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My Summer in London

Page 12

by Pamela Ann

  Two of traits were persistence and determination, and she would definitely see just how much I was willing to compromise and accommodate any ill feelings she had about us. Tonight, though, I knew better than to push my luck on the subject. She was mine … She just didn’t know it yet. Or maybe she did and was simply too determined to deny it like I had in the beginning. I couldn’t fault her for that.

  “I truly respect your feelings about all of this, but I just want to get one thing clear. I’m not going to give up on you. You can count on it.”

  Her eyes glittered. “Oh, it’s like that, huh?” she teased, beautifully beaming at me before she surprised me by bestowing a subtle kiss on me, laden with purity and honesty.

  I growled, pulling her body against mine and deepening the kiss, and her legs opened then hooked around my hip, eagerly guiding my cock into her tight cunt.

  The warmth of her skin and her intoxicating scent was driving me mental. One whiff of her and I swear to God my cock would be aroused without qualms. And speaking of which, the damn, wicked thing twitched inside of her, growing and expanding as Serena began to shift her hips wickedly, driving me out of my senses.

  “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me,” I stated as I watched her get lost to the pleasure I could offer. I was beyond enchanted, enthralled, and unquestionably smitten.

  Watching in awe, I couldn’t help fearing what tomorrow entailed. Indeed, this could be tricky, but I was willing to take the chance.

  My mother and the rest of my friends and family had yet to be informed about my broken engagement. There would be a lot of questions regarding my hasty change of heart, most particularly from my mother who would be devastated since it was something she had been looking forward to celebrating. She had deemed it as hope for continuing the impeccable history and lineage of the Elliot name. Though it broke my heart to even imagine what her reaction would be like, I had to follow what my instincts were telling me.

  I knew I wanted to make my mother happy after Father passed away, but the hopeless romantic side of me took precedence, enlightening me with the fact that I, too, hoped to have the kind of bond my mother and father had.

  Serena proved to me just how much I had been lying to myself. I was about done deluding myself that this was what paradise might feel like. If one night in her arms already felt this beautiful, then I was in for another awakening.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Slowly coming out of my deep sleep, I had never felt more relaxed in my life. This sentiment lasted for a few seconds … until I decided to roll over to my other side.

  “Shit!” I loudly hissed into my pillow as the strong, throbbing ache between my legs vibrated all over my body.

  Then my mind immediately came out of the sleepy fog as the memories of last night flashed in my mind. Cruz kissing me … inside of me … our sweaty bodies tangled … the feeling of his thick dick fucking me…

  “Oh. My. God!” I blushed as I tried to shake the giddiness that bubbled out of me.

  Last night was … the best thing I had ever experienced. Well, I didn’t doubt for a second that Cruz was going to be great in bed, but last night … He took me to a different place. There was sex, and then there was that.

  Promises of self-control did nothing to stop the crazy passion he and I ignited together. There was no question that I wanted him, yet there were a lot of things to consider before jumping into a full-blown relationship with him.

  First off, he was fresh off his engagement, so I should wait until the dust settled on that front. Then there was Archer and my ex-Aaron, who had begged to speak to me. I wasn’t sure where he had gotten the number for here, but as surprising as it was for him to call me, I was more curious for his reasons behind it.

  Sighing, I reached towards the dip on the other pillow, the imprint of last night where Cruz barely slept a few hours before reluctantly leaving my bed to go to his old bedroom located in the opposite wing, on the other side of the house.

  I didn’t want to move. My mind was too busy wondering if Cruz was awake and already downstairs or if he had already left to go to his own house.

  He was so different from all the other guys I had dated. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was a little older than me or that he was a totally different caliber. He intimidated me because I wasn’t sure what to expect from him. I knew what he had said last night about not easily giving up on me and what not, but that was last night. What he thought and felt in the morning would be critical. Men were known to change their minds after they got what they were after. And how easily I had let him take it, bending and opening my legs without a second thought.

