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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 102

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  "You love us," he breathed out.

  "I have from the first. I just couldn’t believe I could be the heroine in the story. How could a guy like you want a smart-mouthed, maturely figured girl like me? You are one sexy alien, Vox d’Rojah," Riley admitted. "You could have any girl you wanted. Why would you want me?"

  Vox threw back his head and laughed before he looked down at Riley with a huge grin on his face. "I love your smart mouth. I am never bored. Your mature figure is…" A deep purr rumbled from him as he glanced down at her overflowing breasts trying desperately to escape from the top she was wearing, and then down to her hips. He rubbed his swollen cock against her and chuckled when she gasped. "You are perfect. You are the only woman I want, Riley St. Claire from Denver, Colorado. You are the only one who can bring my blood to a boil. I would choose you over any other female," he vowed with a soft, rumbling growl.

  Riley licked her bottom lip, moaning with need when her tongue was not the only one licking it. She was startled by the purr that escaped her as Vox’s tongue touched hers, stroking it and her lip at the same time. She drew in a sharp breath as she felt his sharp teeth nip at it, her body arching in response.

  "Vox?" she breathed out.

  "Yes, my mate?" Vox purred deeply, rubbing his hips back and forth against her.

  "Can I… Did I…turn into a cat?" Riley asked hesitantly.

  Vox pulled back with a wicked smile on his lips. "Yes, you can and you did. You are a beautiful cat, Riley."

  Riley’s eyes widened in shock before she bit her bottom lip. "Can I do it again?" she asked anxiously.

  "Would you like to?" Vox asked cautiously.

  Riley thought for a minute before nodding shyly. "Yes. Yes, I think I would like to try it again very much," she said determinedly.

  "Then come to me, my mate," Vox growled out in a low, gravelly voice that pulled at something deep inside her.

  Vox rolled away from Riley, shifting as he did until his massive cat lay watching her intently. Riley felt her body tingling all over before she rolled over as a shimmering light engulfed her. She felt the shift as it flooded her. This time she embraced it. A sense of relief poured through her as she let her cat out.

  Yes! Her cat purred. At last!

  What the fuck? Riley gasped, startled.

  Oh, I plan to do that too, her cat responded with a deep purr.

  Riley gaped at her cat. You shameless little hussy.

  Not hussy—pussy! Her cat purred, turning her back to Vox and flicking her tail back and forth seductively.

  Holy shit, Riley breathed as the heat she had experienced burst into a raging inferno.

  Her cat stood up and stretched, putting her front paws out in front of her and lowering her head at the same time she rose up on her back legs flicking her tail. A loud rumble filled the training room as Vox watched his mate. The scent of her heat slammed into him like a wave crashing onto the cliffs. A loud snarl burst from him as he crouched and moved into position to pin her. Riley rose up and shook her larger body. White hair shimmered as it rippled back and forth with the movement. Her beautifully sculpted head turned, and her lip pulled back just enough for her to flash her teeth in warning. Vox advanced on her slowly, his larger body throbbing with need and desire as his cat watched his mate tease him. She was playing a very dangerous game. He knew she didn’t have a clue as to what she was doing, but her cat probably did. That damn tail of hers was practically begging him to snatch her and mount her. A low growl of warning escaped him as she flashed her teeth at him again. Her cat wanted to play hard to get. That was not going to happen. He had caged his own leopard too long to deny it any longer.

  Riley turned as Vox charged at her. She swatted at him with her paw, but the blow didn’t even faze him as he knocked her over onto her side, pinning her by the neck. She tried to get her back legs up under his belly to throw him off, but he growled in a low, dangerous tone that froze her. He kept his grip on her neck as he straddled her body with his bigger one. Riley shivered as she felt his thick, heavy cock brush along her belly.

  Vox? she breathed nervously.

  I won’t hurt you, Riley. Let my cat take his mate. He needs her like I need you, Vox’s low rumble whispered across her mind.

  I can speak and understand cat? she asked as she let her head fall back against the padded mat.

