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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

Page 4

by Robyn M Ryan

  Cassie yelped as the knife nicked her finger instead of slicing the zucchini. “Stupid move, Johnson.” She reached for a paper towel, but Tom gently grasped her hand. He turned on the water and held her finger under the light stream. “Distracted dicing,” she joked as she looked away from the blood.

  “You did a number on your finger.” Tom wrapped a paper towel around the finger and showed her where to apply pressure. Cassie nodded, still averting her face. Tom pulled a chair behind her and helped her to sit. “Dizzy?”

  “It’s just seeing the blood. Makes me woozy.”

  “Hold on for one second.” Tom pulled the first aid kit from the pantry and set what he needed on the table. He gently lifted her hand above her shoulders and unwrapped the paper towel. Although the towel was red, blood now trickled from the cut. “Just need to clean and bandage it,” he told Cassie.

  “No stitches?”

  “Not today.” He rested his hand against her neck. “Water?” Cassie shook her head. “Give me a few minutes, we’ll have this bandaged and ready to go.”

  Cassie nodded. Klutz, squeamish, and the sight of blood makes me faint. She closed her eyes as Tom cleaned and dressed the wound. Does he notice that not-so-little flutter in my heartbeat each time he touches me? Probably the only person who gets turned on by a doctor cleaning a cut. Hope he doesn’t hear my heart pounding…at least the nausea’s easing.

  “Safe to open your eyes.” Tom’s voice held a humorous tinge. “However, I must replace you as my sous-chef today.”

  Cassie forced a laugh as she looked at him. “Thanks, doctor.” She tried to look around him to see the mess on the counter, but Tom blocked her view.

  “Just sit here a few minutes. I’ll take care of the counter.” He handed her a bottle of water. “Why don’t you watch the birds at the feeder while I clean up?”

  Cassie heard the tiny gold and black birds chattering nonstop as the goldfinches jockeyed for spots at the feeder. She chuckled as the birds also congregated on the edge of the birdbath, ducking their heads under water and flapping their wings to splash water for a communal bath.

  Her head cleared, and she concentrated on her breathing. Much better. “So, are the veggies inedible?”

  “No vegetables ruined…other than one zucchini,” Tom reported as he met her eyes with a smile. “All evidence destroyed. Still feeling light-headed?”

  “Better. Didn’t realize I have such a weak stomach.”

  Tom smiled. “Many people react the same when it’s their own blood. You did just fine.”

  “Instead of helping you, I wasted your time and a zucchini.”

  “We can spare a zucchini.” Tom nodded toward her bandaged finger. “Throbbing?”

  “Just a little. I think I’ll survive.” She met his brown eyes with a smile. “Can I help with anything that doesn’t involve knives?”

  She watched as he glanced at the counter space, then nodded toward the romaine lettuce. “It’s rinsed and ready to tear for the salad.” Cassie moved to stand, but Tom’s hand guided her back to her seat. He set the salad bowl on the table and transferred the lettuce within reach. “I’ll chop, you toss the salad and tell me details about today’s anti-bullying kick-off.”


  Six Weeks Later…

  “Spectacular!” Cassie’s eyes widened as she entered the hotel ballroom, transformed into a starry moonlit night. She glanced at Caryn, who laughed as Jenna reached to touch imaginary stars. Daniel, in his father’s arms, appeared entranced by the twinkling lights. Jenna reached for Cassie.

  “I’ll take her, Caryn. I know Mrs. Martin is probably looking for you.”

  “Let’s get you settled first. Drew, could you check where Lauren would like her Godchildren?”

  Andrew nodded as Cassie took Daniel from him. “Just don’t wander off somewhere,” he said with a wink.

  “Come here, little man. I bet Aunt Lauren chose a very special place for us.” Cassie loved watching Caryn and Andrew interact. It’s so obvious they love each other and their beautiful twins—they act like newlyweds, even after…four?…five?… years of marriage. So freaking romantic. And now, Lauren and Dave. Can’t believe they got married during their trip to Greece! Was so looking forward to being a bridesmaid…and getting paired with one of Dave’s hunky teammates as a groomsman…maybe even Tom. Talk about missed opportunities.

