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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 105

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  "How much further? Are we almost there? Do you think Bob and Fred will be excited to see us? Oh, I hope they are doing well," Riley said as she bounced up and down.

  Vox’s gaze softened as he watched the excited bloom of color flush his mate’s face. It was so much better than the paleness from this morning when she had been sick and threatening to castrate him again for getting her with cub. He had held her pale, shaky form as she lost what little she had in her stomach over and over, until she could barely lift her head. His gaze moved down to her belly. He could tell the slight changes in it already. Her waist was expanding ever so slightly and her huge breasts were even larger. His mouth watered at the thought of the milk they would produce. Hell, his balls drew up just at the thought, and he was ready to pounce on her again.

  I can pounce, his cat purred softly. I suckle from our mate.

  Guall’s balls, this is difficult enough as it is! You know she will not be happy if we take her where the guards can see us again, Vox muttered in despair.

  He knew because he had done it once already, and it had taken him hours to get her to come out of the bathroom where she had barricaded herself. She had sworn she would never come out again as long as she lived. He had to cover his mouth to keep the laughter in when she went on to explain how her petrified body would be enclosed in the magnificent bathroom for all to see in the future and historians would explain that she had died of mortification because her hairball soon-to-be-dead fiancé couldn’t control his damn cock! He had totally agreed that he couldn’t and didn’t even want to try.

  "Well?" she demanded thumping him on the chest to get his attention. "Do you?"

  "Do I what?" Vox asked in confusion.

  Riley rolled her eyes and groaned. "You were thinking about sex again, weren’t you? You never hear what I say when you are thinking about it, which is like—always! I asked if you thought the guys would be excited to see us," she huffed out, turning back toward the walled city.

  Vox reached out, spinning her around, and brushing her lips with his. "Yes, they will be excited to see you. Both have sent missives asking how you were doing. Fred even threatened to come steal you away if I didn’t take good care of you."

  "Why didn’t you tell me?" Riley asked in shock that her two, dear friends had been checking up on her.

  Vox flushed and looked away over her shoulder at the gates leading into the city. "I was afraid you would tell them you were unhappy, and they would figure out a way to steal you away from me," he admitted.

  He turned back to face her when he felt her soft palm against his cheek. "I love you, Vox. I won’t let anyone take me away from you."

  "I love you too, Riley. So very, very much it scares me sometimes," Vox whispered. "I have never felt so vulnerable before or been afraid of anything—but the idea of something happening to you terrifies me."

  Riley’s eyes glittered with tears as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to her so she could kiss him. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, purring as they parted for her. Soon their tongues were dueling in a furious battle of passion and desire. She sighed when Vox reluctantly pulled back.

  "If we do not stop, I will claim you right here and now. I don’t think you will be happy with me if I do that again with the guards watching us," he grunted out tersely.

  Riley chuckled as she pulled back with a deep breath. "I’m glad you have your head screwed on straight because mine is not working right, right now. Let’s go before I forget we aren’t alone," she said with a wink and a giggle at the responding growl.

  * * *

  They entered the city through the huge gates. Riley’s eyes took in the neat, clean streets filled with merchants, residents, and traders of all shapes and forms. They walked along the beautiful cobbled roads littered with strange beasts pulling carts and wagons.

  "Cybris is one of our oldest cities. It retains many of the same customs as it has for thousands of years. The residents voted to leave it as such, and it attracts many visitors from other star systems who wish to experience a true Sarafin city. The city was formed around the central palace where Titus, Banu, and my other cousins live. The walls were built to protect it from the creatures that live deep in the forests. They do not come near the city now as there is a security field that protects it, but in the days of old, that was not the case," Vox explained as he guided Riley along the walkway, ignoring those who bowed to him as they recognized him. "I have to meet with Titus and Banu about some issues. Will you be all right if I leave you with Fred and Bob? I will post a couple of guards as well."

  "Of course," Riley assured him. "What could happen here?" she asked, spreading her hands wide at the crowd walking around. "This place is like paradise."

  Vox chuckled as they turned down a side street and stopped at a gate. He pressed the button at the gate and stepped through when it opened. A moment later, the front door to the small cottage opened, and a short figure with two heads shot through the door in excitement.

  "Riley!" Fred cried out in delight, rushing forward as fast as his little feet could carry him.

  "Fred! You look fantastic!" Riley said, rushing forward and dropping down to her knees to hug her friend. She gave him a kiss on both of his cheeks, laughing as both turned a dark red. "You are just as cute as ever. How have you been?"

  Both of Fred’s faces beamed. "I have a mate, Riley. She is beautiful!" Fred’s right head responded quietly as his left studied her carefully. "I want you to meet her," his left head added.

  Riley’s eyes widened with shock before she smiled and laid a palm on each of Fred’s cheeks. "I would be honored to meet the lady who could capture your heart. You deserve it, and she better realize what a prize she has."

  "I do," came the soft reply. "I am very fortunate."

  Riley stood up and looked at the small figure that approached her hesitantly. The tiny figure curtsied when she stopped in front of Riley. Riley smiled down and held out her hand in greeting.

