Big Three: MFMM Contemporary Romance
Page 7
We both have Masters degrees in Public Broadcasting and we didn’t get those degrees just for throwing the pigskin around. The backwards athlete thing has simply served us well over the years. People don’t know to be wary of you if they don’t realize you could be a threat.
She sighs, flabbergasted. I can’t help but scan her body, those sexy legs of hers, those thick thighs and that perfect curve of her stomach that’s begging to be kissed and lapped and worshipped. And I bet she doesn’t even realize how sexy she is.
Well, I know she doesn’t, because she tries to reach for her cover-up. I pipe up to distract her before she can.
“What’s the harm in a little bit of fun?” I ask, making her look at me.
She frowns and I can see the million arguments she has against that very concept. I wonder what made her like that.
“I don’t think I like the kind of fun you’re suggesting,” she says softly, sipping on her Mai Tai and sitting very stiffly on the chair.
“How would you know if you haven’t given it a try?” Troy coaxes.
“I can’t believe you two are even talking about something like… I… ugh!”
Frustrated, she leans back, relaxing slightly. I share a knowing look with Troy. A little bit of fun is exactly what the doctor ordered for Lily Morris.
“I think you need to get your mind out of the gutter,” I quip.
Lily gives me a look that almost makes me burst out laughing. Yeah, she has us figured out, but messing with her pretty head is too fun.
“Yeah, we’re fine, upstanding gentlemen and we’d never imagine doing something untoward.”
“And if we’re reading you right, what you’re suggesting is definitely… how should we put it… naughty?”
Troy and I gasp in unison, covering our mouths. Lily rolls her eyes at our antics.
“That’s not what I’m-” she starts, but we don’t give her a chance to finish.
“Then again, what harm could it do?” Troy asks me seriously, as if the idea of fucking Lily raw came from her and like it hasn’t been revolving in my brain and his since that damn Mets-Padres game.
“I mean, we could try, I guess,” I say with mock trepidation.
“Could we be so bold?!”
“I think we could!”
Lily’s watching us with obvious confusion. But when I jump up, grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and start running like I was being chased by the defensive lineup of the Denver Broncos, all she can do is screech and hold on for dear life. We’re in the water within seconds, Troy bringing up the rear behind us, with my arm wrapped tight around Lily’s legs.
“NO! Callum, don’t!” she squeals.
We splash into the water together and when we come up for air, all three of us are laughing. Lily splashes water at me and I splash it right back, making it cusp over her wet hair.
“You guys are insane!” she gasps and I dive, grabbing her by the waist and dragging her along further from the shore.
She grabs my shoulders but doesn’t fight back and when I come back up again, she’s tangled up with me, her legs around my waist.
“I’m not a great swimmer,” she admits, brushing her hair back.
Lily’s smiling wide though and there’s real joy in her eyes for just about the first time that I’ve seen. Troy comes up behind her, sandwiching her between us, his hands tracing along her waist as I have one arm under her ass to keep her up. My shoulders and Troy’s barely reach over the calm water and we’re far enough away from the beach for our conversation to no longer travel there, but the water’s over Lily’s head for sure now.
“We won’t let anything happen to you,” Troy growls.
I shift her a bit so she faces me and we’re at the same height because she’s clinging to me. I grin at her and I can see that moment of realization as it floods through her, right when my hands track paths along her thighs.
“I-… We shouldn’t,” she starts, but I hush her as my thumbs hook under the fabric of her bikini bottoms.
She’s trimmed, with her pussy lips shaved. I can just feel it, though I don’t dip my fingers in just yet.
“Is that what you always say?” Troy asks, his lips by her ear as his hands move up, cupping her breasts.
Lily groans and fucking hell, it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.
“No,” she gasps, but it isn’t a protest.
Her back leans against Troy and she looks over her shoulder at him before glancing back at the shore. There are not a lot of people there – it’s a pain in the ass to get there and we had to rent jet skies when we heard where she went because the boats were all out – but there are still plenty of prying eyes.
That’s okay. This is just supposed to be the appetizer. For all of us.
“Fuck,” Troy hisses.
I can feel his hands groping her breasts, pushing the bikini aside. I can just make her beautiful, rosy nipples out under the cover of the water, but we’re making sure that her modesty’s protected, that this is only for the three of us and no one else.
Troy pinches her nipples, both at the same time, and Lily lets out the sweetest whimper. I want to kiss her lips so bad but I know I can’t. Not here.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t blow her mind.
“Tell me you want this, Lily,” I tell her, catching the gaze of her hazel eyes.
They’re already glazing over and she’s hanging onto me tight, like she’s afraid of moving and breaking the moment.
“I-… Callum, Troy,” she sighs, and I press one hand down the front of her bottoms now, my palm covering her pussy.
Even in the water, I can feel how hot and moist it is for me and Troy. How much she fucking wants this. I bet she was soaking through them when we showed up on the beach. The way she was looking at us told me that she needs this as much as I do.
“Tell us,” Troy growls, twisting her nipples a little harder, pinning her between our chests.
