Cowboy's Fake Fiancée: A Single Dad & A Virgin Romance

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Cowboy's Fake Fiancée: A Single Dad & A Virgin Romance Page 10

by Piper Sullivan



  3 months later

  “I can’t believe today is finally here.” I stood in the room that for months had been my bedroom, staring at my reflection in the full-length mirror. The white dress I chose was simple, short and flirty. “I’m getting married!”

  Sierra grinned at me but her eyes held a misty quality I chose not to comment on. “You look beautiful Sage.”

  “I feel beautiful,” I told her honestly. Since we were having a backyard wedding I chose a high-low dress that showed off my legs in the front but remained traditional in the back. Sable cowboy boots with a matching belt cinched at the waist capped off my look.

  “You’re missing something,” she told me and handed me a small white box with a silver ribbon. “This is your something blue and something new.”

  I felt incredibly emotional today as I prepared to marry the man of my dreams, as well as becoming a mother to a little girl I loved as though she was my own. Opening the box, I couldn’t help but laugh at the turquoise and white garter belt with a strip of leather woven through it to match the rest of my wedding attire. “Sierra, I love it you crazy woman!” I wrapped her in a hug and held her for a long time. “Thank you.”

  “I figured if you were going to show off those long legs of yours, might as well draw even more attention to them.”

  It only took us eight weeks to plan this wedding and most of that was thanks to Tammy and Sierra and of course, Lily. Mason wanted to get married the week we came back from Houston but I told him that I’d been waiting a lifetime to marry him and I wouldn’t do it in some quickie ceremony.

  “Oh I have something for you too.”

  She took the box I handed her and opened it. “If you make me cry before your wedding photos, I’ll kill you.” Then she swiped away one tear as she opened the locket with two photos of us, at age ten and another one from the Double Barrel a few weeks ago. “It’s beautiful, Sage. Thanks.” She stood, fanned her eyes and turned to me. “Now let’s go get you married!”

  We made our way downstairs where Tanner waited for me. I know it probably seems weird that my soon to be brother-in-law was walking me down the aisle, but when Mason took Jack as his best man I figured this was the next best solution. Besides I knew he would love the extra attention of walking me down the aisle.

  “Damn Sage you look beautiful. Sure you don’t want to run away with the sexier Manning brother?”

  I laughed and smacked his rock-hard stomach. “Oh please, you’d get bored of me in a week. And Mason would hunt you down.”

  He shuddered at that thought. “Okay then, let’s get you up the aisle. Can’t have anything messing with this pretty face.” He batted his eyelashes, sending me into another fit of laughter.

  The music started up and Lily began her walk up the aisle, leaving a trail of wildflower petals in her wake. She kissed Mason before taking her seat beside Tammy. Then it was Jack and Sierra’s turn and I couldn’t help but watch them and think what an odd but striking couple they made. The height difference was significant but they somehow made it work. “I think the next year will be very interesting,” I told Tanner who just laughed.

  Then the wedding march began, and I straightened. Tanner turned to me and grinned. “I’m so happy my brother finally came to his senses. You’re a great girl Sage and I’m glad you’re my sister now.” He kissed my cheek and I blinked to push down those tears. This was a happy day and I refused to be one of those blubbering brides.

  “Thank you Tanner.”

  He winked at me and placed my hand around his arm.

  We walked up the aisle and my eyes were focused on Mason, looking so incredible in his tux. His blonde hair had been freshly cut as evidenced by the pale skin at his neck, but it gleamed in the sun and the slight curl gave him a boyish handsomeness that made me want to run to him. Soon I stood before him with a goofy grin on my face.

  “Lookin’ good cowboy.” He’d even left the scruff for me, which I couldn’t resist touching for a moment.

  “But darlin’ you are the sexiest bride the good lord ever put on this earth.” Brown eyes heated me all the way down to my bones and I wondered if it would be rude to ask the pastor to speed things up.

  Instead I went up on my toes to kiss him when I heard a throat clearing and turned to the pastor. “Oh, sorry.”

  “That part comes later child,” Tammy called from the front row and everyone laughed.

  “But he just looks so handsome ya’ll.” A blush stole up his face at the catcalls from the back though I’m pretty sure most of them came from the ranch hands.

  The ceremony went fast because Mason and I decided we didn’t need all the pomp and scripture of a long ceremony. We promised to be good to one another, to love and cherish each other as well as our family and then we kissed. We really kissed. The kind of kiss that made me glad we’d opted for an outdoor wedding instead inside a church wedding.

  “How do you feel Mrs. Manning?”

  Mason held me close as my heart raced, my legs trembled at the knowledge that we were now married and would spend the rest of our lives together. “I feel like dancing, sweet husband of mine.”

  “I like the sound of that.” His deep voice was low so only I could hear it as his lips brushed my ear.

  “Me too.” I couldn’t stop smiling because that’s just how happy I felt. We’d been through a lot this past spring and summer, so much that I never could have guessed we’d be married by fall. “I love you, husband”

  “And I love you wife.”

  I felt a tug on my dress and looked down at my precious step daughter. “Mommy Sage?”

