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Pretty, Twisted Lies: A friends to lovers standalone

Page 8

by Emily Bowie

  “Martini, darling?” my mother asks me while we wait for the limo. I’m shocked she’s held out this long into the day before she’s drinking. Maybe if I make it big, she will finally be happy and stop drinking.

  Walking into the room, she is already sipping on hers as she hands me mine. Taking my first sip, the strong vodka taste makes my lips pucker.

  “Darling, remember you’re not twenty-one yet.” She’s weird like this. I can drink at home but never in public due to the fact that image is everything to my parents. She eyes my drink. I get it; this is her way of telling me this will be my only one. “It will help with your nerves. I’m stressing out just from watching you. You need to relax; otherwise, everyone will think you’re inexperienced in speaking to important people.”

  Swallowing my retort, I take another sip. Tonight is another chance for me. Nothing can ruin this for me, not even off-handed comments from my mother.

  “Your limo is here,” my dad announces, looking proud of me. I have no idea what’s gotten into them, but I hope it sticks. Maybe we can be a family who enjoys each other’s company. Visions of my parents and me getting along have me pausing. It takes me a moment to realize what I’m feeling is hope.

  Oliver is waiting by our driver, opening the door for me. I feel like Cinderella finally getting her chance at the ball. This is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Excitement swirls inside me, making it hard to sit still. My nose is pressed against the window, wanting to see it all, memorizing it as the moment it all started. This will be the story I tell about how I got my first big break. My hands and feet buzz, my glee oozing out of me. Oliver gives me a smile like this is everyday life. I want that. I want this to be my norm. Before long, we pull up to a huge gated mansion. Limos, Ferraris, Porsches, and Lamborghinis line the area.

  “Stick with me, and I will introduce you to everyone as we go by. The whole purpose of tonight is to make an impression and get people thinking about you. You need to smile and be open to everyone. Even the one guy who’s telling the worst jokes, you’ll need to laugh, because if one person likes you here, they will tell someone else. That’s how connections are made. Getting a record deal can be as easy as this, because it’s who you know that makes the world go ’round.”

  My smile is hurting my face from how broad it’s stretching on my face. This is it. I can do this. Blowing out a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves.

  Oliver holds out his arm, and I wrap mine around his. The house is packed with people of all ages. Smartly dressed waiters are keeping the guests loose with free-for-all trays of signature cocktails.

  “No one here cares that you’re under twenty-one.” He catches my eyes following a tray coming near us. Easily, he picks up two flutes of bubbly, passing one to me. “It’ll be better for you to have one and relax than have none and show sweat stains on your dress.”

  I look down, scared I’m sweating so much it’s running down my side. If I humiliate myself this early in the night, I will never recover. Up until now, I never felt like it was me holding myself back.

  I down the drink, not wanting to be seen with it. My cheeks warm from it almost instantaneously.

  “Leon, have you met Kellie Dare?”

  “Hi, I know who you are.” My hand jets out, ready to shake his. I want to die already. Who says that? I’m that creepy stalker girl.

  He chuckles, taking my awkwardness in stride. “You’ll have to excuse me, Kellie, for I’m not sure who you are.”

  “She is going to be the next Madonna. She has an edgy voice and unique sound that’s captivating. Sony was just arranging a meeting with us.” Oliver takes over the conversation. This Sony thing, I haven’t heard about, but Leon seems to be more than impressed. He’s a songwriter/talent scout who is very influential. Having him in my corner would make my year, if not my career.

  Another tray of drinks comes by and Oliver grabs another, placing it in my hands. “This will help you stop fidgeting,” he says low before continuing on. “You two have a lot in common. Kellie plays the piano and guitar and loves the classics just like you.”

  He looks down at me, impressed. “Kellie, how about you and I go and talk a bit?”

