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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

Page 29

by Robyn M Ryan

  Cassie surprised herself by laughing quietly. “It’s good news for me. I’ve been spending time with Andrew’s brother. You’ll like him…He’s perfect—at least I think so.”

  “Is he taking classes at the university as well?”

  So far, so good. “No, Tom’s a physician—a neurologist. We have so much in common and started going out after American Thanksgiving…Tom’s…”

  “Cassie,” Amanda interrupted. “A neurologist? What could you possibly have in common with someone who’s settled in a career? How old is he?”

  Cassie hedged. “He’s not much older than me. He took extra classes year-round.”

  Her mother didn’t speak for a moment, and Cassie bit her lip nervously.

  “Well, you’ll do what you want, but please don’t start planning your wedding. He sounds like a brilliant young man. He may lose interest once you’re enrolled in school full-time. Keep that in mind.” Her mother paused. “Guard your heart—I don’t want you disappointed when he meets someone who’s more of a peer. Have you considered the dangers of getting involved with your employer’s brother? Do they approve?”

  “There’s nothing to approve. I’m an adult, and so is he. Caryn said she’s happy we got together. I really think you’ll like Tom.”

  “If that time comes, I’ll look forward to meeting your young neurologist.”

  Cassie set her phone aside and leaned back against the chaise, emotionally exhausted. She glanced at her watch. We had a forty-five-minute phone call. And mostly positive—much better than expected. She didn’t call me a failure or immature for allowing Daniel to fall into the pool. She comforted me and didn’t ask me to return home. And she took the news about Tom reasonably well. Not too critical. She didn’t go into her usual tirade about men. Just the comments about the age difference and warning about things not working out… Maybe I’m due for some good luck?

  When he returned to the suite, Tom found Cassie on the balcony, her hair loose and blowing in the wind as she stood near the edge gazing at the sea. The cut-off denim shorts and hot pink bikini top allowed him to appreciate her golden-tanned skin. His mind flashed through the many activities they could enjoy without leaving the suite.

  Tom walked up behind her and closed his arms around her. “The Gulf’s siren,” he teased as he kissed her neck. “How many boats have you shipwrecked today?”

  “Lost count,” Cassie replied as she leaned back against him. “Missed you.”

  “Any news from Tampa?”

  “Besides Lauren and Dave’s house turning into a three-ring circus? Lauren says she’s having a blast—absolutely loves his parents and siblings.”

  “I’m sure they love Lauren, too,” Tom said.

  “Have you heard anything from the Virgin Islands?” Cassie ventured, entwining her fingers with his.

  “Not much…which means Caryn and Andrew don’t want to return to reality. Especially not with the team heading to the Northeast in two weeks.”

  “And do you have to work straight through to make up for the shifts you traded?” Cassie turned to face him.

  “I spread it out. I need my time with this beautiful girl who sometimes paints rainbows in her hair.” He lifted her chin and sealed his words with a kiss. “What’s on your bucket list for today?”

  “You decide. We only have a couple days left.” Cassie roped her arms around his neck. “Whatever you wish, doctor.”

  “Picked up a brochure for a dolphin and manatee boat tour. Do you get seasick?”

  “No idea—but that sounds wonderful! Do we need to make reservations?” Tom saw the sparkle in her hazel eyes. “Can I swim with the dolphins?”

  “I just need to book the tour,” he answered her first question. “As for the dolphins, I didn’t get a firm answer from any of the companies I contacted. Though, you could just jump in the water when you spot a pod of dolphins.”

  “So awesome even thinking about that!” Cassie showed no reluctance at all. “Do you have any bucket list items while we’re here?”

  “Maybe. Debating whether you’d enjoy it.”

  “I’ll follow you anywhere and everywhere, you know.”

  Tom bit back a smirk as he leaned his forehead against hers. “That’s a risky move, you know.”

  “Why? You planning to lead me astray?”

  “Not exactly ‘astray’… but I’d like to try parasailing before we leave.” He watched Cassie’s reaction and saw her momentary hesitation before her eyes flashed with excitement.

