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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 27

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  Dr. Matons swallowed another piece of sweet melon and said, "It’s probably best he doesn’t know. Let him remember on his own. Besides, it would be better if he didn’t recall the events of that night at all. Soon he’ll be well enough to travel and hopefully your secrets will remain just that, yours."

  "Sure, doc," she murmured in response, but her mind only caught one of every three or four words, thinking back to her confrontation with the unfamiliar, very large cat. A big, beautiful male she’d never seen before, with large, distinct, black rosettes all over his perfect coat. The light of the fire from Aaron’s plane had cast an eerie glow about his body, and when he challenged her for the man, Reya had been shocked. Jaguars didn’t eat people. What the hell was that about? Maybe she’d try to find the male on her next patrol. Lord, she hoped he wasn’t feral. The last thing she needed was a fight with a large, crazy cat.

  She looked up at the doctor and the woman who helped her run the place. Their eyes were plastered on the front door, their faces drawn and taut while trying their best to look unconcerned.

  "What is it?" Reya asked, glancing back and forth between her two best friends. When neither answered, she followed their eyes to a spot across the room.

  "Damn it, not what I need right now," she grumbled into her mug. Maybe she could make a clean escape into the kitchen and help Cook cut up something, anything. She could have kicked herself for not moving fast enough when a slick, oily voice reached out to touch her from behind. Yuck.

  "Good morning, Reya." The sound rolled over her skin. She almost cringed. Trefor Dionisio, dimwit extraordinaire, obviously thought just because he was the new director of the preserve and a meaty hunk that he’d move her. Hell, other than her need to survive and God, she’d never been moved by anyone or anything. And even God was pushing it.

  But then again, there was the beautiful man in her bed…

  "Hey, Trefor. What can I do for you?" she replied cordially, though she had yet to turn around to face him. She’d rather look at the bottom of her coffee cup. Yahoo, it was empty! Great reason to leave the table.

  "I brought your schedule," Trefor replied, thrusting the paper out to her, effectively cutting off her escape. Damn.

  She looked down at his hand and the paper it held as if they would come alive and eat her. Blowing out an exasperated breath, she snatched it from his hand and read it over quickly. It took next to nothing for the man to irritate her, but what was on the schedule was well beyond next to nothing.

  "Trefor, this can’t be right," she said firmly, with more than a little surprise in her voice. "I can’t work this schedule. It’s not even close to what I agreed to when I came on board here."

  "I understand that, but that agreement was with the former director."

  She let a clear challenge blaze in her eyes and he appeared to back down a bit before saying, "Look, Reya, we’re two men short since the attacks started. You’re the lowest on the totem pole. Unless, of course, there’s something you’d like to trade…"

  He let the word hang in the air, and so did she. Besides, it was pretty clear what he was trying to say, the bastard.

  "Look, Trefor, I can’t work this schedule. There’s no way I can help Dr. Matons with patients, run my B&B, take my customers scuba diving and do patrol eight of the next ten shifts. If you don’t like it, then fire me."

  Her good friend Marc stepped up and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Trefor, you know this is bullshit. I’ll take some of her patrols. I’ll even redo the schedule myself and have it back to you for approval by this afternoon."

  A frosty smile plastered on her face, she handed the piece of paper back to Trefor then smiled warmly at Marc with a whispered thanks.

  A deep growl rolled up from Trefor’s chest, but Reya couldn’t have cared less. She snatched her mug off the table and disappeared into the kitchen with Marc, Bethsaida and Dr. Matons all covering her back.

  * * *

  The next morning, after her typical routine of rising early, helping Bethsaida with the guests and avoiding Trefor, Reya returned to her apartments. Dr. Matons hadn’t been surprised that their patient slept through all of yesterday and clear through the night. But today, the doctor wanted him to try to eat something.

  Easing her way into her bedroom, she stood next to the handsome man in the bed with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and a steaming bowl of escabeche-onion broth with stewed chicken. Her breath caught in her throat when his lids slid slowly open to reveal slate-gray, soul-stirring eyes. Damn, she couldn’t get over how much they looked like hers though her pupils were larger because of her panthera onca genetics.

