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Erotic Classics II

Page 180

by Various Authors

  Alice was simply a beautiful girl and her lines deliciously voluptuous! No statue, no model, but glorious flesh and blood allied to superb femininity! Her well-shaped head was set on a beautifully modelled neck and bosom, from which sprang a pair of exquisitely lovely breasts (if anything too full), firm, upstanding, saucy and inviting. She had fine rounded arms with small well-shaped hands, a dainty but not too small waist, swelling grandly downwards and outwards and melting into magnificent curves over her hips and haunches. Her thighs were plump and round, and tapered to the neatest of calves and ankles and tiny feet, her legs being the least trifle too short for her, but adding by this very defect to the indescribable fascination of her figure. She had a graciously swelling belly with a deep navel, and, framed by the lines of her groin, was her mount of Venus, full, fat, fleshy, prominent, covered by a wealth of fine silky dark curly hairs, through which I could just make out the lips of her cunt. Such was Alice as she stood naked before me, horribly conscious of my devouring eyes, quivering and trembling with suppressed emotion, tingling with shame, flushing red and white, knowing full well her own loveliness and what its effect on me must be; and in dumb silence I gazed and gazed again at her glorious naked self, till my lust began to run riot and insist on the gratification of senses other than that of sight!

  I did not however consider that Alice was ready properly to appreciate the mortification of being felt. She seemed to be still absorbed in the horrible consciousness of one all-pervading fact, viz. that she was utterly naked, that her chaste body was the prey of my lascivious eyes, that she could do nothing to hide or even screen any part of herself, even her cunt, from me! Every now and then, her downcast eyes would glance at the reflection of herself in the faithful mirror, only to be hastily withdrawn with an access of colour to her already shame-suffused cheeks at these fresh reminders of the spectacle she was offering to me!

  Therefore, with a strong effort, I succeeded in overcoming the temptation to feel and handle Alice’s luscious body there and then, and being desirous of first studying her naked self from all points of view, I rose and took her in strict profile, noting with delight the arch of her bosom, the proudly projecting breasts, the glorious curve of her belly, the conspicuous way in which the hairs on the mount of Venus stood out, indicating that her cunt would be found both fat and fleshy, the magnificent swell of her bottom! Then I went behind her, and for a minute or two revelled in silent admiration of the swelling lines of her hips and haunches, her quivering buttocks, her well-shaped legs! Without moving, I could command the most perfect exhibition of her naked loveliness, for I had her back view in full sight while her front was reflected in the mirror!

  Presently I completed my circuit, then standing close to her, I had a good look at her palpitating breasts, noting their delicious fullness and ripeness, their ivory skin, and the tiny virgin nipples pointing outwards so prettily, Alice colouring and flushing and swaying herself uneasily under my close inspection. Then I peered into the round cleft of her navel while she became more uneasy than ever, seeing the downward trend of my inspection. Then I dropped on my knees in front of her, and from this point of vantage, I commenced to investigate with eager eyes the mysterious region of her cunt, so deliciously covered with a wealth of close curling hairs, clustering so thickly round and over the coral lips as almost to render them invisible! As I did so, Alice desperately squeezed her thighs together as closely as she could, at the same time drawing in her stomach in the vain hope of defeating my purpose and of preventing me from inspecting the citadel wherein reposed her virginity!

  As a matter of fact, she did to a certain extent thwart me, but as I intended before long to put her on her back and tie her down with her legs wide apart, I did not grudge her partial success, but brought my face close to her belly. ‘Don’t! oh don’t!’ she cried, as if she could feel my eyes as they searched this most secret part of herself; but disregarding her pleadings, I closely scanned the seat of my approaching pleasure, noting delightedly that her mount of Venus was exquisitely plump and fleshy and would afford my itching fingers the most delicious pleasure when I allowed them to wander over its delicate contours and hide themselves in the forest of hairs that so sweetly covered it!

