but before I knew it, it was gone. He peered inside the shelter, watching the hustle and bustle.

  “What’s going on in there?”

  "We just got some dogs from Puerto Rico from the hurricane. They were abandoned and didn't have anywhere else to go. It was here or a kill shelter, and how was I supposed to be okay with innocent dogs getting killed when it isn't their fault." My eyes were burning. My emotions were scattered in every direction as I explained how I felt.

  “They would have killed them?” His jaw dropped.

  “Yeah, they have been killed for a lot less, believe me.” I shook my head. I needed to get my head back in the game. “What brings you here?” I asked leaning against the railing.

  “Looking for a new start. The tattoo place looks really cool. I want to get one, maybe one day I can. I just need a job first.”

  "Well, since you need a job and I need people, how about I start you off part-time? We are understaffed. You have to prove yourself, and if you screw me over, I'll sic my boyfriend, Kane, on you." I crossed my arms.

  “You know Kane? The tattoo guy? What’s he like?” His blue eyes lit up like Christmas talking about Kane. It must be the cool tattoo artist persona.

  "Well, he’s rough around the edges a little. Great artist. The guy can draw anything. He’s a good friend, caring, tough, and protective." He was everything.

  “Maybe one day I could meet him.”

  “Come back tomorrow at one. I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” His black hair flopped over his face like a skater-guy and he smiled. He was a cute kid, but seemed a little lost in the world. I mean, who wasn’t these days?

  “Who was that?” Kane came out with ginger ale and crackers as he watched kid disappear down the gravel road.

  “That is the kid that’s been peering in your shop for the last few weeks. I think you’re his idol. He asked what you were like since he was thinking about getting a tattoo. I don’t know, Kane, there was something so familiar about him.” I shook my head as I tried to place where I had seen him before.

  "Let's not worry about that now and get you home so you can rest. I already told them I'd be back after I get you settled." He pushed me towards his apartment door, which was actually the tattoo shops front door, but same difference.

  “You’re always taking care of me.” I slapped his butt. I loved that tush!

  “Always,” he bent and kissed my head. It was like he held some type of power because I swayed on my feet with exhaustion.

  “Sleep, Crazy.” He tucked me in the bed. “Dream of me.” His soft lips pressed against my cheek.

  “You are the dream,” I muttered.

  My dream.

  Chapter 7

  Being in the same room with all these abandoned dogs was equally as overwhelming as it was sad. I'm sure some of them were strays to begin with, but the ones that weren't? The ones that had homes, love, and families. It broke my heart that people decided to abandon their dogs. Weren't they family too? I couldn't imagine leaving Flamingo or Lily, or my one thousand others Kane adopted.

  Before I knew it, a tear was rolling down my face, and I huffed. I hated being such a crier.

  “Aw, Crazy what’s wrong?” Kane’s long legs strode towards me in no time with concern etched on his handsome face.

  "What is wrong with me lately? I cry all the time. I'm tired of my eyes being puffy and swollen, and these poor dogs. They sit behind these cages like they’re in jail. They’re afraid because they don't know why they’re here or what is happening, and it kills me." I wiped another tear away, and another, and another, before Kane hugged me, running his fingers through my hair.

  "I love how big your heart is." He placed a kiss on the top of my head like I was the most important thing in the world to him. "It was the first thing I noticed about you when you came pounding down those porch steps to give me a piece of your mind." He chuckled.

  I buried my face in his chest smiling at the memory. I was so pissed off that day that thinking about it now makes me a little angry. "I thought I was protecting the shelter," I whispered.

  He pulled back to look at me. “I bet you don’t even see what you do. Look around, Leslie. Yes, they are scared. They lost their homes just like those families in Puerto Rico lost their homes. Some even lost their lives, but you are giving these dogs a second chance at life. Maybe when everything is settled, we can hold an adoption event, uh? That would be great.”

  “I love you, Kane. Thank you.” I sniffled still, but I could always count on him to dry up my tears.

