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Gavriel: Alien Sci-Fi Romance

Page 28

by Enid Titan

  Remi’s used to barking orders at everyone and intimidating them into doing her bidding. I wonder how long it’ll be before she fights with Jaen. I grit my teeth and hope such horrors never come to pass. Once I cross the threshold, a tsunami of small Odilian children comes hurtling toward me. Some of them are too young to properly remember me each time I leave and come back. But the older ones know what to expect.

  Bilha wraps her arms around me and nearly pokes me with her tiny horns that haven’t curved back yet.

  “Uncle Gavriel!!”

  And then they swarm me. I think Jaen wants to get a word in but the throng of family members only thickens and Remi ushers her off, presumably to our bedroom. Whenever I’m home, Remiel clears out of the master suite, leaving it for me. I’ve always been alone in the master suite. By the time I’ve greeted everyone and convinced them I would stay for longer than a week, Remiel ordered them all off and ushered me upstairs for a break.

  “I’m cooking supper with Azrael.”

  “How is my brother?”

  “He’s impossible to deal with since his last salvage mission. He brought back over fifteen million credits but… they lost more than half the crew.”


  “She died.”

  “I’m sorry for his loss.”

  “Go easy on him, Gavriel. I know you two have your disagreements, but he needs you right now.”

  “Aye. I’ll try.”

  “Don’t try,” she snaps, “Do a proper job.”


  My brother was born three days after I was — technically the same litter — and he’s another pirate. He’s never kept up the discipline to work on a ship like Garth’s, but he does well for himself. He’d even met a girl. Lorxa. He talked endlessly about bringing her back here, but he never did. We only know her name and the way he talked about her, which was enough to feel his loss.

  I’ll see my brother at dinner. Before that, I need to check in with Jaen and make sure my family members aren’t bombarding her with questions.

  Chapter 76


  “I hope they didn’t overwhelm you.”

  I stand in the doorway, taking Jaen by surprise as she runs her hand over my teak dresser.

  “Your home is lovely… this place… how can you leave it?”

  “Because I have to. It’s the cost of our freedom.”

  Jaen nods and crosses over to me.

  “I don’t deserve to be here,” she whispers, “I didn’t pay any credits. I don’t have any credits to my name. I…”

  “Shh…” I interrupt her, “You mustn’t worry. This is your home now. I can tell my sister likes you.”

  “She doesn’t think I’m a hornless freak with weird skin?”

  I chuckle.

  “No. I think she’ll be rather smitten once she gets to know you. Especially if you tell her you stabbed me.”

  Jaen’s cheeks darken.

  “That’s embarrassing! Don’t tell her that.”

  “Kiss me.”

  She kisses me and I hold her so close that I don’t want to let go. And we’re home. So I don’t have to. Once I’ve kissed her, she sighs.

  “There’s something bothering me, Gav.”


  “The last mission. The one Garth wanted you for. What was it?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going.”

  I want to be here with her. Forever. I don’t want another mission — another threat to both our lives in space.

  “It matters to me.”

  She folds her arms and there’s no way I’ll get out of this without telling her. Jaen is too stubborn for her own good. It’s exactly what I like about her.

  “They’re smuggling an information chip out of the confederacy. An Alliance spy on this side of the border needs us to get the data across the border and into Alliance space.”

  “Traveling through the Badlands?”


  “What’s on the chip?”

  “Information that could take down the Confederacy.”

  She lets go of me.

  “Gavriel. This is serious.”

  “I know. It’s why Garth wanted his best.”

  “And that means you.”

  I nod. I can’t lie to her now. I can’t lie to her ever again.

  “Yes. He wants me to help. They need a Quartermaster.”

  “I don’t even know what you actually do,” Jaen confesses.

  “More than you know…”

  I growl and press my lips to her neck. Her hips spread slightly and I press her against the wall. She pushes my chest away.

  “Gavriel. Stop.”

  “Why… you taste delicious.”

  “Because… we need to talk about this.”

  “We don’t. I made my choice.”

  She pushes me. Hard. Great. I’ve fucked it up. All I want is to carry her off to bed and ravish her like the perky little maiden she is, and now I’ve made it all serious.

  “Do you think they’ll make it without you?”

  I grin.

  “We’d probably all die, anyway. If it was that easy to make it to the Alliance, we would have all left. You need to own at least 3 planetoids to get a passport. Do you know how high up the corporate ladder you’d have to climb to get there in your life? At that point, you’d need to return. They don’t want people to leave and it’s a suicide mission. It’s why I told Garth no. And I meant it.”

  “Is that the only reason you said no?” She snaps.

  I grab her wrists and kiss her hands.

  “No,” I murmur, pressing her against the wall and kissing her lips again, gently tugging at her lower lip until she made a low moaning sound, “I have better reasons to be at home. Reasons like you. The woman I love.”

  I press my tongue to her neck and she moans again, running her hands over my smooth horns after I free her from my grasp. I want her. Badly. When I’ve kissed and slowly rubbed her mound until her thighs drip from her readiness, she pulls away and gasps.