  She mentally kicked herself in the ass, knowing if her brilliant mind didn’t get her goofy thoughts in hand, she’d never get anything done. Her task list was full of all the things she loved, but strangely, she had no desire to do any of it. She’d rather stand next to her bed and gaze into Aaron’s eyes. Geez, what a wet noodle she was becoming.

  Thankfully Bethsaida oversaw the cleaning and waitstaff of the B&B, but Reya still had to get down to the boat to meet her diving party. The trip down the Sittee River to the dive site and back would take hours. And she still had to be back home in time for tonight’s patrol.

  Last night she’d spotted the rogue that had challenged her for Aaron’s prone body the night his plane went down. A sense of foreboding caused a shiver to slip up her spine. Oh yes, they’d meet again soon, her and the rogue. Face-to-face. Perhaps claw to claw.

  She set the food on the nightstand and touched the pulse point on her patient’s neck. A lazy smile spread across her lips at the feel of the strong beat under her fingers. Yes, he’d be up in no time. Damn. Though her back was tired of sleeping on the couch, she could really get used to seeing him in her bed. He’d occupied her personal haven the past four days and the man sure looked good in this particular spot.

  "Good morning, Aaron. How are you feeling?"

  "No more meds."

  A single black brow winged upward at his answer. Actually, it was more of a demand "Excuse me?"

  He took a deep breath, winced and said a bit more forcefully, "I said no more meds."

  "Really?" she asked, hiding a grin. Pale as a sheet and practically gasping with each breath, but he didn’t need any meds? Oh yes, this was definitely a man’s man, handsome, strong-willed and obviously used to being in charge. Kind of reminded her of a stubborn, freeborn mule.

  "I mean it. I can’t think straight or even stay awake long enough to take a pee," he growled weakly. When she didn’t respond he added, "I can take the pain. Thanks to you and the good doctor, it’s at least bearable now."

  "Have it your way," she said cheerfully, not sure what she was so cheerful about. Couldn’t possibly be this newly discovered stubborn streak in her new roommate, right? She moved to the closet, pulled out a rain slicker and her dive pack then set them at the bedroom door.

  "What time is it?" he asked around a yawn. His eyes followed her every movement then squinted against the light flooding through the bedroom window. A quick glance at her bedside clock confirmed the time. Seven o’clock in the morning.

  "Dr. Matons will be up to check on you in a couple of hours, all right?"

  "You’re leaving? Where are you going?"

  Head cocked to the side with a scowl, she regarded her patient. Reya answered to no one, except her aunt when she happened to go home for a visit, but coming from him the questions seemed so normal and unobtrusive. Aaron sounded so worn out and genuinely concerned, she answered before she remembered to be offended.

  "I’m scheduled to take a group on a guided tour of the barrier reef near South Water Caye. Maybe when you’re better, I’ll take you down there for a dive?"

  "When will you be back?"

  "Just after lunch. I have patrol tonight so I’ll want to get a nap before then."

  Reya helped Aaron pull his big body up to a sitting position and stuffed several pillows behind his back. Against her better judgment, she han
ded him the bowl of escabeche. Not like she had much of a choice when the blasted man refused to let her feed him. His fingers shook through the whole process, but he did, in fact, feed himself while she snuck a final round of pain meds into his IV.

  When his eyes closed Reya headed to the bedroom door with the empty bowl in her hands. Fingers curled around the doorknob, she stood there a moment. Her gaze slid back toward the bed. God, something about the man beckoned to her heart and soul. And especially body. Since the night she’d brought him here, she hadn’t been able to think of much of anything but him, the deep timbre of his voice and the allure of his physical presence. And those gorgeous gray eyes sheltered by thick, black lashes. But why was she so gone over him? Could he be a shifter, like her? She had no idea, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask him.

