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Erotic Classics II

Page 191

by Various Authors

  ‘Oh! My God!’ she shrieked, her head tossing wildly in her shame and agony as she felt my fingers wander over her private parts so conveniently arranged for the purpose. Over her shoulder I could see Alice and Fanny’s faces as they watched every movement of my fingers, their eyes humid, their cheeks flushed, their breasts dancing with sexual excitement! From the fingers’ point of view, Alice’s cunt was the more delicious of the two because of its superior plumpness and fleshiness, but there was a certain delicacy about Connie’s cunt that made me revel in the sweet occupation of feeling it.

  Presently I inserted my forefinger gently between the close-fitting lips. The girls’ eyes glistened with eagerness and they bent forward to see if Fanny’s information was true, and I smiled at the disappointment expressed in their faces when they saw my finger bury itself in Connie’s cunt up to the knuckle! She was not a virgin! But she was terribly tight, much more so than Fanny was when I first felt her, and Mrs. Blunt’s screams and agonized cries clearly indicated that, for want of use, her cunt had regained its virgin tightness.

  Keeping my fingers inside her, I gently tickled her clitoris in order to test her sexual susceptibility. She gave a fearful shriek accompanied by an indescribable wriggle, then another—then bedewed my hand with her sweet love-juice, her head falling on her bosom as she spent, utterly unable to control herself. I kept my finger inside her till her ecstatic crisis was over and her spasmodic thrills had quieted down—then gently withdrew it as I lovingly kissed the back of her soft neck and left her to herself.

  As I did so, Alice and Fanny rose, their eyes betraying their intense enjoyment of the scene. With an unmistakable gesture they indicated each other’s cunts, as if seeking mutual relief—but I shook my head, for Alice had now to be tortured. Quickly I fastened her up again while Fanny noiselessly disappeared into my alcove. I removed the bandage from Connie’s eyes. As she wearily raised her head, having scarcely recovered from the violence of her spending, I clasped her to me and passionately showered kisses on her flushed cheeks and trembling lips. I saw her eyes seek Alice’s as if to learn her thoughts as to what she had witnessed. Both girls blushed vividly as if in symphony. I pushed a padded chair behind Connie, released her legs and lowered her till she could sit down in comfort and left her to recover herself while I went across to Alice, who was now to be the prey of my lustful hands.

  But I was now in an almost uncontrollable state of lust! My erotic senses had been so irritated and inflamed by the sight of Mrs. Blunt’s delicious person naked, her terrible struggles, her shame and distress during her ordeal, that my lascivious cravings and desires imperiously called for immediate satisfaction. And the circumstances that all this had taken place in the presence of Alice and Fanny, both stark naked, both in a state of intense sexual excitement and unconcealed delight at witnessing the torturing of Mrs. Blunt, only added further fuel to the flame of my lust. But to enjoy either Connie or Alice at the moment did not suit my program, and my thoughts flew to Fanny now sitting naked in my alcove and undoubtedly very excited sexually by Mrs. Blunt’s struggles and cries!

  Slipping behind Alice, I took her in my arms, seized her breasts, and said not unkindly while watching Mrs. Blunt keenly, ‘Now, Alice, it’s your turn! You’ve seen all that has happened to Mrs. Blunt and how in spite of her desperate resistance she has been forced to do whatever I wanted—even to spend! Now I’m going to undress.’ Mrs. Blunt looked up in evident alarm.

  ‘While I am away, let me suggest that you consult your chaperone as to whether you had not better yield yourself quietly to me!’ I disappeared into my alcove, where Fanny, still naked, received me with conscious expectancy, having heard every word!

  I tore off my clothing, seized her naked person and whispered excitedly as I pointed to my rampant prick, ‘Quick, Fanny!’ She instantly understood. I threw myself into an easy chair. In a moment she was kneeling between my legs with my prick in her mouth, and she sucked me deliciously till I spent rapturously down her throat! Having thus delightfully relieved my feelings, I drew her onto my knees and whispered as I gratefully kissed her, ‘Now, dear, I’ll repay you by frigging you, while we listen to what Alice and Connie are saying.’ Slipping my hand down to her pouting and still excited cunt, I gently commenced the sweet junction, she clasping silently but passionately as my active finger soothed her excited senses. From our chair we could clearly see Connie and Alice and hear every word they said.