  "I’m Riley St. Claire, soon to be d’Rojah," Riley replied when she heard Vox growl out a warning when she said her last name. "The growly bear is Vox."

  The tiny figure glanced in fright at Vox’s huge figure. "I am Doral. It is an honor to finally meet you. Fred has told me how you saved his life," Doral replied.

  The tiny female Tiliquan only had one head, but the rest of her figure was the same as Fred’s. She wore a simple gown with a black apron tied around the waist. She had the same green, yellow, and red coloring, but her eyes were framed by long, thick lashes that swept down shyly under Riley’s scrutiny.

  "Do I not get a welcome?" a deep, melodious voice asked from the doorway of the small house near the gates of the city.

  Riley’s eyes softened on the huge gelatinous figure standing looking down at her. "Bob!" Riley cried out softly, stepping into the huge arms as they opened up for her. "I’m so sorry for what I said to you the last time I saw you," she murmured against his broad chest. "You were right, I do belong with him."

  Bob’s huge body shook as he chuckled. "That is good. I can rest knowing I made the right decision."

  Riley leaned back and grinned up at her friend. "That doesn’t mean I don’t still have to put him in his place every once in a while."

  Fred and Bob both broke out into laughter as they heard Vox snort. "Riley, I have to go. I won’t be long," Vox said with a shake of his head. "Take care of her, my friends," he said, brushing a kiss across his mate’s plump lips.

  "We will! We will!" Fred assured him, coming up and taking Riley’s hand in one of his while he clung to Doral. "You have to meet Bob’s mate. Come, come, we have refreshments."

  Vox watched as his mate was pulled into the small cottage. He nodded to the two guards with him. "Stay with her. Protect her with your life," he ordered.

  "Yes, my lord," both men replied taking up position in front of the door to the cottage.

  Chapter 22

  Vox strode through the palace corridors to the c
onference room with a grim expression on his face. He had not shared with Riley the true nature of their visit. He had personally gone to interrogate his two former bedmates. He discovered that their betrayal was larger than he expected. He had managed to get the location of one of the rebel bases from Eldora before she died from a poisoned drink left for her. Pursia had hung herself the night before in her cell using the covers from her bed. Eldora had begged for forgiveness before she died, swearing she had been forced to betray him and his family. He discovered that Bragnar, one of the warriors assigned to the kitchens, was holding her younger sister hostage in return for her help. She told him with her last breath that Bragnar was responsible for the attempted poisoning of his mother several months before. If it had not been for his mother’s lady’s maid giving his mother the wrong bowl of soup, it would have been his mother who died instead of one of her personal assistants.

  "Have you any word as to who Bragnar is working with?" Titus asked as soon as he closed the door to the conference room.

  "No," Vox said grimly. "Pallu and Walkyr are going to scout the rebel camp to see if what Eldora told me is true. She swore on her dying breath she was forced to do what she did."

  "Do you believe her?" Banu asked as he activated the holovid in the center of the conference table. "The region she told you is thickly covered in mists and old growth forests. It is said even the trees there are alive. It is hard to believe that anyone could build a camp there."

  "I believe her. Her family is from the forest clan. They would know how to live there. Plus, she had no reason to lie as she was dying. She knew there was nothing that could save her," Vox said, looking at the image of the thick mists that swirled into view.

  The satellites could not penetrate the cloud cover. Maybe he needed to talk with Ha’ven or one of his brothers. Those damn Curizan loved a challenge when it came to technology. He knew his friend would have something within a few days that could probably tell them exactly how many leaves were on the trees.

  "Have you linked him to anyone else? We know whoever Bragnar is working with must also be working with Raffvin. That damn Valdier has his fingers into everything," Titus grunted out. "Who did Bragnar associate with while he worked at the palace?"

  "The handful of males and females he talked to have been cleared. None of them knew much about him. They all said the same thing—he kept to himself for the most part," Vox replied.

  What was the connection? He knew it had to be related to the deaths of his aunt and her mate, the attempt on his mother’s life, his kidnapping. Why would they do this? His thoughts turned to his aunt. She had been a gentle soul. His mind fought to piece together the clues. He looked at his cousins. They had taken Titus and Banu as well. Why was it important to take his father’s side of the family? Titus and Banu were from his father’s oldest sister. Maybe the clue was with her.

  "Where is Illana?" Vox asked suddenly.

  Both Titus and Banu started in surprise at the mention of their mother. "She is probably in her workshop. She loves working with her hands, and you know she creates some of the most beautiful bowls and vases with the mineral clay. Why?" Banu asked curiously.

  "I am not sure," Vox murmured looking at the holovid again. "But something tells me we are missing something crucial, and she may have the answers we seek."

  "I’m not following you," Titus said with a frown. "Do you want me to ask her to join us or would you like to go to her workshop?" he asked, puzzled.

  "Let us go there," Vox replied suddenly anxious to see his aunt.

  Titus and Banu stood up at the same time. Banu flipped the holovid off and shrugged his shoulder at Titus. He didn’t understand either, but both of them had learned a long time ago to appreciate Vox’s instincts. It had saved them more than once during their youth, not to mention during the war.

