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Erotic Classics II

Page 155

by Various Authors

  I got Fanny the water and bade her sprinkle Amy, and I begged her again to be quick and put something on, for, “You are perfectly naked, my dear girl!”

  “Oh! What does it matter! What does it matter!” she said, bursting into tears again. “I feel as if I should die!”

  “But look, Fanny darling! You must not give in so! Remember, you are a lady and a soldier’s daughter, and be brave! That is right, dry your tears. I have sent for Dr. Lavie and expect him here. Be quick and bring Amy around. She breathes all right,” I added, laying my two hands on her lovely bubbies. “Sprinkle her well! That’s right! She will soon be all right! Then cover her up in bed and get in with her. You have not been half so badly used as she has!”

  “How?” asked Fanny, in a voice of surprise.

  “She was gagged by that ruffian,” I said, pointing to the dead Afghan in the blanket, “and he had tied her arms behind her, and I don’t know what else he, may have done.”

  Fanny had been long enough in India to have learnt all about the theory of fucking, even if she had not been old enough before leaving England to know it in that happy land.

  She burst out, “Oh! poor, poor, Amy! Oh! Captain Devereaux! What shall we do? What shall we do?”

  I understood her cry

  “Don’t be alarmed, dearest Fanny. I don’t think the ruffian did any wicked deed that will leave bad results. But I am sure Amy must have fought, and perhaps got badly bruised and hurt.”

  I could not tell her that I had actually seen the Afghan’s prick in Amy’s bottom up to his beastly balls, and Fanny had run away too soon to have seen it herself, and she knew nothing of Sodomy at that time.

  Fanny set to work in real earnest, and having something to keep her thoughts on, took them off herself. I persuaded her to be brave whilst I went and visited the rooms, saying that I felt sure no other Afghans were in the house, but I would first make sure. Before going, however, I called in the kotwal, and posted some men in the passage, shutting Amy’s door so that no curious eye could see the naked girls. The first room I visited was the Colonel’s bedroom. There was Mrs. Selwyn apparently fast asleep. I tried in vain to rouse her. I opened her eyes and the immensely distended pupils told me what was the reason of her torpor. Opium! Drugged! There had been premeditation, and there must be a traitor, or a traitoress, in the house.

  I next went to what was called the nursery. There Mabel, a fine girl, about twelve or thirteen, slept with the younger children, and an ayah ought to have been there also. But there was no ayah!

  Mabel was awake, crying and sobbing. She gave a little shriek as I came into the room, but the moment she saw me she sprang out of bed in such a hurry and in such disorder that although there was but a feeble little light, burnt as I have said by everybody at night, I not only saw her sweet little cunt to perfection, but could see that already a downy growth was shading the motte, which promised to be beautiful when the season for collecting the ripe fruit from the garden of Venus should have arrived. Mentally I ejaculated to myself, “I seem to be destined to see all the fuckable Selwyn cunts tonight.” For Mabel could certainly have taken me then, young as she was. I knew the measure of a cunt which would admit my prick by this time. However, let me proceed.

  Mabel, delighted to see me, and not, as she feared, an ogre or a robber, flew into my arms and hurt my left one, beside my chest wounds, so much that I could not refrain from calling out. She started back and roared when she saw her nightdress all covered with blood. I had great difficulty in pacifying her, but got her back into bed, where I kissed her and begged her to stay quiet. I told her how the robbers had come, and I had killed one, after being wounded myself, and that everybody was safe and sound, and that I would tell her more in the morning. She was a biddable girl and really was very quiet, lying down and promising to be good. I examined the two other children and found them in the same state of stupor as Mrs. Selwyn. Evidently they had been drugged and the whole thing was a plot. The Ayah’s absence assured me of this. Had she run away to give the alarm help would have come long before, but the kotwal had told me that it was Fanny’s unearthly screams that had aroused the bazaar. It seemed plain to me that the mission of those two Afghans had been to rape, perhaps to bugger also, Fanny, Amy and Mabel, and that Mrs. Selwyn and the two younger children had been drugged to prevent their adding any outcry in case of a squalling match on the part of poor Fanny and her sisters, whilst they were being raped, etc. The man I had killed had done his work better than the fool who took Fanny, for he had commenced by gagging Amy, who could not utter a sound, even whilst she was being buggered, poor child! Else I would have heard her when I was trying to bring Fanny around. But I did not hear a single sound; had I, poor Amy might have escaped. I went back to Amy’s room, but dreadfully sick, ill and in pain. No wonder. She expressed her gratitude more by her eyes than by her voice and she put up her sweet face so imploring to be kissed that I bent down, though it hurt me to do so, and gave her some warm kisses on her trembling lips. Then bidding Fanny to remain where she was, in bed with Amy, I went to see whether there was any signs of Lavie and the picket.

