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Witness Protection: Moving Target

Page 41

by Jet MacLeod

  “So, what brings you into the bathroom besides to tell me that Cole was here?”

  “I need to shower?”

  “You don’t seem so sure about that, Del. Are you sure that you are okay? Is there is something that I can help you with?” Angie asked.

  She stood in the bedroom, stark naked facing Del, one hip cocked out with her hand on top of it. Del’s mouth was watering at the sight. When Angie realized that she had her full attention, she extended her other arm, extended her index finger, and gave Del a “come hither” motion. Del’s resolve broke as she strode into the bedroom. She grabbed Angie by her ass and spun her around. Before she realized it, Angie was on her back with Del atop her.

  “I thought you were hungry,” Angie stated.

  “There is more than one way to be hungry,” Del stated, cocking her eyebrow at her.

  “There is?” Angie teased.

  “Yes, there is.”

  “I’m guessing that someone wants there dessert before dinner, huh?” Angie mused.

  “I could handle that,” Del replied, squeezing her ass playfully.

  “Delia, what about Cole being in the other room?”

  “What about him?”

  “Do you not care that he is in there? I thought that you didn’t want him to tease you. If we stay in here longer than what is deemed to be prudent, he will surely tease you because he will know what we have been doing. Do you want that?” Angie asked her.

  “Do you care if he knows that I have been in here ravishing you?” Del teased her questioningly.


  “Then, I will go take my shower. You go and entertain Cole. I will see you both in a few minutes,” Del told her rolling her over in the bed and depositing her on back.

  She kissed her as she got off the bed. She crossed the room and grabbed some clothes. She made it almost back to the bathroom door when she was hit by a pillow. She turned around to see Angie’s arm outstretched giving it away that she was the one who threw the pillow.

  “I see that you want to play, but alas, Cole is just next door, Princess. Shouldn’t you dress and see to him? I think that it would be the thing that a hostess should do, yes? And, you want to pretend that we are civilized and just on vacation? Then you must see to our guests,” Del jabbed.

  “Why I oughta…”

  “Yes, Princess?” Del asked as she shut the door.

  Angie stood in the room, naked and alone, staring at the door. She huffed, but smiled. She knew that Del was joking, but she also didn’t want to face Cole. If Del thought that his teasing only fell on her, then she was wrong. She knew that Cole would tease her mercilessly, but also unlike Del, Angie would tease him back.

  She dressed quickly. She went through her clothing. She didn’t know where they were going, but she decided that she earned the right to wear something more formal than casual. She wanted more than jeans and a t-shirt. She wanted to feel somewhat normal again, even if it was for only a night. She would take a night out with friends and pretend that they were back in New York or up in the Hamptons or at the Cape.

  She pulled out a pair of dress slacks and blouse of royal blue. She lay the on the bed and admired the combination. It had been weeks, months, since she had seen something of that caliber, let alone felt it on her body. She knew that it would feel wonderful. She didn’t hesitate as she pulled out some pale blue lace to go underneath it. It would be a surprise for Del later. She hoped that after dinner they would have plenty of time for dessert.

  She walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She found Cole behind the laptop searching for something. He looked up at her when she came into the room. He smiled at her and she sat down across from him at the table.

  “You look nice,” he stated.

  “I feel nice.”

  “I am sure that you do.”

  “Are you planning something, Cole?”

  “Indeed I am, Girlie,” he replied.

  “And what is that, if I may ask?”

  “A night out.”

  “A night out? Where? And, doing what? “

  “Some fine dining, possibly some leisure time somewhere, who knows what we can find when we look for it?”

  “That much is true, Cole, but what leisure would you like to find. You’ve left the hills of Pennsylvania to come here to save me from the clutches of Rudakov and his men. You all acted as you once did in uniform. I thought that you might find leisure in that, but I see that you did not. I am thankful for that and I am sorry for what you had to do. I know that…well, thank you. But, I wonder what one such as yourself would find pleasure in doing that didn’t involve killing. What would you like to do?” Angie asked him.

  He laughed at her. He actually laughed. She smiled at him. She knew that it wasn’t a slight or a way to embarrass her. No, he was laughing because they understood each other. She knew that his life was war and death, just like Del’s and now that she had faced it with them, she understood their need for peace and solitude. It was a form of penance that many didn’t understand, nor could they had they not been through Hell.

  “There is a place not far from here that I think we would all enjoy.”

  “Oh, Cole, and why is that?” Angie questioned him.

  “Well, for the ladies there is fine dining, and for us men there is gambling.”

  “A casino, here?”

  “It is close, Girlie. But, there is a fine restaurant inside that overlooks the mountains. It is perfect for pretending for the night. It just so happens that there is a casino in the same place. It is the Lakeside Inn. I thought that you might enjoy a little fun with dinner, but maybe you have already had too much fun for one evening, hmm?” he teased her.