  Oliver is already nudging me forward, not that it’s needed. When Leon Grand asks to talk to you, you go. When Leon Grand asks for your firstborn, you give it to him. This is huge. I need to stay cool and calm, and if he likes me enough, I will look back on this life-changing party, thanking my parents for everything they have ever done for me.


  Leon places his hand on the small of my back, leading the way out of the sea of people. “There is a quiet terrace where I’d love to hear you sing.”

  Excitement builds in my stomach with each step up the circular stairway until we reach another floor. This floor has about half the amount of people. He leads me to a velvet-roped-off section and lifts the red rope, indicating for me to walk by.

  There are small twinkle lights adding a little magic to the space, creating a focal point on the small posh patio set off to the side.

  “Should we even be here?” I ask, looking out onto the lights below of the city. His fingers brush my neck, moving the hair on my shoulder and making me jump.

  “No need to be nervous.” He chuckles, coming around in front of me. “You’re a beautiful woman. With your type of connections, I have no idea how we’ve never met.” It would seem that Oliver has spun a story on who I am—or rather who I am not.

  “I guess I’m a little jumpy.”

  “Take a seat. Let’s get to know each other a bit.”

  I nod, taking the seat first, his hand outstretched waiting for me. Instead of taking the plush chair in front of me, he sits beside me, our legs touching.

  Taking in a deep breath, I try to calm my heart. This feels wrong. I keep trying to push it out of my head. Leon is a professional who is internationally known for picking amazing talent.

  “Tell me about yourself,” he coaxes.

  “I go to an all-girls school,” I begin, and his eyes light up. “And no, it’s not what you’re thinking. The rumors are all wrong, no white-pantied girls wrestling and having pillow fights.”

  He laughs at my joke, sitting back in the cushion, making me slightly more comfortable.

  “How did you hear about me?”

  My cheeks immediately turn pink, remembering how I introduced myself. I couldn’t be happier for the darkness than I am now. “Some of my favorite singers who have inspired me have mentioned you as their reason for success. Throughout the years, I have been reading blogs on how to get the ball rolling if the traditional method doesn’t work.”

  “Most would consider me the traditional method,” he poses.

  “True. But it has been said that you have come across random songs online and search them out for a demo. Or like me, just by running into each other and clicking.”

  His hand rests on my leg. I can’t help but look at it. My pulse begins to strum in my ears. “I think we click. How about you sing for me?” His hand leaves my leg, and he’s looking at me expectantly.

  My nerves are too high. I’m obviously overreacting. Standing up, I try to get into the headspace to start singing. I’m suddenly parched. My mouth is dry, and I don’t think I can sing a tune. This is mortifying.

  “Mind if I quickly get a drink first?” I’m ruining my chance here.

  He shrugs. “I can go get it for you?” he offers.

  “It will take me less than a minute. I’m sorry.”

  He waves me off. “I’d rather hear your best performance.”

  I scurry from the terrace, my body shaking from nerves. I see no water anywhere. Wine, champagne, and martinis are the only choices around.

  “Is it going well?” Oliver comes up behind me.

  Grabbing more bubbly, I nod. My hands are slippery from nerves.

  “You don’t look okay,” he says, full of concern.

  “Just nerves.”

  He looks at me and shakes his head. �
�Take this.” He places a small white pill in my hand and closes my fingers around it. “It will help with your nerves.”

  “Okay.” I pop the pill in my mouth and wash it down with my drink. I need to nail this.

  Walking back to Leon, I can feel my anxiety slowly start to melt away. My heart still races, but I’m no longer shaky.

  “Sorry about that,” I say as soon as I reenter.

  Staying upright, I begin to belt out one of Adele’s songs, loving how it shows the depth of pitch I have.

  I close my eyes, allowing the song to move me as I sing out the lyrics. When I finish, my eyes slowly open, and Leon is on his feet, clapping.

  “You are very talented. Sit, I’d love to learn more about you.”

  Taking a seat next to him, I feel so much better. I’m no longer nervous, feeling fantastic, like I’m on cloud nine.

