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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 10

by Anya Merchant

  She began rubbing his package through his boxers, working it into an iron hard bar before taking them off. She pulled his cock out and above his waist band, and then took them off him and tossed them aside. Julius’s mom looked him directly in the eyes as she brought her face closer to his dick.

  “Baby mommy is going to do something that she doesn’t normally do, okay?” she said. “The only rule is that you aren’t allowed to cum inside mommy’s mouth.”

  Julius nodded, and felt his heart to beat more intensely. His mom slowly brought her lips down to his cock, and the pushed her tongue out and gave it a tiny lick. It felt as though lightning composed entirely of lust and pleasure had struck him on the spot of contact.

  Laura pushed it further and slowly began sucking, only bringing the tip of his cock into her mouth but treating it almost like it was a lollipop, or ice cream cone. She licked and slurped in a slow, deliberate manner, and it instantly began to drive him wild.

  Julius found himself giving into the pleasure, and then wanting more. It felt so amazing, far beyond anything he could ever imagine getting from sex. He wanted to see what would happen if he pushed it further, but was at the same time overwrought with guilt and restraint. This was his mother, and what was happening was simultaneously deeply wrong and eroticism at its peak.

  His mom took his cock further into her mouth, sucking on it harder and letting more of her saliva drip onto it. Her mouth was hot, and so incredibly soft. Julius let her suck and just watched. He was breathing heavy, and after a minute he could feel himself building to an early climax.

  And as much as he wanted to be a good boy and let his mom know, he couldn’t make himself stop her from sucking. She kept right at it, all the way up until his cock exploded inside her mouth. His hips pushed forward involuntarily, and the first few spurts of cum shot deep into the back of Laura’s throat.

  She pulled back after that, and the next stream struck her right on the cheek. She stood up and glared at her son, and then wiped her face off on her gown.

  “I asked you to do one thing, and you didn’t listen,” she said. His mom was much more irritated than he had expected her to be, and he didn’t even get enough time to respond before she had stormed out of his room and slammed the door behind her.

  Julius just sighed, and stretched out on his bed. He was tired.


  Julius couldn’t open his eyes. He knew he wasn’t asleep, at least not totally, but unfortunately, his body seemed to be almost disconnected from his mind. It was a terrifying sensation, as though he had locked himself inside and then lost the key.

  “Julius, wake up!” cried his step mom, Laura. “Wake up Julius!”

  As hard as he tried, he couldn’t. He felt hot, and his mouth was dry, with a disgusting taste on his tongue that was impossible to ignore. Each breath he took felt ragged, as though his lungs were old balloons, struggling to hold air.

  “What’s wrong with him?” cried Laura. “Do something, please!”

  “There’s nothing we can do,” said Dr. Andreas. “This is just how it happens…”

  Julius tried to sit up and open his eyes, but his body remained immobile. He felt and itch on the back of his leg, and realized that it was the deep tickling sensation that happens whenever the body stops circulating blood properly to a specific region. This time, however, it seemed to slowly spread to the rest of his limbs, and then his abdomen.

  Get up, he said to himself. Get up, now! Nothing happened. Julius began to feel like he needed to cough, but instead, his lungs continued on autopilot, trying to bring air into them even though there was clearly something wrong. Pain shot through his abdomen, and then it suddenly felt as though he was deep underwater, as though his throat had sealed itself off, knowing that oxygen was a limited commodity that was no longer something to be sought after. And then, there was just darkness.

  He snapped awake, sitting up in bed and breathing heavily. It took a minute for Julius to realize that he was alone in his room in the hotel, covered in a thin layer of cold sweat. His heart was pounding inside his chest, and he felt almost like the shadows on the wall had a presence of their own.

  Julius pulled himself up and threw some clothes on. It was still the middle of the night, but he was wide awake. The idea of trying to get back to the sleep after his dream scared him a little bit, and his body was pulsing with energy, as though he could run a marathon.

  The hallway was empty, and a silence hung on the air that made it feel almost spooky as he walked towards the elevator. He pressed the call button, and then rode it down to the ground floor.

  The darkness of the night seemed to push right up against the windows and fluorescently lit inside of the building. Julius walked out the front door and then kept walking. He made his way to the edge of the property and sat down on a bench next to the road.

  The moon was out, and seemed to have lost a sliver from the night before. Between it and the stars, he could see in the night, which gave him a sense of solace and grounding. He thought about his dad, and his friends. He found himself wondering just how terrifying their last moments would have been.

  Julius had understood the gravity of his situation from the moment he had learned about it. There was another level to it, however, and it had a dark and emotional character that he was afraid to consider. Billions of people had died in the span of a couple of days, what made him special? Why was he spared, and why did it suddenly make him feel so guilty?

  He sat on the bench for a while. Then, he stood up, needing to move around and be productive in order to keep from being weighed down by his thoughts. Julius headed towards the back of their property, towards the shed, and towards their captive.

  Part of him felt like it was a bad idea for him to be checking in on her. They needed to decide as a group what to say to the woman, and what to do with her. She had killed one of them. Allison was gone, and that was a fact that could not be erased.

