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Witness Protection: Moving Target

Page 22

by Jet MacLeod

  Instead she found a chat site. She figured that she could talk to someone and they wouldn’t have to know who she was. She would be able to hide in anonymity. She decided that she could cultivate her new persona online without anyone ever suspecting who she really was. It was the perfect way for her to learn more about Emily Sullivan.

  She logged into the messenger service. She was surprised to find that Del had an account and that it auto-logged her in. Angie was about to her out when a chat window opened from another user. Their name was RangerDanger. Angie gave a quick laugh. She saw the customary greeting and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to say “hello” back. She was still trying to figure out what Del’s screen name was.

  RD: Hey there.

  BlackMistSapper: Hi.

  BlackMistSapper? Angie wondered if the name meant anything obvious to anyone. She doubted it because then Del wouldn’t be using it. She doubted that any of the Alphabets even knew that she used this chat forum site.

  RD: How are things?

  BMS: Everything is fine.

  RD: You okay?

  BMS: Fine.

  RD: Did you get my goodies?

  BMS: Goodies?

  RD: the toys I left for you

  BMS: Ah, yes, I did. They were perfect. Thanks.

  RD: How she taking it?

  BMS: As best as she can.

  MexiCutioner: Hola, amigos.

  RD: Hey, Bucky.

  BMS: Hola.

  MC: Hey there Louis, how’s the van?

  BMS: Good as new.

  Angie didn’t know if they were speaking in riddles or codes. The more she studied the wording and the names the more everything made sense to her. They were Sanchez and Cole. They were using the forum to talk. It would be easy enough to hide there and have a conversation without anyone being able to trace them or really figure out what they were talking about.

  MC: Glad that worked out for you. Do you need anything else? I have tickets if you do.

  BMS: No, I think that I am good for now.

  RD: How is everything on the home front? You and the Misses get along? Good?

  BMS: As well as can be expected.

  RD: I told you.

  BMS: That you did.

  MC: Just let yourself go, Louis. Good things come to those who wait. You’ve waited long enough. I know that this vacation is what you need to relax.

  BMS: That it is.

  RD: Doing any relaxing?

  BMS: I’ve been to the pool a few times.

  RD: Did you take her?

  BMS: Yes.

  RD: Did you hear about the Angel of Paris?

  MC: No, but have heard about the Devil of Colombia.

  BMS: Stop playing.

  MC: Calm down, Louis.

  BMS: I am perfectly calm.

  RD: I’ve heard that before. Are you okay? Any more nightmares?

  BMS: Hers or mine?

  RD: She’s been having nightmares? Aren’t you two a pair? Talked to her yet.

  BMS: I talk to her every day.

  RD: You know what I mean. Don’t worry about it. Give it time. She’ll come around if she hasn’t already. Vino doesn’t look good. I was thinking more north would be good to visit. Have you made it to the Lake yet?

  BMS: No, we haven’t. Had to stop. She needed a break and a haircut. Women.

  RD: ROFL. Indeed, but she is good for you, Louis. She’ll heal the pain on your heart.

  BMS: I think that she is trying.

  RD: If anyone can erase that Russian Mail Order Bride, she will, right? She’s beautiful. I know that you see it. Come on. Tell your old man that you’ve kissed already and I’ll drop it.

  MC: Dad, leave Louis alone. You know that he doesn’t like women like that. He doesn’t know what to do with them. That is why he always runs.

  BMS: I do NOT run!!!

  Angie didn’t know why she was taking up for Del with them. She had figured out that Del was constantly being teased for being with her. She didn’t know how she dealt with being a woman in a usually all male profession, but for some reason Del made it work. She had to respect her for that. She couldn’t believe how alike they really were.

  RD: Sorry son.

  BMS: You said that Vino was out. Why? I figured it would be nice this year.

  RD: Would have been if the Princess hadn’t pissed off Jumbo and the rest.