  Plenty of eye candy here. She glanced at Caryn with a smile. “So, can you point out the single guys?”

  Caryn shook her head as she laughed. “Cassie, I don’t recognize everyone. Could be friends from the Blues or from Vancouver.”

  She kissed the squirming Daniel on his forehead. “Hang in there, champ. We’ll get settled soon, and then you can get down.” She followed Caryn when Andrew approached.

  He guided them through the crowded room, greeting several teammates, and then stopped beside a toddler play area. Lauren and Dave had arranged for a plastic ball pit, pint-sized climbing area, dozens of toys, and a deep-cushioned floor that promised soft landings.

  “Wonderful!” Cassie stepped over the low sides into the play area. Jenna and Daniel scooted around, grabbing toys and sitting next to each other as they examined them. She waved Caryn and Andrew away. “I’ve got this—go enjoy the party.”

  The afternoon passed swiftly as a steady number of Lauren’s and Caryn’s friends stopped to see the twins or checked to see if Cassie needed anything. Daniel and Jenna threatened to steal the party from the newlyweds’ celebration, but Cassie knew Lauren didn’t care. Never seen her so happy—she wears this dreamy smile ever since they returned from their cruise and announced they’d married. And then everything went fine when they flew to Vancouver to deliver the news to my mother and grandmother, and to Dave’s family. And now, happiness just radiates around them.

  When Jenna’s eyes began shifting to half-mast, Cassie placed her in the portable crib Andrew had set up. She covered her with a light blanket and laughed as Jenna’s thumb found its way to her mouth. She was fast asleep within a minute. A short while later, Daniel fussed. Unlike Jenna, he resisted his nap and continued to play with toys while he babbled and whined. Cassie scooped him into her arms and softly hummed a little tune. Most of the time, music calmed him, but in this different environment, nothing made him happy. He let out a frustrated cry.

  Cassie rocked him, pressing lightly on his head until it rested on her shoulder. She stepped to the other side of the area, hoping Daniel’s unhappy cries would not wake Jenna. She glanced at the crowd. No one seemed to notice, and she didn’t know whether to feel relieved or panicked. “It’s okay, Danny. Just close your eyes,” she whispered. He’s not hungry, doesn’t need changing—just an unhappy little guy.

  “Can I give you a hand?” Cassie whirled around and exhaled in relief when she saw Tom stepping beside her. Cassie kissed Daniel’s head before passing him to Tom.

  “Dr. Tom to the rescue,” she said. “Did you just get here?”

  “I congratulated Lauren and Dave, mingled, then decided I’d find my nephew and niece—and my favorite honorary aunt.” Tom’s brown eyes sparkled as he held the unhappy Daniel before him. “What’s the problem, little buddy? You miss your Uncle Tommy?”

  Cassie enjoyed watching him interact with Daniel. Actually, she enjoyed watching Tom any chance she got. With his schedule at the hospital, she didn’t see him often, but that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about him…or “that kiss” a lot. He and Andrew look so much alike, almost like twins, except Tom’s hair is darker, and he has those golden brown—cinnamon—eyes, and Andrew’s eyes are that deep shade of blue…Did Tom play hockey before med school?…He’s just as well-built…and just as swoon-worthy as his brother. Always calm, soft-spoken, Tom must be the best doctor ever. I wouldn’t complain if he treated me in the ER. She knew he was completing his residency in neurology at the same hospital where Andrew had recovered from a traumatic brain injury over a year ago. Her stomach fluttered a little whenever Tom’s eyes met hers.r />
  He quieted Daniel in just a few minutes.

  “Do you want to take a break, Cassie? I can watch them for a while.”

  She hesitated. She preferred to chat with him. “Maybe just a few minutes to freshen up and see if I can find the happy couple. I don’t think they’ll make it to this side of the room.”

  “Take your time. I’m not needed anywhere.”

  “Just what the doctor ordered,” Cassie said with a smile. “I won’t stay away too long.”