  At last I rose. Without a word, I slipped behind the mirror and quickly divested myself of my clothes, retaining only my shoes and socks. Then, suddenly, I emerged and stood right in front of Alice. ‘Oh!’ she ejaculated, horribly shocked by the unexpected apparition of my naked self, turning rosy red and hastily averting her eyes—but not before they had caught sight of my prick in glorious erection! I watched her closely. The sight seemed to fascinate her in spite of her alarmed modesty, she flashed rapid glances at me through half-closed eyes, her colour coming and going. She seemed forced, in spite of herself, to regard the instrument of her approaching violation, as if to assess its size and her capacity!

  ‘Won’t you have a good look at me, Alice?’ I presently remarked maliciously, ‘I believe I can claim to possess a good specimen of what is so dear to the heart of a girl!’ (She quivered painfully.) After a moment I continued: ‘Must I then assume by your apparent indifference that you have in your time seen so many naked men that the sight no longer appeals to you?’ She coloured deeply, but kept her eyes averted.

  ‘Are you not even curious to estimate whether my prick will fit your cunt?’ I added, determined, if I possibly could, to break down the barrier of silence she was endeavouring to protect herself with.

  I succeeded! Alice tugged frantically at the ropes which kept her upright, then broke into a piteous cry: ‘No, no . . . my God, no!’ she supplicated, throwing her head back but still keeping her eyes shut as if to exclude the sight she dreaded, ‘Oh! . . . you don’t really mean to . . . to . . .’ she broke down, utterly unable to clothe in words the overwhelming fear that she was now to be violated!

  I stepped up to her, passed my left arm round her waist and drew her trembling figure to me, thrilling at the exquisite sensation caused by the touch of our naked bodies against each other. We were now both facing the mirror, both reflected in it.

  ‘Don’t, oh! don’t touch me!’ she shrieked as she felt my arm encircle her, but holding her closely against me with my left arm, I gently placed my right forefinger on her navel, to force her to open her eyes and watch my movements in the mirror, which meant that she would also have to look at my naked self, and gently I tickled her.

  She screamed in terror, opening her eyes, squirming deliciously: ‘Don’t! oh don’t!’ she cried agitatedly.

  ‘Then use your chaste eyes properly and have a good look at the reflection of the pair of us in the mirror,’ I said somewhat sternly; ‘look me over slowly and thoroughly from head to foot, then answer the questions I shall presently put to you. May I call your attention to that whip hanging on that wall and to the inviting defencelessness of your bottom? Understand that I shall not hesitate to apply one to the other if you don’t do as you are told! Now have a good look at me!’

  Alice shuddered, then reluctantly raised her eyes and shamefacedly regarded my reflection in the mirror, her colour coming and going. I watched her intently (she being also reflected, my arm was still round her waist holding her against me ) and I noted with cruel satisfaction how she trembled with shame and fright when her eyes dwelt on my prick, now stiff and erect!

  ‘We make a fine pair, Alice, eh?’ I whispered maliciously. She coloured furiously, but remained silent.

  ‘Now answer my questions: I want to know something about you before going further. How old are you?’

  ‘Twenty-five,’ she whispered.

  ‘In your prime then! Good! Now, are you a virgin?’

  Alice flushed hotly and painfully, then whispered again: ‘Yes!’

  Oh! my exultation! I was not too late! The prize of her maidenhead was to be mine! My prick showed my joy! I continued my catechism.

  ‘Absolutely virgin?’ I asked, ‘a pure vir
gin? Has no hand ever wandered over those lovely charms, has no eye but mine seen them?’

  Alice shook her head, blushing rosy red at the idea suggested by my words. I looked rather doubtingly at her.

  ‘I include female eyes and hands as well in my query, Alice,’ I continued; ‘you know that you have a most attractive lot of girl and woman friends and that you are constantly with them. Am I to understand that you and they have never compared your charms, have never, when occupying the same bed . . .’ but she broke in with a cry of distress. ‘No, no, not I, not I, oh! how can you talk to me like this, Jack!’

  ‘My dear, I only wanted to find out how much you already knew so that I might know what to teach you now! Well, shall we begin your lessons?’

