Cowboy's Fake Fiancée: A Single Dad & A Virgin Romance

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Cowboy's Fake Fiancée: A Single Dad & A Virgin Romance Page 9

by Piper Sullivan

  I pushed at his chest, but of course the big oaf refused to move, which only made my anger boil. “Screw you Jack! I’m not letting anyone run me off you big dummy. I need I job so the next time I apply for a loan I can actually get it. On my own.”

  “If that’s all it is then I can help,” he grinned. “And you can stay here. Where you belong.”

  I loved my brother and I appreciated his offer but, damn. “That’s not on my own, is it Jack? And what if your new business requires an additional line of credit? Then what?” Tanner told me all about their new training program so I knew it was a possibility. “Thank you for wanting to help, I love you for it. But it’s no big deal if I have to put my dream off for a little while.”

  “Dammit Sage! I just got home and now you’re leaving. I don’t like it.”

  I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. “You big kid. I promise not to go too far away.” His scowl relaxed a little and so did my shoulders. “Is it too early for a drink?”

  Sierra reappeared looking stunning in gray painted on jeans and a white Double Barrel t-shirt. Dangling earrings and cowboy boots finished the look. “Nah. You can have a few while I get things ready for the day.”

  Thank goodness.

  “I just don’t see why you won’t rent from Mason. No matter what happens between you guys personally, business is business.” Jack’s voice grew louder with every beer and I knew it was time to order some food.

  I motioned Sierra’s new waitress over. “I asked Jack. When he approached me about the engagement thing that’s what I wanted, favorable rates on leasing the land. He said no, so whatever you think, it’s not my fault and I’m not running away.” Apparently, all the men in my life think that I run from my problems. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Aw come on, kiddo. That’s not what I meant. Shit, he really said no?”

  “He did.” Luckily the server came and took our order because I was done talking about Mason and his land. And Mason. We placed our orders and stared at each other for a long time.

  “I missed this. Just being home, hanging out with my kid sister.” His smile was relaxed for the first time since he came back, and I couldn’t help but return it.

  “I’m so glad you’re here and safe. No more war for you, Mister.”

  “No worries about that. I am done with that.”

  There was a weight to his words I hadn’t heard before. “Want to talk about it?”


  “Then let’s drink about it.” I held up the newly delivered pitcher of beer with a wide grin. “Maybe not,” I groaned at the man walking into the Double Barrel looking gorgeous in jeans that hugged his body in all the right places, a plaid shirt that made his eyes glow. “I think I’m going to head out now.”

  “You just said we’d drink about it!”

  “Yeah well, your best bud just showed up, so maybe you want to drink with him. Be safe.”


  “Never said I wasn’t. Later.” I pecked his cheek and darted through the crowd and down the hall that lead to the back entrance. I ran up the narrow staircase and leaned against the door once I was inside. “That was close. Oh!” I jumped nearly a foot in the air at the loud pounding on the door.

  “Not close enough, apparently.”

  “Sorry no one’s home.”

  “Sage, open the damn door.” He smacked it again for good measure, making me jump again.

  I knew he wouldn’t leave because the one thing Tammy was right about was his stubbornness. “Jack’s downstairs.”

  “He’s not the Winchester I came to see.”

  I took a fortifying breath and pulled the door open. “I don’t know why you’re here Mason.”

  “We need to talk.” His tone was serious. Grave.

  “I think we’ve already said what needs to be said.” More than what was necessary actually.

  “Well I don’t. There’s a lot more to be said dammit.”

  I took a couple big steps back and opened the door wider. “Then say what you have to say Mason.” He followed me into the living room, his anger a palpable breathing thing between us.

  “I want you to come back to the ranch.” He said it so plainly, as though that was all it would take to change my mind.

  “That’s not happening. I only moved in to further the engagement ruse which is pretty much over.” Like I’d want to live right next door to him knowing how he felt. Or didn’t feel.