  On top of that, it seemed as though he should really be the last person to be interacting with the woman, face to face. She was there on the island for him, and any chance she got to escape or change the balance of power would almost surely involve him in some way.

  Still, he needed something productive to do and this was the main thing on the agenda. The door to the shed was old and worn, at least compared to everything else on the property. It opened easily, and he stepped inside and closed it behind him.

  The lights were on, and it wasn’t as cold as he was expecting to be. In the back of the room was the barred metal animal cage attached to the wall that they had put the woman in. She was covered up by a couple of blankets, but Julius could see her face clearly.

  She was Asian, and beautiful, with softly defined cheek bones and long eye lashes. The woman had a nice body, as he had noticed in their encounter, but this was the first time that Julius had really seen her as a person, and not just a faceless potential enemy.

  He pulled a rolling chair over from behind the veterinarian’s desk and sat down next to the cage. He said nothing for a moment, and then flinched back as the woman lifted up her head and looked at him.

  “Hey,” she said.

  He was silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

  “Hey,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

  The woman gave him a curious look, and Julius could tell that her mind was working much the same as his had been.

  “Not too bad, actually,” she said. “Your doctor stitched me up pretty good. It was only a flesh wound to begin with, it would seem.”

  “What’s your name?” asked Julius.

  “Zhu Lin,” she said. “Call me Lin.”

  Neither of them said anything for a while. Julius just watched her, and she watched him. The two of them were trying to look in through each other’s eyes to get a sense of the soul of the person on the other side of the bars, but it all seemed to only amount to was a stalemate.

  “Lin,” said Julius. “Why are you here?”

nbsp; “Why would you expect me to tell you anything?” she asked. “I’m surprised that I’m even still alive right now. If you had any sense at all, I would already be dead.”

  Julius sighed, and gave her a friendly smile.

  “I’m not that kind of person,” he said. “Neither are the women on this island. Please Lin, you seem reasonable. People are scared, really scared. Just tell us why you’re here, and what’s going on.”

  Lin just smiled back at him. Julius felt himself growing progressively more frustrated.

  “Alright, how did you get here?” he asked. “Tell me that, and I’ll make sure you get a hot meal and anything else you need.”

  “Okay, I can tell you that,” Lin said. “But I do need something in return…”

  “What?” asked Julius.

  Lin winked at him.

  “A kiss,” she said. “A kiss from you.”

  Something about the look in Lin’s eyes made Julius hear her words and take them seriously. They had already shared something in their encounter on the beach, and Lin had an expression that seemed to be craving more. And Julius, too, suddenly found himself feeling as though if he really wanted information out of her, it might necessitate an unorthodox tactic.

  Instead of answering her verbally, he unlocked the cell door, and then stepped into it and closed it behind him. He walked up to Lin slowly. She leaned back on the wall and seemed to open up her body language, letting her legs shift to a slightly more accommodating angle.

  “You want a kiss, huh?” said Julius. “I think that might be something that can be arranged.”

  “I want you to show me just how you’d arrange it, then,” said Lin.

  He leaned forward, and kissed her hotly on the lips. Lin responded by pushing her tongue into his mouth, and running her hands up his back. Julius was careful to avoid touching her around the injury, but the two of them pushed up against each other eagerly.

  The blanket and sleeping pad that the doctor had arranged for Lin were on the ground. Both of them seemed to gravitate down to her sleeping area, their bodies heating up as they groped at each other and pushed things even further.

  Lin had quick, deft hands, and she unzipped and removed Julius’s shorts efficiently. He was cautious as he began to undress her, working around the gunshot wound. It didn’t seem to pain her much, or at least she wasn’t letting it show, if it was.

  When her hands began to massage his rapidly hardening dick, Julius felt a strange irritation began to overtake him. He was still mad at this woman. She killed Allison, and seemed to continue to taunt him even as a captive.

  Julius grabbed her roughly by the arms and pinned her to the bed. Rather than the shocked or scared expression that he was expecting, Lin seemed to almost be amused by his dominant movements. She smiled at him in a way that seemed to tease him, and dare him to do more.

  “You’re going to get the kiss you wanted, alright,” said Julius. He pulled the woman’s panties down and pushed the head of his hard cock up against her opening. She was wet, but it still took a little bit of effort for him to get inside her.

  “Ah, oh, yeah,” moaned Lin. “Do it. Fuck me, fuck me and show me what you’re made of.”

  He began to bang his hips into her cunt, hard. Julius wanted this woman to scream out, both in pleasure and in pain. It wasn’t fair, none of it was. He found himself lumping all of the frustration and anger he had at the world on to this one, injured woman.

  She felt amazing. Her cunt seemed to almost suck his dick in, like some type of succubus with a magical opening. Julius pushed into her harder, and harder, and could feel her hot juices moistening the area around the base of his cock.

  The situation seemed to intensify even further, and Lin did start to scream. Julius couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or not, but a shudder that seemed to wave over her body let him know that she definitely was. He didn’t last much longer after that, pumping his dick into her with the intent of leaving her sore for days a couple more times before cumming and spraying his load deep inside her.