  The next thing Reya knew, her feet had carried her right back to the bed and she stood looking down at Mr. Aaron James. Her fingers strayed over the cool skin covering the firm ridges of his forearm and then up to the mound of his biceps, secretly glad the IV was in the other arm so she could play with this one.

  Leaning forward, she gently rubbed her lips against his, taking in their firmness along with his unique scent. Even with the smell of the glucose drip and the mild sedative floating about his body, his scent was strong, virile. Like musk, man and hot cinnamon candy.

  Pressing her lips more firmly against his, she was surprised when his fingers found their way into the hair at the nape of her neck. Her innocent little peck became a hot, ravenous kiss as his mouth opened under hers and he pulled her closer when she would have pulled away in shock. He moaned softly, the warmth of his tongue laving against hers. The hum against her lips traveled clear down to her womb with a feeling so exhilaratingly sweet her knees buckled.

  The second her butt hit the mattress she was caught up in the sexy tidal wave that was Aaron. It poured over her, pulling her under until the arousal she always kept so tightly controlled washed up through her bones.

  He broke the kiss and released her, but not before he delivered a sharp nip to her bottom lip then sucked it into the warmth of his mouth to soothe away the sting. The ferocity of her response caught her totally off guard. His next words took her surprise up a level, to the brink of pure shock.

  "Play hooky today," he said softly against her parted lips.

  "Play hooky? You mean skip work?"

  "Join me under the covers and I promise you won’t regret it, Reya."

  Her womb clenched and hummed, but the intensity of his expression was so male, it actually startled her right out of her lust. Forcing herself to push gently against his chest, she put a little distance between them while carefully avoiding his bruises.

  "Aaron, we’ve only shared a single kiss. We don’t even know each other." Oh but didn’t she wish that weren’t the case?

  "If you let me, I promise to change that, beautiful." Seconds later, he was out.

  "Shit!" she growled, unable to decide whether to be grateful or upset when the pain meds chose that moment to kick in.

  One glance at her watch had her scrambling to the door, picking up her gear. There was no time to change clothes, so she’d just have to deal with the wet now plastered to the inside of her thighs. And all from a single kiss? What was she, a jag in heat?

  Looking back to the bed, her brows bunched together. Well, was she?

  Chapter Three

  Aaron sat up and rolled his shoulders and neck, stiff from sleeping so hard for so long. The moon shone like a muted bulb, hidden by thick storm clouds. He’d slept all day and half the night. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply. Reya’s scent lingered, invaded his lungs and seeped into his body clear down to his balls.

  Everything smelled like her. The sheets and the pillows. Even the damned air. He felt hungry for the sight of her. Maybe she’d give him another kiss. Just the thought of her warm, full lips on his sent a rush of warmth across his skin. What the hell kind of weird reaction was he having to her?

  And where was the woman anyway? He strained his ears for the soft, barely audible sound of her footfalls but all was quiet. Where had she gone?

  Perhaps she was in the bathroom…which was where? Gritting his teeth against the soreness, he sat up, pleased he’d done it on his own. His forearm was a bit sore, but at least the IV had been removed. Dr. Matons must have come in and relieved him of it while he slept.

  He wasn’t sure what day it was. The days and nights were one big blur of blood, pain, Dr. Matons and his damned pain meds…and kissing Reya. Now that he wouldn’t mind reliving.

  Legs swung over the side of the bed and the soft sheets pooled between his very naked thighs. Slightly dizzy, Aaron took his time and pushed slowly to his feet. Even in this humidity, the skin around his stitches felt tight. He resisted the urge to stretch and concentrated instead on the watery feeling in his legs. It was disconcerting and uncomfortable but made sense. Having been an athlete all his life, he understood that his legs would protest his heavy weight after lying on his back for days.

  But there was one sign of recovery he welcomed. He had to pee.

  Taking it slowly, he breathed a sigh of relief when he made it to the door he prayed was the bathroom. The woven bamboo door opened noiselessly and Aaron stood in the threshold with an appreciative tilt raising the side of his mouth. Reya had taste.