  “Where will you stay?”

  “Here until I figure out my next move.”

  “You can’t leave Sage. Your brother is here. Lily is here and so is Sierra.”

  But not you? “Well you are right about that, but I still need to find a job Mason. That’s my priority.”

  He stepped closer but I refused to budge. “What happened to your business idea?”

  “Not that it is any of your business, but it’s on hold for now. Hence my need for a job.”

  “Tell me why.”

  I laughed but it came out bitter and brittle. “Who do you think you are? No, I’m not going to tell you, and I think you should leave.”

  “No,” he replied, pushing his chest into me.

  Damn he smelled so good. Good enough to make me temporarily forget my anger as lust made an appearance. “Mase, please.”

  The jerk didn’t even try to hide his smirk. “Please, what? Tell me what you want Sage.”

  “I already did.” My voice sounded full of desire even to my own ears.

  “I know,” he said, voice deep and seductive as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Now tell me what you really want.”

  I knew what he was thinking, and my body had the same idea. But that wasn’t what I really wanted. Needed.

  “You can’t give me what I really want Mason.”

  His shoulders fell for just a second before he closed the remaining gap between us, cupping my face and looking so deep into my eyes I felt it in my soul.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. But I can give you this.” His mouth slanted over mine and instantly the world felt right again. I knew it was just a kiss but it was warm and inviting, hot and so full of pure, raw need that it just about undid me. I knew I didn’t stand a chance when a wave of longing rolled over me.

  I did the only thing I could and wrapped my arms around his waist, pushing against his mouth and slid my tongue in time with his, matching his desire stroke for stroke. He felt so good, so right I couldn’t contain the moan that escaped into his mouth, making him growl.

  Mason’s control snapped, his hands strayed down to grip my ass, lifting me and pressing my back into the wall. Between us all I could feel was the heat, the heavy hardness of him between my legs. My body melted into his, head thrown back as his mouth planted feverish kisses down my neck and across my collarbone.

  “Sage,” he groaned like it hurt to say my name.

  If I had any sense I would have pushed him away, demanded he leave and maybe slap the sexy scruff on his jaw for good measure. But I didn’t have a lick of sense where this man was concerned, so I wrapped my legs tighter around him, urging him to give me more of what we both wanted.

  “God, Mase.” The things he did with his mouth was enough to make a woman lose every stitch of sense in her head.

  “Say you don’t want this Sage and I’ll leave, but say it now because I need you too bad.

  I pushed him away, feeling my chest swell at the way his shoulders drooped in disappointment even as my hands stayed on his chest, gripping the sides of his shirt and making full use of those snap buttons he favored so much. “I don’t want this but I want you, Mase.”

  His mouth curled into a seductive grin and he bent lower, kissing me senseless as his hands lifted me by the ass again. Next thing I know we were on the move and I was falling onto the queen bed in Sierra’s sparsely decorated guest room. “Damn you’re so beautiful,” he groaned as he stripped me of every article covering my body, kissing every inch he uncovered.

��My turn.” I reached for him with a smile but he stepped back.

  “Not yet. Right now it’s my turn,” he said and knelt at the foot of the bed, burying his face between my legs and kissing me. My fingers wrapped tightly around his blond curls and my hips moved against his mouth, begging for what my body needed with the words my mouth couldn’t say.

  Damn his mouth was pure bliss wrapped up in erotic fantasies I hadn’t yet had. “Mason!” The fact that his name was on my lips as pleasure swamped me both thrilled and disappointed me because I knew I would never get over him.

  “You taste delicious. Like honey with a hint of spice. Just like you.”

  Words like that are exactly why I’ll never stop loving him. “Let’s see how you taste cowboy.”

  He stood and stripped his clothes off at lightning speed. “Not this time sweetheart. I need to be inside you desperately. Later you can have me however you want me.”