I can feel her every heartbeat as I let one finger roam up and down the length of her slit, teasing over her clit and then pressing against her opening but not letting it enter her.
“I s-shouldn’t,” she stutters, but at the same time she’s pushing herself against my finger and palm.
I maneuver us so my back is to the beach now. Troy kneads her tits, nice and heavy and just enough to fill his hands, and the moans that Lily makes are like music to my ears. So fucking pretty, so fucking hot… So ours.
“You should,” I tell her. “You need to. You need to do this, Lily. You need this release, you deserve this release. But we won’t give it to you unless you’re a good girl and tell us that you want this.”
She’s quiet, eyes clouded, grinding against my hand.
“Or we can just stop,” Troy says simply, suddenly taking his hands away from her breasts, his hot breath from her neck, and I pull back my hand.
“No!” she practically screams, eyes wide. “No, please! Yes! I need this, please!”
Fucking hell, the way she begs… I don’t think this will be enough for me, or for Troy, but fuck if it doesn’t whet the appetite.
“That’s my good girl,” I growl and finally slip my fingers into her.
I let my thumb rub across her clit a little too hard as I slam my fingers in and out of her. Troy has his hands back on her tits and I suddenly lift her up a little, bringing her breasts out of the water. She gasps, moving to cover herself up, but Troy’s faster than she is.
He grabs her arms and pins them back, gathering them in one hand as he yanks her backward, exposing her nipples to him. Quickly and without warning, he sucks one of them into his mouth and covers Lily’s mouth with his other hand. There’s a salty taste in my mouth from the spray of the occasional waves but there’s nothing quite as sweet as making this uptight little lawyer squirm and beg and buck.
And that’s exactly what she’s doing. Her eyes are rolling back and her thighs clench around me, anchoring herself to me as Troy laps and tugs at her nipple with his
mouth. He’s ruthless, having to use only his mouth now when I know he’d like to use both hands.
My cock’s so hard that it’s becoming virtually impossible to stop myself from yanking my swim shorts down and pounding into this pristine, tight pussy. But I control myself. I have to. If we give her everything she needs right now, she might never come back.
And I’m not done with her. Not by a long shot.
I can see tears streaming down her face now as her muffled screams disappear into Troy’s palm. We’re not playing nice. We’re playing to win, to get her off and to make her want and need us as much as we need her.
I can feel her pussy throbbing around my fingers, every time I push in it sucks down on me, like it doesn’t want me to pull out. So I pound her harder and I flick her clit faster.
“You’re so hot, baby girl,” I whisper, making her moan long and hard as she’s pinned and captured between me and Troy. “I bet you’ve been dreaming about this since you met us. I bet your pussy has been wet for days, dreaming about us taking you like you deserve to be taken.”
She doesn’t answer, just whimpers, the hold of her thighs around my abdomen getting ever tighter. Her breathing is becoming shallow and that’s just the way I want her, right on the edge.
It’s Troy who pushes her over.
Her lets go of her nipple and then slips his tongue over the rosy nub a couple of times, fast. I synchronize the way I pound her slit with it so every time his tongue rolls over her, I shove my fingers deeper into her. When he bites down on that delicious little nub again, I pound into her and keep my fingers there, scissoring them.
She’s gone.
Her eyes go wide and she bucks like a wild horse, her ribcage shooting up like she’s been hit by lightning. I gradually slow down my rhythm and Troy lets go of her wrists, snaking his free hand up on her stomach now instead.
She comes down off her high slowly and I love watching it. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are puffy from heaving in breaths while Troy kept her quiet. Her wet hair is sticking to her skin and she’s out of breath. Lily groans when I pull my fingers back, oh so slowly, and make sure her bikini bottom is back in place.
I’m holding her up with my arm under her ass when her thighs relax. She has no strength to hold onto me anymore, so I keep her safe and Troy wills her to lay back against his chest.
Her eyes are clouded and I take the moment to get one last glance at her amazing tits, jealous that my brother got to play with them and I didn’t.
Next time.
Troy rights her coral bikini top and makes sure she’s ‘decent’ again. Though I’m not sure an article of clothing can make her any less dirty than she is now…
“That was,” she gasps, struggling to find the words. “I don’t even know what that was.”
Troy chuckles and gently lifts her out of my arms, cradling her against his chest. She loops an arm around his neck, too exhausted to argue, and we slowly make our way out of the water and back to the beach chairs.
We get a few sideways glances but even if I know these people, or if my father does, I couldn’t give less of a shit. And I’m going to make sure that Lily doesn’t either.
It’s just been a couple of hours since my rendezvous with Callum and Troy on the beach. Christine has been blowing up my phone nonstop but I haven’t had the courage to take her call yet.
What would I tell her? That I got fingerbanged by two of the hottest sports celebrities on the planet? That I screamed their names into the big, rough palm of one of them while the other fucked me with his fingers until I came like a volcano? That I’ve never had a release so good?
Yeah, that’s probably exactly what Christine wants to hear, and exactly why I can’t tell her.
What if someone else finds out? What if Mallory finds out?