  The orgasm that took hold of him was powerful, and he was almost enjoying it too much to notice how quickly Lin began moving while he was distracted. She grabbed his shorts and darted for the door. Julius had half expected this, and it wasn’t too hard for him to take her by the injured shoulder and pull her back. She cried out, and this time it was clearly out of pain.

  “Nice try,” he said. “I don’t blame you, I’ve literally done the same thing before.”

  Lin just glared at him. Instead of reacting cruelly, Julius got dressed, and then kneeled down next to her on the bed.

  “Come on Lin,” he said. “Just answer some of my questions. It will make things more comfortable for you here. Please.”

  There were tears in the corners of her eyes, and Julius couldn’t tell if they were from pain or from anger. She tried to wipe them away subtly, and then crossed her arms and let out a sigh.

  “Fine,” she said. “Here’s the truth. I came to this island on a small, one person boat, launched from one of the larger ships in the Chinese fleet in the pacific. I came here to save you.”

  “Save me?” asked Julius. “Is that what you call sneaking onto the island and shooting one of my friends?”

  “Are you stupid, or something?”

  “Fuck you,” he said.

  “Do you know anything about the global situation right now?” asked Lin. “Why do you think you’re on this island, anyway? What do you think all of your ‘friends’ would do to you if you told them you wanted to leave?”

  Julius didn’t say anything. He wanted to scream at her, but another part of him, a smaller, but still very vocal part, wanted to listen more.

  “I’ll be back in later today,” he told her. “I…I’ll make sure someone brings you some hot food.”

  He stood up and left the cell, and then the shed, without looking back. Her words were echoing in his mind, and suddenly, the world seemed to make even less sense than it had before.


  Julius managed to get a little bit of sleep when he made it back to his room. Strangely, he awoke feeling even less rested. He took his time getting up, and then made his way down to the dining hall to meet up with the women.

  He got there right as Jess and Anna were bringing carts with plates of food out from the kitchen. His mom, Laura, was sitting at a table along with Dana and the doctor. Maya was sitting at a table by herself, and he made his way into the room and over towards her.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he said.

  “Good morning Jewels,” replied Dana. “Did you sleep well last night?”

  He shook his head.

  “No, and I’m not really sure why,” he said, sitting down. “Just stress, I guess.”

  “That sucks,” said Maya.

  She smiled at him, and reached out her hand and rubbed his encouragingly. Julius appreciated it, but found that Lin’s words were still in the forefront of his memory. Could any of it be true? Why was he really there?

  “Hey, I was thinking about what we could do today,” said Maya. “I mean, if we have time in between the…other things that we have to take care of.”

  Julius didn’t need to explain. It was clear to him that he hadn’t been the only one thinking about what was going to happen to them long term, and more importantly, to their captive.

  “Lin,” said Julius. “Her name is Lin. And I’ve already talked to her for a bit. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get her to tell us much.”

  Dana and Dr. Andreas turned towards him with surprise.

  “You talked to her?” asked Dana. “I didn’t even know that she was awake.”

  “It’s not important, I didn’t tell her anything, and she didn’t say anything,” Julius said.

  He decided against letting everybody else know about what had happened in the shed. If there was even a sliver of truth to it, he would need to play dumb, and even if there wasn’t, it wouldn’t help to have everyone become suspici
ous of each other’s motives.

  “Anyway, I’m sure we’ll have time,” he said. “What were you thinking of, Maya?”

  “I wanted to go and check out the island, like we had planned on doing yesterday,” she said. “I know that Dana and Jess were planning a little memorial for Allison later today, but we could go after breakfast and be back in the afternoon.”

  “That sounds good to me,” he said.

  “What does?” asked Anna. She had finished up in the kitchen, and sat next to them at their table. Julius caught her gaze for a second and saw a strangely lively gleam in her eyes.

  “We’re going on a little adventure,” said Maya. “Do you want to come with?”

  “Sure!” said Anna. “I’ve been dying to get out of the hotel all week.”

  “Finish up with your cleaning duties here, and you are welcome to go,” said Jess. She was standing by the door, looking at them with a look of almost paternal responsibility.

  “Alright…I guess that’s fine,” said Julius. “Let’s meet up later.”

  He finished what was left of his food, and then caught up with Dr. Andreas on her way back down to her lab.

  “Hey, do you have a second?” he asked.

  “Of course,” she said. “I have a feeling I know what this is about.”

  “I’m worried about the situation of our prisoner,” he said. “I mean, I don’t think anyone would try anything to hurt her, but she is a formidable woman on her own, and might get a rise out of one of the girls if they talk to her.”

  “Say no more Julius, I’ll keep an eye on the shed,” she said.

  Julius nodded and started to leave, and then turned back.

  “Also…make sure she gets some decent food,” he said, “Something hot and tasty. Lin doesn’t seem to be…well, she’s not all bad. And we aren’t the kind of people that would treat her badly.”

  “Of course not, Julius,” said Dr. Andreas.

  “Alright, thanks,” he said. “Do you need me here for anything today? I was planning on taking off with Maya and seeing what’s going on in the jungle.”


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