Steal My Girl

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Steal My Girl Page 11

by Casey McMillin

  I shook my head, and his eyes widened with worry. He gestured with a hand for me to follow him. "I'm Rory's friend, Mack. The package flew in yesterday and I was responsible for getting him to you."

  "I'm sorry you had to do all that on Christmas. Wait, did you say him?"

  Mack looked at me with those same worried eyes, but smiled and nodded. "It's a him," he said. "They were calling him Thor, but I guess you can name him whatever you want."

  By that time, Steven and Thomas had seen the van and gotten curious. They stood off to the side near Charlotte, watching, as I spoke to Mack. He opened the back door, and staring back at me was the most beautiful furry face I'd ever seen. My first thought was wolf, but I knew a good bit about dogs and was quickly able to recognize him as a white German Shepherd.

  I stared into the back of the van at Thor, who was in a wire kennel staring back at me. He didn't move around, or even look at Mack. His eyes locked on mine. He even tilted his head to the side a couple of times as if he were really thinking about something. I cracked a smile and stared at him for ten or so seconds before Mack asked if he could let him out. I nodded dazedly, and he opened the kennel and let Thor jump out of the van.

  Steven, who had been preoccupied talking to our cousins, jumped back and yelled at the sight of something white bounding out of the van. "Holy shit, that scared me," he said. He was extremely animated, and paced around excitedly watching Thor. "Whose dog is that?"

  I looked at Mack. "Is this my dog?"

  He smiled and lifted his eyebrows, and I knew the answer was yes.

  Thor went straight to my brother and sat at his feet. He looked back toward the van, and then he pawed the ground a few times gently like he wanted some attention. Steven stooped and gave him a pat behind the ears. Mack was smiling at the sight of the dog going right up to Steven like that. He looked at me, shaking his head and chuckling.

  "What?" I asked.

  "You'll understand when you read the instructions."

  I gave him a confused look, but he just smiled and turned to begin unloading everything from the van.

  "Are you seriously leaving a dog at my house right now?" I asked. I don't know what I was expecting, but dog had honestly not even crossed my mind. "How old is he?" I asked.

  "I think about eight months. He's highly trained. He was meant for someone else, and Rory had to call in a favor to make him give it up."

  "I don't want anyone being forced to give me their dog," I said.

  Mack laughed. "It's a done deal, and he flew from New York or some shit, so it's probably best if you don't reject him. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Rory took care of it. I'm just saying I think he's a pretty badass dog. He didn't come from Craigslist or anything."

  He set down the last armload of supplies, and I just looked at him, feeling like I owed him something for making the delivery.

  "Do you need help inside with this stuff?" he asked. There was a pile of supplies next to the kennel, and I looked down at it.

  "Oh, that's okay. I'll get these guys to help me with it."

  He smiled as he got into his van. "Did Rory ever figure out if he'd be able to get back early?" he asked, looking down at me with his van door still open.

  I shrugged awkwardly. "When were they supposed to be back?" I asked, acting like I forgot.

  "They were planning on coming back on the second, but I heard they might make it back for New Year's."

  I figured he assumed I knew Rory's schedule, so I just smiled and acted like I did. "It'd be great if they could make it home for New Year's," I said, playing along.

  Mack smiled before closing the door. Then he backed out of his parking spot, leaving me in the driveway with an ever-growing crowd who were all anxious to see Thor the Magnificent.

  Chapter 15

  "What in the world is this?" my dad asked.

  "It's Thor, and he's a fuckin' baller!" my brother said.

  My dad sighed and closed his eyes, praying for patience with Steven. "What is Thor the Baller doing in my driveway?" he asked.

  "He's Megan's. He just jumped out of that van." Steven pointed to Mack, who was now at the end of our driveway.

  "Who's is he?" Dad repeated.

  "Megan's!" Steven repeated, as if Dad was deaf.

  Dad looked at me and I just shrugged as if it was as confusing to me as it was to him. "What's going on here, Megan? What's this about?"

