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Erotic Classics II

Page 164

by Various Authors

  Oh! those mad delights of love and passion! When man and maid do in hot blood things which, if thought of coldly, are seemingly repulsive! Yet I ask any ardent lover what can be sweeter to his lips than those of his beloved and adored mistress’ cunt? And so I found was my case with Fanny. I do not think I should, even in my maddest moments of lascivious passion with Lizzie Wilson, have cared to go the lengths I did with Fanny. But Fanny was my own virgin, a girl I was really fond of, for more reason than that furnished by the sweet charm between her snowy thighs, and Fanny was in that state of passionate adoration of me, that nothing that she could do could satisfy the craving of her soul.

  A passion, even when backed up by a prick whose vigor apparently never slackens, and balls which, like the widow’s cruse, fill as fast as they empty, will moderate its force. If men and women were simply animals they would fuck until they could fuck no more, and then they would separate, and take but little interest in one another; but human beings have hearts, and souls, and after the immediate desires and most pressing wants of the senses have been contented, they find a new pleasure in the communion of thoughts, which is so exquisite when love stirs the depths of the heart.

  When Fanny and I had fucked almost continuously for a couple of hours, our senses had seeming need of rest, and then it was that we began to speak to one another, more like rational beings than the mad faun and nymph we had been. How pretty she did look as she lay all naked in my arms, her cheeks flushed, but not too much, her lovely violet eyes beaming with satisfied love and affection and pleasure, and how delightful was the litheness of her supple body, the prominence of her charms, the satin smoothness of her thighs so closely interlocked with mine I

  I asked her when it was that she first thought she would like me to fuck her.

  “From almost the very first day I saw you, darling!” she answered. “That very first morning, when I met you as you rode up on your pony, I said to myself, that is the kind of a man I should like to be mine, and after that each time I saw you made me wish more and more that you were not married, for then I might have had the chance of being your wife. I was always thinking of you and marriage. Of course I knew well that husbands and wives did not go to bed only to sleep and, little by little, I began to think how nice it would be to have you in bed with me, to hug you to my bosom, hold you in my arms, and then my cunt would begin to tickle. Each day I got to longing for you until there were times when I felt it was hard I could not even ask you to kiss me. And then came that dreadful night. And do you know, when the Afghan woke me I thought it was you! I thought it was your hand that pulled up my chemise and your finger that I felt in my cunt, and I was Oh! so glad! But Oh! so frightened to open my eyes!”

  “And did that brute actually slip his finger up this lovely cunt, Fanny?”

  “He did! It was his voice that first wakened me to the fact that it was not you, darling, and then I screamed. And you! you know the rest. Oh! Charlie! how glad I am it was you should save me, and not another! For that reason I am glad to give myself to you. I feel I can reward you a little for all your courage and bravery. My darling; my darling!”

  Here there occurred a very natural interlude, in which the savior sponge, my prick and balls and Fanny’s cunt had their innings. After the ablution I asked Fanny, “Tell me! Did you really dream that I forced you at Nowshera, darling ?”

  “I did, really and truly, and most vividly too! There was something in that room that set me half mad with desire, and I never knew my cunt so troublesome before, as it was that day. It tickled, it throbbed. I can’t tell you how it plagued me. Why was it, I wonder?”

  “I can’t tell you, darling! But tell me this, do you re member my taking your hand and putting it—”

  “Oh! yes! you dear, naughty Charlie! Oh! I felt it. I did! I felt it edging by me on my hand, and it made me jump.”

  “Then why did you run away, Fanny darling, if you wanted me so much?”

  “I did not mean to run away. But just at that moment Mabel came to call me to bed, and I was. so vexed that I felt I should burst out crying if I did not run that minute. I suppose you thought I was offended, and that made you timid to speak to me afterwards. Oh! how angry I did feel with you for being, as I thought, such a fool!”

  I thought this a good opportunity to explain to Fanny the real reasons of all my hopes and fears. I told her one of my principal reasons was that I did not know what the effects of her morally and mentally might be if I fucked her, and I told her that, when I heard that Louie was coming out, I made up my mind that the result seemed to me to be inevitably this, that two girls whom I loved to distraction would be rendered unhappy. Louie, because she would find me unfaithful, and herself, because she would naturally think me a brute to leave her, and that I saw no alternative than to haul off and try and forget that she had a cunt that I longed for.