  “Count me in. Can we go together?”

  “That’s the plan. I’m not letting my girl sail off into the sky without me.”

  Tom arranged a private dinner on the beach after sunset on the last night. Cassie commandeered the ensuite bathroom, and Tom showered and changed in the extra bath. Cassie wore the beautiful dress that Lauren gave her. She loved the feel of the silk fabric against her skin, and the vibrant colors enhanced her sun-kissed skin. She just applied eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. Cassie’s attempt to style her hair proved futile—instead of pulling it up into a way-too-messy bun, she opted to let it flow past her shoulders. Wish I had some of my highlight colors. I’d work on an actual rainbow array around my face for my guy…

  Her legs felt wobbly in the espadrilles after spending the week in sandals. Hope I don’t trip or do a face plant. But these go perfectly with the dress…sandals just too casual. With a final glance in the mirror, she opened the door and walked across the suite to look for Tom.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she found him on the balcony, phone pressed against his ear and gazing at the beach. The white linen shirt and khaki slacks hugged his body in all the right places. With the darkened tan and two days' scruff, Tom caused her heart to skip a beat, and Cassie sank to the side of the sofa to enjoy watching—gawking at?—him. Wish we could stay here forever. Hope it’s not his work phone and a crisis with one of his patients. That could cast a shadow over our final evening in paradise. Cassie noticed that his hair had picked up sun streaks that she liked very much. She fought the urge to interrupt the phone call and run her palm against his cheek and through the sun-lightened hair. Tomorrow I’ll have to share him with his family, friends, and work…but tonight, we can savor our alternate reality, and I can dream that nothing changes when we return to Tampa.


  Tom concluded the call with the resident, relieved that she’d just wanted to check if he agreed with the treatment plan she’d outlined for a new patient. Can’t escape reality, but we still have tonight and tomorrow morning…He opened the French doors, stopping short when he saw Cassie.

  He slowly ran his eyes over her as he moved toward her. “You’re beautiful, Cassie. Exquisite.” He gently cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her softly. “You intend to cause me to skip dinner?”

  He watched her eyes dance in merriment. “Now, what makes you think that?” She ran her hand lightly against his cheek. “A romantic private dinner for two? On the beach? How could we not enjoy that?”

  Tom chuckled. “We’re having dessert in our room, babe. No discussion.”

  Cassie looped her arms around his neck. “Can’t wait.” She rose on tiptoes to kiss him.

  Hand in hand, they followed the path toward the beach. Lanterns provided just enough light to reveal a single table beneath a cabana. A gentleman dressed in a tux awaited them. Tom offered his arm as Cassie stepped up on the platform, the delight reflected in her eyes.

  He held a chair while she slid into it. Cassie’s eyes widened as she took in the elegant surroundings. “It’s magical,” she whispered when he sat across from her.

  Tom accepted the drink menu from the server and looked at Cassie. “What would you like to drink, sweetheart?”

  “You choose,” Cassie said, deferring. “Anything you pick will be perfect.”

  “Frozen margaritas?” Tom watched the frown forming, and then Cassie laughed.

  “I think not, doctor. Maybe white wine?”

Tom looked at the menu and showed his selection to the waiter.

  “Excellent choice, sir.” He nodded and stepped away from the platform, loosening the tiebacks on the white curtains. Only the side facing the Gulf remained open.

  “Tom, I feel like a princess.”

  Tom reached across the table for her hand. “You should know by now that you are my Princess Cassie. Thank you for sharing this week with me.”

  Cassie smiled tremulously and shook her head when she tried to speak. She flicked a tear from her cheek and took a deep breath. “I’ll never...forget this week and how perfect you made it. I really, really don’t want to go back to real life.”

  “Hey, we create our own reality, babe. I don’t intend to change anything just because we return to Tampa. What we have right here is our reality, and we will take it with us when we leave.”

