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Starcross Manor: Feel-good summer 2020 romantic fiction from the bestselling author of Love Heart Lane (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)

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by Christie Barlow

  ‘Are we allowed to touch things?’ asked Meredith, joining in the questions.

  ‘You can touch walls and tombstones, but don’t move any stones or alter the location in any way. Messing about with the scene can get you into trouble with the spirit world.’

  ‘I need another swig.’ Julia tugged at Eleni’s arm. Never before had she been in need of a drink so much to steady her nerves. She couldn’t actually believe people did this for fun.

  ‘Okay, are we ready?’ asked Dawn, hurling her backpack onto her shoulders. ‘Stay safe.’

  Julia was far from ready, but Dawn was already powering her legs towards the door of the gatehouse. Everyone linked arms and followed in silence. Julia wasn’t even sure if she actually believed in ghosts, but that belief was about to be questioned.

  Dawn swung open the creaky door to the gatehouse and stepped inside. Julia gripped Eleni’s arm tighter. ‘Look up at the castle,’ whispered Julia, her heart was thumping so fast she thought it was about to burst out of her chest at any given moment. There was only one light on in the castle and Julia saw a figure standing in the window.

  ‘That’s old man Marley, he’s watching us. Maybe he’s an actual ghost. No one has seen him for years,’ replied Eleni, treading carefully down the stone steps that led to a very dark room. It took a while for Julia’s eyes to adjust, and everyone gathered around Dawn’s torchlight.

  ‘Do not leave me,’ ordered Julia, not letting go of Eleni.

  ‘Okay, let’s have hush for a moment… Hello,’ Dawn called out, her voice echoing all around, ‘we mean no harm and have come to talk to you.’

  Julia’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she noticed Dawn was holding a gadget like she’d received for her birthday: an EMF gauge. ‘We know you are here,’ continued Dawn.

  Everyone was rooted to the spot. The only thing Julia could hear was the sound of dripping water.

  Rona was holding a temperature gauge. ‘The temperature has plummeted, that’s a good sign isn’t it?’ she whispered in the darkness. ‘Possibly a ghost.’

  Julia couldn’t see how that was a good sign. All that meant was it was more than likely there were ghosts floating about – although Julia had no real idea what a ghost actually looked like.

  ‘Do you want to talk to us?’ encouraged Dawn softly. ‘We would like to talk to you.’

  Julia could hear a gentle knocking sound. She could feel her body shaking, she was actually frightened. With her feet rooted to the spot, she bit down hard on her lip. Eleni was scribbling down on her notepad. Meredith had whipped out her phone. ‘Is it okay to take photos?’ she asked getting into the spirit of things.

  The knocking sound became louder. Julia wanted to scream. She wanted to run for the hills, literally.

  ‘That means you can take photos,’ confirmed Dawn. ‘The spirits are saying yes.’

  ‘OMG, there is someone here. What’s that smell?’ Julia’s mouth had gone dry, her whole body covered in goose bumps and she shivered.

  Meredith took numerous photos with her phone. ‘Look,’ she exclaimed lighting up the screen, ‘there’s a dark shadow over there.’ Felicity took exactly the same photo in the same place, and now the shadow was gone.

  ‘Can you feel that presence, can you sense someone?’ Dawn walked through to the next dungeon. ‘If you want to split up, you can use your two-way radios.’

  Julia didn’t want to split up from anyone, she wanted them all to stay together.

  ‘Look at that shadow over there… by the split in the wall,’ pointed out Molly, slowly walking in the darkness towards the window.

  Once more they heard a knocking sound. ‘That noise is coming from the next room, let’s go.’ Isla had no fear whatsoever. Julia had watched Most Haunted on TV numerous times and had laughed at how scared everyone appeared, but she wasn’t laughing now. This kind of thing was more up Callie’s street, she was the braver of the two. Julia didn’t want to search for ghosts, she wanted to be safely tucked up in bed.

  ‘My gauge is flickering off the scale,’ whispered Dawn. ‘We definitely have the spirits with us. I’ll try and talk to them.’

  Everyone fell silent.

  ‘Hello,’ said Dawn. ‘Is there anyone there? We’ve come to talk to you.’

  Deadly silence. Julia was gripping Eleni so hard she was more than likely to draw blood at any second.