  And I drew her against me, more closely than ever, and again began to tickle her navel.

  ‘Jack, don’t!’ she screamed, ‘oh don’t touch me! I can’t stand it! really I can’t!’

  ‘Let me see if that is really so!’ I replied, as I removed my arm from her waist and slipped behind her, taking up a position from which I could command the reflection of our naked figures in the mirror, and thus watch her carefully and note the effect on her of my tender mercy.

  Chapter IV

  I commenced to feel Alice by placing my hands one on each side of her waist, noting with cruel satisfaction the shiver that ran through her at their contact with her naked skin. After a few caresses, I passed them gently but inquisitively over her full hips, which I stroked, pressed and patted lovingly, then bringing my hands downwards behind her I roved over her plump bottom, the fleshy cheeks of which I gripped and squeezed to my heart’s content, Alice the while arching herself outwards in a vain attempt to escape my hands. Then I descended to the underneath portion of her soft round thighs, and finally worked my way back to her waist, running my hands up and down over loins and finally arriving at her armpits.

  Here I paused, and to try the effect on Alice, I gently tickled these sensitive spots of herself. ‘Don’t!’ she exclaimed wriggling and twisting herself uneasily, ‘don’t, I am dreadfully ticklish, I can’t stand it at all!’ At once I ceased, but my blood went on fire, as through my brain flashed the idea of the licentiously lovely spectacle Alice would afford if she was tied down with her legs fastened widely apart, and a pointed feather-tip cleverly applied to the most sensitive part of herself—her cunt—sufficient slack being allowed in her fastenings to permit of her wriggling and writhing freely while being thus tickled, and I promised to give myself presently this treat together with the pleasure of trying on her this interesting experiment.

  After a short pause, I again placed my hands on her waist, played for a moment over her swelling hips, then slipped them on to her stomach, my right hand taking the region below her waist, while my left devoted itself to her bosom, carefully avoiding for the moment her breasts.

  Oh! what pleasure I tasted in thus touching her pure sweet flesh, so smooth, so warm, so essentially female! My delighted hands wandered all over her body, while the poor girl stood quivering and trembling, unable to guess whether her breasts or cunt were next to be attacked.

  I did not keep her long in suspense. After a few circlings over her rounded belly, my right hand paused on her navel again, and while my forefinger gently tickled her, my left hand slid quietly on to her right breast which it then gently seized.

  She gave a great cry of dismay! Meanwhile my right hand had in turn slipped up to her left breast, and another involuntary shriek from Alice announced that both of her virgin bubbies had become the prey of my cruel hands!

  Oh! how she begged me to release them, the while tossing herself from side to side in almost uncontrollable agitation as my fingers played with her delicious breasts, now squeezing, now stroking, now pressing them against each other, now rolling them upwards and downwards, now gently irritating and exciting their tiny nipples! Such delicious morsels of flesh I had never handled, so firm and yet so springing, so ripe and yet so maidenly, palpitating under the hitherto unknown sensations communicated by the touch of masculine hands on their virgin surfaces. Meanwhile Alice’s tell-tale face reflected in the mirror clearly indicated to me the mental shame and anguish she was feeling at this terrible outrage; her flushed cheeks, dilated nostrils, half-closed eyes, her panting heaving bosom all revealing her agony under this desecration of her maiden self! In rapture, I continued toying with her virgin globes, all the while gloating on Alice’s image in the mirror, twisting and contorting itself in the most lasciviously ravishing way under her varying emotions.