  They stopped as the waiter approached the table. Once Tom had tasted and approved the wine, he held his glass toward Cassie. “To many more weeks like this.”

  Cassie touched her glass against his, her smile wistful. “To too many weeks to count.”

  They sipped the wine, and Tom’s eyes stayed fused to Cassie’s. He reached across the table to take her hand. “After our week together, Cassie, I cannot imagine a future without you.”

  “I feel the same way.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

  Tom squeezed her hand as he continued, “So, you still want to continue our journey?”

  “Very much.”

  “I looked for something I could give you that would capture our week. Something to remind you how much you’re loved and that my commitment is forever with you.” He set the small box on the table in front of her. “When I saw this, I just knew it was created for you.”

  He watched as Cassie opened the box, her fingers trembling as she held the ring he’d chosen. “Tom, this is so beautiful…the way it reflects different colors. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “As unique as you.” Tom took the ring from her hand and slipped it on her finger. “So, will you wear this and remember our promise of a future together every time you look at it?”

  Cassie looked up, her eyes blurred with tears. “I promise, Tom. And when you think about me, know that I love you in a way I never believed possible. Each day, my love grows…I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “That would be forever, babe.” Tom stood and walked around the table, then leaned to kiss her. “Forever—never forget or doubt that.” He held her hand and touched the ring. “When the time’s right, I plan to replace this with a diamond.”

  He watched Cassie’s eyes widen. “You can’t replace this ring!”

  Tom shook his head, not sure how to respond. Too soon? Too much?

  A teasing smile crossed her face as she wiggled her other hand toward his face. “But this finger would love a diamond ring.”

  Cassie woke before dawn, and she had no desire to move. Content cuddling with Tom, Cassie hoped to postpone her return to the real world as long as possible. She loved sleeping with Tom’s arms wrapped around her, their legs intertwined, and her head pressed against his chest. If only we could awaken like this every day…Not likely to happen anytime soon in Tampa. I’ll never feel comfortable in Andrew and Caryn’s house. Would Tom feel any more comfortable at Lauren and Dave’s home where we’d have less privacy? Or will we wait for getaways like this for “time alone?”

  She touched the ring he’d placed on her finger, and her heart filled with love. He said forever. I want forever…why do I feel I don’t deserve this? Why am I certain “forever” will disappear when we return to Tampa? Am I over-reacting to what Mom said yesterday?

  Tom’s hand played with the thin strap of the camisole she wore. “You’re overthinking things,” he commented.

  “Did I wake you up? I tried to stay still.”

  “No, you didn’t wake me. But I could feel your heartbeat suddenly quickening. What gives, Johnson?”

  “Just wishing that this week never ended. I could stay here indefinitely.”

  “That’s a wish I share, babe.” He tightened his arms around her. “Promise, we can return; it’s not that far from Tampa—a long weekend’s always a possibility. Just need to coordinate our schedules.”

  Cassie laughed quietly. “My schedule’s wide-open right now.”

  “Not for long. You’ll jump head-first into whatever you decide is next for you.”

  Cassie shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Tom flipped her on her back, and she saw his eyes flicker in anticipation. “Move in with me.”

  Cassie shook her head. “Don’t tease me, doctor.”

  “Not teasing, babe. Don’t you think this week proves we’re compatible…in every way?”

  “I can’t move in with you, Tom—even though I’d like to. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in your apartment. Not with everything that happened.”

  “I will not touch that subject right now. I was thinking about an apartment downtown, close to school, and the hospital?”

  “You never mentioned moving before. How can you leave your niece and nephew? Caryn and Andrew would protest. You have a perfect set up there.”

  “Not without you. After this week, I don’t wish to go back to hoping our paths cross occasionally. I love you and want to spend as much time as possible with you.” He lightly brushed his hand against her cheek. “We don’t need to decide anything now, Cass. I do know it’s time to quit freeloading off Andrew and Caryn. Andrew and I have had this discussion many times since I completed my residency. The thought of you moving in with me jump-starts the desire for my own place.”

