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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

Page 10

by Robyn M Ryan

  “Hardly. Checked in on some patients, then hit the wellness center afterward.” He nodded toward the toy-strewn play area. “It appears Jenna and Daniel had the same idea.”

  “You mean make more work for Cassie and me?” Caryn challenged. She turned to Andrew. “Remember, swimming lesson this afternoon.”

  “You bet—looking forward to finally getting in the pool with these peanuts. You ready to swim, Danny?” Both babies’ faces lit up when they saw Andrew kneel beside the cushions. They crawled toward him, then fussed when they couldn’t reach him. Jenna batted at a pillow, trying to move it.

  “Drew, please don’t let them discover how to climb over the barricade.” Caryn quickly lifted Daniel before he focused on the cushions. Andrew laughed, then did the same with Jenna.

  “How about I help you with lunch?”

  “How about you maneuver your peanuts into their highchairs while I prepare lunch?” Caryn countered with a saucy grin. “Maybe they can get a nap in before the swim lesson.”

  Caryn glanced over her shoulder to double-check that the door to the lanai was closed. Cassie knew Caryn’s greatest fear—obsession—that one or both twins might accidentally slip into the pool. She’d already installed child-proof locks on every door and cabinet—even Cassie had difficulty bypassing them. Hope the swimming lessons help with that anxiety…hers and mine.

  Cassie stepped over the cushions and began collecting toys to return to the toy bins. A moment later, Tom joined her.

  “Looks like a disaster area,” he said as he gathered several toys.

  “They have fun tossing these around. Jenna has quite an arm.” Cassie stole a glance at Tom and saw the teasing sparkle in his eyes,

  “Baseball, you think?”

  “Maybe. Or volleyball?” Does Tom know how incredibly sexy and irresistible he looks right now? With those brown eyes…and that smirk. I’d like to wipe that away with a kiss. Or three. She startled as a nerf ball bounced off her shoulder.

  “Earth to Cassie—you were supposed to catch that.”

  Cassie bent to pick up the orange ball, then eyed Tom while biting back a smile. “So, you waited until I didn’t see it coming?”

  “Maybe.” Tom gathered additional toys and tossed them into a basket. “You’re an attractive target.”

  Cassie tossed the ball at his head when he reached for several toys that had landed outside the barrier. He glimpsed the ball just as it approached his face and caught it with one hand, and then immediately threw it back, striking Cassie squarely in her face.

  She pretended to collapse against the cushions, covering her face with her hands. “I surrender!”

  Tom collected the remaining toys, then grabbed the bin containing all the nerf toys and dumped it over the prone Cassie. She glared at him before the laughter bubbled up within her.

  “You rat!” She grabbed toy after toy to fling back at him, jumping over the cushions to duck and avoid the next attack. Cassie laughed so hard she couldn’t catch her breath, finally lifting both arms in surrender. Tom flopped on the cushions opposite her.

  “Admitting defeat?” The corners of his mouth quirked, stopping just short of a smirk.

  Cassie tucked her hair behind her ears while she attempted to control her giggles. Tom waved a nerf dinosaur in her face, and she swatted at his hand. “Enough!” she begged. Tom caught her hand, and a sudden surge of electricity pulsed through her body. From the expression that briefly flashed across Tom’s face, Cassie thought he felt the spark, too. Their eyes met, and although she wanted to turn away, the intensity in his eyes held her captive. She saw him glance at her lips, and without thinking, Cassie leaned toward him. He dropped her hand and lightly ran his fingers across her lips. Cassie opened her mouth slightly, inviting the kiss. She closed her eyes in anticipation.

  Tom cleared his throat, and Cassie looked up, noting that his gaze traveled behind her. She covered her face in embarrassment when she heard Caryn’s voice.

  “Drew, I think we just solved the mystery of where Jen and Danny learned to throw toys.”

  “Thought you guys were cleaning up? You’ve expanded the disaster area.” Andrew didn’t hide his amusement.

  Tom pushed to his feet and offered his hand to Cassie. “Just an impromptu indoor snowball fight.”

  “Snowball fight, eh? With the twins’ soft toys. Clever, brother.”