  Their embarrassed silence had just been broken by Alice, who whispered in admirably simulated distress: ‘Oh, Connie! What shall I do?’

  Connie colored painfully. With downcast eyes as if fearing to meet her friend’s agitated glances, she replied in an undertone, ‘Better yield, dear! Don’t you think so?’

  ‘Oh! No! I can’t!’ cried Alice despairingly, playing her part with a perfection that brought smiles from Fanny and me. With a change of voice she asked timidly, ‘Was it very dreadful Connie?’

  Connie covered her face with her hands and replied in broken agitation. ‘I thought I should have died! The awful feeling of shame! The terrible helplessness! The dreadful position into which I was fastened! The agony of having a man’s hand on my . . . cunny! Oh-h-hh!’

  Fanny began to wriggle deliciously on my knees as she felt her pleasure approaching. Her eyes closed slowly; she strained me against her breasts.

  Suddenly she agitated herself rapidly on my finger, plunging wildly with quick strokes of her buttocks. She caught her breath, murmured brokenly, ‘Oh-h-h!’ and inundated my finger as she spent ecstatically! My mouth sought hers as, little by little, I slowed down the play of my finger in her cunt till she came to, deliciously satisfied!

  ‘Now I’d better go to them,’ I whispered, and after a few more tender kisses I went out. My appearance, naked save for my shoes and socks, caused Mrs. Blunt to hurriedly cover her face with her hands as she hysterically cried, ‘Oh! . . . Oh! . . . Oh!’

  I ignored her and took Alice into my arms as before and said to her encouragingly, ‘Well, dear, what is it to be?’ whispering inaudibly in her ear, ‘You’re to be tickled!’

  Alice stood silent with downcast eyes. In her anxiety to hear Alice’s decision, Mrs. Blunt uncovered her face and looked eagerly at us! At last it came! ‘No,’ spoken so low that we could just hear her.

  ‘Oh, Alice! You are a silly girl!’ exclaimed Mrs. Blunt, now afraid about herself. Alice cast a reproachful glance at Connie and said, almost in tears, the little humbug, ‘I can’t! Oh, I can’t!’

  Without a word I fastened straps to Alice’s pretty ankles and dragged her legs apart till she stood precisely as Mrs. Blunt had done. I carefully blindfolded her and seated myself just below her on the floor within easy reach of her, and began to amuse myself with her defenseless cunt, knowing that Mrs. Blunt could see over my shoulder all that passed.

  With both hands I felt all of Alice’s private parts, touching, pressing, stroking, parting her lips, even pulling her hairs every now and then, and peering into her interior—an act invariably followed by an ardent kiss as if in apology, she squirming deliciously. She submitted herself to the sweet torture in silence till I pretended to be trying to push my finger into her cunt, when she screamed in horror, ‘Don’t, Jack, don’t!’ as if unable to endure it! ‘Hurts, does it, Alice!’ I said smiling meanly. ‘Then I won’t do it again! I’ll try something softer than my finger!’ After fetching a feather, I resumed my position on the carpet.

  Alice’s color now went and came and her bosom began to heave uneasily, for she guessed what was now going to be done to her, and although she rather liked having her cunt tickled, the existing conditions were not what she was accustomed to. She awaited her ordeal with a good deal of trepidation.

  Quietly I applied the tip of the feather to her cunt’s now slightly pouting lips with a delicate yet subtle touch. ‘O-h-h!’ she ejaculated, quivering painfully. I gave her three or four more similar touches, a
fter which she began to wriggle vigorously, crying: ‘Oh! . . . Oh! . . . Don’t, Jack!’ I was just beginning to tickle her cunt in real earnest when Connie, horrified at the sight, shrieked: ‘Stop! . . . stop! . . . oh, you awful brute! . . . you coward! . . . to torture a girl in that way! . . . oh! my God!’ she moaned, quite overcome at the sight of Alice being tortured!

  How thankful I was that I had blindfolded Alice! I am sure that she otherwise would have given the game away—she must have laughed! In fact, some of her convulsions were undoubtedly caused by suppressed laughter and not by her torture!

  ‘There’s no better way of curing a girl of obstinacy than by tickling her cunt, Connie,’ I said unconcernedly, and I again commenced to tickle Alice.

  ‘No, no, stop!’ Connie shrieked frantically. ‘Oh! You cruel brute! . . . you’ll kill her!’

