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Witness Protection: Moving Target

Page 51

by Jet MacLeod

  Del took the hint, but it didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to just lay back and take it. She believed in being an active lover. She wasn’t going to let Angie have all the fun. If Angie didn’t want her touching, then she wouldn’t touch…for now. She would do whatever she had to do in order to get what she wanted in the end.

  Angie kissed her cheek and continued down to her throat. As she neared her shoulder again, she bit down at the junction. She heard Del suck in a breath. It spurred her onward. As she came around her shoulder, she looked up at Del again. She was greeted with almost honey colored eyes. She kissed her again.

  When she pulled back to move down Del’s body further, she saw how kiss bruised Del’s lips were. She smiled as she kissed the top of her chest. And, she didn’t stop kissing until she reached her breasts. Her eyes flicked up again. It was she couldn’t stop looking at her eyes while she pleasured Del. She needed to see the look in her eyes as it changed with each touch, each kiss, and each hitched breath.

  Her hands needed to touch her. She wanted to be as close as she could. She needed Del to feel how much she wanted her. She needed her to want her as much she wanted Del. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe that Del wanted her. She did. She just wanted Del to feel it into the depths of her soul. She wanted the connection to be more than just physical.

  “Angie…” she heard her breath out the moan.

  She didn’t stop. She kissed her way around her chest, never stopping long in one spot. She wanted to keep Del guessing. She knew that it would drive Del nuts. It was something that she enjoyed doing. She loved to hear the sharp intakes of breath and the low moans followed by the escaped whimpers that let her know how much she was really enjoying what she was doing to her. Sometimes Angie wanted to pretend it was a game. She wanted to see how many sounds she could get out of Del before she was begging for her release.


  But this morning, Del was closer than normal. It could have been because of last night or it could have been because of good dream. Angie didn’t care. She was basking in the keening.

  She decided to give her a reprieve of sorts. She stopped kissing every inch of skin under her mouth. She continued to touch her, driving her higher. With each brush of her fingers over Del’s flesh, Angie felt herself getting hotter and wetter. She knew what it was doing to Del by the amount and sharpness of the sighs that were falling from her lips. Wanting to keep some semblance of control, Angie leaned forward and kissed her hard.

  “Angie…” Del moaned into her lips.

  Angie just smiled. Her hands moved up and down her sides. When her right hand hit Del’s hip, it suddenly didn’t continue its normal route back up to her ribs. Instead it continued downward towards her knee, but it abruptly changed course again. As her fingers slowly, lightly, and assuredly came over the top of Del’s thigh, Del lost her voice in the sensation. She opened her mouth in a silent scream. It made Angie clamp her legs together trying to alleviate some of the pressure and need that she had building.

  Unfortunately for Angie, Del noticed. She tried to move her hands between them, but Angie caught her hands. She raised them above her head and fixed them under the pillows. She wasn’t going to let Del tempt her when she hadn’t gotten what she wanted fully yet.

  Angie needed to make Del understand that this was her rodeo. There was no sharing at the moment. It was all Angie’s for the taking and she wanted Del to stand down until she was done.

  Her right hand moved closer to Del’s apex. She heard the high pitched hitch in her breathing and smiled down at the darker woman. She could feel the heat radiating out of Del’s core and it turned her on more. She used her legs to spread Del open more and allowed her hand to cup her.


  “I told you, Del. You are mine and I plan on having you in…every way that I want. You got yours last night, darling. It’s my turn,” Angie told her, just cupping her.

  She relished the weight in her right hand. She used her left to push herself up slightly. As she looked down into those beautiful brown eyes, Angie felt her legs open to hold Del apart. The yearning she saw was almost enough to make her move her fingers. She wanted to draw this out. She wanted Del to feel everything and nothing at the same time. She wanted to drive her to oblivion and help her see the stars. She wanted her to feel cherished and loved.

  Her fingers twitched. She couldn’t stop herself. She had been holding her for too long without any movement. Her fingers twitched. She could feel the wetness leaking from Del’s core and she knew that she wanted to bury her hand in it. It was like her hand needed to feed at Del’s font.

  Her fingers delicately moved. And, by delicately, it was excruciatingly slow. She bent her fingers at the knuckle, but didn’t part Del’s folds. She was content just to hold her for the moment and feel the desire building and burning at Del’s center. Finally, her body wasn’t going to listen to her mind anymore. The need was too great for her as well.

  Her finger slid between the folds and into the depths. Del bucked up off the ground. The moan that tore through her throat was loud enough that someone could have heard her miles away. Angie was glad that they were in the woods, alone and in the open. She might have never heard such moans come from her lover.

  Her finger curled upwards and started moving. Carefully dodging the pearl that was begging to be touched, Angie continued to probe Del with just the one finger. Her other fingers closed and pushed her lips together. It caused a pleasant friction against her hardened and extended clit, but it still wasn’t enough. Del began to move, thrash really. She wanted more and Angie wasn’t about to just let her have that easily.