  ‘We come in peace, and if you would like to talk to us please let us know you are there.’ Dawn was speaking softly, her phone lighting up the gauge, which was going mental.

  ‘Please knock three times,’ she encouraged.

  Julia held her breath.

  Knock… knock… knock.

  Julia squealed, ‘I don’t like this, I need to get out of here.’ She tugged at Eleni. ‘Get me out of here.’

  The tapping continued.

  ‘Don’t be scared, they aren’t going to hurt you. These are good spirits, friendly spirits, and no doubt are in need of some company.’

  Julia’s eyes were wide; she felt herself shaking, then all of a sudden a white shadow floated past the open door in front of them.

  ‘Whooooo,’ came a voice.

  Then another figure dressed in what looked like a white sheet floated past. ‘Whoooo!’

  ‘Talk to us,’ said Felicity. ‘Have you got anything to say to us?’

  The two figures hovered in the doorway. ‘Actually yes,’ came a voice followed by a giggle. A voice that Julia instantly recognised. ‘Happy birthday to you!’

  Callie whipped off the white sheet and was beaming at Julia in the light of everyone’s phones and torches. ‘You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday, did you?’

  Julia exhaled, her whole body trembling – she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ‘OMG! I could actually murder you!’

  ‘And then you would actually be searching for a ghost,’ giggled Callie, throwing her arms wide open.

  ‘Feel my heart, it’s going to pound out of my chest.’ Julia’s hands were still clutched to her chest as she stepped forward and hugged Callie, but not before shaking her shoulders in frustration. ‘Now the next question is, who’s under that sheet?’ queried Julia, letting go of Callie. She stretched out her arm and pulled up the sheet. A grinning Allie was standing in front of them. ‘Happy birthday! I’ve never had so much fun in my life!’

  Everyone squealed and stepped forward to hug Allie. ‘Welcome home!’ Meredith squeezed her daughter. ‘I thought you couldn’t get time off?’

  ‘I wouldn’t have missed this for the world! That was so much fun.’

  Everyone seemed to forget they were standing in the middle of a dark, damp tower looking for ghosts. The mood had turned from dark and sinister to jovial in a matter of seconds.

  ‘I’m glad you lot have had fun. I actually thought I’d have a heart attack!’ Julia was still shaking her head in disbelief that Callie and Allie were standing in front of her, but was relieved there weren’t actually any real ghosts.

  Julia turned towards Dawn. ‘Are you not a real ghost hunter?’

  Dawn shook her head and laughed. ‘No, I’m not a ghost hunter, far from it. I’m Allie’s partner on the newspaper. I heard there was a special birthday going on, and blagged an invite. I hope you don’t mind?’ Dawn stretched out her hand. ‘Happy birthday! And I’m sorry, they talked me into this, you looked absolutely petrified.’

  ‘I was absolutely petrified, and I have to say – not meaning to sound ungrateful – disappointed you all brought me ghost-hunting. I was thinking of sacking you all as friends if we ever got out of here alive!’

  Isla snaked an arm around Julia’s shoulders. ‘Now it’s time for your proper birthday to begin!’

  ‘You mean there’s more? I’m not sure I can take any more.’

  ‘There is, the minibus is taking us back over to Starcross Manor. We’ve another surprise.’

  ‘Now that sounds more up my street! Let’s get out of this place!’ Clutching Callie’s arm,
Julia dragged her outside into the fresh air. ‘Can we finally go and drink champagne?!’

  ‘Absolutely we can,’ declared Callie, giving Julia another hug before climbing back onto the bus. ‘Let the party begin!’

  Chapter Eighteen

  With everyone in good spirits, the minibus pulled up outside Starcross Manor and the driver jumped out and opened up the boot. Everyone began collecting their overnight bags.

  ‘Here’s yours,’ exclaimed Eleni. ‘Honestly, trying to sneak this out of the door and gather your things together was a task in itself – and don’t worry about Woody, Drew’s been to collect him, he’s spending the night at Foxglove Farm again.’

  ‘You lot have thought of everything, haven’t you?’ Julia was impressed. She couldn’t wait to see what was in store for her now. As the minibus drove off Julia noticed Flynn standing at the top of the stone steps outside the entrance to Starcross Manor. She gawped at him, his suit was exquisitely cut, sharp-looking and well-fitted. Julia thought he wouldn’t look out of place in a movie, maybe with an Aston Martin by his side.