  I gave him another exasperated shrug and threw my hands in the air, letting him know what a mystery the whole thing was. I knew whatever was in the envelope would likely explain everything, but I didn't really feel like opening it right there in front of everyone.

  "I'm gonna go inside and sort everything out," I said. "Can you help me in?"

  "Are you keeping his name Thor?" Steven asked.

  "I don't even know if I'm keeping him period," I said.

  "I want him if you don't," Steven said. "I think he likes me."

  "Just help me get inside," I said.

  Everyone, and I mean everyone, followed me inside the guesthouse, even my uncle Jamey. Thor was the hit of all hits as far as presents went that year, and it was timed perfectly where none of us were doing anything when he arrived. It was utter chaos in my place, and I couldn't wait to get alone so I could crack into that envelope.

  My dad followed me to the kitchen with the kennel. He asked three or four more times who would have given me something like that, but I gave him short, vague answers, and he seemed to get the idea that I wanted to figure it out for myself first.

  "You guys can take him outside as long as he stays in the gate," I said. No one seemed to be paying attention to me, so I raised my voice a few notches when I said, "Hey can you guys give me a minute to figure out what's going on?"

  They looked at me and I held up the envelope I'd been clutching.

  "Take him to the backyard if you want. I'll meet you guys out there. I just need a minute."

  "What's his name?" My mom asked, in a cooing tone as she stooped to rub his ears.

  "Thor," about three people answered at the same time.

  I wanted Thor to stay in there with me and curl up at my feet while I read the letter, but I knew I wouldn't get rid of the rest of them unless I let him go outside. "Okay, I'll meet you guys out there," I said. My tone was definite enough that everyone began making their way to the door.

  "C'mon boy," Steven said, slapping his leg.

  Within a minute, I was alone in the guesthouse. I could hear them as they called Thor and carried on in the yard, but it was just noise to me because I only had one thing on my mind. The letter. I wanted to be comfortable when I read it, so I went to my bedroom, closed the door, and sat on the funky little patchwork couch I had at the foot of my bed. I unwound the string that fastened the envelope before pulling out the folded pieces of paper.

  When I opened it, I saw the back of a 4x6 photograph, and I turned it over to inspect it. My heart sank at the image. It was a black and white photograph of Rory on a ship. It was a candid shot of him smiling broadly, and my gut clinched at how very hot he was. Shit, shit, shit. He was so super hot. I shielded my eyes and turned the picture over. He knew he was tempting me with this photograph. It looked like a shot for a Ralph Lauren ad. I turned it over again and stared at his smile for a few seconds. Then I focused on the hand-written letter beneath. There were two pages, and I scanned them both before returning to the beginning.

  Megan, I hope you're having a good Christmas and that Thor, or whatever you decide to call him, will be a welcome addition to the family. He's almost nine months old and has been highly trained. You'll have no problems with housebreaking or behavior. There's a DVD with the supplies that will explain the commands he knows and tasks he can perform. This one was meant for a friend of mine, so he's actually been trained to sniff pot. It won't interfere with his job as your companion and protector, but just so you know, if he ever sits in front of someone or something and paws the ground a few times, he's telling you they're carr
ying marijuana.

  I put the letter to my chest and cracked up, remembering what Thor did to Steven a few minutes before. Then I looked down and continued reading with a smile remaining on my face.

  Other than that, his special training shouldn't come up, unless he's in a position where he needs to protect you, in which case, God help that person. He'll be a good dog, and I really hope you'll consider taking him. Don't worry about my friend who he was meant for. He wasn't attached. The training facility Thor came from trains these dogs all the time. He'll have another one in a month or two, and he didn't mind since he owed me a favor. So, keep him and enjoy. Okay, enough about the dog, which you're keeping.

  Megan, you should know that I want you.

  I paused right there and held the letter to my chest again. The sight of those handwritten words on the paper, I want you, made me ache for him. I'd been unable to shake Rory from my thoughts, and my body was ready to be turned on at the drop of a hat. I focused back to the paper and found the place where I'd left off.