  Tom watched as Cassie gave him a little wave before being swallowed by the crowd around Dave and Lauren. Her light brown hair today sported a hint of lavender around her face. Definitely a free spirit. The changing colors in her hair suit her. Taller than average, she stood out in the throng of people. He could see her head bob in the crowd. Like her aunt in some ways, but Cassie’s definitely her own person. When she looked at him with those hazel eyes peeking through her hair, Tom had to remind himself that she’s off-limits for too many reasons. Andrew and Caryn’s nanny, Lauren’s niece. Not to mention that we live in the same home. At least the age difference’s “acceptable,” but the risks outweigh the positives—at least for now. But the memory of their unspoken kiss called to him like a siren of the sea. Don’t go there, Chadwick. Too much of a risk to even think that way.

  Cassie told Caryn and Andrew that Tom was with the twins. “Jenna’s sleeping. Uncle Tommy’s working his magic with Daniel. I just want to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Martin again.”

  “Good luck.” Andrew nodded toward the center of the room. “Need an escort?”

  “Nah, I’ll slip through. Do you guys know everyone?”

  “Just about,” Caryn said. “A couple new teammates, some new girlfriends. I think Dave and Lauren are the only newlyweds.”

  “Wish me luck—see you soon!” Cassie looked over the crowd as she moved toward the newlyweds. She tried to focus on Dave—she could spot him more easily than Lauren.

  She hugged Lauren when she reached them. “Having fun?”

  “The best! Never expected so many would come.”

  “Everyone needs an excuse to relax a little now that training camp’s over,” Dave said. “Also, a good opportunity for the new players to meet people.” Lauren leaned back against him as she stifled a yawn.

  Cassie kissed Lauren’s cheek, then hugged Dave. “Just wanted to add my congratulations…again. I’ll see you later—Caryn may want to get the twins home soon.”

  “We’ll catch up soon, Cassie,” Lauren promised.

  Cassie checked out the guys who played hockey as she walked back to find Caryn or relieve Tom. Not one compares to Tom and his panty-melting smile and those eyes that threaten to discover her deepest thoughts. As close to perfect a man as she could imagine. He never ignores me, he listens when I talk with him and treats me like an adult. Why waste my time looking for a hockey player? Because your doctor may already have his own soulmate? Cassie yearned to know the true relationship between Tom and Katie—the sooner, the better. She knew better than to think about anything developing with Tom. Her employer’s brother, the obvious age difference, living under the same roof, and already involved with a woman. He’s off-limits for too many reasons... Dream on, Johnson.


  By the time Cassie found Caryn, Andrew had left. “Drew’s helping Tom get the twins ready—they’ve done well.”

  “Because they’re such sweethearts. Hopefully, I’ll be that lucky someday.”

  Caryn smiled. “No time soon, right?”

  “I’m talking years…lots of years.” She looked over Caryn’s shoulder and saw Andrew and Tom approaching, each carrying a sleeping baby.

  Andrew handed Daniel to Caryn. “I’ll get the rest of our things.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Cassie offered. “Meet you at the car?”

  “We’ll pull up out front. Take your time,” Andrew said.

  “Back in a few.” Cassie maneuvered through the thinning crowd to the play area. She grabbed the diaper bag and started loading the toys, blankets, pacifiers, bottles, and jars of baby food. Packed enough for a weekend. Caryn and Andrew must think I’m clueless—if they even noticed. She looked around and saw Jenna’s favorite stuffed bear peeking out of the ball pit. Nap and bedtime crisis if I missed that…. She grabbed the toy and slipped it into a side pocket on the bag, and slung it over her shoulder. Heavier than expected, she stumbled a bit as she stepped out of the enclosure. A hand gripped her elbow to steady her.


  She looked at Tom, even as her skin tingled with electricity where he touched her arm. “Obviously, I overpacked,” she stammered.

  “I’ll carry it—no tripping on my watch.” Even his soft laugh made her heart flip.

  “I almost fell because I’m a klutz. I’m okay now. Thank you for not watching me do a face plant.”

  A slow smile crossed his face. “No emergency room in my plans tonight.”

  Cassie hesitated before breaking contact, hoping he didn’t notice the goosebumps or hear her racing heart.

  “Thanks for coming back to help me,” she said as he lifted the bag over his shoulder.

  “Maybe you need to get used to that.” She saw the smirk and his attempt to hold back a laugh. “I’m not leaving you behind.”