  And so the night wore away. We laid no plans for the future. Here in the happiness of one another we never thought how needful it would be to so manage that we could meet and fuck without fear of detection. We were just like a bride and bridegroom and this, the first night of our marriage.

  Towards four o’clock Fanny, tired and exhausted from the strain on her nerves and senses, sank off to sleep in my arms, after the last ablution, and I found I had done the same too. For suddenly I felt a hand on my nose, gently pressing my nostrils, and opening my eyes I saw Sugdaya!

  “Hush!” she said, “Sahib! Miss Fanny Baba must come home now, before the day breaks!”

  “How did you know she was here, Sugdaya?”

  “Oh!” she said, laughing softly, “I have known a long time that Miss Fanny Baba meant to be fucked by master. I kept my eyes open and I saw you in the shrubs last evening. I saw you go twice and I saw everything! Miss Fanny Baba did not tell me, but I said to myself, when the honey does not come to the bear, the bear goes to the honey. I went to see if Miss Fanny Baba was in her bed at midnight, and I found it empty. I came over here, and have been watching your pretty pranks through that door, and now you must wake her up, sahib, and let her go with me!”

  “Wait a moment, Sugdaya!” said I gently withdrawing my arm from under Fanny’s neck, and got out of bed. “Go into the next room.”

  Sugdaya followed me. I unlocked my dispatch box and took a roll of twenty-five rupees out, and laid them on the table. Then taking Sugdaya’s right hand I put it on my balls. She smiled and gently grasped them, with a voluptuous folding of her hands and fingers which made me know that she was not at all unwilling to feel them on her own account, and knew why I had put them into her hand. Then slipping my right hand under and between the folds of her robe, I found her cunt, and covering it with my palm, I dictated to her and she repeated:

  “May my cunt wither and burn and shrivel, if I betray the girl against whose bottom these balls have pressed. May Vishnu, Ram, Sita and Lachman curse me, if I break my oath!”

  Sugdaya laughed on the completion of this very necessary ceremony and said, “Oh! Sahib! no oath was required to bind me not to betray Missy Baba or you! I am more than glad Miss Fanny Baba has had the pleasure of being fucked. No girl needed it more. She will eat and drink and sleep all the better for it, and I know that the sahib will not proclaim his conquest on the byways, but hold his tongue!”

  “You may be sure of that, Sugdaya!” said I, kissing her, “and when Miss Fanny Baba goes away from Fackabad, will you let me fuck this nice cunt of yours?”

  “Before then, if the sahib wishes!” laughed Sugdaya.

  I had been caressing her well formed, elastic and prominent and perfectly smooth motte, for Sugdaya, like all Indian women, either plucked out or shaved off every vestige of hair from that region. She had, in her turn, been caressing and feeling with hands evidently not strange to the act, my prick! which was in that vigorous condition women love to find.

  “Now, sahib!” said Sugdaya, pressing her swe
lling breasts against my bosom, “there is time for one more. Come! and wake Miss Fanny Baba as a lover should rouse his beloved!”

  Nothing lost, I accompanied her to my bedroom, quite ready to do as Sugdaya had suggested, but Fanny, tired out with the long and exciting night’s arduous and always ardent combats, was lying on her side, fast asleep, with one hand between her knees. She looked lovely as she lay slightly curled up, and her dear little face looked the picture of sweet innocence. Sugdaya read my thoughts, for she said, “Her cunt is asleep, sahib, but when I waken it up you will see another expression on her face!”