  MC: Speaking of Jumbo, wanna tell me why he is still camped outside?

  BMS: He misses me?

  RD: LOL, that is an understatement. Cal is expecting you. But, I figured that the Sea would be a better place for you and the misses to settle for a while. I got your plans. I got the architect working on them. I have to say that it is an ambitious house. You’ve got your work cut out for you. I don’t think that it will be ready by your deadline, but you could always hope, right.

  BMS: I can. Anything else? The princess will be waking soon, I’m sure.

  RD: You tell her about the Russian bitch.

  BMS: I did.

  RD: How’d she take it?

  BMS: As well as could be expected. She wasn’t happy to know that she wasn’t the first, but she understood why I’ve been so “gun” shy. I will have to give her one thing though.

  MC: What’s that, big bro?

  BMS: She is persistent. She likes to push me. And, she is like a dog with a bone.

  MC: Sounds perfect for you. Don’t screw this one up, Louis. She sounds like a keeper. Especially since you are half way across the world with her, alone…I heard that Paris was nice. How did she like our little slice of the world?

  BMS: Well enough.

  RD: You don’t like talking about her.

  BMS: No, I don’t.

  MC: What’s wrong, bro? The filly break you already? I’m sure that you enjoyed it.

  BMS: I am going back to bed.

  RD: Louis!

  BMS: Yes, dad?

  RD: Have you told her yet?

  BMS: Have I told her what?

  RD: That you genuinely care for her.

  BMS: I don’t see how that is your business.

  RD: I just want you to be happy.

  BMS: I am happy.

  RD: With her?

  BMS: Yes, with her…

  RD: Then, tell her that. She might be a Parisian Princess, but she is a good woman. She would make you a mighty fine misses if you would let her.

  BMS: I doubt that she feels the same way.

  RD: You won’t know until you tell her.

  BMS: I can’t. Not now. It would ruin things.

  RD: You’ve done something, haven’t you, Louis?

  BMS: Define something.

  RD: You haven’t slept with her. If you had, you’ve called going on and on about the craziness in your head. You’ve always been a little stunted when it comes to emotional things. But, you’ve crossed a line with her, haven’t you?

  BMS: Yes.

  MC: Way to go, BRO!!!

  RD: Bucky, why don’t you go work on the new lines. I think that Louis and I need to discuss this in private. Btw, I remembered that the car needs a thorough cleaning and a wash. I don’t know what happened to it, but it has a weird smell.

  MC: That’s what happens every time you take it to Thunderbird Alley. It comes back ashy. I swear, I don’t know why you let Louis drive it there.

  RD: He needed a car. It was available. Besides, he treats my cars better than you.

  MC: It was one time and I really didn’t mean to go over the bridge.

  RD: That was my favorite car. Now, go start working on the new lines. I have shipment to make and I want it to be on time. Besides we are on a schedule. Places to go, people to see, things to do, you know the drill.

  MC: Unfortunately, I do…all too well. Talk at you later, big bro. Btw, just kiss the girl.

  Angie just stared at the screen as the username MexiCutioner signed off. She assumed that it was Sanchez. She knew that it was wrong for her to be talking to them, but she didn’t have any other way of getting to know Del. She was
n’t exactly forthcoming with it came to detail. It had taking weeks and nightmares for her to find out about Yulia and even that took some dealing to get.

  RD: Still there, Louis?

  BMS: I am here, dad.

  RD: Good, so I talked to the travel agent and he said that the Lake was a go. He has it all arranged for you. But, I know that you want to get to the coast. I am working on getting that house built for you. I found the perfect spot. It overlooks the bay and the mountains, just like you wanted. I am heading that way soon. I want to make sure that they get ground breaking started sooner rather than later.

  BMS: Thanks.

  RD: She say anything to you yet?

  BMS: About?

  RD: You know the wedding?