  Vox coughed out in a deep, gruff sound that tickled the fur near her ear. Riley hissed as he loosened his grip enough for her to roll over. She thought he was going to let her get up but instead the moment she was on her belly, he bit down on her again, placing his two front paws on either side of her shoulders while he pushed her head down closer to the mat. She snarled when his thick cock slid deep into her. He began rocking back and forth, taking her hard. Riley ignored the tearing of the mat as she dug her claws into the padded material. She hissed, arching her back so that he could drive into her even deeper as pleasure and warmth flooded her.

  Her body jerked as spasms rocked her world. She let out a loud, wild cry that would have scared her if not for the pleasure sweeping through her in endless waves of ecstasy. A few more strokes and Vox’s loud roar shook the weapons on the wall. The huge male was locked to the smaller female caged under him as his body felt the ultimate release.

  Mine! his cat roared. My mate, my mate, he snarled over and over.

  I love you, Riley purred out as her body melted down onto the matting. Please, don’t ever let me go.

  Vox licked the fur around her muzzle gently, cleaning her with his rough tongue. Never, my fierce kitten. Never will I let you go.

  Riley closed her eyes as Vox continued to clean her. She barely moved when he wrapped his larger form around her. A sigh escaped her as she settled into a deeper sleep, exhausted after everything that had happened over the past couple of hours. Vox laid his head down gently over her neck. His mind drifted as he thought of how much his life had changed since he first saw his beautiful, buxom mate standing up on the choosing platform giving the Antrox a piece of her mind. He rubbed his head along the still damp fur of her neck where he had held her down and couldn’t help but think he might just have to thank Raffvin before he killed the bastard.

  Chapter 19

  "Guall’s balls, not again!" Vox cursed as he stormed out of the commander’s conference room and hurried off the bridge after he received a report from Lodar that Riley was loose again. "I am going to chain her ass to my bed as soon as I catch her—again."

  The Shifter was scheduled to dock with the Transfer station in orbit around the planet in a little over an hour and his mate was sashaying her furry little ass up and down the ship. All the males were already about to revolt against him because of her and that was before she learned how to shift into her cat. They were determined to protect her even if it meant from him after he destroyed another one of her jackets by mistake. News had swept through the ship of how he had made her cry. Now, the news was spreading about how gorgeous she was in her cat form and every warrior was doing their damn best to catch a glimpse of her. The last three days had been a nightmare for him. Riley in her two-legged form was enough to drool over. Riley in her four-legged form was enough to cause every hot-blooded male in his prime to become filled with razor-edge sexual frustration. She had no idea just how damn sexy her wider hips, soft plump belly, and flashing tufts of white fur were to a bunch of cat-shifting warriors who had been in space for far too long. Not to mention she didn’t know how to walk like a damn cat! She pranced everywhere she went, her tail flicking this way and that in innocent invitation to every male she came across.

  "Riley!" Vox roared as he watched his mate’s sassy hips swaying seductively to and fro. Hell, he would be lucky if he didn’t shift and take her right there in the corridor. "Guall’s balls, female, you are about to cause every male on this warship to have to seek privacy to relieve themselves if you don’t get to our living quarters right now!"

  Riley turned her head and snorted in disbelief at Vox, her big, blue eyes sta
ring at him like he was crazy. She sat down in the middle of the corridor, shook her head, and lifted a paw up as if inspecting her pink claws while she waited for him to reach her.

  Pink claws? Vox shook his head. Who ever heard of painted claws?

  He didn’t even want to know how she was able to paint the claws of her cat pink. He had never seen anything like it. From the looks of all the males standing in the corridor watching her with lust-filled eyes, neither had anyone else. Vox snarled out in a low dangerous tone to the warriors to get back to work.

  He slowed and shook his head at his wayward mate. Ever since she woke up in the training room, it had been a challenge to get anything done. Between wanting to fuck her in both her two-legged and four-legged forms and trying to keep her isolated as he sensed her going into heat, he had been trying to finalize preparations for their return to the planet. On top of that, Riley had taken to shifting back and forth at random and unexpected moments. It was driving both him and his cat crazy as they were both in a highly sexually charged state.