  “Do you have any demos, or do we need to get you into the studio?” he questions, placing his hand back on my leg.

  “I had a demo made last summer, but I do feel like I have grown my voice and sound since then,” I say honestly.

  His fingers inch up, but strangely my heart doesn’t accelerate as it did before. “I would like to take this to the next level with you.”

  I beam with pride.

  “Tonight.” His hand inches closer to the edge of my dress. He has this look on his face like he wants a bite. His hand continues, but I place my hand on his to stop him.

  “This is how all the singers you’ve idolized have made it,” he says, his hand pawing at my chest, making it very clear what his expectations are.

  Abruptly, I stand up. “I can’t.” I must look like a deer caught in headlights. He has to be about forty, and I would never be able to live with myself if I ever thought I got this because of anything other than my talent. I want this, but I’m also prepared to fight for it.

  “You do realize what you’re giving up, right?” he asks coldly, his tone completely different than before. “You said you wanted the untraditional route, and this is your chance.”

  I stare at him in disbelief and hate that I fell for everything about him tonight. Silly girl.

  “What you don’t realize is that I’m willing to fight for this. I believe in myself enough to know I don’t have to do this.” The end part of my sentence starts to sound a bit slurred. I’m not used to drinking while I’m away at school. I shouldn’t have taken that pill to relax me either.

  “You’re young and foolish. I wish you the best of luck once everyone finds out Leon Grand turned you down.” He gets up, walking away from me, looking unfrazzled, cool, and collected.

  The pit of my stomach drops, but I can’t be sure if it’s from his words or feeling like I’m turning into my mother who drinks and takes pills until she passes out.

  I’m no longer steady on my heels as I walk down the stairs, looking for my way home. All I want is my bed, hating how tonight turned out.

  “How did it go?” Oliver asks me. “Were you and Leon able to work something out?” he asks me while he takes in my condition.

  “Did you know?” I get this gut reaction that this may have been planned from the start. This was how Oliver expected me to get my big break.

  “Don’t act so insulted and surprised. A lot of people you admire have gotten their start that way.”

  So I have been told. All of a sudden, I feel sick. I didn’t sign up for this.

  “Let’s get you home before you make a spectacle of yourself.”

  I stumble into my house to see neither of my parents. I expected them to wait up to see how everything went. Falling onto my bed, I allow my tears to go free. Tonight was to be my breakthrough, but I have a sinking feeling I may have ruined my chances of ever making it big. Maybe my parents are right; I’m still too young to break into the industry.

  I don’t remember falling asleep, as the effects of everything I had taken overtakes my body.


  “This is why I can’t let you out of the house, Kellie Dare!” My mother shouting hurts my already ringing ears. “You disgraced yourself. Leon Grand and Oliver have already been on the phone to your father talking about how you couldn’t even talk or walk by the time you left the party. You tried to sing, and it came out a jumbled mess of off-key tones. We trusted you. I felt we could have been over that rebellious stage you’ve been going through to hear this. I’m beyond disappointed in you.”

  She begins to walk out of my room. “You are still our family’s embarrassment!” she screams, slamming my bedroom door.

  I already feel shitty. My eyes hurt to open from crying last night. I don’t defend myself. She would never listen or believe me anyway. I allow myself to fall back to sleep, needing to recuperate.

  By midafternoon, I tiptoe out of my room.

  “I was wondering when you would show your face.” My father’s stern voice has my steps halting.

  I feel embarrassed for allowing last night to happen. Deep down, I know it’s irrational, and I did nothing wrong, but that feeling is still there. I should have never drank.

  “Oliver quit; you’re going to need a new agent.”

  “So he needs someone new to prostitute out,” I deadpan, looking at my father.

  “Don’t be overdramatic.”

  The lack of care he has is frustrating. Aren’t parents supposed to care about their children’s wellbeing?