  As much as I told myself it wouldn’t bother me if it went either way, deep down I was terrified to find out if Cruz had already lost interest in me.

  Bracing the sharp sting that came with too much sex from last night, I began to walk towards the bathroom for a much needed hot shower.

  After twenty minutes, I had barely made the effort to dry my damp hair before haphazardly knotting it in a loose bun. Donning a cotton, floor-length dress, some light lip gloss, and tinted moisturizer, I made my way downstairs. Most women I knew would probably put more effort into their appearance after last night’s festivities, but with the odd sensation between my legs and with my ever limping confidence, I sort of needed to be comfortable.

  Anne quietly greeted me with a smile when she saw me stroll down the hallway that led towards the informal sunroom where Sunday lunches were held. Since it was already about one in the afternoon, I was hoping Margaret had retired already and Cruz would still be in there, comfortably sipping his espresso as he went through the news.

  Shaky though my legs were, I couldn’t help feeling anxious as I got closer to my destination. With deep breaths and determination, I stepped into the bright, cozy room.

  The white linen sofas were the first thing that caught my eye before I directed my gaze towards the opposite end where the rustic dining table was located. And sure enough, Cruz sat there, just as I had pictured him, with steaming coffee cup on a saucer and the Sunday newspaper claiming his attention.

  He seemed so engrossed in his reading that he barely noticed he wasn’t alone in the room. This gave me a chance to take in his chiseled profile and the air of command he carried about him even when he wasn’t in his power suits. How could someone like Cruz Elliot hold interest in me after he got what he had been after?

  The pang in my heart made me take a step towards the table before clearing my throat to get his attention.

  “Hello,” I murmured with a wan smile, seeming unsure.

  His mercurial gaze zeroed in on me, clashing with mine. It took about a second or two before he broke contact, snapping back into his usual demeanor by getting up from his seat and striding towards me.

  “You look lovely as always, Serena,” he greeted me with a smile before leaning over to kiss me on the lips.

  His gesture took me by surprise. I simply stood there, tense as a piece of wood. My reaction didn’t seem to bother him, though, because his smile was still in place as he pulled out a chair for me to sit.

  I demurely thanked him, blushing like a notorious freak as I watched him pour me coffee. Then he basically took it upon himself to choose whatever food to place on my plate from the buffet the in-house chef had prepared for us.

  “Thank you … That’s very sweet of you to do that.” It couldn’t be helped; I swooned like any other woman would. His sweet, unexpected gesture touched me deeply.

  He carefully placed the plate before me that had a great selection of fresh, roasted vegetables, steak medallions, and grilled seafood. I wasn’t particularly hungry, but since he had put in all that effort, I felt obligated to eat, so I slowly worked on the scrumptious yet heavy meal.

  “Did you sleep well?” he inquired softly, still hovering next to me.

  “Yes … I guess I did.”

  He was making the effort of small talk, and I appreciated it greatly, too nervous to fully fun
ction with him so close to me.

  “I barely slept a wink after I left you last night …” he began in a low voice, leaning towards me. “You made it impossible for me to sleep after that, knowing you were so close. I had never fought against such powerful urges as those I had to seek you out once more last night. I had to be a true gentleman and let you rest, but I doubt I’d be that accommodating the next time.”

  My mouth ran dry at the thought of him coming to me while I slept with naked abandon. What would he have done then?

  My mind lingered on the limitless possibilities. The picture he painted in my mind was so vivid I had to shut my thighs together, my pussy turned on. Fuck me. Why did he have to be so damn sexy?

  Holding my breath, I fought the urge to turn my head to the side, kiss him like mad, and ask him to show me what he had in mind. I was turning into a sex addict. Who would have thought? It was insane to be this constantly turned on by a man.

  “Please, it’s too early for me to be this … stimulated.” I barely glanced at him. “Give me a chance to breathe and get some caffeine in my system.”