  How about forever? Instead of saying that I crooked a finger in his direction and welcomed him into my body. Mason loved me long and hard, and then slow and sweet. It was so much more than I ever thought I could feel, and by the time he wrenched a third orgasm from me, I knew he’d have my heart forever.

  And when he snuck out in the early morning hours, he took it with him.


  Tonight should have been one of the best nights of my life, the culmination of my years of hard work to make the M&M the best ranch it could be. And I was alone. Though I shouldn’t be all that surprised since I’d done everything in my power to make it that way.

  I hadn’t seen or heard from Sage in a week, since I slipped out of her bed in the middle of the night like the damn coward I was. But holding her in my arms and listening to her deep, even breathing as her scent, our scent invaded my nostrils, I knew. I recognized what my heart had known for weeks if not months. I loved her. That realization had flooded me with terror and the feel of her soft curves was no longer comforting. So I fled.

  A few days later I came to my senses and called, but Sage never answered and never returned my calls or texts. Even when I stopped at the Double Barrel, Sierra claimed to not have seen her even though we both knew it was a lie. I tried every day to get in touch with her, to apologize and explain, only she wouldn’t give me the time of day. My last message yesterday simply gave her the information for the induction ceremony and ball, and an offer of a ride. She hadn’t responded at all.

  So on the biggest night of my life I was all alone and feeling like hell. Oh, and dressed up in a damn tux. I felt like a fool.

  “Mason, there you are my boy! How are you and where is that pretty little fiancée of yours?” Walt was all smiles as he took my hand and clapped me on the back with the other.

  No point in lying anymore. “We had an argument Walt and she’s been staying at a friend’s house. Honestly I’m not even sure she’ll show up.” I waited for suspicion or worse, condemnation. What I hadn’t expected was his raucous laughter.

  He shook his head. “It happens more than you’d think, but she knows how important tonight is to you so she’ll be here. She might not be happy with you, but since she loves you she’ll show up. Trust me.”

  I doubted that, but I didn’t say a word. If she loved me, wouldn’t she return my calls? Hear me out? That’s what I hoped, but I couldn’t dwell on it so I pasted on my best smile and mingled with the other guests. Handing out cards and talking horses with likeminded businessmen. My heart wasn’t in it, but for all the world I looked like a successful rancher who’d just climbed another rung.

  The lights flickered overhead indicating the guests should make their way to the assigned tables so the ceremony could begin. Disappointment swamped me, hung on my shoulders like the proverbial albatross. Sage wouldn’t show up because I hurt her too bad.

  Ma was right. You only realize what you had when you start missin’ it.

  I hated that she was right, but now with the lights dimming I could pretend to focus on Walt and the myriad speeches lined up while dinner was served before the induction ceremony. When this was all over though, I would be coming for her. Be ready Sage.

  “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, dear?” Nancy gasped over my shoulder but I didn’t need to turn to know who it was because I felt the hair stand on the back of my neck. The atmosphere changed, became charged.

  I caught my breath at the sight Sage made in a blue dress the exact color of her eyes. It hugged her curves, highlighting beautiful breasts and a slender waist with delicious hips that flared out enticingly. And good lord that split showed off one sliver of long lean leg.


  “Hey,” she said with a shy smile. “Sorry I’m late, traffic was a beast.” She bent and pressed a kiss to my cheek and I closed my eyes, inhaling the scent of expensive flowery perfume and…grass?

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I whispered in her ear, feeling masculine delight when she shivered.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  I leaned into the delicate but capable hand cupping my jaw and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I’m glad to hear you say that. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “I know, but not now.” She squeezed my hand and held it cradled between hers in her lap. Nothing had ever felt better. “After the ceremony.”

  Heat flooded my body at the implication. “After the ceremony I’m going to hold you in my arms and tell you everything Sage. That’s a promise.”

  She smiled. “I’ll hold you to it.”