  “Oh, my dear Cole, I have frequented Atlantic City many times. I find poker and gambling like going to Court. You may think you know the outcome, but something else is always the factor in victory, be it the table or the jury. I think that you will find my definition of fun and yours run side by side. Care to wager on that?” Angie inquired, cocking her head slightly and her eyebrow.

  He smiled at the way her sapphire eyes were dancing. Oh, he knew that Angela March was a woman that could handle herself. She had proven that time and time again. He could see the spark in her that made Del fall for her and he hoped that the fire building between them never went out. Angie would burn Del if it did and it would be a burn that she might not recover from this time. He’s smile started to fade and Angie frowned.

  “Don’t think about that,” she told him.

  “About what?” he asked, intrigued that she could read him so well.

  “Yulia and Del.”

  “How did…”

  “You and she share the same haunted look in your eyes when you begin to think too much. I think that you need something to drive that demon away. Care for a glace of wine?”

  “Yes…yes, please, that sounds lovely.”

  He watched as she moved into the kitchen and found the wine like they had been in Tahoe for weeks instead of days. He was amazed at her resilience and her prowess. She never stopped. She had been a mystery weeks ago at his farm, but he could already see that she wasn’t going to let Del walk all over her like Del had planned. No, Angie had something that most in her position didn’t. She may not believe it but it was true. She possessed a nobility that many dream of.

  Angie grabbed a bottle off the shelf. She found the bottle opener and proceeded to uncork it. She swirled the bottle to let it breath for a minute as she looked for some wine glasses. Finding none in the cabin, she settled on two drinking glasses from the cupboard. She giggled slightly because it reminded her of the night in Paris. She poured the two glasses and got out a third. She left the glass next to the wine as she returned the table. She handed one glass to Cole and sat down. He raised his glass to hers and they clinked glasses.

  “Salute,” he said.

  “Salute,” she replied and they both took a sip.

  “Am interrupting?” Del asked as she walked into
the kitchen.

  She saw the bottle of wine, the extra glass and them drinking already. She poured herself a glass and joined them at the table. She reached over and took the laptop from Cole. She looked at the screen and then back at Cole.


  “What?” he asked.

  “Really?” she asked him again.

  “What? I know that you wanted to go out. We should at least have fun doing it, right?”

  “You really think that this is a good idea?” Del asked him.

  “It is dinner and fun, Del. We can’t keep you both in hiding forever. You need to act like you have a real life outside of the program. Keeping her locked up and hidden is only going to make things worse for everyone involved. It raises tensions and makes people act out. You can protect her on the street just as well as you can protect her in the open. She is smart and capable. I saw her shot group. She could handle herself if needed. I know that you aren’t going to let her be alone until the powers at the Alphabets tell you, and even then you might not, but she needs to be free. She needs to live like she isn’t in the program. It is the only way to stay sane.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then, what’s the problem with going out tonight?”

  “I…we…what about the location?” Del asked.

  “Sanchez is working on it.”

  “You’re going to have an answer for any question that I give you, aren’t you, Sarge?” Del asked.

  “I am.”

  “So, I shouldn’t bother asking.”

  “Not really, but I know that you like to be prepared. I understand that. Everything is fine. I’ve got your six and you know that. So does Sanchez. And, right now, per your charges and my orders, Sanchez and I are in charge of the protection detail.”

  “I know that, but…”

  “No, buts Del. Enjoy tonight. I know that you are going to want to be on the road soon and I don’t fault you for that. But, relax. Sanchez and I got this. We’ve got it, okay?”

  “Alright,” she replied and took a large sip of wine.

  “Anyone want to act like I’m in the room?” Angie asked in their pause.

  “Sorry, Girlie,” Cole offered.

  Del just got up and grabbed the bottle of wine. She topped off everyone’s glass without a word. Angie just watched her. She didn’t know what was going through Del’s head, but she knew that she was worried. She didn’t know if was because she wasn’t the one prepping for her protection or the fact that Del would essentially be going into tonight blind.


  “Yeah, Angie?”

  “You okay?” Angie asked her.

  “I am good.”

  “Why don’t I believe you?” she asked.

  “Because you know me well enough by now,” Del offered.

  “Then tell me what’s wrong,” Angie commanded.

  “I am going to feel naked doing this.”

  “Did I tell you that you couldn’t go armed?” Cole asked, interjecting himself into the conversation again, and they both turned to look at him.

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Did I ask you to let it all go?” Angie asked.

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Then, what is the problem? Get dressed. Pack something so you feel normal. I’ll be back in an hour or so. I have to make sure that Sanchez made the reservations for our table. I figured a good family meal, together, would help you settle down some, Delia. You need some normalcy. You need to be free, again,” Cole told her.

  “I know that.”

  “Then, calm down. Do whatever you need to do. I’ll come around for you both. And, dress decently. Jeans and T-shirt or fatigues aren’t going to cut it where we are going,” he told them as he finished his glass of wine. “Thanks for the wine. You’ve got an hour. See you in a few.”

  Del watched him go. She picked up her glass and nursed the wine for a second before she took a healthy gulp, because there was no way anyone could call it a sip. She set the glass down and looked over at Angie. Her bright blue eyes were focused on Del’s every move.