  BMS: No, we don’t have a date yet. I guess I need to call her father to make sure that he is still okay with it. He didn’t seem too happy with me last time I called.

  RD: I can imagine. You took her on a cross-country trip with no itinerary or specific destination in mind. No one knows where you are until you contact us. He hasn’t been back to the house, but I can tell that he’s been waiting for me to leave.

  BMS: He hasn’t threatened you, has he?

  RD: Just looks, no words. Plus, I think he knows better than to tangle with the likes of me. He is just worried about his little girl. You did just whisk her off her feet and leave. I think that he is afraid that you are going to elope.

  BMS: And, miss the wedding?

  RD: That is what I told him. You couldn’t deny her the big picturesque wedding. I know that you can’t tell her ‘no.’ I am just wondering how she convinced you to get that RV and go gallivanting across the country. What is this, her last hoorah?

  BMS: Maybe it is. I don’t know. We haven’t really been talking.

  RD: Why not?

  BMS: It’s a long story.

  RD: Well, your old man has nothing else to do today. So go ahead and tell me. I’m waiting.

  BMS: I kissed her.

  Angie sat there and waited for a response. She didn’t get one. He logged off. She shut down the computer. As soon as she closed the laptop, she looked over the table to see Del’s eyes watching her. Damn it, she’d been busted.

  Del just stared at her. She didn’t say anything. It was like she was waiting for Angie to explain herself. When she finally sat up, Angie felt her heart drop. She didn’t know what Del was going to say but she was sure that there was going to be a lecture in there somewhere.

  “Having fun?”


  “Were at least smart about where you going online?”

  “I didn’t check my email if that is what you mean. I was just catching up on current events in New York. Nothing major, I promise. And, nothing to get us caught,” Angie told her.

  “I am sure.”

  It was just then that one of the burner cells started ringing. Angie looked at Del and Del glared back at Angie. A ringing burner cell was never a good thing. Only one other person had those number and they weren’t in the hotel room.

  Del got out of the bed and stalked towards the table. She grabbed her bag and fished out the offending cell phone. She stared at the screen as the caller ID told her it was DAD calling.

  “Is there something that you need to tell me?” Del asked, waving the phone in her direction.

  “I don’t know, is there?”

  “Why is Cole calling me?”

  “I have no idea?” Angie stated more like a question.

  “I think that you do. So do you want to tell me, or am I going to have to find out from him? The choice is yours at the moment.”

  “And, if I did tell you?”

  “I wouldn’t be as mad about it,” Del told her.

  “I might have talked to him earlier.”

  “On the phone?” Del inquired.

  “No,” Angie answered.

  “Then, how did you talk -- Tell me you didn’t. Tell me that you didn’t chat with him.”

  “I might have,” Angie offered.

  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  “No, but I have a feeling that you are about to tell me.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “Nothing really.”

  “What did you say to him?” Del asked her.

  “I might have told him that we kissed.”

  “Oh my dear Jesus, you told him that I kissed you. Do you know what Pandora’s Box you’ve opened? I will never hear the end of this. He won’t let this drop until…well, never. I am never going to be able to show my face in front of him, again,” Del told her as the phone stopped ringing.

  She set the phone on the table and grabbed the laptop. She powered it back on and spun it around back to Angie. She watched as Angie’s eyes went wide in wonder and she waited for Del’s melt down. When it didn’t really come, she waited longer. The phone rang again.

  “Hello, Dad,” Del said answering it this time.

  “Hey, Louis, how are you?”

  “I am good.”

  “So you kissed her?”

  “I did.”

  “And, that is all you are going to tell me about it, aren’t you?”


  “Did she like it?” Cole asked her.

  “I wouldn’t know. You’d have to ask her. I can give her the phone if you want. I am sure that she’ll tell you anything that you want to know. She’s right here,” Del offered.

  Angie gave her a face as she waited to see what would come of it. Del just smiled at her as she spun the computer back around. She quickly read over the conversation between them while she asleep. She flashed Angie a devilish smile.

