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Chosen Heart (The Hart Series)

Page 12

by Stewart, Ann

  My agitation turns into extreme concentration as I dive back into my report, which by five is completed. Attaching the report to an e-mail, I hit the send button and forward it to Arianna and Maggie. Slinking back in my chair, I take a moment to breathe and let the drama from today wash over me, and remember I have a birthday dinner to attend. Would Cole be upset if I canceled on him? Of course he would! No I have to go and deal with my best friend and his wounded ego. Or is it my wounded ego at this point? Who knows! Either way, I need to get this over with.


  I hate that I’m giving into Cole’s compulsive behavior, but I hate it even more that Alex and I are not good. Our conversation wasn’t over, neither of us got what we needed out of it and now I’m left with a dull ache inside. Even as I’m about to have dinner with Cole, I can’t help but think of him. Who am I kidding? I’m always thinking of him. I resolve to push Alexander James to the back of my mind when I see Cole’s yellow Jeep parked outside of the restaurant.

  Still seething with anger towards the men in my life, I enter the restaurant and take a quick look around for Cole. He flags me down and I approach the table hesitantly, as he tries to shift my mood with his bright smile. His relaxed attitude makes it almost too easy to unwind around him. Giving in, I slump down in my chair and wait for the waiter. Ordering a cocktail, I start to look over the dinner choices and notice Cole’s eyes focused on the right side of the menu, obviously surveying the prices. He always does this; making plans that he can’t afford and I always order cheap, so I can watch the tension slowly ooze from Cole’s body. Nothing ever changes.

  Staring at each other, I don’t know whether to be mad at him, or laugh at him. Here he is, looking every bit the best friend I’ve always had, but when he pulls shit like today, I can’t help but be angry. And he knows it. I guess I’m the one that has to be the bad guy. Again!

  “Do you know how unprofessional it is when someone shows up at work unannounced, and pulls a stunt like that? I would love to say that I can’t believe you’d do something like that to me, but it would be a lie.”

  “You were ignoring me and I knew it would get your attention.” He simpers at me while toying with the two shot glasses in front of him.

  “The last time we talked, I’m pretty sure I made it clear that we needed some distance.”

  “Well, I figured we had enough distance. Besides, I wasn’t going to stay away from you on your birthday. We’ve spent the last five birthday’s together and I’m not about to let you ruin our record.” It’s hard to stay mad at him, especially when he remembers things like that. I can’t help my smile, as I fidget with my napkin. “Plus, it was fun getting your V.P.’s panties in a bunch.” Until he says stuff like that…UGH!

  “Cole, you can’t show up at my work and think it’s fun to piss off the executives.” But even as I say it, I know we’re already past the drama. Cole’s goofy grin as I lecture him, tips me off that my efforts are going in one ear and out the other. Like always.

  “Well, that guy rubbed me the wrong way. He couldn’t give us any privacy and just leave us be? Nooo, he had to hang around like a vulture. Creepy, if you ask me!” I’m sure Alex feels the same way and had to ensure he cock-blocked to his fullest ability.

  Not able to focus while Alex remains part of the conversation, I change the subject to talk about Rachel, work, and his schooling. Now that the initial irritation of today’s events has passed, my mood has lightened and I’m starving. I’ve missed Cole and tend to forget how great he can be.

  At the end of dinner, we walk to my car and unfortunately have to rush our goodbyes because water is sprinkling down from the heavens.

  “Happy Birthday, Ely.” He opens his arms and gives me a big bear hug that lifts me off the ground. I giggle with laughter. In moments like this, it’s hard to not remember why I fell for him in the first place. Cole is so carefree and eager to enjoy life. I’ve always been in awe of his ability to forget life’s responsibilities and just enjoy the moment, but at the same time, these are the same reasons why I couldn’t see myself being with him.

  “I don’t know why I always let you get away with all your shit, but thank you for being stubborn and not listening to me. You’re a good friend, Cole.”

  “Good night.” Cole bends down and kisses me on the cheek. Getting in my car, I can’t help my smile, thinking about old times on the drive home.