  “But you believe in this. You’d die for freedom. Anyone of us would.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I tell her roughly.

  I intend to have her here tonight, in my bed, all mine without a care in the world and without the threat of death looming over us. I don’t need to run off into space and I don’t want to.

  “It matters.”

  “Damn it, Jaen,” I growl, “I don’t want to go into space when I have you. And we have this place. This family.”

  “Gav…” she whimpers.


  “You’re… pressing me into the wall. Hard. Can’t. Breathe.”

  I pull away from her, gasping.


  “It’s okay. I enjoy when your instincts get the better of you.”

  I make a low growl in my throat and carry her to the bed. She gasps at the softness beneath her and her breasts spill out of her top, attracting my instant attention. I love those hardened nubs and I get her wet with my soft tongue. She whimpers and moans and her warm thighs rub against my cheeks as my head parts those sweet thighs and I nibble my way up to her dripping peach.

  I slide my tongue between Jaen’s wet lips. I’ll never get over the taste of her. So soft. And sweet. And yearning. I kiss at the apex of her thighs and use my tongue on her engorged pearl until she releases in my mouth. Jaen…

  I growl her name as I get her soaked again by teasing her wetness to another bed-shaking climax. I kiss my way back up over the soft mound of her tummy, her gorgeous fleshy breasts and then her taut neck. She tastes incredible. My hardness nearly bursts from my trousers. She cries out as I grind my mound between her thighs, allowing her to feel the heat emanating from my member. I want her. I need her.

  I growl as she frees my cock from my trousers.

  “Shh,” she whispers, “No need to growl, beastie… you’ll have me soon.”


  She kisses me a
s her hand finds my member and wraps around it to guide her to her entrance.

  “Yes,” she whispers, “You’re my big, sexy beastie.”

  I growl and find her, burying my cock insider her to the hilt. She moans as she feels the center growing, stretching her and filling her with my increasing girth. My tongue fingers her neck and I nibble at her flesh as my hips move gently between her legs. She’s soaked and climaxes after only a few strokes. My erection growing harder inside her strokes at every nerve in her body, sending her down an intense rollercoaster until she climaxes repeatedly.

  I move inside her until she can’t stop climaxing, and then I finish. She moans and wraps her legs around me. I can’t make myself break apart from her. Her face contorts into a little wince and I murmur, “Have I hurt you?”

  She nods.

  “A little. It’s… huge… I can’t…”

  “I can move now,” I whisper, sliding out of her. She gasps.

  “It mostly feels good. It’s just… it got intense at the end.”

  “I want you,” I murmur, “I want to make you mine.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I want you to have my child.”

  “It’s not possible.”

  “I love you,” I tell her, stroking her hair and kissing her, hoping I can make the hurt I caused her disappear.

  “I love you too,” she responds, “But we’re not… compatible like that.”

  “They could have got it wrong,” I tell her.

  She faces me again and kisses me.

  “They could have,” she murmurs.

  I kiss her forehead.

  “I cannot make you bear a child if you don’t want to.”

  “I don’t want to,” she whispers, “Not yet. But if we try it… and there’s such a low chance… maybe we can say it was meant to be. Who knows? We could be years trying.”

  “Do you want me to try then?”

  My hardness stiffens at the thought of filling her. At the thought of protecting her and caring for her as she carries my child. She doesn’t realize how vulnerable the thought makes me feel — to have two people I’d die to protect. Who I’d fight for until my dying breath.

  She nods.

  “Yes,” she whispers, “We’ll make little beasties. With eyes like mine and horns like yours.”

  I growl and flip her onto her stomach, pulling hair away from her ears and running my tongue along her lobes.

  “Breeding is a little different,” I whisper, “Do you trust me?”


  “Good. Because you’ll have to cum for hours… and hours… and I need you to trust that when I tell you that, it’s a promise. You will cum for hours. And hours.”

  “Yes, Gavriel,” she whimpers, “Yes…”

  Book #2 coming soon.

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  Pregnant For The Blue Alien Savage King

  Part I

  Book I

  ⚠️Content Awareness: death, violence, sexual violence, horned and horny aliens, strong language, frequent use of the c-word, copious amounts of dominant alien/submissive human sex, a dash of domestic discipline kink, and content for grown folks only.

  This is a free 10,000 word sample of another alien romance novel by Enid Titan.

  Click here to get the entire book.

  Chapter 1

  I’m Getting Married

  Women will survive the apocalypse. My mother tells me this as she explains the urgency of my predicament, an urgency I am profoundly aware of. She explains why I must marry Tucker, even if he’s boring, arrogant, and possibly asexual -- a situation that doesn't work for me at all. She slides a contract across the dining table, judging me as I pick it up and examine it like a used napkin.

  “Tucker doesn’t know the Corporation wants my head on a platter?”

