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Erotic Classics II

Page 194

by Various Authors

  Quickly Fanny cleared away Lady Betty’s clothes. I let her down till she could stand erect comfortably, and joined Alice and Connie at Molly’s side, my intention now being to compel Molly to inspect her naked mother and to harrow her already tortured feelings by criticizing Lady Betty’s naked charms! She must have been a simply magnificent woman in her prime; even now, in spite of an exuberance of flesh, Lady Betty was enough to provoke any man into concupiscence with her massive, though shapely, arms and legs, her grand hips and round fat thighs, her full ample belly, and her enormous breasts, which though naturally pendulous, still maintained their upstanding sauciness to a marvelous degree. But what attracted all our eyes (even her daughter’s) was the hair which grew over her cunt. I do not think I ever saw such an enormous tract. A dinner plate would not have covered it! It seemed to spring from somewhere between Lady Betty’s legs; it clustered so thickly over the cunt itself that her crack was quite invisible. It extended all over her groin and abdomen and reached her navel, closely curling and silky and fully two inches deep all over her Mount Venus! A simply wonderful sight! In spite of the attraction of Lady Betty’s naked figure, I closely watched Molly. She had been terribly distressed during the undressing of her mother, especially when the naked flesh began to be exposed, and she hysterically joined in her mother’s futile prayers and piteous pleadings as she watched her quickly growing nudity with a fascination she could not resist; but when the terrible climax arrived and Lady Betty stood naked, the poor girl uttered a heart-broken shriek as buried her face in her hands. I could see that every now and then she glanced stealthily through her fingers at her mother’s naked body as if unable to resist the fascinating temptation.

  I turned to the three girls, who with gleaming eyes were devouring Lady Betty’s naked charms, their arms around each other. Our eyes met. ‘Isn’t she splendid, Jack!’ cried Alice enthusiastically. ‘What a lovely time she’ll give us all!’ And they laughed delightedly as Lady Betty shivered.

  ‘And you, my pet!’ cooed Connie to Molly, ‘are you anything like Mummy?’ And she began to pass her hands over Molly’s corsage as if to sample her body. The girls’ individual predilections were clear even at this early stage.

  Alice was captivated by Lady Betty’s fleshy amplitude, while Connie coveted Molly’s still-budding charms.

  ‘Oh, don’t, Mrs. Blunt, please, don’t!’ cried Molly, flushing deeply as she endeavored to protect herself with her hands, thereby uncovering her face.

  This was what I desired. I intended that Lady Betty should now be felt in front of her daughter, and that Molly should be forced to look at her mother and witness her shame and anguish and involuntary struggles while my hands wandered lasciviously over Lady Betty’s naked body and invaded her most private parts.

  ‘Sling Molly up again, girls,’ I said quietly. ‘No, no,’ screamed Molly in an agony of apprehension, but in a trice she was standing upright with her hands secured over her head, her eyes full of silent terror! ‘Do you think you could slip Molly’s drawers off her without disturbing the rest of her garments?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, of course!’ replied Connie, and the three girls dropped on their knees ’round Molly. Their hands disappeared under her skirts, her wriggles and cries and agitated movements proclaiming how she was upset by their attacking hands. Then came a shriek of despair from her, and Connie rose with an air of triumph, waving Molly’s drawers.

  ‘Good!’ I exclaimed, a smile of congratulation on my lips. ‘Now, Connie, take Molly in your arms and hold her steady. Alice and Fanny, slip your hands under Molly’s clothes and behind her till you can each command a cheek of her bottom!’ Merrily the girls carried out my commands, Molly crying, ‘Don’t, don’t!’ as she felt the hands of Alice and Fanny on her bottom.

  ‘Now, Molly, I’m going to amuse myself with your mother! You must watch her intently! If I see you avert your eyes from her, whatever may be the cause, I’ll signal to Alice and Fanny, and they will give you such a pinching that you won’t repeat the offence. Now be careful!’ and I turned towards Lady Betty who, having heard every word, was now trembling with nervous apprehension as she brokenly ejaculated, ‘Don’t touch me!’ Ignoring her pleading, I passed behind her, slipped my arms ’round her and caught hold of her large, full breasts! ‘Oh-h-h!’ shrieked Lady Betty.

  ‘Oh, Mother!’ screamed Molly, coloring painfully as she watched her mother writhing in my embrace with her breasts in my hands.

  ‘Don’t Jack,’ again shrieked Lady Betty as I proceeded to squeeze and mould and toy with her voluptuous semi-globes, reveling in their exquisite fleshiness, now pulling now stroking, now pressing them against each other, causing her intense distress but affording myself the most delicious pleasure! I glanced at the group of four girls facing Lady Betty. Alice, Connie, and Fanny were simply beaming with smiles and gloating at the sight of Lady Betty’s sufferings, while poor Molly, with staring eyes and flushing face, gazed horror-stricken at her tortured and naked mother, not daring to avert her eyes! After a few more minutes of toying with Lady Betty’s huge breasts, I suddenly slipped my hands downwards over her hairy, fat belly and attacked her cunt! ‘Mother! Oh, Mother!’ shrieked Molly hysterically as she saw my eager fingers disappear in the luxuriant growth that so effectually covered her mother’s cunt. Utterly unable any longer to endure the sight of her mother’s shame and agony, she let her head drop on her heaving bosom.