  “You done?” Angie asked her.

  “Yes,” Del said taking the scolding for what it was.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, but I have one problem,” Del told her seriously.

  “And, what’s that?” Angie questioned her while holding her glass of wine and staring over it.

  “I don’t have anything nice to wear.”

  Chapter 42

  Angie sat on the bed while Del looked through her things. She didn’t know what to wear. Hell, she didn’t know if she could fit anything that Angie had. Then she began to wonder where she had been hiding all these suits and dresses while they were moving.

  “Did you find something?” Angie asked her.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “No, I don’t. How the hell have you been packing all this shit? How have I not known about it?” Del questioned looking at the small array of suits and dresses again.

  “I have to be ready for court,” Angie replied like it answered everything.

  “You wear this to court?” Del asked pulling out a suit.

  “Well, not that one, but yes, I wear a lot of that for court.”

  “So…what are you going to wear?”

  “I don’t know. I was going to help you dress and then wear something complementary. I am sure that no matter what we wear, Cole and Sanchez are going to tease us. So, why don’t we dress you up some?” Angie questioned with a spark in her eye.

  “Dress me up?”

  “When was the last time that you wore a dress?” Angie inquired.

  “High school graduation,” Del stated.


  “Yes, because it was mandatory to walk.”

  “I know, but really? What about the skirts in the military? Didn’t you ever wear those?”

  “I made sure to not go to any event that would require a skirt. Or, I wore my issued slacks instead. I think I had a formal set of Dress Blues at one point, but I never got invited to any Mess Dress events. I think that it made the men feel weird to have me around. Plus, I was usually in the field gathering intel or killing someone. I am not one of the people that the Army wanted to show off and I was okay with that,” Del explained.

  “Well, I’m going to show you off.”

  “To who?”

  “Cole and Sanchez,” Angie teased.

  “I doubt that they care,” Del answered.

  “Tonight they are going to care. I am going to make you beautiful. Then, maybe, you’ll see what I see underneath all that false bravado and armor that you wear so much,” Angie stated getting up from the bed and going to the closet.

  Del moved out of her way. She didn’t know what to say to Angie. She had never felt pretty much less beautiful, but then when Angie looked at her in a certain way, she did. She didn’t know what Angie was going to do to her, but she was willing to allow her to dress her up for the night.

  “Are we riding with them?” Angie asked not turning around from the closet.

  “No, I’ll drive us. That way I have my gear nearby if I need it. I’ll wear whatever you pick out Angie, but I have one request,” she stated.

  “And, what is that?”

  “I have to be able to conceal my pistol at least.”

  Angie laughed. She grabbed a hanger and turned around to face Del. She gave her a feral smile and handed her the garment and hanger.

  “That is why they make purses, Delia. Now go try that on. I’ll try to find your some shoes and hose. Tonight, you are going to make men drool. Tomorrow, you can be badass Del again. Deal?”

  “I really don’t have a choice in this, do I?” Del asked holding the offered garment up to herself.

  “Nope, not really. I want to see how you look in that. And, if you play your cards right, I’ll want to see you coming out of it, too. Now, get dressed. I’ll be back in a few minutes to help you with the f
inishing touches,” Angie told her and left the room to give Del some privacy.

  “That is exactly what I’m afraid of,” Del said to the closed door. “What have I gotten myself into? I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a manual for this. What am I supposed to do now?”

  An hour later like clockwork, they pulled up to the Lakeside Inn and The Timbers restaurant. Angie was smiling at herself. Del was looking everywhere but at Angie. She wasn’t sure what Angie was thinking dressing her like this. She felt…out of place.

  “You look beautiful,” Angie told her as they parked.

  “I feel like a fool.”

  “Don’t. I am sure that Sanchez and Cole won’t be able to help themselves once they see you. Trust me on this,” Angie replied.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” Del stated turning the Suburban off.

  She turned to Angie. Her subtle beauty was just enhanced by her light make up and pant suit. She didn’t know Angie could look so damn delicious in the royal blue shirt and black pants. She about creamed herself when she saw Angie come back out of the bedroom earlier with the added black button up vest and matching jacket. The black blazer had a double lapel of black and blue. It accentuated her eyes and made them pop. She was walking sex on a stick.

  Angie smiled at her. She got out of the vehicle, straightened her jacket and then walked around the front of it to Del’s side. She opened the door and offered Del her hand. Del cocked her eyebrow at the hand in question, but didn’t say anything. She gave Angie another look and slowly extended her hand. Angie took it gracefully and kissed her knuckles. The chivalry wasn’t lost on Del, but she didn’t really know how to respond because she’d never been on the receiving end.

  “Ready?” Angie asked her as she got out of the SUV.

  “I guess.”

  “You look beautiful. Just keep your head up and look over everyone’s head. Then they will never know that you are nervous,” Angie told her.

  “I’m not nervous,” Del stated through clenched teeth.


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