  Cruz gave a husky laugh before he gently placed his hand on my chin so our eyes connected. For a moment, we simply took in each other before he left an endearing kiss on my forehead then the tip of my nose and lastly my lips. Then he took his seat across the table.

  If I could project how much I was glowing right at that instant, I would probably have enough power to wield electricity to a small city. I felt as though I were floating, and all Cruz had done was kiss me. It was such a simple thing, yet it resulted in so much reaction from me. My pheromones were going haywire. One could only pray that this lurid response would somehow die down soon, because a girl could only take so much mental, visual, and physical stimulation at once.

  I felt his expressive, beautiful eyes on me intently as I slowly worked on my meal. I was giddy, so it was hard to hide that fact, and I was smiling like an idiot until my cheek muscles started to protest. It seemed that a lot of my body parts had their own protests going on where Cruz was concerned.

  His phone beeped, making him pull it out of his pocket before reading through it with a frown.

  Silently watching him as I sipped my coffee, I wondered what the message entailed. I was so engrossed with looking at him that I was caught by surprise when he lifted his eyes and his gaze clashed with mine, giving me the full impact of his formidable stare.

  “Do you want to talk about last night?” His question threw me off balance as I tried to read his mind and failed miserably.

  About last night … I wasn’t ready to break it down and what it all meant. It was too much, too soon.

  I slowly shook my head. “No, not right now.” Someday maybe, but not the day after …

  “Some other time, perhaps.” He made a solemn nod, as if understanding where I came from before he cleared his throat. “I should get going and let you be. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

  Wait, what?

  “Oh, you’re going? Like, right now?” I asked, jolted by the fact that he was ready to leave so soon after I had arrived. “You’re heading home or … somewhere else?” I had to know. Maybe he had prior plans …

  He seemed thoughtful for a moment before shrugging. “I’m not so sure yet.”

  “Oh … okay.” My insecurities came back with a vengeance, and all of my thoughts were directed towards his ex Ivy. Fuck.

  “Go on. Tell me,” he urged.

  Cruz’s word made me snap back to reality.

  Blinking, I glowered at him. “Tell you what?” I wasn’t playing coy; I didn’t know what he meant.

  “What’s making you frown at me like that?” He didn’t hesitate to call me out.

  Um, fuck, like I would seriously tell him the whole theory behind my worrisome expression.

  “I just didn’t expect you to leave so soon.” Half-truths were better than lying in my book.

  Cruz considered me for a moment, as if he didn’t believe what I had just fed him.

  “Afraid to miss me, Serena?” he asked.

  I had to admire his punch lines. That shit got me every single time.

  Thrown off by his question while I simmered in my own redness, I still tried to portray what little confidence I could muster up. “No. I …” I began to say, sounding unsure of myself.

  His eyes sparkled, basking in my evident discomfort. “Do you know how arduous it is for me not to kiss you right now?”

  “No, not here, not when someone could see us,” I immediately protested.

  He had already risked too much earlier by kissing me. I didn’t want to give the household staff any reason to see this as anything other than playful banter between friends. God knew what they would think of me, most especially since Cruz hadn’t broken the news of his newly single status. The moment the word got out, I didn’t doubt there would be a lot of women wanting to catch his attention. Would he still want me then?

  “Come with me. I want to spend my day with you,” he said.

  “Doing what exactly?” The very idea made me nervously choke on my own saliva. If I spent the rest of the day with him, I would never come down from my high. I could kiss my sanity good-bye.

  He shrugged, loving the idea he had suggested. “Whatever your heart wishes. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t hesitate to bury myself inside of you again … and again … and again.” The sultriness in his voice was noted unmistakably.

  The images of him doing just that made my pussy clench from yearning for the same thing, but as much as I would love to have sex with him again, I was still sore from last night. Moreover, as much as I hated to admit it, I knew he and I needed some space from each other to breathe, to think, to fully understand what in the world was going on. After all, if I just threw caution to the wind and spent the day in bed with him, I would be in for the grandest of heartbreaks. I already knew that.