  My mother shakes her head. That settles it then. Tucker is my way off this planet and my mother wants to arrange my loveless marriage and send me to an alien world. Detecting my disbelief, she defends her position.

  “There’s nothing left for you on Earth. Terra II is the fresh start you need. You can’t keep asking Clara to risk her neck for you.”

  Ah. There it is. Clara wants me gone. I remember why I hate humans and why I’m always getting into trouble with them.

  “I guess Clara isn’t grown enough to kick me out herself.”

  Mama exaggerates her frustrated gasp as if to suggest I’m insane for suggesting my older sister carries the family tradition of passive-aggressiveness.

  “No one is kicking you out, Cosima. This is an opportunity.”

  “Wow. An opportunity. All I have to do is marry a capitalist douche with his head so far up his ass that —

  She interrupts me, which is good because my sentence is only going to get worse.

  “Tucker is a good match. Have you seen his compound on Terra II? It’s magnificent. He even has a pool.”

  “My life is worth a pool. Great. Feminism has come so far. I wish Susan B. Anthony could see 2420.”

  Her lips form a hard, angry line.

  “Tucker is even willing to put up with your sour attitude. No other man will do that. Remember Jamie?”

  She brings up Jamie because she knows it will hurt me.

  “No, mom. I forgot my ex-husband.”

  I’m tormenting her because she deserves it for bringing him up. My attempts to rattle her go ignored.

  “Tucker’s your only chance at avoiding prison, darling, and my only chance at getting grandkids.”

  I’m unable to restrain a laugh. Tucker? Kids? If he isn’t as smooth as marble down there, his dick has fangs. My mother sighs.

  “I hate to do this dear, but you don’t have a choice. I signed the papers already and Clara’s packing your things. These are only a copy. You leave tomorrow.”

  I glare at her and it does not affect her stance. Glaring at her never does. Everyone in this family has run out of sympathy for me. The Corporation wants me in jail and as far as they’re concerned, I am breaking the law.

  “Tucker is rich. He’ll marry you for some reason I don’t understand, and you will be free.”

  “You have it all worked out.”

  “Don’t be like that, Coco. We care about you.”

  “If I go, it will be months before the next transport to Earth, if there is another transport.”

  “Clara and I will come next year. Tucker’s promised to bring us along.”

  “This makes sense. There’s something in it for you.”

  I sling my bag around my side and rise from my seat. I need to leave this house before I scream. I need to leave this house before I do something stupid. I’m going to do something stupid anyway. My last day on Earth and I’m going to end it getting into a fight with my family.

  “Don’t be like this Cosima.”


  “Don’t forget to put on your mask!”

  “I’m fine!”

  I slip my mask on and leave Clara’s house, my caramel face turning slightly pink in the polluted air. I know that I’m reacting to her too dramatically and she’s trying to help. I know that if the Corporation finds out where I am, I won’t be the only person to suffer.

  My watch vibrates on my wrist and I look down to see a message from Tucker. My stomach drops. I am so angry that I forget for a moment why, and mistake that unsettled feeling as my typical reaction to spending time with my mother.

  I delete the message without reading it and walk to my sister’s house. I live in her basement — her unfinished basement and I have a private entrance sort of a cat flap for people you don't want to see every day. She is kind enough to give me a bed there, but it’s the only kindness she permits me. I am a disappointment for drawing attention to myself. I am a disappointment for hiding in her home and putting he
r kids at risk, even if her “kids” are her twin Pomeranians, Chichi and Alexander the Great.

  I hear the dogs barking as I approach the proper front door. Clara must not be home. Hopefully, her husband isn’t home either. If Clara is frosty, he’s a glacier.

  Rather than using my basement entrance, I walk through the front door with my key and when I enter her house, I find Tucker standing there with a cocksure grin on his face like he’s won at blackjack.

  “Cosima, my beautiful bride, come give daddy a hug.”

  He’s one of those irritating guys who thinks it’s endearing to call himself “daddy”. It isn’t. It’s weird and gross, and the last person I want to be reminded of is my father. I open my arms and grimace because after all, this man is officially my husband.

  He hugs me and his sweaty armpits are too close to my nose. I wrest myself away from him and Tucker remains oblivious to my disgust.

  “So, imagine that. Your high school prom date is the guy who saves your fucking life.”

  I hate him reminding me that we ever knew each other, that there was a point when I liked him.

  “If Clara sees you in here, she’ll blow a fuse.”

  On the other hand, I like reminding him that he dated my sister and that because he played us against each other, she hates his guts even more than I do.

  “Wait ’til she hears that I’m the one you’re marrying.”

  “She doesn’t know?”

  “Your mother thought it best not to tell her.”

  That sneaky, sneaky woman…

  Chapter 2

  I’m Going To Kill My Husband

  Tucker and I are married, so naturally, we share a cabin on the space flight to Terra II. Tucker talks my ear off about the “great work” he is doing for the Corporation. He works within their research and development department and his job makes him Very Important™. He likes reminding people that he is Very Important™. I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant as he is that he’s pissing people off.


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