  Looking round for something she evidently wanted, Sugdaya saw some peacock feathers and selecting one which suited, she approached Fanny, and deftly commenced drawing the soft feather along the line of her cunt, which gathered up as she was, I could hardly see anything at all of. At first there seemed to be no effect, but Sugdaya, with the utmost patience, continued those soft cares sings with the feather, and Fanny presently murmured something in her sleep, and turned a little more over forwards, as though she felt too tired for any more fucking and depreciated the invitation. I glanced at Sugdaya who smiled and seemed in no way discouraged. She however, withdrew the feather and passed it several times over my prick, up and down, before she recommenced acting on Fanny. Whether the feather conveyed any subtle influence with it from my prick or whether, what seemed more likely, the continued soft rubbings of the down along her soft cunt slips caused a sweet excitement with desire, Fanny murmured again, and slowly turning on her back, opened her lovely thighs a little, so that the rays of the lamp distinctly it up the whole of those domains of which, in the name of love and Venus, I had taken possession. Sugdaya changed the end of the feather, and with a quill stroked Fanny’s bush, occasionally touching the tip of her lovely cunt also. Presently out peeped the little ruby point, glittering with generous moisture, and the slight tremor of her motte, with the almost imperceptible, but still marked parting of the rounded lips of her cunt, told us that desire had laid his wanton hand on the charm which we wished to arouse from its state of torpor. Still Fanny remained fast asleep. Her bosom indeed rose and fell more rapidly. Her lips moved and here eyelids quivered. A smile wreathed her lovely mouth, and she parted her lips as though to speak, but, except those of her delicious little cunt, all her senses were still locked in the embrace of sleep. Sugdaya again reversed the feather, and slightly smote Fanny’s cunt and bush. The sweet girl’s thighs opened wider and wider, and her feet separated. She drew up her knees; it was evident, from her quick breathing and the rapid quiverings of her motte that the voluptuousness had fastened itself on her. Sugdaya gave me a nod, and I, very gently and with as much quiet as possible, got between my darling’s knees. Bending forward I rested on both knees, as I had done with Lizzie Wilson, and Sugdaya, seizing my prick, directed it so as to strike the doors of the temple at that very spot where they opened with the least pressure. I glided in. Still keeping my belly from touching that of Fanny, and it was not till my balls touched her that she awoke.

  “It is true, then! Not a dream!” she exclaimed, “Oh! my Charlie! I forgot for a moment that you were my real lover, and I thought that I was only dreaming my Nowshera dream again! I was afraid to open my eyes till I felt your dear balls against me!”

  I stopped her further speech with my ardent kisses, and Sugdaya, who had discreetly moved a little to one side, out of the reach of Fanny’s eyes, witnessed the voluptuous combat, which judging by the vigorous way she crossed her thighs, and the occasional passing of her hand between them, must have moved her very much. What a grand, grand poke that was! I enjoyed it more than any I had hitherto had, and when I withdrew my proud and delighted prick from the overflowing cunt of my darling, she exclaimed, “That is the best one we have had yet, Charlie!”

  Sugdaya came forward. Fanny seemed no way put out by her presence, and I afterwards found out that for months Sugdaya had been inculcating the joys of love in all three girls, and that she had urged Fanny in particular, to do all she could to seduce me. It accounted for the extraordinary bold conduct of Mabel who, before Sugdaya entered the Selwyn house, had, like her sisters, been very modest and—reserved. It accounted too, to a great degree, for the free conduct, if I may so call it, of Fanny, in telling me of her dream when at Nowshera, for when I first knew the Selwyns there were not three purer minded girls in all India than these three young maidens, and I certainly did no more than foster the plant of desire when I saw it was growing.

  It was still dark when the two girls left my bungalow, and having seen them depart in safety, I returned to my room, put out my lamp and lay down, certain of a grand sleep, for there would be no parade that morning, and I need not get up early. I remembered that in our last fuck I had not used the savior sponge, but it gave me no cause for alarm, it being a well attested fact that the last few spends of a man who has fucked all night, are not at all prolific.

  The next day all Fackabad was electrified by hearing that Doctor Lavie had been ordered off at once to Benares. Everybody gave Colonel Selwyn the credit of having got this done, but the Colonel and Mrs. Selwyn, whilst not unwilling to be considered as the authors of his banishment, gave me the real credit. Old Bridges held his tongue. Nothing could have been kinder or more grateful than the conduct of the Selwyns in this business. They insisted on my renewing my old former intimacy, and in order to be near one another, Fanny and I agreed to recommence our studies. Oh! those happy days! Those still more blissful nights! No one but Sugdaya knew it, and Fanny came and slept with me almost every night, and we lived by night perfect husband and wife. There was just enough danger to make our intimacy spicy and piquant, but Sugdaya was so clever, so watchful, that we were never once incommoded. Yes! at first no one knew it but Sugdaya, and the only one who discovered it afterwards kept the secret locked up for use in her bosom, until the moment came when she could profit by it.