  Titus led them through the huge palace. The gleaming pale walls changed color as they passed through them, reflecting the difference in the warmth of their bodies against the sensitive stone that picked up on their moods. The stone for the palace had come from the mountains surrounding the city. The tall arched corridors allowed an abundance of light through crystal clear windows that could be darkened with a single command. Workers moved on light feet, laughing as they went about their way. He could feel his aunt’s touch among the workers. They enjoyed their duties.

  Soon, they were entering a small building located on the west corner of the grand gardens. The small domed building was bright and airy on the inside and was filled with all different shapes and sizes of plates, bowls, and cups made from the special mineral clay found along the streams that ran down from the mountains.

  "Nënë, how are you doing?" Titus asked, walking over to give his mother a kiss on the cheek.

  "I’m fine," she replied with a raised eyebrow as she looked at her two sons before turning her gaze on Vox. "Hello, my lord," she said with a graceful bow of her head.

  "Greetings, Illana," Vox said walking over and brushing his lips along his aunt’s cheek. "How have you been?"

  She smiled and shook her head. "I am well. Now, out with it. You three only came to see me when you were in trouble as cubs. What mess have you gotten into this time? You know your father isn’t going to believe me if I try to cover for you, don’t you?" she said, looking at Titus and Banu.

  All three men chuckled as they stood back. "This time it is for a different reason we are here, Nënë. Vox thinks you might be able to help us piece together the attacks on our family," Banu said with a grin.

  "Ah," Illana responded quietly before walking over to the sink to clean the mineral clay from her hands. "I knew this time would come," she murmured. "This must not go anywhere else," Illana said as she turned to look sternly at her two sons. "It pertains to Banu as well, but I hoped that I would not have to tell him for a while yet. It would appear the time has come to share a little of our family history that is known to few."

  Over the next hour, Illana related a tale of four brothers who were the first rulers of Sarafin. One ruled the forest kingdom, one ruled the city near the ocean, one ruled the desert kingdom, and one ruled the ancient city as its guardian. The gods had divided their world so none was more powerful than the others, but together they would be practically invincible. To know who the true rulers were, they were marked with a symbol. Each symbol was unique to the warrior, but when placed together the symbols marked the location of the Heart of the Cat, a gem so powerful it had the power to either heal their people or destroy them. The four brothers, concerned that the gem would fall into the wrong hands, hid the stone in a location only known to them. As they buried it, the symbols formed on each, mapping the location so it could never be truly forgotten. Only the leader of each kingdom would have the mark. If that person were to die, then the mark would appear on the next ruler. But, if the line were to die out…

  "…Then so would our people. Over time, legends built up about the location until it became more myth than reality. But, make no mistake, it is very real," Illana finished. "Vox, you wear the mark as will your son. Just as Titus does since his father passed the throne onto him. Banu, you also bear the mark since the death of your father." She turned sad eyes to her youngest son.

  Banu’s eyes narrowed in confusion. "I don’t understand. My father still lives."

  "No," Illana replied softly. "While your father and I consider you our son, your true parents died days after you were born. Your father was my younger brother. Your parents were murdered in their sleep. They had been drugged in an attempt to capture the desert kingdom, which is your true heritage. Your nurse stole you away in the night and brought you to us. Arimis went to avenge my brother and his mate’s murders, but the desert had swallowed the kingdom. That is one of the many myths surrounding it. Only two of the kingdoms are known—the ocean and city kingdoms. The other two remain hidden until their rightful rulers return to the throne."

  "Why? Why would you not tell me years ago about my parents?" Banu asked clenching his fist
s in disbelief and rage. "You let me think all these years I was your son. Why would you not tell me?"

  "I have lost three of my siblings to tragedy. I could not bear to lose any more of you," she said calmly, looking at him intently. "You became our son the moment I held you in my arms. I loved you as assuredly as if I had given birth to you. If I had told you before the wars, you would have gone searching for the kingdom. You were too young to go. Then the wars took you away."

  Banu swung around to stare out the window of the workshop, gazing blindly over the garden. "You said you lost three siblings. Who was the other, and who and where is the fourth member bearing the mark?" he asked harshly, turning to stare at the woman he had always considered to be his mother.

  A tear ran down Illana’s cheek, but she did not turn away from the harsh stare. "Mia," she whispered. "She was taken as a baby and never found. I have to believe she lived. She bore the mark of the hidden forest."

  Vox listened in disbelief as everything he and his cousins had ever known came apart. His own fury with his father mounted as he thought of the information withheld from him. He was the King and should have been told of the legend and its effect on his family and people, especially now that he had a mate to protect.

  "What happens if there is no one to bear the mark showing the hidden resting place of the Heart of the Cat?" Vox asked knowing deep down the answer.

  "Sarafin will fall," Illana answered quietly.

  "That is why Raffvin wanted me, Titus, and Banu. He knows about the mark, but how, and why didn’t he just kill us?" Vox asked coldly.


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