  I had not to wait long. But during the interval the kotwal told me that three of the Colonel’s house servants were lying dead in the go-downs of the outhouses, viz., the cook, the bearer and the sweeper, and that the chuprassi could not live long, having been repeatedly stabbed, and two children had their throats cut. It was a fearful massacre, and I could hardly believe that two men could have done it. There must have been more, but I only saw two and no one lived to tell the entire story though the enquiry elicited the cause of this ferocious attack.

  Soon the regular beat of drilled and disciplined men was heard, as the picket came as quick as they could, up the steep ascent from the bazaar, and jolly little Crean, the wild spring from the Green Isle, and Lavie both appeared. In as few words as possible I put them in possession of the facts. Lavie instantly sent off for his stomach pump, which he had not brought, not expecting he would require that implement. Crean set his sentries and scoured the bushes and rocks, but found nothing new. The bodies of the slain were put in one outhouse by themselves; and as soon as Lavie said the young ladies could bear it, the party entered their room and carried off the huge carcass of the dead Afghan. He was an enormous man, and I shuddered for poor Amy’s bottom, when I saw the immense size of his now dead, limp and hideous prick! No wonder it fitted tight and made a “pop” when he had suddenly pulled it out of her unhappy behind! I had determined not to tell Lavie what I had seen that prick doing, but left him to suppose that I had arrived just in time to prevent a rape.

  Then, and not till then, did I let him see the state I was in. Dear reader, have you ever been wounded? If you have, you will remember how sickening it was, when the skilful surgeon dressed your wounds. Mine were not dangerous, except one which had just penetrated inside my ribs, but they grew necessarily painful as they got uncovered and the clothes were pulled, no matter how gently away from them. Lavie insisted on my going to bed in Fanny’s room.

  He said I must remain perfectly quiet and drink nothing but water (for I was dying of thirst and longed for a peg), for fear of inflammation setting in. Luckily I had lost so much blood that unless I did something foolish there was little fear of my getting into a bad state from inflammation, still, it was wisest to take every precaution.

  Leaving me there I wondered how my prick could have stood so exorbitantly stiff such a short time since, whilst I was toying with Fanny’s cunt, trying to bring her to, for now it felt as if it would never stand again! I felt so deadly weak. The excitement was over and the reaction had set in. I blamed myself, for I thought had I had my wits about me I would have left Fanny’s cunt alone and visited the other rooms first, and then in all probability poor Amy would never have been buggered. I wondered did she know she had been? Or did a merciful heaven render her insensible before the brutal Afghan defiled her bottom with
his beastly prick? I hoped the latter. I wondered at Fanny. I thought she would have been more heroic, but I made due allowance for her, and oh! she did look so lovely, and so did Amy, when they were both naked! And what a charming little cunt Mabel had too! And so on, and so on, until I fell into a kind of delirious sleep from which I did not waken for several days.