  Angie backed up to her knees. She wanted to see Del, in all her glory. Her hand never faltered. The one lone finger kept its vigil as it continued to move from opening to the hood surrounding her bud. She still never applied any direct pressure. As she got herself situated on her knees and where she could have a good view of Del, Angie finally added another finger into the mix. She slide them up and down, coating them with the obviousness of Del’s arousal. But, as her fingers neared Del’s clit, they would separate and circle it. Del was dying, or so she thought, from the lack of direct stimulation. It was everything that she could do not to flip Angie over and take her.


  That was enough and Angie knew it. Del was begging. Her body was begging. Her eyes were begging and finally Angie gave in.

  Her fingers dove inside, curling slightly to touch her g-spot as she started a rhythm. Her thumb pressed against the highly sensitive bundle of nerves. Del saw spots. The sudden feeling of being filled and the constant rubbing of both her g-spot and her clit overwhelmed her senses. She thought that she was dying from pleasure and she couldn’t think of a better way to go.

  A scream of absolute pleasure tore through her body. It started with the orgasm building low in her belly and worked its way out her mouth. Her body arched strongly and Angie wrapped her free arm around her waist in order to help Del find some grounding. But, in it all as she came, Angie didn’t stop moving. Her hand continued to pump and demand more pleasure from her and for whatever reason that Del’s body had, it obeyed each stroke like it was starving for the contact and connection that Angie’s fingers were making.

  Angie, still leaning back on her knees, watched as she came undone. But, her need was relentless. She never stopped. She wanted more. She wanted to drag it out as long as possible. And then when she thought that Del couldn’t take anymore, she lightly brushed her thumb across her clit again. Del bucked completely off the ground and tried to shout her pleasure. Nothing came out. Angie smiled down as her spent body started to sag, but she still wasn’t done.

  She leaned forward and attached her lips to Del’s core. No longer caring what Angie wanted, Del’s hand flew to Angie’s head and held her there. Her fingers buried themselves in her auburn hair. Del couldn’t tell if it was more to ground herself or to hold her there. She didn’t care because she wa
s too busy with another orgasm.

  Finally as the fog cleared in her head, she tapped Angie’s head. Angie knew that she was so far satiated that she couldn’t come again, at least for a while, if she tried. The sensation was becoming too much and it was starting to hurt. Angie back up and brushed her hand across her chin before licking it clean, staring into Del’s eyes the entire time.

  “How the Hell are you so sexy doing that?” Del asked her through panted breaths.

  “Practice?” Angie asked giving her that same innocent, coquettish smile that she had earlier.

  “Come here,” Del stated reaching out for her and pulling her up against her body.

  Angie willingly laid down, curling into her side. She absentmindedly started rubbing her hands on Del’s stomach. Del who was still overstimulated, grabbed her hands to stop the movement.

  “When I can feel my legs again, woman, you are in so much trouble,” Del told her.

  “Promises, promises,” Angie replied.

  “But, first things, first…”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” Angie asked, still teasing her.

  “I’ve got to get you into a bed. This ground is not conducive to what I want to do to you, love. So, you’ll get the beginning of your punishment here…”

  “Oh, I can’t wait!” Angie stated all giddy.

  “You aren’t supposed to like it,” Del grumbled.

  “Then you shouldn’t use such mind-blowing and pleasure sex as my punishments, dear.”

  They both laughed because they knew it was the truth. But while Del knew what she wanted and how she wanted to do it, Angie couldn’t do anything but wonder. It was definitely going to be a long drive to Seattle…unless Angie could convince her otherwise on the way there.

  Chapter 52

  Things had been good between them. The drive had been uneventful and Del seemed to relax somewhat as they entered Seattle. She was more open and seemed freer with Angie. Angie was just happy that Del wasn’t so closed off and hiding her emotions. She couldn’t stand it when the woman would do that. She never knew how she stood with Del when she’d retreat into herself.

  Two weeks in Seattle and Del had finally calmed down. She set the house up with different escape routes. She stashed guns around for her and for Angie to use if by some off chance the house was compromised. Angie knew that she wouldn’t use them unless she absolutely had to, and having Del around meant that she wouldn’t have to. She just needed to figure out a way to make sure that Del understood that and allowed her to return to wherever Del was after the trial.

  They had settled into the “safe” house that Cole and Sanchez had waiting on them. Angie wasn’t surprised when Del had to double check every precaution that they had built into it. Weeks of planning and laborers that they hadn’t seen had completed the project a week before they arrived. Angie was surprised at the sheer amount of detail that Del had put into the house. She knew that they wouldn’t be keeping up appearances too long, but she wasn’t expecting what she got.

  They were settled and it was something that Angie could look forward to every day. They weren’t looking for somewhere to go. They were “home.” And, in being there, Angie knew that she would have to step up her game if she wanted Del to realize that they could be together outside of their situation. She knew that it would be hard, but she wasn’t going to give up. Del made her happy and she hoped that she made Del happy. That was enough for her to fight for it.