  Cassie didn’t dare look at them. “We’ll get everything picked up now.” She knew her face and neck had splotched red. “We just got a little carried away.”

  “Looks like you had fun,” Caryn teased them. “We’ll see if these two settle down for a nap before swim lessons. Drew and I may sneak in a little nap of our own.”


  Over the following days, neither Tom nor Cassie mentioned the “snowball fight,” and both acted as if nothing had changed between them. However, Tom’s thoughts wandered to Cassie unexpectedly throughout the day. What guy wouldn’t be attracted to her? He’d seen the hope and invitation in her eyes, and he would have kissed her if Caryn and Andrew hadn’t interrupted. Took that chance once before. Nothing’s changed since then. Any misstep and Cassie could leave her job, Caryn would no longer have her nanny, and I’d need to look for a new place to live. Not to mention incurring Lauren’s wrath. We played with fire once before and no one knows, but that luck could turn in an instant.

  The problem? Cassie’s not only drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also a free spirit. Full of energy and positivity that never dims. He enjoyed her optimistic personality, which only added to her enticing aura. She made Tom realize there’s more to life than existing in the halls of the hospital. As long as he and Katie had dated each other casually, their infrequent free evenings inevitably found them discussing work. He wanted a life outside medicine and the hospital.

  Cassie made him laugh, maybe feel his age again? With her, he could leave the hospital behind and just enjoy life as a twenty-something. The age difference didn’t bother him—five or six years? Not much different than Andrew and Caryn.

  His personal life had languished while he focused on his education. When Andrew suffered the brain injury, Tom moved to Tampa to support Andrew and Caryn through the fifteen-month rehabilitation program. During that period, he also entered the neurology residency program, which also had its own demanding schedule.

  When Andrew first entered the NHL, Tom had enjoyed going out with him after games. He had his share of girls hitting on him, and he made the most of it for a while. When the pre-med studies demanded more and more of his time, Tom reluctantly excused himself from most team gatherings. Soon, he had no free time to even think about girls, much less begin a relationship.

  He had to talk with Andrew and Caryn—and Lauren—before exploring any kind of non-platonic relationship with Cassie. She may have no desire to go out with him, could be thinking about the single guys on the Suns. Harmless flirting? She might not even think about me that way. But did she also feel that electrical current when our hands touched? Cassie could see him as honorary big-brother, the same relationship he enjoyed with Caryn and Lauren. But neither of his “little sisters” had ever produced that spark, and he definitely did not look at Cassie in that way.

  Cassie invited Amelie to spend an afternoon at the Chadwick’s after Caryn had mentioned that Amelie might feel lonely with the Suns on a four-game road trip. Tom offered to pick her up on his way home from the hospital, saving Cassie the trip, and suddenly the afternoon by the pool morphed into an impromptu get together.

  “You’re sure, Caryn? Feels like I’m slacking off on my job?” Cassie asked for the tenth time.

  “How so?”

  “I should help you feed Jenna and Daniel dinner and get them ready for bed instead of hanging out with a friend.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Cassie.” Caryn laugh was lighthearted. “I have plenty of back-up. Not sure what you and Amelie have planned, but Tom’s grilling barbecue for Terri, Kelly, Lauren, and me. You’re welcome to join us.”

  Cassie smiled as she flashed on the last meal he’d cooked for her. “Can’t think of a better option than that!” Plus, no barhopping with Amelie and perhaps extra time with Tom. Sweet.

  Within the hour, Cassie regretted extending the invitation. Amelie openly flirted with Tom and entertained the entire group with tales about student life in Paris. If she bats those eyes one more time when she looks at him, I’ll scream. So obvious. She couldn’t read Tom’s expression, but he laughed with everyone else as Amelie spun her stories.

  Lauren caught Cassie’s expression and winked before she spoke. “I guess you’re eager to get back to Paris. I loved visiting a few days after our cruise. I think I could spend months as a Parisienne.”

  “We all could,” Kelly added. “You grew up in Québéc, so communicating in French is not a difficulty for you?”