  I remember that awakening very vividly. It was bright daylight. The window was open, as well as the door of the room, and the sweet cool air blew gently in upon me in the most refreshing manner, sometimes mingled with a loud laugh, came rolling up from the hillside from the busy bazaar. The twelve fine young whores had arrived, and I dare say I heard the happy laughter of some of the Tommies waiting anxiously for their turn for a jolly good fuck. I heard of this event from my young friend Crean, who told me later that Jumali was really an Al poke, and a splendid and very pretty woman. In fact, Jumali was the favorite of all those useful and graceful women. It was she who I afterwards heard at Peshawar had always commenced the night with the Colonel to be followed by three or four of the other fresh and plump ones. Ah! that “inspection” cost the Colonel dear, and might have cost him more than it did. Poor Amy! Poor Amy!

  Well, then, I woke up, and at first wondered where I could be but my arm in a sling, and a feeling of painful stiff” ness all over me, quickly recalled my wandering memory. There was someone in my room. I could hear him or her gently stirring on the chair, but I could not see who it was. I called out in a weak voice, “Is anyone there?”

  “Oh! Captain Devereaux! Are you all right then? Do you know me?” cried the sprightly Fanny, who came swiftly and smiling to my bedside, looking as fresh as a rose and as neat as usual, for Fanny was a very tidy girl at all times.

  “Know you!” I cried in surprise, “of course I know you, Fanny dear!”

  “Mama! Mama! Papa! Come! Captain Devereaux is not silly now! Come! Come!” she cried, running out of the bed room.

  Mrs. Selwyn soon came as fast as her weakness would permit her, for the deadly narcotic which had been administered to her had made her exceedingly ill, and this was the first day she had left her bed since the events which I have, I fear, so feebly described, took place. At first she could not speak from emotion. The tears rose to her eyes and sought along the lashes a place to roll forth, which at last they did. She took my unbound hand in both of hers and pressed it, and at length finding her voice, said, with much emotion and very slowly, “Oh! Captain Devereaux! Captain Devereaux! What do we not owe you ?”

  “Nothing at all, dear Mrs. Selwyn.”

  “Nothing! Oh no! We owe you everything, the lives and honor of our girls! We can never repay you!” and without another word she bent down and kissed me, letting her tears fall upon my cheeks.

  I could not but feel moved. Fanny stood by looking on with a mixture of amusement and apprehension on her face, very comical. She was evidently amused at her mother kissing me, but why she should be apprehensive I could not tell. At all events she said nervously, “He does not call me Louie now, Mama!”

  “Why! Did I call you that?” said I.

  “Oh yes! You seemed to think I was your wife! You would insist that I should come to bed! You said you wanted me very badly, and I do not know what other rubbish.” Mrs. Selwyn looked at Fanny and then at me.

  “Well! Fanny! That shows that Captain Devereaux loves his wife and that his only thoughts were on her when he was delirious!”

  “Was I delirious?” I asked in amazement.

  “I should think you were,” said Fanny, bursting into almost uncontrollable laughter. “The things you said to me! You would have it I was your wife!”

  “Ah me!” said Mrs. Selwyn, “I never saw your wife Captain Devereaux, but I never in my life wished a man to be a married man as I wished you were not!”

  “Because then he would marry me!” laughed Fanny.

  There was a little awkward pause which I ended by saying, “And I should have got a good and very lovely wife in that case, Fanny!”

  Fanny blushed and looked more than pleased. Her eyes assumed that look which at times gave them the appearance of speaking love and affection.

  “Ah now!” said I, laughing, “if I were only a Mohammedan and you another, Fanny, I could marry you now I But you see we have the misfortune to be Christians.”

  “Worse luck,” said Fanny with a sigh.

  “Well!” said Mrs. Selwyn, “I can only say if it could be a pleasure to a mother to give her daughter to a man, it would have indeed been a pleasure to me to give Fanny to you, Captain Devereaux, for you have deserved her.”

  “And who can tell,” said Fanny, innocently and quite unconscious of the sense of her words, “why he may not have me yet!”