  Months passed and they shared their small two bedroom house as if they were a couple. All their neighbors thought that they were a recently wed or engaged lesbian couple, something that Angie never denied when asked. Del didn’t seem to care, and Angie wondered if it was because they were supposed to be undercover, under the radar or because she was just that good at her job. Angie of course hoped that Del didn’t care because she wanted it to be a reality, but there were other times that Angie wondered if Del was actually really paying attention to everyone around the long enough to understand what their relationship meant in the real world.

  Life went on around them. And, Angie was okay with that. They were still together. Things weren’t perfect and she knew that they weren’t going to be. But for Angie, the fact that Del has trying to see her way of things gave her enough hope that things would work out for them.

  Cole and Sanchez both came to visit, but they never stayed long. When they were there, they were holed up with Del in the other room going over reports and chatter, always looking for a threat that didn’t seem to come. She couldn’t complain though. She knew that Del was doing everything to keep her safe and alive. It was admirable but it wasn’t enough to give Angie what she wanted. She knew that she shouldn’t push too hard, but she had to do something.


  “Yeah?” Del asked, looking up from her laptop.

  “Have they solidified the date that I am supposed to be back, yet?” Angie asked her.

  “They’re still working on it.”

  Del watched her. The question wasn’t new. It was the way that Angie asked it. It was almost as if she didn’t want to go back. She knew that she had to but only because she had to testify. Angie was nervous.

  “What’s wrong?” Del asked her.



  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Then, why don’t you want to go home?” Del asked her point blank.

  “I like it here.”

  “Uh huh, why else?” Del pushed.

  “I don’t want to leave you,” Angie said.

  Del sighed. She still wasn’t used to Angie’s bold declarations. She loved each and every one of them, but she just didn’t know how to process them. No one had ever loved her the way that Angie did and it confounded Del’s brain.

  She stood up, suddenly needing to hold her, to reassure her that she wasn’t going anywhere. Del knew that it wasn’t true. She would be leaving after the trial. They both knew it.

  “Angie, you have to go back to New York.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Because you’ll have to leave me?”

  “No, because you’ll leave me,” Angie replied quietly.

  Del gathered her closer. The urge to hold her grew stronger. Del didn’t want to leave her, but she knew that she wouldn’t survive being in New York. She needed the peace and quiet that the Pacific Northwest was giving her. She couldn’t get that in the City. She knew that it was the only thing that would keep them apart. She hated it, but she just couldn’t…she knew it.

  “I am not going to leave you, Angie.”

  “Yes, you are. You’ve made your decision. I know you have. You’ve tried. I know you have. We’ve been here for three months. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen you come out more and more and be more social, but every time Sanchez or Cole shows up…”

  “I clam back up?”

  “Yes,” Angie replied exasperatedly.

  Del didn’t know what to say. She knew that Angie was right, but she knew that it wouldn’t be comforting for her, either. She did the only thing that could. She kissed her.

  Holding Angie in her arms felt so right that she wanted to do it for a long time. She was trying. She really was, but it was hard. She just couldn’t get over her upbringing and training. It was part of her and as much as Del knew that Angie tried to understand, she knew that she couldn’t. She really couldn’t because she hadn’t lived through it.

  Angie broke the kiss and walked away. Del stood in the kitchen and sighed. It had really come to this. They were perfect together and everyone around them knew, but as soon as they left for New York everything would break. Del knew it. Angie was hoping that it wouldn’t happen. She was looking for something that either Del couldn’t give or she wasn’t willing to try to do. It hurt Del to see her like that, but she couldn’t. New York would destroy her. It almost had when she was younger. She wasn’t willing to risk it. She’d let Angie walk away, knowing she was safe and alive, and be miserable before she’d ev
er consent to living in the City.

  This was what they fought about now. It wasn’t Angie acting irresponsible or like a “white bread” princess. No, it was the fact that Del was going to leave in the end. It didn’t matter that Angie was trying to convince her that she could relocate. No matter what Angie did to prove to her that she could live with Del, Del would always find something wrong with Angie’s plans, to the point where it was almost comical.

  Del stood there, broken. She knew that she could try…for Angie, she wanted to try, but she knew that in the end, she’d leave. She figured it was better to let go before they could both be hurt beyond recognition. The only problem with that theory was she was falling more and more in love with Angie each day and she knew Angie was as well.

  She walked down the hall. She stopped in front of the door to the room that they shared. In Del’s mind, it was still Angie’s room. She just happened to sleep in there…for months, in the same bed, naked, every night. But, she still couldn’t call it their room. In her head, they weren’t ever going to work and actually be together. She was willing to play at it as long as she could because she knew that it made Angie happy. And, making Angie happy made her happy.

  Angie knew that Del couldn’t hear her crying. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep holding on to the hope that Del would see reason. Life there was easy and happy. Sure, she wasn’t a lawyer and Del wasn’t doing whatever it was that Del was going to do with her retirement. They were a happy couple. They could be a happy couple.

  Angie hadn’t been in the room long. She just needed a minute to herself. She wasn’t going to stay in the room alone. She was just about to go back to the kitchen when she heard the footsteps just outside the door. She leaned against it and waited. She waited to see what Del would say. She waited to see if Del would knock. She waited to see if Del would tell her that everything was going to work out and they would be together.


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