  Where was I? Oh yeah…

  You should know that I want you. I left your house that morning with thoughts of making a way to see you again. This has nothing to do with you being kidnapped. I know when we first met I said I'd never want a relationship, and you think you can't be with me because of my lifestyle, but those things are insignificant in the long run. This is the part where you have to just trust me. Just trust me. You know you want to.

  I put the letter to my chest again, and this time I stretched out on that little couch. He was right; I did want him. I held the letter above me and blinked away the tears that rose to my eyes before I continued.

  It will have to be okay with you, because I'm not going to be able to take no for an answer on this one. I am making my best effort to be home for New Year so I can kiss you at midnight.

  I laughed like a giddy schoolgirl at the thought of him coming to our party and sweeping me off my feet… and then I slammed the papers down by my side as I sat straight up on the couch.

  I stared at the wall with a determined look on my face even though nobody was there to see it. I could not, absolutely could not, have a relationship with Rory McDonald.

  This was all wrong. I'd been over it and over it in my head, and there was no good outcome.

  It was so tempting that I almost let myself hope, but there was just no way Rory would be a good match for me in the long run. He was too much like his dad, who'd had affairs with women on every piece of land that touched the Atlantic Ocean.

  My dad, on the other hand, was a dependable guy with a dependable 9 to 5 job that provided a good life for his wife and kids. I'd always planned to marry someone like my dad. Rory's sketchy job that got me kidnapped is unacceptable. It's unacceptable. Megan Jane, it is unacceptable! I peeked back down at the photograph. Was it really so unacceptable? I mean, Addie really didn't seem to have problems with her relationship with Drake, after all.

  I turned the photo over again and took a deep breath before focusing on the closing of the letter. The bit about being back for New Year's was the last thing in his letter, but he signed it with: It's gonna be good, Rory

  I read the whole letter again, feeling heartbroken at the fact that I wanted everything 'to be good', but knowing it'd never happen. I wanted to lay in my bed and cry about it, but I had family outside and a new dog to deal with.

  I sent a text to my dad, telling him to come in for a minute so I could explain. He came in a few minutes later. I was waiting on the couch for him and motioned for him to come sit by me.

  "What's going on?"

  "It's from Tom Kelly and Rory as an apology for what happened. He's trained to protect, and I think it was a really sweet gesture."

  "Where'd they get something like that?"

  "He was meant for their friend, but they worked something out."

  "So, you're gonna keep him?"

  "I think so," I said. "I think I'd be stupid to pass. He seems like a really cool dog."

  "Oh, he is. Your aunt already said she'd give you a thousand dollars if you want to part with him."

  My gaze popped up to meet his, and he nodded letting me know he was totally serious.

  "I'm keeping him," I said decisively. "But we obviously can't tell them why they gave him to me. I was thinking I'd just say he was from a guy I'm dating."

  "What are you going to say when they ask you his name?"

  "I don't know. Probably Rory."

  My dad laughed as if the idea was ludicrous.

  "Why's that funny?"

  "It's more believable just to say I got the dog for you and was pretending I didn't know so I could surprise you. Steven knows that guy lives back there and knows you'd never go out with him."

  "Why do you think I'd never go out with him? Because of what happened to me?"

  My dad studied me. "That, and because he's just not your type."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because you're my daughter, Megan, and I know you. You've been looking for a groom to fit your mold since you were a little girl, and Rory's not that guy. I'm your daddy. I know your type, and he's not it. Steven would be wise to it too, so we should just say I got the dog for you."

  "I'm not going to say that because Rory did get it for me, and if he's ever over here, I don't want you taking the credit. It's just weird."

  My dad studied at me curiously. "What do you mean, if he's ever over here?"

  "I mean we hang out with the same people. His brother is dating Addie and they might come over. They might come over as soon as New Year's."

  "Does he know we're having a party?"

  "I don't know. I didn't tell him but Drake might have."