Paralyzed by indecision, I’ve been hiding out in my room since getting back from the beach. It took a whole lot of convincing to get the twins to leave me alone, but I finally managed to talk myself out of it. It might have been the Mai Tais, or the amazing sex, but I’ve never been so persuasive in my whole life.
Maybe I should get fucked by the Stephensons before every time I’m due in court? I muse with a little grin, sitting cross-legged on my bed.
The first thing I did when I got back was collapse into a two-hour nap. I slept right through dinner and I’m famished, but the thought of getting out of my bungalow and facing society is a bit horrifying. What if I run into the twins again? What if I run into Austin? Is he even here yet? Is he coming?
Do I want him to come?
There’s way too much going on in my head as I flip through the material I have on the Stephenson family and the case in general, prepping for my meeting with Robert Stephenson, which I’m supposed to have in two hours. I’m eating a KitKat, my hair a matted mess and wearing nothing but a pair of boyshorts and an old varsity tee from Yale when there’s a knock on the door.
I frown, getting up and going to the door. My hand is already on the knob when the thought hits me that I should probably cover up more, but it’s too little too late.
When I open the door, Austin Stephenson is standing there, looking like the wet dream that he is.
He’s in earth-toned slacks and a white button-up with the first couple of buttons undone, giving me a good view of his massive, broad chest. The look on his face is as dark and mysterious as ever, made even more so by the small smirk he’s wearing. His gaze rolls over me with an obvious sense of ownership.
I gulp.
I feel like I’ve been thrown out of the frying pan and right into the fire. With Callum and Troy, I was surrounded by people and in a public place. But there’s no one here to make me or Austin behave better than we want to… than we should.
What am I even thinking? I shake my head, trying to clear it, and Austin’s smirk only broadens.
“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” he asks in lieu of a greeting.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re here?” I ask, mustering what little defiance I have, dressed in virtually nothing and feeling my nipples harden at the mere thought of sharing a small enclosed space with him.
Without another comment, he pushes past me and into the bungalow, kicking his loafers off. His hands are in his pockets, hiding that tan line of his.
I couldn’t help myself. I googled him. And his ex-wife. And any other woman he’s ever been connected to, which admittedly was a much shorter list than the one that the twins came with. But I know his divorce went through a mere couple months ago and that… well, that sets off more red flags in my head than I knew I possessed.
“Well?” I ask, closing the door behind him.
I’m doing surprisingly well at sticking to my guns, thirty seconds into our would-be conversation. Go me!
“Well what?” he asks in a leisurely way, turning to look at me.
His eyes glance down for a moment at my chest, prompting me to cross my arms. I know my nipples are peaking against the fabric of the shirt. As usual, I’m scarlet red in the face around a Stephenson brother.
“Why are you here, Austin?”
“I thought I’d come say hello, seeing as we’re going to be island-mates and neighbors for a while now,” he says with a casual shrug, sitting down on the edge of my bed.
He throws a curious look at my laptop and I rush over to slam it shut. He might say that he’s on his little sister’s side, but that doesn’t also mean that he can’t be on his father’s. First and foremost, my client is his former stepmother, and it’s obvious that there’s no love lost there.
“Neighbors?” I ask, finding myself way too close to him again.
I tug the edge of my shirt down a little, though it barely covers my ass as it is.
“I’m in the bungalow next to yours,” he says, leaning back to rest his big palms on the comforter.
I don’t know if that particular thought is sarcast
ic or not. It should be, but I’ve got my reasons to assume that it might not be…
“Well, hello, neighbor, and I’m glad you’ve dropped by,” I lie, feeling entirely flustered by his presence, his scent, and the intense gaze of his gorgeous blue eyes. “But I’m going to have to ask you to leave now. I’ve got a meeting with your father in a couple of minutes and I need to get ready for it,”
I’m babbling. And lying. And I’m no longer lying well.
Guess the magic that I picked up from the twins wears off pretty fast. Just my luck.
“Is that so?” he asks, standing up.
He steps closer to me, crowding me with his size. The bungalow isn’t that big, so my back’s already against the wall. I could slip into the bathroom from here but that would just put me in an even narrower room.
Looking down at me, he smirks and then raises his right hand to my face, this time running two fingers down the line of my chin and then my neck, like he did with his eyes back in my office. I tremble against his touch, breathless and out of words.
“You’re lying to me, Lily. I don’t like it when people lie to me,” he says, and my eyes go wide. “I know you have two hours before your meeting with my father,” he continues, and I let out a small groan.
Caught so fast.
I’m completely petrified, unable to move or really act. I don’t know how these men do this to me, but they can basically root me to the spot. My rational brain tells me that this is incredibly inappropriate and I should definitely not be with Austin right now, but my body just wants to throw myself at him.
I wonder what his lips taste like.
“Don’t lie to me again, Lily,” he says darkly, and all I can do is nod dumbly. “Say it.”
I open my mouth and it feels incredibly dry.
“Say it,” he repeats, this time more forcefully.
He’s so close that every breath brings me a lungful of his scent. It’s intoxicating. I think if I asked, he’d step back, but I don’t want him to.
“I won’t lie to you again,” I promise.