  “Yes Lily bug?”

  “Are you gonna make me a brother and a sister? I have a lot to teach them before I’m too old,” she said seriously.

  Shocked, I had no idea how to answer that. Of course Mason and I already talked about having more children, but talk about putting me on the spot!

  “Well then you should probably start writing it all down so you don’t forget a thing.”

  Her eyes went wide and she darted after Tammy in search of a pen and paper.

  Mason chuckled beside me. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell her.”

  “We have another five weeks until it’s safe to tell people and Lily is worse than Tammy at keeping secrets.” That’s right, we’re already working on expanding our family and our businesses.

  Life on the M&M Ranch is just about perfect.

  The End.

  * * *

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  Excerpt of Her Fake Fiancé Billionaire Boss

  Chapter 1

  * * *

  Everything would be fine. At worst, she would end up laughing and assume he was pulling her leg or at best she would take the offer without another question.

  Justin Dunne's workday was coming to an end. Any minute now his assistant Jennifer would be coming to let him know she’s heading home for the day. And when she did, he would conjure up the nerve to ask her what he had wanted to ask her all day. The worst part is that he didn’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many times he had to rephrase his question. He suddenly felt small in his large office, dreading what he was about to do. But what was the worst that could happen? If she said no, she would just leave and show up to work the next day like nothing happened. Maybe. She could also assume the worst and think this was his way of sexually harassing her.

  But if she said yes, his plan would work perfectly.

  Would this count as sexual harassment? He contemplated this as he sat at his desk drumming his fingers impatiently on its surface. Irritated he stood up and walked around his desk to sit on the edge, but no pose could erase the sense of doom that lingered on the border of his mind. He took a deep steadying breath and said, “E
verything would be fine, just breath, ask her what you want and let the chips fall where they may.”

  There was a slight knock on his door, and he quickly moved around to sit behind his desk again, trying his best to look at ease.

  “Come in!” he called and cleared his throat. His tongue felt thick in his mouth.

  * * *

  With her purse in hand and her coat dangling over her arm, she walked into his office and smiled, and Justin stood up. It was not an out of the ordinary gesture, since he was taught etiquette by his mother from the day he was able to stand. You always stood up in the presence of a lady. But right now, he felt awkward to say the least.

  "Mr. Dunne, I’m heading home now, is there anything else you need me to handle before I go?”

  * * *

  He nodded and reached for a pile of files, then motioned for her to sit, “Actually there is…” he started, but his courage hung on a thread over a gaping chasm waiting to swallow it whole.

  * * *

  “Of course,” she said, her smile fading ever so slightly.

  He couldn’t blame her, of all the staff; she’s always the one who stayed behind to tie up his loose ends. Over time he had grown so used to it that he had taken her for granted. Sooner or later she was going to get fed up or find the love of her life who will insist she worked her nine to five day and focus on a relationship, or worse a family.

  "How have you been?” he asked wanting to kick himself, he never asks her how she is, why start now?

  Jennifer looked at him quizzically as she tilted her head, “Is there something wrong?”

  Instead of sitting down, he rounded his desk and walked past her and headed for his personal mini-bar. Which, low and behold, thanks to Jennifer, was always stocked with drinks. If he wanted to he could live in his office and not have any reason to leave. He had a closet full of clean work clothes, a bathroom, a bar and a single phone call could have any meal of his choice brought to his office.

  "Drink?" he asked, as he poured himself a glass of bourbon.

  The bar was near a floor to ceiling window that gave him a magnificent view of the city when he looked out of it; just one of the perks of having a penthouse office. The view was breathtaking but the vertigo-inducing height didn’t help his trepidation right then.

  * * *

  Justin regarded her where she sat with her legs crossed causing her skirt to ride up slightly, it wasn’t not enough to be inappropriate, but enough to catch his eye and distract him without any intention. He was professional but he was not blind. Jennifer's hair was a rich chestnut tone, with lighter brown highlights throughout. She was of average height and even in heals, she was still quite a bit shorter than him. Being on the swimming team in high school and college had given her an athletic build, which emphasized a generous chest that her conservative work blouses did not hide.

  Jennifer sat at the desk watching her boss's back as he poured himself a drink.

  "No, I'm fine thank you, but what is this about sir?" she asked again. She was sure that she had done everything he expected to the book, and if she had missed anything at all, surely he would follow the proper procedure and let HR handle any enquiries. In fact, he had never appeared so casual and so completely strange all at once. Mr Dunne was always in control, the epitome of sheer class and caliber. Something serious must be on his mind. And she had a sinking feeling it somehow involved her. And that she might possibly find it unpleasant.

  With his back turned against her, she took a moment to admire him; it was what every woman in the entire building did when he wasn’t watching. His jacket, vest and tie had been discarded on the leather sofa against the wall, and he had rolled his sleeves up. He had thick, sinewy forearms, which were certainly not built from hours of pencil pushing and corporate meetings. He worked out, once again, no secret. Come to think of it, she knew almost every detail of his life, from his favorite coffee to his preferred restaurant. She knew he had his own private gym and he had his own personal trainer. On that level, he was an open book.