  The impact Cruz already had on me was tremendously powerful compared to how it all had begun when I first dated Aaron. What I’d had with him didn’t even come close. Cruz possessed me like no other man ever had, and that was terrifying to think. If I gave him more of me, I would lose myself, and once this thing we had was over, I would have nothing left.

  Making a skittish face, I braced myself to answer. “It’s tempting to say yes … but I’m afraid I have to skip on that. I guess I’ll be seeing you at work tomorrow.”

  His face darkened, as if he hadn’t expected to hear my disinterest. “Are you quite sure?”

  “It’s just too soon … I don’t want to rush into anything,” I reasoned, trying to convince him just as I tried to convince myself that I had made the right decision.

  Cruz seemed to see through the bullshit I was feeding him because he looked far from convinced. “You’re weighing your other options then, I see.”

  No, I wasn’t necessarily weighing my other options, more like being cautious of my heart. As a man, I doubted he could see that. To him, this was more likely about ego than anything.

  It was surprising that this was what he thought of me, yet he was willing to keep pursuing me. Why on earth would he do that? Was this all just a stupid game, a challenge to win against his brother? Anyone with eyes could easily see how those two competed, so that was highly plausible.

  My thoughts were making me sick to my stomach. If I were any wiser, I would guard my heart against Cruz. For some odd reason, I had an awful feeling in my gut that he would eventually crush it.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cruz.”

  Something dark flashed in his eyes, drawing me into his silvery gaze. Though I could see frustration and puzzlement all over his expression, I didn’t let it persuade me to undo my decision.

  After Aaron had played me for a fool, I would be stupid to let that happen to me twice. Cruz would eventually discard me once he’d had his fun. Then he would eventually go back to dating the women who were more suited for him.

  I had to guard my heart, and I was doing just that. He could
n’t fault me for that.

  “Very well. As you wish.” Briskly getting up from his seat, he gave me a stiff, courteous nod before bidding me good-bye.

  Our eyes battled for a few minutes until he broke contact, readying to leave.

  I didn’t know why I was in pain watching him walk away when it was what I wanted in the first place. The matters of the heart always battled against the mind. Maybe that was why nothing made sense anymore.

  I hated being in limbo, but I didn’t have much choice. I would just have to learn how to live with it.

  Finishing half of my lunch, I left the sunroom half an hour later, still reeling. I sought the safe confines of my bedroom, hoping to spend the rest of my day relaxing so I would have enough energy to push through the next five days working alongside Cruz.

  Instead of calling Aaron back, I thought it was a better idea to email him. That way, I could thoroughly think through what I would say to him without getting my emotions involved like they had when we first broke up. I had written him lengthy text messages, left foul voicemails, and always yelled into his face whenever I saw him in school or at a party.

  Recalling my hurtful past made me realize how important it was to build up my walls against Cruz so the past wouldn’t repeat itself. If he was only after sex, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. After all, he was amazing in bed, so as long as we kept our relationship physical, then it wouldn’t be a problem, now would it?

  I wasn’t sure where my mind was leading me to, but I couldn’t deny that I was actually looking at this whole thing in a larger scale. Maybe it was time to get the details into perspective and spin it into my favor, one where I had the power to halt and disengage whenever I wanted.

  Chapter Twenty

  When Monday rolled around, I had to call work and speak to Denise, explaining my situation in school and apologize for not making it to work. The school had invited a guest speaker that I couldn’t miss. Not to mention, upon attendance, I would also be earning an extra credit for my Economics class, so it was really imperative I went. Though I had to admit, it was a rather convenient excuse to avoid work, too, since I hadn’t made a decision yet, and once I encountered Cruz, he would inevitably press on that subject, so it was best to be prepared for when that time came.


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