  “No, I don’t think that she would tell me anymore than you would,” Cole told her.

  “No, I don’t think that she would,” Del agreed.

  “She kissed you though, didn’t she?”

  “Which time?” Del teasingly asked him.

  Del heard him cough and spit out she assumed coffee. After he choked for a few seconds, he cleared his throat again, coughed and then took a deep breath. She heard him sigh heavily into the mouthpiece before he said anything else.

  “You’ve kissed more than once.”

  “We have. But, that doesn’t matter right now. How is the architect working out?”

  “Your house plans are fine, Del. I promise. I’ve done what I need to do. I think that I’ve found you a condo to stay in while you’re in Seattle. It’ll be perfect for you both. You’ll be able to see the mountains and the water. It is in the Capital Hill part of down. It is considered ‘Old Seattle,’ but I think that you will fit right in there. It is a little more urban than you’d like, but it will be okay, I think. I’ll send you some plans to review.”

  “That would be good,” Del told him still watching Angie.

  “So, that kiss?”

  “Yeah, Dad, what about it?”

  “Did you like it?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Would you do it again?”

  “Possibly, I don’t know. We shouldn’t, but it depends on the situation. Things are complicated, especially now after everything that happened in Paris,” she told him, sitting down at the table.

  “She is sitting right there, isn’t she?”

  “Yup, that’s true.”

  “You want me to drop it.”

  “Please, that would be for the best,” Del replied.

  “You know I am just going to bring it back up later.”

  “I am sure that will happen.”

  “Well, anyway, about this house,” he started.

  “What about it?”

  “It is kinda ambitious don’t you think? Bullet proof glass, a panic room, a cellar with an armory, I mean what are you planning for anyway? The apocalypse? Zombies? A Ukrainian Mob?”

  “All of the above?” Del replied, unsure why it was a problem that she liked to be prepared.

  “You worry too much,” he told her.

  “You taught me how.
Besides, if I wasn’t so worried about it, how would we have found out about Gregor getting pressured? I do what I do because I am good at it, not necessarily because I like it. You taught me that, too.”

  “So now you’re a scholar?” he laughed.

  “It would seem so,” Del replied.

  “What are you going to do with her?”

  “I don’t know. I hear that Vancouver is pretty this time of year. Thanks for the help in that, by the way. I am sure that cost you a pretty penny to get. But, why did you have to use my old alias of Linda Bennett? Couldn’t come up with anything more original?”

  “I still had the Canadian paperwork on her. It was easier to process than to manufacture it. Be glad you got a Canadian one. I could have just sent your old Ukrainian one and let you play around with your accent again. How would you have liked that? Not too much, I guess. Do you think that you will actually have to go that far, quickly?” Cole asked her.

  “No, I don’t. I just hope that I don’t. I just like having the backup plan there in case we do.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Cole asked her.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” she questioned back.



  “What do you want me to say to you now?”

  “I want you to stop with the teasing.”

  “I can’t care for you?”

  “I never said that. I want the teasing to stop. Leave it alone. Drop it. Don’t bring it back up again. It happened. It’s over. Let’s move on, shall we?”

  “It happened. It’s over. Let’s move on? Del, that sounds weird even coming from you. What really happened? She kissed you, didn’t she.”

  “She may have.”

  “And, you didn’t stop it.”

  “I did.”

  “But, kissed her back?”

  “I may have.”

  “You did, you old dog. You did it. You let down your walls for a minute. How did it feel?”


  “But it was exhilarating too, wasn’t it?”

  “For a moment.”

  “You are so damn vague sometimes. Grrr, you can’t give an old man nothing, can you? I hope that one day you’ll be able to understand that I am only teasing you because I care about you. I hope that you will let your walls down long enough to let someone in and that will love you for you and not some crazy ass façade that you have invented for yourself. Can you do that?”


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