  She worried her lip as he turned around, and feigned absolute patience as she waited for him to tell her what this was all about.

  "You know about the deal with Pryor?" he said walking slowly past her as he rounded the desk.

  "He's the one you want to buy the property from in Midtown," she responded and re-crossed her legs.

  "That's right. He's shown additional interest in becoming an investor with us."

  "That's fantastic!”

  She was excited for him, but not quite sure where the whole cloak and dagger routine was headed. If he wanted a scheduled meeting with Pryor or whatever else, he could easily have asked her to do it in the morning. It wasn't that she didn't take her work seriously but she had a life, and that was in her one bedroom apartment, with her cat Ratchet having a love affair with her favorite TV series. Her workday was over and she couldn't wait to go home and kick her shoes off.

  "It is. I'm having him over to my house for dinner to discuss the deal.” He paused, swirling the rich amber liquid around his glass.

  She shifted in the chair and set her purse down, "Do you want me to schedule it? Get in contact with him? Send a car over?"

  "No, none of that, I actually have a favor to ask you. You see Jennifer... there’s no easy way to say this…”

  "What is it?" she asked, mulling over his very strange behavior.

  "Well, I invited Mr Pryor for dinner on Friday, to talk about the deal and to introduce him to my fiancée."

  * * *

  He was engaged?! That morsel of information was a surprise. And somewhat deflating, though Jennifer cared not to examine that feeling right now. He never mentioned his fiancée in all her time working as his PA and now out of the blue, he was going to host a dinner and introduce her to a business partner. She clearly underestimated him; he wasn’t just a drab of a boss married to his work. He had a heart. She couldn’t wait to tell the others and watch their hopes and dreams shatter into a billion pieces.

  She looked at him curiously and tilted her head, "I’m sorry Mr Dunn, but how does this involve me, do you need me to send a car for her?"

  “That’s just the problem,” he said and tossed his drink back.

  “I’m confused, you’re hosting a dinner and your fiancée will be attending, how is that a problem? And what is it that you need me to do exactly?”

  "There is no fiancée," he said and dropped down on his chair, extending his hands behind his head, “There never was.”

  Confused hardly covered it. He had no fiancée. This baffled the shit out of her, if he had no fiancée why then make arrangements like that?

  "Then who is hosting the dinner with you? You want me to call Pyor and cancel it, or postpone at least?" she asked curiously.

  "I’m hoping that it would not come to that, which is where you come in. What I want Jennifer, is for you to host the dinner with me."

  Jennifer sat for a moment, searching his face for any mirth. There was none. If anything, the deadpan expression masking his face showed just how serious he was. His stormy blue eyes were filled with an electric charge capable of lighting up New York City. Jennifer panicked, suddenly realizing he was serious. His usually impeccably styled black hair was tousled like he'd been stuck in the ventilation system.

  "Excuse me?" she asked tentatively as she clutched her purse in her hands, certain that she had cracked her cellphone screen. But wanting to clarify what he was implying before she jumped to the obviously ridiculous conclusion her brain was insisting on.

  He leaned forward, and steepled his fingers together, "I want to introduce you as my fiancée.”

  If it wasn’t for the serious expression on his face, she would have burst out laughing. It was an absolute outrageous idea, one that was clearly not well thought through.

  "With all due respect sir..." she started.

  "I know it’s a tall order, but..."

  Jennifer huffed, “No, a tall order is expecting a republican to marr
y a democrat, or sending an inexperienced journalist to a war-torn country. What you’re asking is completely absurd and inappropriate,” she ranted.

  She was beyond counting her words and running them through a filter in her mind. What he was asking her was to lie and cheat.

  "I know it's a lot to ask…" he started and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "It's not a lot, it's completely wild. It's crazy. You are asking me to lie, and no matter what the reason, it’s unjust and dishonorable,” she said angrily.

  "I’m willing to pay you to pretend to be my fiancée for one night," he said without pausing for a breath.

  He was simply relentless.

  "That doesn't make it better. ‘Hey Jennifer, I need you to pretend to be my fiancée so this rich man can like me', was the absolute last thing I expected to be asked today!" she exclaimed.

  Justin held back a laugh because she had deepened her voice mockingly to go with her imitation of him. Those hazel eyes sparked with fire and she was clearly upset.

  "What kind of woman do you think I am?" she asked, a pink- tinted blush washing over her cheeks.

  "You’re clearly misunderstanding the whole objective,” he said calmly.

  "There are women out there, who are professionals at this kind of thing, women who you can pay to accompany…"

  He cut in, "I'm not hiring a prostitute Jennifer. You think I didn't consider all of my options before coming to you? My intentions were not to embarrass you but I’m asking you a favor as your employer. I need your help. Please."

  He was officially begging, something he never thought he would be reduce to.

  "Don't you have an ex or a friend or someone else who could help you out?"

  "None that wouldn't use something like this against me. They will all have their own agendas and I need this to be completely discreet. We already work together and we are comfortable around each other, you know almost everything about me, and I wouldn't ask you if I thought you couldn't handle it."


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