  “Maybe just a little. I had to lose my Québécois accent—no one understood me. Or chose to understand me. I did a quick immersion course the week before classes started.”

  “My grandparents are native Montréal,” Caryn said. “My grandmother’s bi-lingual but will only speak Parisienne French. Drew practiced for hours with me before he met her the first time.”

  Lauren smiled. “Madame Martineau. I’ll never forget your wedding. You know how bad my French is, Caryn. When we went to the brunch she hosted the morning after the wedding, I panicked when she spoke to me. Luckily, Marty was beside me—his French is flawless.” She bit back a laugh. “As hungover as I felt, I doubt I’d have been able to stand upright, much less speak French without him.”

  “So, what’s his name, Dave or Marty?” Amelie asked. “You speak of both, and I’m wondering if you have two husbands.”

  Cassie watched Lauren shake her head and attempt to suppress laughter. “One is plenty for me, thank you. Dave is his given name, but I started calling him Marty when I heard his teammates in St. Louis use that nickname. I’m about the only one who uses that anymore—the Suns christened him Martini.”

  “I love nicknames!” Amelie gushed. “Some are hilarious.” She looked at Kelly. “When I hear someone call your husband ‘Captain Jack,’ I picture him just like Johnny Depp.”

  “Yeah, he’s not fond of that one…but it could be worse, I guess.” Kelly helped herself to another piece of chicken. “Compliments to our chef.”

  “Do you deliver?” Amelie asked Tom, an inviting smile crossing her face.

  “Sorry, no time for that.” Tom returned the smile when he responded.

  Cassie couldn’t resist interrupting the flirt fest. “So, Amelie, I meant to ask you. Anything new with Chance?” She caught Lauren’s smirk from the corner of her eye, even as she tried to cover it by sipping her wine.

  “Are you seeing that gorgeous man?” Terri’s eyes widened. “Just looking at him lights a fire...he’s got that smoldering French thing going.”

  Amelie shot a look—irritation?—at Cassie. “Chance is fun…if you like bad boys.” She locked eyes with Tom as she spoke, a smile flirting at her mouth. “Nothing serious. Just fun.”

  Cassie watched Tom as he stood to clear the table. “Can I get anything for anyone? More wine?”

  Terri nodded, extending her glass, “Please. As always, you prepared a fantastic feast. You’re our Top Chef.”

  Tom laughed as he met Cassie’s eyes. “Top off your glass?”

  “I’m good.” She stood and gestured for Tom to stop clearing the table. “I’ll get this. Our chef does not clean up. Why don’t you all relax by the pool? It won’t take a minute.” She shook her head as others offered to help. “Seriously, I’ve got this.”

  Amelie grabbed the wine bottles and followed everyone to the pool deck. Lauren hung back, waiting until they were alone to speak. “Do I sense a little irritation with your guest?”

  Cassie shrugged. “She enjoys being the center of attraction.”

  “Tom didn’t seem too impressed by her escapades,” Lauren ventured cautiously as she rinsed the plates.

  “He looked like he was enjoying himself, especially when she batted her lashes at him. Don’t blame her for flirting. Tom’s great, but she’ll be disappointed to know he has a girlfriend.”

  Lauren looked at her in surprise. “Seriously? Who? When did this happen?”

  “You know—Katie. Haven’t they had a thing for a long time?”

  “Eh…Katie took a job in Minnesota not too long ago. Far as I know, they never quite made it past the friends’ stage.” Lauren eyed Cassie speculatively. “Do I detect some interest in the resident physician?”

  “Just friends,” Cassie turned toward the sink, hoping that Lauren didn’t see her face flush. No Katie? So, no more guilt that I’m lusting after a guy who’s involved with someone? Hallelujah! Not that it changes anything.

  “Remember, Marty and I started as friends.” Lauren prodded.

  “Lauren, stop! Seriously? Why even put that thought out there?”

  Lauren hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Your secret’s safe with me.”