  I laughed. ‘Oh, no, Connie, she’s all right—only a little erotic excitement!’ I explained equably as I resumed the tickling, this time making Alice wriggle and scream in real earnest. She had not been allowed to satisfy her lustful cravings, induced by the sight of Connie’s agonies, and by now she was in a terrible condition of fierce concupiscence and unsatisfied desires, dying to spend, but so far unable to do so for want of the spark necessary to provoke the discharge! More and more hysterical became Connie’s prayers and pleadings, shriller her cries of genuine horror at the sight of Alice’s cunt being so cruelly tickled—wilder and wilder became Alice’s struggles and screams, till suddenly she shrieked, ‘For God’s sake, make me spend!’ Immediately I thrust the feather well up her cunt and rapidly twiddled it, then tickled her clitoris! A tremendous spasm shook Alice, her head fell back, then dropped on her bosom as she ejaculated: ‘A-h-h . . . ah-h-h!’ in a tone of blessed relief, quivering deliciously as the rapturous spasm of the ecstasy thrilled through as she spent madly!

  As soon as she came to herself again, I said to her, ‘Well, will you now yield yourself to me, or do you want some more?’

  ‘Oh, no! No!—my God, no!’ she cried, feigning to be completely subdued.

  ‘You’ll then be a good girl?’

  ‘Yes!’ she gasped.

  ‘You’ll do whatever I tell you to do?’

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ she cried.

  ‘You’ll let me . . . fuck you?’

  ‘Oh, my God! . . .’ she moaned, remaining silent. I touched her cunt with the feather. ‘Yes! Yes!’ she screamed. ‘Yes!’

  ‘That’s right, dear!’ I said encouragingly. Quickly I released her and put her into a large and comfortable easy chair in which she promptly coiled herself up, as if utterly exhausted and ashamed of her absolute surrender, but really to escape the sympathetic and pitying glances from Connie. It was as clever a piece of acting as I had ever seen!

  I went across to Mrs. Blunt and without a word, I touched the springs and set the machinery at work. ‘Oh! Oh!’ she cried as she felt herself drawn up again and her legs being remorselessly dragged asunder till she had resumed her late position. When I had her properly fixed, I said to her, ‘Now, Connie, I am going to punish you for abusing me. You’ll have something to scream about!’ I applied the feather to her lovely, but defenseless, cunt!

  ‘Don’t, don’t! . . . Oh, my God!’ she screamed. I saw we were about to have a glorious spectacle, so I stopped, blindfolded her, and beckoned to Fanny, who promptly came up, Alice also. Handing a feather to each, I pointed to Connie’s quivering cunt.

  Delightedly both girls applied their feathers to Connie’s tender slit, Alice directing hers against Connie’s clitoris, while Fanny ran hers all along the lips and as far inside as she could, their eyes sparkling with cruel glee as they watched Connie wriggle and listened to her terrible shrieks and hysterical ejaculations. It was a truly voluptuous sight! Connie naked, struggling frantically, while Alice and Fanny, also naked, were goading her into hysterics with their feathers! But soon I had to intervene. Connie by now was exhausted; she couldn’t stand any more. Reluctantly, I stopped the girls, signaled to Fanny to disappear and Alice to return to her chair while I released Connie’s bandage.

  She looked at me seemingly, half-dazed, panting and gasping after her exertions.

  ‘Now will you submit yourself to me, Connie?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ she gasped.

  ‘Fucking and all!’

  ‘Oh, my God! . . . Yes!’

  I set her free. As she sank into her chair, Alice rushed to her as if impelled by irresistible sympathy. The two girls fell into each other’s arms, kissing each other passionately, murmuring: ‘Oh, Connie! . . .’

  ‘Oh, Alice!’ The first part of the play was over!

  Chapter VII

  I produced a large bottle of champagne and, pretending that the opener was in my alcove, I went there, but my real objective was to satisfy in Fanny the raging concupiscence which my torturing of Alice and Connie had so fiercely aroused in me.

  I found her shivering with unsatisfied hot lust. I threw myself into a chair, placed my bottom on the edge and pointed to my prick in glorious erection.