  Saying goodbye to Cole in the rain seemed somehow symbolic of our changing relationship. Pulling into my parking spot, I brace myself for not only the rain pouring down, but a fresh beginning. Regardless of how Cole and I turn out, I know I will be okay. The rain on the other hand, has its own idea for me. Setting out towards my apartment, less than twenty five feet away, I’m quickly drenched with the showers beating from the heavens.

  Sprinting to my door, I’m startled by the sight of Alex, sitting perched on the two lonely steps. Standing as I approach, I watch him wipe the beaded water off his anxious face with the back of his hand. He’s soaked. Reactively I gasp, bringing my hands up to my mouth, my eyes reaching his translucent white dress shirt, showing every contour of his defined chest, and arms.

  “What are you doing here, Alex?” Shocked frozen in the moment, I ignore the stream of water pouring over my eyes. The sight of him erases the anger from our earlier argument, and all I can focus on is him…his body, his lips, that face.

  “I had to know you got home ok,” he confesses, with genuine concern. Obviously, his concern is misplaced. Alex’s knowledge of Cole consists of a handful of conversations and one stare down in the office. Cole would never hurt me. Part of me wonders if his mistaken concern is more out of jealousy; did he really think I would bring Cole home with me, to what, romp around in bed for hours?

  “I’m fine,” I sigh and walk past him, brushing against his shoulder. The slight contact instantly sends a shiver throughout my body, as I try to put the key in the lock. Reaching around to ease my shaking hand, the feel of his warmth against my back forces my eyes to flutter shut. I stiffen when I feel his hand travel from my fingertips, up my forearm, finally resting on my elbow. I can feel his breath on my neck as I turn to meet his gaze.

  Exasperation from our fight, worry from my dinner with Cole, those emotions I can place in his beautifully pained face, but what I wasn’t ready for was the desire lighting his eyes on fire. Reaching up, he brushes away the droplets of rain from the apples of my cheek, slowly grazing my bottom lip with his thumb, focusing only on my parted mouth. Knocking the wind out of me with his caress, I lean into him, close my eyes and give in. Running my hand down the length of his chest, I can feel the moisture dripping off his shirt. Turning, I nod towards the door, “Come inside, you’re soaked.”

  Walking through the now open door, Alex follows closely as I drop my purse and keys on the end table, rushing to get a towel from the linen closet. Alex approaches, taking the necessary two steps to bridge the distance between us, dropping the plush towel on the floor. Gripping my forearm, he pulls me close, wrapping his gentle arms around me. Even through his drenched clothes, I feel his warmth radiating off his body. Giving in, I nuzzle against his chest, inhaling the now familiar musky scent of citrus and spice, appreciating his heated grip.

  Slightly pushing me away, he searches my resigned face. With his hand under my chin, he continues to graze my lips with his fingers, seeking answers to questions he seems too anxious to ask. Droplets of water fall from his tussled hair, running down the curvature of his high cheeks onto his chiseled jaw line. “Did he kiss you?” The pressure of his fingers against my lips intensifies, his eyes fixated on my mouth he feels betrayed him.

  His touch has silenced me; my only recourse is to shake my head. Secure in the fact that I can’t move when he touches me like that, he takes full advantage of my weakness for him. Standing completely still, Alex leans down grazing his lips against mine, lingering only as long as his breath will allow. His heated kisses continue past my lips, tr
aipsing up and along my jaw line, ending on my ear lobe. A dull ache builds as his lips continue their exploration.

  Raising my hands, I knot them behind his neck, forcing his lips to mine. With each movement of his nimble tongue, the frustration from earlier evaporates, along with my inhibitions. Breaking our kiss, Alex pulls away. Gripping the back of my neck, his hand slowly travels down the curvature of my neck, past my clavicle, grazing my breast, resting on my waist. His eyes follow the same path, my rain soaked clothes leaving little to the imagination.

  Reaching down past my hips, he grabs my thigh, forcing my leg around him. Pushing into me, my body reacts instinctively, jumping into his arms. Lifting both legs to wrap around his waist, our lips never part as Alex walks forward, painstakingly slow. Settling down onto the sofa, he deftly positions me so that I’m straddling him, giving me full access to his rock hard erection.