  At last I tore my hands away from Alice’s breasts. I slipped my left arm round her waist, drew her tightly against me, then while I held her firmly, my right hand passed gently over her stomach and slowly approached her cunt! Alice instantly guessed my intention! She threw her weight on one leg, then quickly placed the other across her groin to foil my attack, crying: ‘No no, Jack! . . . not there . . . not there!’ at the same time endeavouring frantically to turn herself away from my hand. But the close grip of my left arm defeated her, and disregarding her cries, my hand crept on and on till it reached her hairs! These I gently pulled, twining them round my fingers as I revelled in their curling silkiness. Then amorously, I began to feel and press her gloriously swelling mount of Venus, a finger on each side of its slit. Alice now simply shrieked in her shame and distress, jerking herself convulsively backwards and twisting herself frenziedly. As she was forced to stand on both legs in order to maintain her balance, her cunt was absolutely defenceless, and my eager fingers roved all over it, touching, pressing, tickling, pulling her hairs at their sweet will. Then I began to attack her virgin orifice and tickle her slit, passing my forefinger lightly up and down it, all the time watching her intently in the mirror. Alice quivered violently, her head fell backwards in her agony as she shrieked: ‘Jack, don’t! . . . for God’s sake don’t! . . . stop! . . . stop!’ But I could feel her cunt opening under my lascivious attentions, and so could she! Her distress became almost uncontrollable. ‘Oh, my God!’ she screamed in her desperation as my finger found its way to her clitoris and lovingly titillated it; spasmodically she squeezed her thighs together in her vain attempts to defend herself. Unheeding her agonised pleadings, I continued to tickle her clitoris for a few delicious moments, then I gently passed my finger along her cunt and between its now half-opened lips till I arrived at her maiden orifice, up which it tenderly forced its way, burying itself in Alice’s cunt till it could penetrate no further into her! Alice’s agitation now became uncontrollable; she struggled so violently that I could hardly hold her still, especially when she felt the interior of her cunt invaded and my finger investigate the mysteries of its virgin recesses.

  Oh! my voluptuous sensations at that moment! Alice’s naked quivering body clutched tightly against mine! My finger, half buried in her maiden cunt, enveloped in her soft warm throbbing flesh and gently exploring its luscious interior! In my excitement I must have pushed my inquisitiveness too far, for Alice suddenly screamed: ‘Oh! . . . oh! you’re hurting me! . . . stop! stop!’ her head falling forward on her bosom as she did so! Delighted at this unexpected proof of her virginity and fearful of exciting her sexual passions beyond her powers of control, I gently withdrew my finger and soothed her by passing it lovingly and caressingly over her cunt; then releasing her from my encircling arm, I left her to recover herself. But, though visibly relieved at being at last left alone, Alice, trembled so violently that I hastily pushed her favourite armchair (the treacherous one) behind her, deftly released the pulley-ropes and let her drop into the chair to rest and recover herself, for I knew that her distress was only temporary and would soon pass away and leave her in a fit condition to be again fastened and subjected to some other torture, for so it undoubtedly was to her.

  Chapter V

  On this occasion, I did not set free the catch which permitted the arms of the chair to imprison the occupant. Alice was so upset by her experiences that I
felt sure she would not give me any trouble worth mentioning when it became time for her torturing to recommence, provided of course that I did not allow her too long a respite, and this, from my own point of view, I did not propose to do as I was wildly longing to play again with her naked charms!

  I therefore let her coil herself up in the chair with her face buried in her hands, and greedily gloated over the voluptuous curves of her haunches and bottom which she was unconsciously exhibiting, the while trying to make up my mind as to what I should next do to her. This I soon decided. My hands were itching to handle again her virgin flesh, and so I determined to tie Alice upright to one of the pillars and while comfortably seated close in front of her, to amuse myself by playing with her breasts and cunt again.

  She was now lying quietly and breathing normally and regularly, the tremblings and quiverings that had been running intermittently through her having by now ceased. I did not feel quite sure if she had recovered herself yet, but as I watched her, I noticed an attempt on her part to try and slip her wrists out of the silken nooses that attached the ropes to them. This settled the point, and, before she could effect her object and free her hands, I set the ropes working, remarking as I did so: ‘Well Alice, shall we resume?’

  She glanced at me affrightedly, then averted her eyes as she exclaimed hurriedly: ‘Oh no, Jack! not again, not again!’ and shuddered at the recollection of her recent ordeal.

  ‘Yes, my dear!’ I replied, ‘the same thing, though not quite in the same way; you’ll be more comfy this time! Now Alice, come along, stand up again!’


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