  The Colonel continued fucking Mrs. Soubratie very comfortably in my house, where in the spare room next to my bedroom I had a special bedstead for him and his dusky concubine. So papa and daughter got their greens regularly, and all went on as tranquilly and as happily as could be. But alas! a terrible crisis overhung this happy family. I have spoken of Mrs. Selwyn’s delicate health. About July she began to fade rapidly. The close, hot atmosphere of the rains, with its accompanying relaxing efforts, pulled her down, hand over hand. To the terrible grief of her husband and children, she breathed her last. That night, by the most extraordinary good fortune, Fanny was not with me. The only night that she had not come over for weeks. Thus did Venus watch over the safety of her tender adorers.

  I will pass over that sad time during which I was for a period deprived of my Fanny’s company, but it did not last long and once more we were united.

  But the poor Colonel, I grieve to say, took to driving away his cares, as so many do, by the aid of the bottle. For some weeks even he did not come over to fuck Mrs. Soubratie. The loss of his wife brought to his memory the many years of sweetest happiness he had had with her and he used to speak to me of the grief it gave him to think that he should have committed adultery, and with a black woman too, during Mrs. Selwyn’s last year of life. This stung his conscience. But I knew that a man with such balls as he had could not long remain a monk and little by little I cheered him up, until desire returned, he once more made Mrs. Soubratie happy, and drew upon his storehouse of happiness between her luscious thighs.

  Of Mabel’s pranks I have hardly time to speak. She used to implore me to fuck her. She would use every possible inducement, but I was too fond of Fanny to wish to give her a rival, especially as her affectionate passion for me seemed to increase with our intercourse. I had what I loved, a charming girl, all mine, to be my companion by day and by night. Mabel could make my prick stand indeed, and I would willingly, gladly, have fucked her but for Fanny. Little by little Fanny was taking Louie’s place in my heart, and she wisely hid all signs of jealousy
of Louie, if indeed she felt any. We both lived in the present hour, it was so happy, so genial and neither of us looked ahead. If we regretted anything, it was having lost so many months, and weeks and days, when we might have enjoyed one another as we did now, but, if such thoughts entered our minds they simply served to make us all the more determined to lose time no more.

  About the time that the Colonel recommenced fucking the, to him, delightful cunt of Mrs. Soubratie, another death at Fackabad caused a change in his world affairs. Our “Brigadier” Colonel Wilson, suddenly left this for the next world, and Colonel Selwyn, from temporary commandant of the station, was appointed, not long afterwards, “Brigadier” vice Wilson, deceased. This was a capital stroke of luck for me, for Major Mortimer, the station staff officer, son-in-law to Colonel Wilson, had to go home to attend to his late father-in-law’s property, to look after his wife’s interests, and I was, through Colonel Selwyn’s means, and by his recommendations, appointed acting staff officer. But for my darling Fanny’s sweet cunt, I do not think I should have got this appointment, not that the Colonel thought me in the least unfit for the office, but Fanny turned his thoughts to me and gently but persistently urged that I was the one who should get the post, though, by rights, some other officer who had been longer in India than I should have had it. But you see, dear reader, that the sweet delights I gave Fanny, through her charming little cunt, made her very solicitous about me and amor vicit omnia in this instance. So, my soldier readers, if you want to get good appointments through your Colonel, fuck his daughter well, as I fucked my darling Fanny. Really and truly, all joking apart, this appointment was very pleasant. I had no longer to command my company. I had nothing to do with my regiment as an officer of it in the way of duty. I had therefore no morning parades, no drills, nothing to lug me out of bed at ungodly hours in the morning. I only attended general parades when the Colonel did. I had a good deal of signing my name to letters, etc., prepared by my clerks, but as everything was in good order the work was light. The emolument of my office did not matter much, as I had no need of money, having plenty of my own; for all that the extra rupees were not by any means a nuisance to receive. Darling Fanny profited by my not having to go to parade. Some mornings when we had slept later than usual it had happened that she had had to run home without her daybreak fuck; now she always had one and sometimes two, and she was just as ardent and eager for them as ever my sweet Louie had been. Oh! I was really very happy and contented.


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