  Life decisions stayed on the back burner as the days flashed by. Cassie participated in the twins’ swimming lessons, and she sometimes teamed up with Tom to give Caryn opportunities to go out with her friends. She enjoyed those days especially, though she was unsure if Tom looked at her like a younger sister—or maybe, just maybe, thought about her as more than a friend? She definitely felt chemistry brewing between them, but he had yet to do anything more than flirt with her. Cassie considered making the next move but rejected that notion when she realized how uncomfortable things could get if she’d misread the situation.

  Lauren and Dave invited her to join a post-game celebration at The Center Ice Lounge. Cassie hadn’t gone there since that evening with Amelie, and Caryn, and Lauren insisted she needed a fun night out.

  “So, we’re celebrating your two goals, Mr. Martin?” she teased as they entered the sports bar.

  “Nope, our fifth win in a row.” Dave’s grin filled Cassie with happiness. He’d become the big brother she’d always wanted, and she loved him for never giving up on Lauren.

  “Don’t I need an ID?” she asked as they walked toward the bar section at the back of the restaurant.

  “Are you planning to drink?”

  “Maybe some water.”

  “You’re fine,” Lauren said with a laugh. “Relax—I’ll share my drink with you.”

  Many of the team wives and girlfriends had already arrived, and a wide selection of finger food, appetizers, and chips awaited them. Cassie waved when she saw Amelie across the room, chatting with Chance Gagné. So, she really knows him. Very well, if the body language is any sign. She smiled when Amelie met her eyes and discretely flashed a thumbs up. Dave held chairs for Lauren and her, then went to the bar to order drinks.

  “Your friend likes to play with fire.” Lauren leaned closer to Cassie and nodded at Gagné.

  “Did you say anything to Cam?”

  “He didn’t seem concerned. Reminded me Amelie attended the university in Paris and can take care of herself.”

  Cassie sniffed. “Maybe she set him straight the last time he intervened. Remember when she came back here after I’d taken her home the night Chance took the concussion.”

  “Yep. Two peas in a pod.” Lauren looked up as Dave placed a frozen margarita in front of her and set a glass and a bottle of Perrier before Cassie.

  “Sorry, kiddo,” he said. “I’d be a hypocrite if I got a margarita for you after keeping the young players on a short leash.”

  “Not a problem. Thanks for letting me tag along.”

  Lauren laughed as Dave took the seat beside her. “You’re not a tag-along, Cass. We should have done this sooner.”

  “Sure, with all your free time. This is a treat.” Cassie felt a hand touch her shoulder and turned to find Cam Camden pulling back the chair beside her.

  “Mind if I join you?” He flashed that high wattage smile that no doubt melted many girls’ hearts.

; She shrugged nonchalantly. “Help yourself.”

  He leaned across her to speak to Dave. “Good game, man. Feels great back in first place.”

  Cassie noticed that he held a bottle of beer. He caught her glance and shrugged, keeping the drink below the edge of the table. He winked as if they shared a secret, and Cassie politely returned the smile he directed at her.

  “Haven’t seen you around. Have you gone to any games?”

  “A few. The twins keep me busy, and I’m looking at options for next year.”

  “Yeah? Amelia trying to talk you into moving to Paris?” Cam tried again with what she thought of as his heart-flipping smile. For me? Nothing flips, tingles, or makes me feel special…he uses that smile on every girl.

  Instead of answering the question, Cassie asked, “She decide when she’s returning?”

  “Hoping she’d mentioned something to you.” His grey eyes met hers expectantly.

  “Sorry, not a word. Why, are you two not speaking?” She felt Lauren shift beside her and knew she was suppressing laughter.

  “Not about school. Amelia said not to ‘pressure’ her.” He used air quotes to highlight the word.

  “Cassie can relate to that,” Lauren spoke up, turning toward them. “The bigger the decision, the less pressure tolerated. I know that from personal experience. Amelie’s young—plenty of time to decide about her future.”

  Cam smirked. “Especially when you have no financial obligations.” He glanced across the room, his eyes tracking his sister’s animated conversation with Gagné. Cassie saw his jaw clench slightly before he looked away, slowly shaking his head. He returned his attention to Cassie.

  “Can we get together and catch up? Maybe over dinner?”

  She hesitated for a long moment. “I need to check my schedule. Call me.”


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