  He began to walk down the steps towards Julia then stretched out his hands and took hold of hers. Their eyes locked before Flynn kissed her on both cheeks. ‘Happy birthday,’ he whispered.

  Her heart was thumping so hard she let out a calming breath and smiled up at him. ‘Thank you,’ she replied.

  Smiling, Flynn held up a bunch of keys. ‘Here you go, enjoy your evening,’ he said touching Julia’s arm. ‘Happy birthday again.’ He kissed her cheek softly and turned and walked back up the steps leaving Julia weak at the knees as she watched him disappear back inside the manor house.

  ‘What are these keys for?’ she asked, turning back towards the others.

  Eleni took them from her. ‘Come on, we aren’t staying in the hotel.’

  Julia looked at her quizzically. ‘Where are we staying then?’ she asked, looking down at all the overnight bags.

  Eleni grinned, then raised her hand. ‘Follow me.’

  Carrying their bags everyone followed Eleni, who strolled through the illuminated gardens of Starcross Manor. Julia had no idea where they were going as they took the gravel path which led to the woodland then stepped into a clearing. Bringing her hand to her mouth Julia gasped. She stared at the circle of log cabins, all swathed in twinkling fairy lights hanging from their crooked roofs. Outside log cabin number 4 was a cluster of gold, silver, and white balloons dancing in the light breeze with ‘Happy Birthday’ bunting trailing the small picket fence. It was picture-perfect. ‘This is amazing! Absolutely amazing.’ Julia gave a little squeal and squeezed Callie’s arm. ‘It looks like something out of a fairy tale.’

  ‘You haven’t seen anything yet,’ grinned Eleni.

  ‘How did you know all this was here?’ Julia asked Eleni, still taking in her surroundings.

  ‘Jack mentioned it was your birthday to Flynn and he offered all this for the evening. Andrew has made up a late-night buffet and there’s as much champagne as we can drink, and tomorrow we can nurse our hangovers and have a lovely lie-in.’

  ‘I just can’t believe this. This is just how I imagined my birthday to be,’ exclaimed Julia, thankful that her birthday celebrations were back on track. ‘I can’t wait to see inside.’

  ‘After you,’ Eleni swept her arm open wide whilst Julia opened the door to the first cabin.

  Julia stood in the middle room and gave an incredulous stare. ‘Pink,’ she muttered under her breath. Everywhere was dressed in pink, from the soft furnishings to an enormous bouquet of pink peonies dressed in a huge pink ribbon on the coffee table. Julia leant forward and inhaled their scent. She was shaking with excitement as she opened the tiny white envelope attached to the cellophane.

  ‘Happy birthday! Enjoy your night, Lots of love Flynn x.’

  Julia felt her heart give a little flutter. Next to the beautiful flowers were numerous wrapped gifts.

  ‘These are you proper presents,’ Eleni squeezed her arm.

  ‘I can’t believe you’ve done all this for me.’ Feeling on top of the world, Julia looked around the room. The one-storey cabin was cosy, there was a wood-burning stove in the living space, giving it a welcoming feel, and the huge windows at the far end of the room took full advantage of the magnificent views. There was a flat-screen TV, a top-of-the-range kitchen and a wine rack full of champagne.

  ‘Take a look outside,’ urged Eleni.

  At the back of the log cabin there was a wooden terrace area, once again decorated with balloons. Just to the right of the terrace was a private hot tub, and a profusion of red roses sprawling over the high hedgerows on either side of the hot tub, giving privacy but not concealing the stunning view of the countryside.

  ‘I can’t wait to sit in the hot tub with a glass of champagne alongside you lot. You really have excelled yourselves. I’m feeling so loved it’s unbelievable.’

  ‘Us oldies are going to set up camp in the far log cabin for the evening,’ announced Aggie, looking towards Meredith, Rona and Martha.

  ‘There’s nowt old about me,’ argued Martha. ‘I’m more vintage,’ she teased.

  ‘Polly, Allie, Dawn and Molly are next door, leaving me, Flick, Eleni, Callie and birthday girl in this one,’ confirmed Isla looking at the sheet they’d already drawn up. ‘Is everyone okay with that?’

  They all nodded.

  ‘Great, go and put your bags in your rooms and we’ll meet back here… we have champagne to drink!’ continued Isla.