  Cassie blinked to contain the sudden onrush of tears. “You’re a major part of the family. What would Danny and Jenna do without Uncle Tommy? Or Caryn or Andrew?” She pressed her fingers against his lips. “I’ve seen how much everyone depends on you. Don’t take that away in the middle of the season. Caryn has enough stress with the twins.”

  He shook his head as he leaned to kiss her forehead. “We won’t desert Caryn during the season. We can help as a couple…whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Let’s discuss this later, okay? But please think about choosing a place to live with me. Okay?”

  Cassie nodded, then Tom continued.

  “Let’s make the most of the time we do have in Sanibel. I’ll order breakfast, and why don’t you think if there’s anything you’d like to see or do this morning.” Cassie caught the emphasis on “do,” and his wink with a smirk sent warm tingly sensations rippling through her body.


  The closer they drove toward Tampa, the deeper the anxiety crept into Cassie’s brain. She’d spoken with Lauren earlier. The last of Dave’s family had departed that morning. So, I don’t have to meet a bunch of new people and make nice. I’m sure Dave’s family’s just as wonderful as he is…just too much right now…brain’s stuffed with emotions I need to sort through.

  What about college? Maybe there’s a university in Fort Myers? Does Tom really want to move out of the house—or is he doing that just for me? How will “forever” feel to him once we’re back in the regular routine? At least, his normal routine. My only schedule—going to class part-time. Maybe she could find a job to save more money before switching to full-time student status? Surely, she had the skill set to work in a boutique. Maybe where Amelie’s working? If she hasn’t talked her way into becoming the twins’ nanny…Why can’t I just push all this negativity to the recesses of my brain? Overthinking much, Johnson?

  She closed her eyes, pretending to fall asleep. Will Tom experience a reality check when he spends time at home with Andrew and Caryn? Cassie absently twirled her new ring around her finger. Is it fair to hold Tom to a promise if it causes a rift between him and his brother’s family? Especially a commitment made during a magical escape from reality?

  Tom gently touched Cassie’s shoulder after he’d pulled into the Martin’s driveway. She’d slept most of the way back, and he hated to wake her. When she
didn’t respond, he walked around to the passenger side and leaned to brush his lips against her temple.

  “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” He saw the smile spread across her face as she murmured his name. When she didn’t open her eyes, Tom reached across her to unfasten her seat belt. “Shall I carry my princess home?”

  Cassie’s eyes popped open, and she looked around her. “Tell me I didn’t sleep the entire way home? I’m so sorry, Tom.”

  “For what? You make these adorable sounds when you’re asleep.”

  Cassie cut her eyes toward him. “I was snoring?”

  “Just a hushed little sound every so often.” Tom stood and offered his hand to assist Cassie.

  “I can’t believe I failed as your navigator.” Cassie slipped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for an unforgettable week. I felt like I was dreaming the entire time…I don’t want to go back to the real world.”

  “Remember—reality is a state of mind. We can make every day amazing—just seeing you smile, whatever colors you use on your hair—that’s as good as any dream. I’ll call foul if you don’t add those touches of color again.”

  “Your preference, my brave knight?”

  Tom laughed and pulled her closer for a kiss. “Any and all colors.” He popped the trunk open. “I’m jumping back into reality in a couple hours when I walk inside the hospital.”

  “Anyone home?” Cassie called when they opened the front door. When no one replied, she walked Tom toward her bedroom/Lauren’s office. “Home, sweet…”

  “I’d help you unpack if I didn’t need to head into town.” Tom set her suitcase on the bed. “I should be home tomorrow night.”

  He saw the smile that could brighten even the cloudiest day. “Can’t wait.” Cassie took his hand as they retraced their steps. “How can I ever thank you enough? Everything was just perfect.”

  “Start planning our next road trip, babe. I’d enjoy even just a couple days with you, Cassie.” He brushed hair away from her face and his hand trailed against her cheek, before he kissed her. “Don’t forget, I love you.”


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