  His lips break free from mine, again moving slowly along my jaw line to my neck, on the way to my shoulder. Hands caressing my thighs, moving up my body he reaches the hem of my shirt. Ordering me to lift my arms, I willingly comply. Carefully, he lifts my soaked shirt and discards it on the floor, leaving his wide eyes to sweep over my breasts. Thank God, I wore my pink lace bra. Nuzzling my breasts, his mouth feels tantalizingly warm against my cold, damp skin.

  Not wasting any time, Alex reaches behind me and with one quick movement swiftly unclasps my bra, seductively tearing it off my shoulders. Running his tongue over my clavicle to the edge of my shoulder, his mouth follows the path of my strap before exposing my breasts. With his mouth on mine again, his hands cup both of my breasts tenderly.

  Moaning against his lips, my hand reaches down, running over his growing erection. “God, Elyssa,” he moans through gritted teeth. I can’t help the escaped whimper as he begins to increase the pressure, massaging my nipples between his thumb and pointer finger. He stops and smiles at my response, only to lower his head as he takes my left nipple into his mouth, gently sucking. I gasp and find my hands on the back of his head, cradling him against my chest for support.

  Biting my lower lip, I’m unable to fight the urge to move against his body. Placing my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, I begin to move provocatively against his arousal. I can feel his erection beneath me, feel it rubbing against my clit. Alex groans against my breast, bringing his hand to my thighs, slowly lifting my skirt to bunch at my waist. His fingers continue to travel up and down my thighs teasing my already suffering body, making me want him even more.

  “I want you….please, Elyssa,” he begs, his eyes searching for approval.

  “Yes,” I whisper, kissing his neck, feeling alive at the mere touch of his hands rubbing over my body. This is such a new feeling, a freeness I’ve never felt. I don’t feel awkward or bashful. I’m addicted to how uninhibited I feel with him and I don’t want it to stop. Unable to resist, I unbutton his rain soaked shirt, and follow my hands as they travel across his chest. I continue my downward descent, as my hand tenderly skims across his stomach, his muscles tensing against my touch. My journey ends as I reach his navel.

  Suddenly, his fingers wrap around my wrist, halting my efforts. I look up into his intense blue eyes with confusion. Is he really rejecting me…right now?!

  “I don’t have any protection.” Shaking his head ever so slightly, Alex rests his forehead against mine, his breathing ragged. “I really wasn’t expecting this.” The fact he came over to check on me, not anticipating sex, makes me want him even more.

  “I’m on the shot,” I pant. Please Alex, I want you! Testing his willpower, I try to move my hand again, but am met with resistance. Looking in his eyes, “I trust you, Alex.” With my declaration, he sees green and takes me into his mouth, ripping my panties as he reaches to pull down his own pants, freeing his erection.

  Forcefully he grabs my hips, positioning me, as he thrusts forward plunging himself deep inside. Staring into my eyes, he watches me wince during the initial contact, and instant concern replaces his desire. “Are you okay?” Alex’s sweet voice rumbles against my lips as he halts his movement. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  I brace myself against his chest, nestling myself in his neck. “No…please…keep going.” It’s been a long time since I’ve been intimate, and Alex is well endowed. It takes a bit of getting used to, but soon my body adapts, taking in everything he has to give. He feels so excruciatingly good. I move up and down matching his pace, feeling every inch, deep inside. I grab a hold of his shoulders and move with an eagerness that’s hard to hide.

  “Slow,” he whispers, holding my hips, restraining my movements. “I want to savor you.” Kissing my shoulder, Alex’s lips feel like a branding iron, setting fire to every inch of my skin. “You taste as good as I imagined you would.” His mouth finds mine again and our kiss deepens.

  Taking the time to explore each other’s bodies, we relish in our closeness. Just moments ago, I was mystified with this fickle man and now, now he’s deep inside me. And, as our now joined bodies move in unison, all of my previous irritations and doubts have been quietly erased. His reaction to Cole’s visit is a foreign memory for both of us; his arms no longer tense with anger. Instead they are tight around my body, holding me steadily against him as our climax builds with the slightest movements.