  "Are you interested in this guy?" He said it slowly and with such disbelief I could tell he really didn't believe it could be true.

  I stared into his eyes—my dad, the one who always had my back—and shrugged. "I might be slightly interested," I said, cringing at the thought of what he might say. I'd always been a daddy's girl and wanted his approval even though I knew I'd never get it for Rory.

  "I know you're gonna do what you're gonna do, but I think it's worth noting that Mr. Kelly and his sons live an unorthodox lifestyle, honey."

  I giggled. "I know that, Dad."

  He threw a hand up. "I know. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

  "I'm not saying anything's for sure, but I wanted you to know the thought crossed my mind so it wouldn't be a surprise if—" I cut off, not knowing what to say.

  "If what?"

  "If I end up going out with him or whatever."

  "Are you honestly thinking about going out with him sweetheart?" My Dad's surprise made me start to question everything again.

  After rereading the letter and looking at his picture I thought I wanted to make something happen, but dad's genuine confusion on the subject made me lean in the other direction yet again.

  "I doubt it," I said, casually. I stood up, and went for the door. "But I really like the gift and want to go check him out."

  "Did Tom have anything to do with this, or was it from his boy?" he asked, standing to follow me.

  "He's from Rory," I said, curtly.

  "Hey Megs?"


  We stopped before we reached the door, and dad put a hand on my shoulder.

  "Sometimes you have to trust your heart and not your head."

  I smiled at my dad for the kind words, and we started walking out to meet everyone. It wasn't until we were already outside that it hit me. If I didn't know better, I'd think my dad just gave me advice to consider Rory.

  Chapter 16

  Thor was obviously the product of really good breading. That was apparent by his gate, which I knew about from watching dog shows on TV when I was a kid. I went through a phase where I wanted to be a vet and learned as much as I could about animals in general, but especially dogs.

  I would have never chosen a German Shepherd, but I stared at Thor as I walked to the backyard thin
king how perfect and beautiful he was.

  "I thought you were gonna get a boxer," Steven said as I came out.

  "Yeah, Steven said you wanted a boxer," Aunt P.J. said. "We'll get you a boxer to replace this one and take him off your hands if you want."

  "Don't let her scam you," Steven said. "We've all seen how fuckin' cool this dog is."

  "Steven James, watch your mouth!" My dad snapped.

  My aunt, who was always kidding around, laughed and grabbed Steven to hold his mouth shut, and he wiggled in her grasp. "That dog's a mutt straight from the pound," she said, laughing. "Let us take him off your hands. Don't waste your money on food for that thing."

  He got out of her grasp and looked straight at me as if it were a matter of life and death. "She's lying. He really is cool," he said. "I think he's trained and shit."

  I laughed. "I'm keeping him," I said.

  "Who got him for you?" My mom and cousins had been preoccupied playing with the dog but when my aunt asked the question everyone, including my dad stopped and looked at me for the answer.

  "A friend of mine. He knew I wanted a dog and got him for me for Christmas."

  "I thought you wanted a boxer," my aunt said as she bent to rub Thor's head.

  I smiled and rolled my eyes at her. "Rory picked him for me."

  "Rory? You mean the guy back there?" Steven asked. He threw a hand up, pointing to the wall the bordered Tom Kelly's property. Everyone stared at me, waiting to hear what I'd say.

  "Yes, that Rory. You know Addie's dating Drake. Well, Rory and I hung out a few times."

  "Enough for him to get you some assassin dog for a Christmas gift?"

  "He knew I wanted a dog. It's no big deal," I said. I bent and clicked my tongue a few times to call Thor. He ran over to me and sat at my feet, and I smiled down at him. "You're a good boy, aren't you?" I asked in a cooing tone as I rubbed his ears. Thor closed his eyes and leaned into my touch so wholeheartedly that it was almost comical. He was absolutely soaking in the love. I looked up at my family, wondering if they saw how ridiculous he was being.

  "Oh great, I'm never getting that dog now," Aunt P.J. said, laughing.


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