  He also needed to inform his parents and other siblings that he had mated. He could only imagine how his father and mother were going to react to that. He might be the King of Sarafin since his father stepped down to spend more time as a diplomat for their world, but he still respected his father’s knowledge, skills, and power. He knew his father expected him to fulfill the terms of the treaty even though there was no way he could do it now.

  Vox stopped and looked down at Riley for a few seconds before he knelt down on one knee in front of her. He chuckled and shook his head when she ran her long, slender tongue along his neck as he bent closer to her. He threaded his fingers through the hair along her jaw and ran them up until he could pull gently on her right ear.

  "You have no idea the mayhem you are causing, do you?" Vox asked quietly as he stroked her.

  Within the blink of an eye, Riley was sitting in front of him in her two-legged form. "Oh!" she huffed out, blinking up at Vox with wide, startled eyes. "I’m still working on the shifting thing."

  Vox’s eyes widened before they closed half way. "You have to remember what you are wearing when you shift as well, my beautiful little mate," he groaned huskily. "I am going to have to kill every male on board the warship if they see you like this."

  "What?" Riley asked, confused before looking down and realizing she was wearing just her camisole and a pair of dainty matching boxers. "Oh shit!"

  Vox groaned as he saw her pebble-sized nipples harden into tight buds. His eyes quickly scanned the area, freezing on a supply room door. He rose up, pulling Riley behind him. Opening the door, he pulled her inside and shut the door quickly behind them. He didn’t give Riley a chance to protest. Gods, his body was hard as a rock for her again. He would never get enough of her. Turning her so she was trapped against the wall in the tiny room, he gripped the silky material covering her ass and pushed it down desperately.

  "Release me," he demanded harshly. "Now, Riley, or neither one of us will have any clothing left to wear."

  Riley chuckled as her hands quickly moved to the front of his pants. "You can be so bossy sometimes," she teased as her hand slipped between the loosened material of his pants and his skin. "I love the way you feel," she admitted with a shy smile as she wrapped her hand tightly around his swollen cock as his pants fell down around his ankles.

  "Gods, Riley," Vox croaked out as his eyes rolled back when she began sliding her hand back and forth from the base of his cock to the tip and back again.

  He braced his hands against the wall on each side of her head, groaning in pleasure. He didn’t trust himself to not hurt her as sharp waves of need and desire rushed through him to settle heavily in his balls. He leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and breathed deeply, hoping to get some type of control over his body. He was trying to recite the training lectures from his youth when all thought disappeared as his mind became a haze of ecstasy.

  A shudder shook his body, and his head fell forward as he watched in disbelief as his mate replaced her hand with her mouth. Never in his existence would he have allowed a female of his species to do what his mate was doing. Gods, he had never even dreamed of it! A Sarafin female had sharp teeth like the male. They were not known for being very gentle during sex either. A male chanced losing his manhood should the female become too rough or enraged during sex. He had never heard of a male risking such an injury. Now, he panted as he watched the most erotic sight he had ever seen in his life being performed by his mate.

  "You taste so good," Riley purred out as she ran her smooth teeth up his length. "I’ve wanted to do this to you ever since you made love to me the first time."

  Vox’s hands curled into tight fists as he watched her tongue flick out over the tip of his cock, licking the dewy drops of pre-cum before she sucked almost the whole length of him into her hot mouth. His gasps filled the small room, and his body shook with the effort it took not to collapse in a puddle as she sucked harder and harder, her lips wrapped tightly around his thick cock. He knew it must be difficult for her, but she breathed through her nose and continued sliding her head up and down, twisting and turning before pulling all the way out until he heard the slight pop as the tip of his cock slid out between her rosy lips. He sucked in a deep breath only to lose it in a loud swooshing sound as she repeated her assault again and again until his balls were so tight from holding back that he thought they were going to explode.