  Instantly Fanny straddled across me, brought her excited cunt to bear on my tool and impaled herself on it with deliciously voluptuous movements, sinking down on it till she rested on my thighs, her arms ’round my neck, mine ’round her warm body, our lips against each other’s. Working herself divinely up and down on my prick, she soon brought on the blessed relief we both were thirsting for, and in exquisite rapture we spent madly.

  ‘Oh! Sir! Wasn’t it lovely!’ she whispered as soon as she could speak.

  ‘Which, Fanny,’ I asked mischievously. ‘This!—or that!’ pointing to the room.

  She blushed prettily, then whispered saucily, ‘Both, sir!’ as she passionately kissed me.

  I begged her to sponge me while I opened the champagne, which she did sweetly, kissing my flaccid prick lovingly, and soon she removed from it all traces of our bout of fucking. I poured out four large glasses and made her drink one, which she did with great enjoyment, and took the other three out with me to the girls.

  I found them still in each other’s arms and coiled together in the large armchair, Alice half-sitting on Connie’s thighs and half resting on Connie’s breasts—a lovely sight. I touched her; she started up while Connie slowly opened her eyes.

  ‘Drink this, it will pull you together!’ I said, handing each a tumbler. They did so, and the generous wine seemed to have an immediate good effect and to put new life into them. I eyed them with satisfaction. Raising my glass, I said, ‘To your good health, dears, and a delicious consummation of Connie’s charming and most sporting suggestion!’ then gravely emptied my tumbler.

  Both girls turned scarlet, Connie almost angrily. They glanced tentatively at each other but neither spoke.

  To terminate their embarrassment, I pointed to a settee close by, and soon we arranged ourselves in it, I in the center, Alice on my right and Connie on my left, their heads resting on my shoulders, their faces turned towards each other and within easy kissing distance, my arms clasping them to me, my hands being just able to command the outer breast of each! Both girls seemed ill at ease. I think Connie was really so, as she evidently dreaded having to be fucked by me, but with Alice it was only a pretense.

  ‘A penny for your thoughts dear!’ I said to her chafingly, curious to know what she would say.

  ‘I was thinking how lovely Connie is . . . naked!’ she murmured softly, blushing prettily. I felt a quiver run through Connie.

  ‘Before today, how much of each other have you seen?’ I asked interestedly.

  Silently, both girls pointed to just above their breasts.

  ‘Then stand up, Connie dear, and let us have a good look at you,’ I said, ‘and Alice shall afterwards return the compliment by showing you herself! Stand naturally, with your hands behind you.’

  With evident unwillingness she complied, and with pretty ba
shfulness she faced us, a naked blue-eyed daughter of the gods, tall, slender, golden-haired, exquisite—blushing as she noted in our eyes the pleasure the contemplation of her naked charms was giving us! ‘Now in profile, dear!’

  Obediently she turned. We delightedly noted her exquisite outline from chin to thigh, her proud little breasts, her gently curving belly, its wealth of golden-brown hair, standing out like a bush at its junction with her thighs, the sweep of her haunches and bottom, and her shapely legs!

  ‘Thanks, darling,’ I said appreciatively. ‘Now Alice!’ And drawing Connie onto my knees, I kissed her lovingly.

  Blushingly Alice complied, and with hands clasped behind her back, she faced us, a piquant, provoking, demure, brown-eyed, dark-haired little English lassie, plump, juicy, appetizing. She smiled mischievously at me as she watched Connie’s eyes wander approvingly over her delicious little figure! ‘Now in profile, please!’

  She turned, and now we realized the subtle voluptuousness of Alice’s naked figure, how her exquisitely full and luscious breasts were matched, in turn being balanced by her glorious fleshy bottom and her fat thighs, the comparative shortness of her legs only adding piquancy to the whole, while her unusually conspicuous Mount Venus, with its dark, clustering, silky hairs, proudly proclaimed itself as the delightful center of her attractions! ‘Thanks, darling!’ we both exclaimed admiringly as we drew her to us and lovingly kissed her, to her evident delight and gratification.

  ‘Now, Connie darling!’ I said. ‘I want you to lie down on that couch!’ I removed my arm from her waist to allow her to rise.

  ‘No, Jack!’ she begged piteously and imploringly, her lovely eyes not far from tears. ‘Please, Jack! Don’t insist!’

  ‘You must do it, darling!’ I said kindly but firmly as I raised her to her feet. ‘Come, dear!’ and I led her to the couch and made her lie down.


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