  I thought of that sweet, little cunt I had seen so much of and a feeble ripple stirred my prick. This latter sensation astonished me, for it suddenly flashed on me that I was desperately weak. Whenever the thought of fucking a girl had got into my mind before, it was always accompanied by a vigorous stand, but though Fanny’s sweet naked charms floated before me, strengthened by her presence, clad though it was in the flesh, only a ripple passed. along that hitherto noble weapon. I had never known what it was before to doubt of my power, and the shock I sustained was far greater than I can hope to make my readers understand.

  Mrs. Selwyn noticed the change in me and said, “Come, Fanny! Get Captain Devereaux’s beef tea, I can see he is tired. We have been talking too much to him and Dr. Lavie will be mad with us if he finds it out”

  The Colonel here entered the room. He looked the picture of misery and woe. His conscience smote him. He knew that the young man lying prostrate and unable to move before him on his daughter’s bed was in that condition owing to his “lust.” Poor man! He knew that a number of innocent persons had gone to their doom for the same cause, and that his wife and one daughter were still ill from effects springing from the same cause. I took his grieved appearance to be simply that of sympathy, but as he wrung my hand, he said quietly to me, “Devereaux, I owe all to you, and you owe all to me!”

  “How, Colonel?”

  “I owe you the honor and lives of my girls—and—I ought never to have gone to Peshawar!” and he drew his hand across his eyes and groaned heavily.

  Presently he added, “Lavie tells me it will be some little time before you are strong enough to do duty, and that he would like to see you in your own quarters which are nearer to him, but he allows that you will be better in a house where you can be nursed and looked after, so you will remain here till you are quite well and strong again.”

  “Thanks very much, Colonel. I hope however I shall soon be all right. How is Amy?” I added, “I have not seen her.”

  “She is still in bed, poor girl!” said the Colonel. “The attack made on her had a very curious and I am sorry to say a serious effect. She had the recurrence of an ailment which attacked her as a baby.”

  “There! Never mind,” said Mrs. Selwyn, “never mind what is the matter with Amy. Captain Devereaux will be contented with knowing she has received a shock—not to be wondered at—and is still very low and depressed. Come, Fanny! get Captain Devereaux his tiffin!” and mother and daughter both left the room.

  “It is a most singular thing,” said the Colonel, looking carefully out of the door before he spoke, “but poor Amy as a baby had a relaxed sphincter—you understand? And it has come on again. Lavie says it is most unusual, but hopes to get her all right again so long as she is not allowed to pass anything but liquid. You understand?”

  I felt inclined to burst with laughter, only I was so weak, and I remembered that my amusement arose from poor Amy having been buggered.

  “But Colonel, what could have brought it on now?”

  “Lavie says shock, only shock”

  My goodness! I had noticed the peculiarity in the Colonel before, viz., a determination
not to see, or want of power perhaps to see things as they were, but as he did not like to think of them. He knew as well, perhaps better than I did, haw addicted Afghans are to Sodomy. Another man would have at once suspected this relaxation of the sphincter of poor Amy to be due to her having been buggered, but like the Ostrich, the Colonel buried his head in the sand of obstinacy, and thought nothing was apparent. He did not wish to think a daughter of his could be buggered, therefore she had not been buggered. That is all Lavie, too, questioned me very closely as to what I saw the Afghan do when I caught him with Amy.

  “Now, Lavie,” said I, “I don’t know what you expect to hear, but let me tell you this, the light in her room was very dim, I could not see very well. The moment I saw him, he seemed to see me, and we were hard at it trying to kill one another immediately!”

  “You could tell me more, Devereaux, I am certain. I see I must tell you what I fear happened. Poor Amy has the sphincter of her—her—anus ruptured—at least I say it is ruptured. Jardine says it is only unnaturally distended. If it is ruptured, an operation will be necessary. If Jardine is right none may be wanted. I should feel myself on safe ground if I knew for a certainty that she was buggered, for then the state of her anus would be explained. The Colonel says, however, that as a child Amy always had a weak sphincter, even so, some violence must have brought it on bad again.”


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