  "Now," he hissed out hoarsely. "I need you now!"

  Riley was totally oblivious to the effect she was having on Vox. She was focused on the pleasure she was receiving from exploring him in a way she had only read about and from the X-rated videos Grandma Pearl sent her for her last birthday. She, out of respect for her Grandmother of course, had to watch all of them—multiple times—so she wouldn’t hurt Pearl’s feelings. She was finding out that watching something like this and doing it were two totally different things. She had sat in awed shock and a little bit of skepticism when she had watched the videos. While they had been interesting, this was pure unadulterated pleasure.

  "What?" she asked breathlessly when she found herself being lifted roughly.

  "This is what," Vox growled out between gritted teeth as he stepped forward and lifted her so she was forced to lift her legs and wrap them around his waist.

  Riley leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pushed into her with one powerful thrust, impaling her. Her screams were muffled by his neck as he pulled back, gripping her thighs in his huge hands before he thrust up into her again and again, moving faster and faster until both of them were shaking. Riley felt her vagina clench and begin to spasm in rippling waves as the heat of his cock rubbing back and forth against her slick channel pulled on oversensitive nerves until she was having one pulsing orgasm after another. Afraid someone would hear the scream trying to burst from her lips, she leaned forward and bit down hard on the curve between Vox’s shoulder and neck instead. His loud roar hurt her ears as he exploded deep inside her. She quaked as the hot streams of his seed poured deep inside her. She felt him swell to the point she moaned at the discomfort of it.

  It feels like he is trying to lock himself to me and never let go, Riley thought in a daze.

  "If it was possible, I would do it," Vox groaned out as his body jerked over and over, uncontrollably. "I swear if it was possible I would lock myself to you and never, ever let you go."

  Riley had no idea she had muttered her thoughts aloud until he responded to her. "I can feel you moving deep inside me," she whispered as a light but consistent tugging pulled at her womb.

  "I am giving you my cub, Riley," he admitted hoarsely. "You carry our young now."

  Riley’s head dropped to his shoulder as shock washed through her. The tugging continued, as if he was trying to bury himself inside her. She shivered as she replayed his words in her mind. Cubs, he was giving her his cubs. In her mind, she had a mental image of her giving birth and looking at a bunch of hairy kittens.
She shook her head in disbelief. That was impossible. They were two different species. There was no way they could have babies!

  Our baby, her cat purred in contentment as the tugging slowly faded.

  Riley’s head jerked up so fast she bumped Vox in the jaw. She stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. "Baby?"

  Vox released her left thigh so he could brush her hair back as he continued to press her body against the wall. "I was very excited. I could not resist," he said with a mischievous grin.

  Riley’s eyes narrowed as she saw the smug grin on his face. "I hope you are joking!" she growled out as she wriggled against him when the full meaning of what he and her cat were saying sunk in.

  His eyes closed as he felt her squeezing his cock as he pulled out of her slowly. "No," he groaned as his cock slid free from her warmth. "I can’t wait to see you rounder than you already are," he murmured squeezing her ass as she slid her legs down.

  "Rounder than I already am? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Riley bit out, shoving him until his back hit the door of the closet they were in. "I can’t believe we just got it on like a couple of teenagers in a…" She looked around the tiny room. "You fucked me in the cleaning closet?" she asked in disbelief. "And what the hell do you mean by rounder? Are you calling me fat? I want you to know I am not fat! I have a mature, womanly figure is all," she said as she reached down, grabbing her lacy boxers and sliding them up her legs with a wiggle. "There is no way I can have a cub, by the way. It is physically impossible. You are an alien, and I am human. Our DNA is totally incompatible, making having babies out of the question," she added as she pulled her top down.

  Vox watched as Riley jerked her clothes on. His eyes followed her every movement as she elbowed him in the gut while pulling her cute little bottoms on. He had to duck as she lifted her arms to pull her top down and grab a handful of her hair. She was breathing with quick, little puffs like she was fighting for air.


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