  Her bathroom was a sanctuary. Done in pale green and blue tiles, it was like looking at an artful rendition of the Caribbean Sea. With the exception of the double-basin sinks, the room looked like one huge shower. With a drain built into the floor on the far side of the facility, it was completely tiled—the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. Massaging jets stuck out of the walls in various positions and one could actually enjoy the water on the front and both sides of the body all at the same time.

  The woman obviously loved windows. A tinted floor-to-ceiling, screened patio-style window stood right across from the showerheads. But considering there was a sheer twenty-foot drop instead of a balcony, the window opened from top-to-bottom, instead of side-to-side. He bet it was one hell of a sunset from in here. Whoever designed it was a genius.

  Well, at least his dick was still in working order. The thing was lucky as last week’s lottery winner. A slew of bruises healed from neck to knees, but his dick was unscathed. Not even a scratch, thank God. He couldn’t recall ever being so relieved to go to the bathroom.

  Tiring quickly, he washed up and headed back to bed. Coming to a dead stop in the middle of the large room, Aaron tilted his head. What was that sound? It sounded like rain, but he’d just looked out the bathroom window and for once in what felt like forever, the sky wasn’t leaking.

  He turned and his body seized. Even the hair on his arms and legs stood on end, unmoved by the breeze flowing in through the always-open window.

  Sexy and beyond desirable, his personal angel stood out on a private veranda. She didn’t look at him, but he caught the way her eyes glowed just like a cat’s when the moonlight hit them.

  Reya. Stark naked. His knees weren’t sure if they wobbled from the force of lust that hit him square in the chest or from sheer exhaustion. Screw exhaustion. No, he’d rather screw her.

  * * *

  Taking advantage of her outdoor shower while everyone else was in bed, Reya shivered as her keen senses picked up an inviting, totally male scent wafting through the nearby bedroom window and out onto the veranda. The hairs on the back of her wet neck danced deliciously at the thought of being watched. Aaron stood not ten feet from her on the other side of the screen as she showered. She felt his eyes move over her naked flesh, and his gaze burned a path down her back as he looked his fill. She’d never let a man take such liberty, had never craved for one to do so. But something inside of her reveled in the knowledge that all her gloriously naked, wet, sleek skin was open to him.

  Ducking her head under the gentle flow of warm water, her hair became a dripping riot of curls and waves obscuring her face. Turning her head just enough
to peer at him with a single gray eye, she looked at the man staring at her from her bedroom. Her hand wrapped around a bar of glycerin soap with the scent of Jamaican punch, spicy and sweet. Lathering up her hands, she spread the scented suds over her body, keeping her single-eyed gaze locked with his.

  Bubbles covered her neck, her shoulder and her arms. She caught his swift intake of breath as her fingers slowly made their way toward her moist nipples that were now dark stabbing points. Encircling them slowly, the fragrance of the soap a mild aphrodisiac, Reya’s eyes closed all on their own. Her head fell back when her hands came up underneath, then encircled her swelling breasts. When had a shower become such an erotic undertaking? Of course, it had nothing to do with the stranger who gazed at her as if she were his after-dinner dessert. The stranger she could see clearly through the screen over the pane of reinforced glass. The stranger whose large hand was wrapped around a bone-stiff cock as he took in the gleaming length of her body.

  He was so beautiful to look at. Even with the fading yellow and blue patches on his arms, chest and face, he was the most handsome man she’d ever gotten this close to.

  The muscles of her stomach chose that exact second to ripple and clench in response to the way he was looking at her. She took a deep breath and lowered her lashes.

  "I apologize but while you were asleep, I went through your things," she said with a purr, running her hand through the silky cropped curls at the juncture of her thighs as she stressed the word "things".

  "But I figured someone would probably be worried about you." She turned away from him to rinse the soap from her breasts and reveled in the stream of bubbles that rinsed down her stomach and flowed across her labia. Mmm, that felt good. Outrageously good.


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