  "I love you too, Crazy. Now, in an hour I have an appointment. Do you need any help until then?" He walked alongside the cages saying. "Hi, aren't you cute? Yes, you are," to every single dog we had, which was about forty and it brought the biggest smile to my face.

  “Actually, I need help bathing them, and more help doesn’t arrive until one. I want to tackle the big one first.” I pushed up my sleeves, bouncing on my toes, and stretching my neck to get ready for Beast. That’s what we’d decided to call him. He was by far the biggest animal I’ve ever seen, well when it came to dogs.

  “Where is he?” Kane looked in all the cages, but couldn’t see the dog I was talking about.

  “Well, he won’t fit in those. He’s outside in one of the kennels since that was the only thing big enough.”

  Kane snorted. “What is he? Half horse?”

  “We think he might be an English Mastiff mix, we just don’t know what he is mixed with. Whatever it is, it is huge.” I got to the back door and took a deep breath before opening it. The sun shone in my eyes making me squint. You know it was a hot day when sweat was already starting to bead at your temples only from being outside for a minute.

  “I thought it was fall, not summer,” I muttered wiping the sweat off with my forearm.

  "It will be back and forth for a while. Holy shit!" Kane stopped in his tracks when he saw Beast. He was lying down in the sun basking like a lion would on the African plains. He did kind of look like a lion too with his big built frame, golden coat, and light, fluffy hair around the neck.

  “That is not a dog. That is a wild animal.” Kane approached Beast, smiling from ear to ear completely contradicting his words.

  "He is a big teddy bear too. Hey Beast, how is the good boy today?" I opened the gate and Beast stretched, his big paws clawed the ground, and his massive jaws opened on a yawn.

  "I want him." Kane kneeled on the ground beside Beast and stuck out his hand for him to smell. Beast bypassed his hand and licked Kane's face with his massive pink tongue. “Half my face is wet. Half of it. Oh my God, Crazy. We have to keep this dog." Kane petted him, and Beast barked. It was deep and loud almost like a roar as he ran to get his toy, a little-stuffed bunny.

; He dropped it in front of Kane. “Really? A bunny? Are you kidding? You need like a barbell or something dude.” Kane threw it and the muscles in Beast’s body tensed before jumping in the air, catching the toy like prey.

  “Please, can we keep him?” Kane batted those lashes at me and I knew I was a goner.

  "Where are we going to put him? With the other twenty dogs you adopted?" I deadpanned. "We barely have enough room for what we have."

  “We’ll move. I will build you a house just like the one you have, but bigger. With acres of land for all the dogs. We can get all the dogs, please? As long as we can get this one.” Kane rolled around with Beast for a good half hour before I realized that Kane finally found a dog that was his size and could actually play with him.

  I sighed. “All right.” What the hell? What was another dog?

  “Really? You hear that, Beast? You’re going to come home with us. Yes, you are. You’re so freaking awesome!” Beast rolled on the ground barking, telling Kane to throw his little stuffed bunny. “We have to get you a different toy, man. This is made for poodles. You’re a lion. We need to get you like a used car you can drag around.” Kane ruffled Beast’s cheeks. “Look at all that slobber. Oh my goodness, you are just the coolest thing I have ever seen.”

  “Kane, have you ever had your own dog?” I asked. With how he was acting, I didn’t think he had ever had a dog that was his.

  "No, my parents didn't allow it. They didn't want to mess up their home, and my brothers and I were a headache enough as it is." Kane swallowed. "I'm kind of glad we didn't have an animal, or I wouldn't have been able to spend as much time with my parents because they would have been all about the dog. Now that they are gone, I have those memories." Kane rubbed Beast’s head as he whined and placed his head on Kane's shoulder. He could sense Kane's pain. I loved that about animals. They always cared even when a human didn't.

  "Well, you have something that is yours now," I said with a smile.

  “Is this the only thing that’s mine?’ He shot a heated glance at me, eating my body up with his eyes.


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