  “Cassie? Wait up!”

  She stopped as Tom pushed the door open and saw the guy from the Stand Up to Bullies event and a gorgeous blonde date approaching. Yikes! His name was…

  “Shall I stay?” Tom asked.

  “Do you know his name?”

  “Yep—Cliff Camden. How does he know you?”

  “I met him at the anti-bullying kick-off.” Cassie noticed the frown that flashed across his expression.

  “Word of warning—he has quite the reputation.” Tom had leaned close to her ear to keep his voice low.

  “Thanks. This won’t take a minute.”

  Tom made eye contact with Cam, nodding before continuing through the door.

  “I didn’t see you—avoiding me?” Cam greeted when he and his date stopped beside her.

  “Why would I avoid you? I was watching the twins in the play area Lauren set up. They keep me busy.” She glanced at the girl beside him. “I’m Cassie Johnson—Lauren’s niece if you met the newlyweds.”

  “This is Amelia—my twin sister,” Cam introduced.

  Amelia smiled. “I’m glad to meet you. But, please call me Amelie—or Amie. I prefer the French spelling. Cliff mentioned you, perhaps?” She looked at her brother with a teasing smile. Unlike Cam, her voice carried a lovely French accent.

  “Our paths crossed at a Suns’ event,” Cassie said. “Happy to meet you, Amelie. Are you in Tampa for a while?”

  “Amelia’s helping to set up my new condo. I may have mentioned it when we met?”

  Cassie shrugged. “Maybe. Your sister’s very kind to help you.”

  “She has an ulterior reason, don’t you, ‘Amelie?’” He ignored the glare she lasered toward him. “She just finished her second year at the University of Paris and is taking a semester off. Something about declaring a major.”

  Amelie laughed and swatted her brother. “Too many choices, Cassie. My parents refuse to pay for living expenses in Paris if I don’t take a full schedule.”

  “I hear you. I’m in the same situation…except, I don’t even know if I want to go to college. But I enjoy working as a nanny. Are you staying in Tampa a while?”

  “Until Cliff kicks me out. I hope I can find a job, so he won’t call me a freeloader.”

  Cassie glanced outside and saw the Chadwick’s SUV pull in front of the entrance. She slipped her phone from her purse and handed it to Amelie. “Call your cell phone, please. Then we’ll have each other’s number. Maybe we can get together—if one of us can borrow a car.”

  “Don’t worry about that. My fabulous younger brother will let me drive his.”

  “Ten minutes, sis. You’re ten minutes older. I don’t know about driving my car. Better
if I lease something you can use while you’re here.”

  Cassie laughed as she watched Amelie try to grab the keys from his pocket. “Great meeting you, Amelie. I hope we can get together soon.”

  Amelie gave up on the keys, then smiled with a small wave. “See you opening night?”

  Cassie paused with the door half-open. “Maybe. Depends on Caryn—she may not want to take the babies to the games. Play by ear?”

  “Bien sûr. I’ll look forward to it.”

  Cassie pushed her way through the doorway, feeling a hint of excitement that she may have a new friend closer to her age—and irritation that Cam acted like he knew her. Just a short chat after the event, then he never contacted me. Wasn’t holding my breath, anyway.

  Tom waited for her outside the door. He pretended to groan as he carried the bag to the back of the car. “What did you and Caryn pack—bricks?”

  Cassie laughed as he set the bag in the back of the SUV, then opened the door to the back seat. “It’s all me. Just supplies, toys, you know, Tom.”

  She saw his lips twitch as he fought against a smile. “That bag weighs more than your suitcases when you arrived.”

  Cassie laughed. “Lucky for me, you came back to help. See you later?”

  “Just going to check on some patients before I head home.”

  Cassie climbed into the seat beside Daniel and Jenna, and Tom closed the door with a wink.

  Caryn caught Cassie’s eyes. “So, you met Mr. Camden’s girl of the day?”

  “His twin sister, Amelie. She’s going to the University of Paris and is taking some time off before she declares a major. Sounds like she’ll be in Tampa for a few months. She’s helping him set up his new condo. She says it’s better than staying home in Montréal.”


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