  Pulling away, his voice is deep, raspy, and sexy as hell. “Elyssa, you’re going to make me come…” His declaration does something inexplicable to my body, and all I want is to make him unravel beneath me. I pick up my rhythm, grinding harder and harder against him, as he begins to massage my clit with his thumb, making me even more needy.

  “Alex…” I beg for him to continue. He reaches up behind me, grasping my shoulders with both hands, restraining my body against him.

  “Fuck!” he breaths as he comes, thrusting once more, even deeper than before.

  “Alex!” I scream, climaxing just seconds later. Ripples of orgasmic shockwaves race through my body, as I cling to him for dear life.

  Alex holds me, as we both attempt to slow our breathing. His lips find mine, kissing me softly. “That was incredible,” his cheeks dimple and the corners of his eyes wrinkle as I rest my head against his chest. Time seems endless in this moment, allowing me to bask in his tenderness. I’ve never had this and I don’t want it to end. I feel at ease when I’m with him. He makes me feel…different.

  Glancing at the clock on my cable box, his arms tighten around me. Unsuccessful at hiding my disappointment, I pout. “Do you have to go?”

  “Not yet,” he nuzzles me close, skimming his fingers up and down my arm. “Delores will call if I’m needed.”

  Even though I don’t want to break our connection, I know if I don’t, I really won’t be able to walk later. Wincing, I gently release his hold on me and grab the light blue throw that lies off the side of the couch. Draping it over both of us, I sit aside him and study his face, wanting to remember this moment forever.

  “Alex, will you tell me more about you,” I blurt out, unconsciously. Having just relinquished my body to him, I know it seems silly to try and get to know him better. But, being so close to him physically makes me crave more of him. Physically and emotionally. Tonight has been so unexpected, and I can’t let him go. Not when I just got him.

  Lifting his hips, he chuckles, as he shimmies up his slacks leaving his button unfastened. “I think you know enough.” Looking over at me through laughing eyes, he must see my disappointment. Exhaling deeply, “Alright…what do you want to know?” Anything and everything.

  Where do I begin…All I really know about his personal life is that he lives with his grandmother. He doesn’t talk about any other family, or friends for that matter. “How long have you lived here?”

  “I moved here when I was ten.” Stealing a look at me, his eyes retreat to his now interlocked fingers. Have I made him uncomfortable? After a moment of internal struggle, he continues. “My grandmother had moved here a year before my mom got cancer. When she got so sick, we cam
e here so my grandmother could help take care of me. My mother passed away when I was seventeen and I stayed here until I went away to college.”

  So many different traumatic events rattled off, with hardly any emotion. Reaching across to pull his unfocused eyes to mine, I can’t help the sorrow I feel for him. “I’m so sorry.” He looks away, but hopefully not before he sees the comprehension in my face. I know what it’s like to lose a parent. I want him to know I empathize with him, that he’s not alone, but the words get stuck in my throat. Instead, I stay silent as he holds me even tighter.

  “What about your dad?”

  “My dad’s a bastard that can rot in hell,” he adds through clenched teeth, tightening his grip on my shoulders.

  “Sorry, if you don’t want to talk about it...” I’m taken back with his callous words. I don’t want to cause him any pain, and decide in the future to avoid this topic entirely. I want this night to end on a positive note, not with him recalling bad memories.

  “It’s fine…” Alex pauses, searching for the right words to say.

  “We don’t have to do this tonight.” Reaching out to touch his face, Alex closes his eyes. Feeling the warmth passing through us, he pulls me closer, placing soft kisses on my neck.

  “My turn and don’t get mad.” What could he possibly ask that would cause me to get mad? “Now that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting what’s-his-face, I don’t get what you could possibly see in him. You need to break that down for me.”

  “Cole?” I ask, as Alex nods into my neck. I knew eventually this question would come up again. In the event we’re being honest, I guess this is as good a time as any to give him a glimpse into my past. Searching his face, all I can see is genuine intrigue, and decide that while I’m not ready to reveal everything, I might as well give him something.


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