  Everyone dispersed off in different directions leaving Julia doing an impression of a starfish as she sank into the plush sofa. ‘I can’t believe all my friends and you…’ she wagged her finger at Callie, ‘are all here. I was so upset with you.’

  ‘I do feel a tiny bit guilty about that,’ Callie grinned, pinching her thumb and forefinger together.

  Within minutes, everyone gathered back in the kitchen of Julia’s cabin. They wandered outside onto the decking and admired the glorious buffet prepared by Andrew laid out on the trestle tables, and in the middle of all the food stood the most magnificent birthday cake Julia had ever seen. ‘I’m just speechless, everything looks amazing.’

  Rona smiled. ‘Obviously, the cake is made by your favourite bakers at your favourite teashop.’

  ‘And there’s even a miniature Woody on there!’ exclaimed Julia. ‘You lot have certainly redeemed yourselves after that ghost-hunting malarkey.’

  ‘I think we need a toast to the birthday girl,’ Eleni gathered everyone around and lined up the champagne flutes on the table. She handed the bottle of champagne to Callie who immediately popped the cork. Everyone chimed in at the same time, ‘Happy birthday Julia!’ as Callie filled up all the flutes. ‘We need a second bottle,’ she laughed. When all the glasses were full everyone clinked them together. ‘Hip-hip hooray!’ everyone chorused.

  ‘I now declare the buffet open.’ Julia swiped her arm towards the mountain of food.

  Julia looked round all of her friends. This was just perfect; everyone was having a great time. They sat around the wooden tables whilst they ate and drank, all except Callie who was bending down and flicking a switch on the decking next to the hot tub. There was a loud gurgling sound and bubbles began to rise to the surface.

  After the buffet was demolished everyone disappeared back to their cabins to change into their swimwear. Eleni was putting together a birthday playlist in the living room whilst Julia was the first to slip into the hot tub. ‘This is the life,’ she murmured letting the warm bubbles soothe her body. Being surrounded by the rural beauty, tranquillity, and her friends, she felt relaxed and happy. Stretching out her arms around the edge of the tub, Julia looked up at the night sky, the stars taking her breath away.

  ‘Penny for them,’ asked Callie with a smile, twisting her ponytail into a bun and slipping into the warm water next to Julia. She cupped the bubbles with her hands then stared up at the stars. ‘Look at that view.’

  ‘I can’t believe you are
here. I didn’t think you could get away. You had me fooled.’

  Callie was silent for a second and looked over towards the door to see if anyone was coming.

  ‘What is it? I know that look. What’s wrong?’ Julia sat up straight in the water.

  ‘Heartcross is a beautiful place – do you think it has room for one more Coleman?’

  ‘Heartcross is indeed a beautiful place. Another Coleman?’

  ‘Dan and me have gone our separate ways,’ admitted Callie, taking a sip of her drink.

  ‘What? And you didn’t think to tell me? Why? When?’ The questions spilled out – Julia had to admit she was shocked by the news.

  ‘I made the decision the night the B&B was flooded, and moved out the following morning. I didn’t want to burden you. You had other stuff to deal with.’

  ‘That might be so, but you are never a burden… ever. What happened?’

  Callie sighed. ‘As time went on, I needed more from our relationship. Dan just had no ambition, no drive. There was a chance to expand his dad’s business, but he wasn’t interested. All he wanted to do was ride the waves, and I began to feel suffocated, isolated, and bored if I’m truly honest. I’d been doing the same thing day-in and day-out for years.’

  Julia was gobsmacked, this was not what she’d expected. She thought Callie and Dan were the perfect couple. She even thought any day now they would announce their wedding plans – not that they had gone their separate ways.

  ‘But don’t think I’m sad,’ continued Callie. ‘I’m not at all. I’d made the decision a while back, and it was more about the timing.’

  ‘It’s not just a relationship, it’s your job as well. You will have lost everything. What’s the plan now?’ asked Julia, concerned.

  ‘Well actually, I’ve got an interview on Tuesday,’ revealed Callie, with a beam on her face.

  ‘That’s brilliant – an interview, what for?’ quizzed Julia.

  ‘Restaurant Manager, at a place called Starcross Manor – ever heard of it?’

  Julia’s mouth fell open. ‘You’re kidding me?’

  Callie laughed and shook her head.


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