  The rest of the induction ceremony, which was more elaborate than I thought it would be, passed in a blur. Certificates were handed out and placards received. By the time the speeches were over and dessert was served, my hands itched to hold Sage again. “Hey sorry about that.”

  “No worries. I had Nancy to keep me company.” She grinned and offered me a bite of cheesecake, which I happily accepted.

  “Good, but I’ve had something much better.” My gaze went to her mouth as her tongue slicked over her bottom lip.

  “Mason,” she warned.

  “I’m sorry. Let’s take this to the dance floor.” She took my hand and followed me to the small area set up near the front for dancing. I hadn’t danced in years unless you counted the barn dances we occasionally held for big events. But now with Sage in my arms, I felt like I belonged right here. In this moment.

  Her arms went around my neck and she pressed her chest against mine. “I’m sorry I didn’t return your calls.”

  “I deserved it Sage. I shouldn’t have left the way I did.” I blew out a breath and spun her around as her eyes lit up. “Holding you in my arms, listening to you sleep made me realize a few things.”

  She looked up at me with a knowing grin. “And those things scared the crap out of you?”

  I barked out a laugh at her accurate assessment. “Yeah it did. Lying there after the most incredible night of my life, aside from the night Lily was born, my mind wouldn’t quiet down. I realized that you were the reason I felt so miserable. So wrecked.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Not like that. Missing you was the reason. And then it hit me, I’m in love with her. And that’s what sent me running. I shouldn’t have run Sage.”

  She stopped dancing and stared with wide-eyed curiosity. “Her as in me? You’re in love with me?”

  I nodded, biting back the amused smile playing around my lips. “Yes, that’s what I’m trying to tell you Sage. I love you. I probably have since you strolled into my barn in those painted on jeans and that sassy smile.”


  “Hell yes. Sage you’ve had me twisted up since you came back, all grown up and nothing but trouble.” She laughed and it was the sweetest sound I’d heard in a week.

  “Oh Mason, you love me? For real?”

  This time instead of answering, I bent low and kissed her like I meant it. I held her face and kissed her so there would never be any doubt how I felt about her. “I love you for
real, Sage. Forever too. If you’ll have me.”

  She laughed again and caressed one side of my face. “I’ve only wanted you since I was about six years old, you think I’m gonna give you up now?”

  “Hell no you’re not. I won’t let you.”

  “Then we’re in agreement.” She flashed a wide grin that hit me right in the gut, but the soft kiss on the corner of my mouth knocked me out cold. “I love you so much Mason. I’m glad you finally saw what I’ve always known.”

  “Just one more thing.”


  “This,” I told her and pulled out the ring I’d bought. “Will you marry me Sage, for real this time?”

  She looked at the yellow emerald cut diamond surrounded by smaller white diamonds in the shape of a flower. “But…how?”

  Now it was my turn to surprise her. “The last time we were in Houston I bought it. For you.”

  Sage flung her arms around me and when her lips touched mine, I knew I’d never have another doubt in my mind about she felt about me. She loved me. Still. “I can’t wait to marry you Mason Manning. Let’s do it on the ranch. Soon.”

  “There hasn’t been a M&M barn dance in more than a year.”

  She leaned in close and whispered. “Only this time I won’t be watching you get to third base with some stacked chick in the hayloft.”

  I pulled back surprised by her admission. “You saw that?”

  She nodded. “And I want my own time in the hayloft Mason.”

  “Anything you want sweetheart, you only have to ask. That includes the land for your therapy center.”

  “With a discounted rate for M&M horses?”

  “I’m willing to pay in trade,” I told her with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

  “My services are expensive. Very, very expensive.”

  “Then how about we get out of here so I can start on a down payment?”

  She weaved our fingers together and pulled me off the dance floor and out of the ballroom with a quick “See ya,” to Walt and Nancy. Inside the elevator she gripped my lapels. “Say it again Mason.”

  One hand on her fine ass and the other cupping the back of her head, I dipped Sage low and grinned. “I love you Sage.”


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