  I shake my head while rolling my eyes. I wish I could go back to school.


  The night before

  I watch it from afar. Kellie looks radiant tonight. For one of the first times in my life, I’m wearing a suit, and I can’t stand it. It’s too tight on my neck and feels itchy to my skin. I’ve brought one of the minions from the MC with me. He’s the one watching the door. His first job is to make sure Kellie does not leave or enter without my knowledge. His next job is selling the club’s drugs to any willing participant. From the looks of the people here, it will be all high-end shit. He’s going to make a killing. I normally wouldn’t come this far, but I had this gut feeling like Kellie is going to need me. The drugs were the only way the MC would allow me to bring a few of their guys to help if I needed backup.

  She’s wearing a sheer pink dress with thin straps, a deep cut settling between her breasts, showing off her perfectly rounded cleavage. It hugs her small waist before flowing out to the middle of her thighs. I want to tear it off her and fuck her senseless.

  When she walks in, everyone notices. Oliver keeps looking at her like he would love to touch her. His gaze lingers on her chest for much too long. I have to refrain from making my presence known.

  When I see Oliver push another glass toward her, I make a special note for myself to hurt him if something happens to her. My nostrils flare, my eyes darkening with the need to do something. A pulse behind my eyes begins to strum as I’m forced to do nothing but watch it play out in front of me. I’m not used to not being able to act upon my emotions when I’m infuriated.

  It’s when I see the drugs I allowed to be brought into this party being put in her hands that I begin to lose my temper. I’m ready to shoot this whole scene up while tossing her ass over my shoulder. My breaths are short, my chest heaving in small pumps.

  “Rein it in, boss,” my earbud tells me. Russ is watching me, knowing I can’t stand when anyone fucks with my girl.

  “For now,” I reply, walking along the perimeter. Kellie never leaves my view. Her feet are no longer steady, but she holds herself up with confidence. I watch as the pill she takes changes her whole stance.

  “Keep your eye on Oliver,” Russ tells me.

  “I’m your boss,” I remind him. I don’t give a fuck what Oliver does right now, when all my attention needs to be on Kellie. I consider taking Oliver out and hiding his body so I can come back to protect Kellie if she needs it.

  “You’re losing your cool.”

  I can feel my body sweating, hating that she’s left alone with a man known for fucking women to help t
hem climb to the top.

  “She’s safe with me,” he assures me.

  Oliver walks by me in conversation with someone else. I watch as they laugh at Kellie’s expense when he says his “girl is up there earning her contract.”

  “Or should you say banging her contract out,” the other one adds, making me see red.

  “Oliver, right?” I interrupt, shaking his hand. “My employer told me so much about you.” I slip him a pill that he favors. He likes his Oxys.

  The other man leaves, and I begin the process of slowly luring this prick into my den.


  Only after I make sure Kellie is safe in her home do I round up Oliver and Leon. They’re sitting on a couch, fucked out of their minds with no cares in the world. I have my gun out for about five minutes before they even notice.

  I laugh with them when they see it. Everything is funny to them. They don’t sense the dangerous vibe that radiates off me. My laugh is forced and hollow because I think I’m being too kind to them. I should have killed them the second they walked into this room. “Let’s play a game.”

  I walk over to Leon and hand him my gun. “Shoot him.” I nod toward Oliver.

  Leon holds my gun loosely in his pussy grip. “No fucking way.”

  I watch as Oliver’s eyes try to widen, but the drugs are taking hold of his reflexes. “They’re only blanks,” I lie. I prefer to play with my hostages.

  “Each time a blank is shot, we drink?” I suggest.

  “A line of your coke,” Leon barters.

  Oliver shrugs, liking the idea of more cocaine.

  Leon lines up Oliver, who is now fully into the game, bobbing his head and goofing around to make it hard for Leon to hit him.

  Leon pulls the trigger and nothing comes out. They both laugh, starting to love this game.


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