  ‘Oh, my God! Don’t, Jack!’ yelled Lady Betty, her face crimson with shame, her eyes half-closed, as she frantically attempted to defeat my hands by squeezing her plump thighs together. But it was useless! With both hands, I set to work to thoroughly explore the fattest and longest cunt I had ever touched, at the same time nodding meaningfully to Alice. Instantly came a series of ear-piercing shrieks from Molly, whose wiggles were almost more than Connie could subdue. She continued to keep her face averted for a few seconds, then the agony of the pinches became more than she could endure, and slowly and reluctantly she nerved to again contemplate her mother, who now was writhing and wriggling frenziedly while filling the room with her inarticulate cries as my fingers tortured her cunt with their subtle titillation, one indeed being lodged up to the knuckle! For a minute or so I continued to explore and feel Lady Betty’s delicious private parts till it was evident I was testing both her and her daughter beyond their powers of endurance, for Lady Betty was now nearly in convulsions while her daughter was on the verge of hysterics. Unwillingly, I removed my hands from her cunt and left the tortured lady to recover herself, first gently placing her in the Chair of Treachery and releasing her arms.

  ‘What does she feel like, Jack?’ cried Alice and Connie excitedly as I joined them by Molly.

  ‘Gloriously ripe flesh, dears,’ I replied, ‘and the biggest cunt I ever came across!’ They looked joyously at each other, their eyes sparkling with pleasurable anticipation.

  ‘And Molly?’ I asked in my turn.

  ‘Just delicious, Jack!’ replied Alice delightedly. ‘Do let us undress her now!’

  ‘Certainly!’ I replied. Whereupon Molly screamed in terror. ‘No, no, no, oh, Mother, they’re going to undress me!’

  ‘Oh, no, Jack! For pity’s sake, don’t!’ cried Lady Betty, now fully roused by the danger threatening her daughter. ‘Do anything you like to me, but spare my Molly, she’s only a girl still.’

  But Connie, Alice, and Fanny were already hard at work on Molly’s clothes, the stays of which were now visible in spite of her frantic exertions to thwart their active hands. As the girls did not require any help from me, I returned and stood beside Lady Betty, who with the intense anguish in her face, was distractedly watching the clothes being taken off her daughter. ‘For God’s sake, Jack, stop them,’ she cried agonizingly, stretching her clasped hands towards me appealingly, as if unable to endure the sight.

  ‘No, Lady Betty!’ I replied with a cruel smile. ‘Molly must contribute her share to the
afternoon’s entertainment! We must have her naked!’

  ‘Oh, my God!’ she wailed, letting her head drop on her agitated bosom in her despair. Just then Molly screamed loudly. We looked up and saw her in her chemise struggling in Connie’s grasp, while Alice and Fanny dragged off her shoes and stockings. Promptly, they proceeded to undo the shoulder fastenings of her two remaining garments and stepped quickly clear. Down these slid, and with a bitter cry of, ‘Oh-h-h, oh, Mother!’ poor Molly stood naked.

  ‘Oh, my God,’ Lady Betty shrieked again, frantically endeavoring, chair and all, to go to her daughter’s rescue, but I quietly checked her efforts. ‘My darling! I can’t help you,’ she wailed, hiding her face in her hands in her anguish at the sight of her daughter’s helpless nakedness. My eyes met the girls’—they were gleaming with delight. They joined me behind Lady Betty and together we stood and critically inspected poor shrinking Molly’s naked person! Alice had chosen the correct word—Molly naked was just delicious, so exquisitely shaped, so perfectly made, so lithe and yet so charmingly rounded and plump, so juicy and fresh, so virgin! She took after her mother in her large, firm, upstanding breasts with saucy little nipples, and few girls could have shown at eighteen the quantity of dark moss-like hair that clustered so prettily over her cunt, which, like her mother’s, was peculiarly fat and prominent. I noticed with secret pleasure how Connie’s eyes glistened as they dwelt rapturously on Molly’s tender organ of sex.

  For a minute or so we gazed admiringly at Molly’s charming nudity. Then Alice whispered, ‘Jack, let us put them side by side and examine them.’

  ‘An excellent idea!’ I replied, rewarding her with a kiss. We moved Molly’s pulleys closer to the pillar on her left and wheeled Lady Betty across to Molly’s right and quickly slung her up in spite of her stubborn resistance.

  Mother and daughter stood naked side by side! They formed a most provoking, fascinating spectacle. It was delicious to trace how Molly’s exquisite curves were echoed by her mother’s exuberant fleshiness, how both the bodies were framed on similar lines, how the matron and the virgin were unmistakably related! Conscious that our eyes were devouring them greedily and traveling over their naked persons, both mother and daughter kept their faces down and stubbornly averted their eyes from us.

  ‘Turn them so that they face each other,’ I said presently. Quickly Connie and Alice executed my order, Connie taking Molly. ‘Oh, how can you be so cruel?’ moaned Lady Betty as Alice forced her ’round till she faced Molly.

  There was just space to stand behind each of them while mother and daughter were about four feet apart. I saw their eyes meet for a moment, horrible dread visible in both.

  Their profiles naked were an interesting study—Molly: lithe, graceful, with exquisite curves—Lady Betty: paunchy and protuberant, but most voluptuous. One striking feature both possessed: the hair on their cunts stood out conspicuously like bushes.

  After we had to some extent satisfied our eyes, I said to the girls, ‘I’ve no doubt Lady Betty and Molly would like to be alone for a few minutes, so let us go off and undress.’ And we disappeared into the alcoves, Fanny coming into mine so as not to crowd her mistress and Connie.

  We undressed quickly in silence, being desirous of hearing all that passed between our naked victims, and presently we heard Molly whisper agitatedly, ‘Oh, Mother, what are they going to do with us?’

  ‘Darling, I can only guess!’ replied Lady Betty faintly. ‘Their going off to undress makes me fear that you and I will have to satisfy their . . . lust! Darling, I’m very afraid that Jack will violate you and outrage me, and then hand us over to the girls—and girls can be very cruel to their own sex.’

  ‘Oh, Mother!’ stammered Molly, horror-stricken. ‘What shall I do if Jack wants me?’ And her voice shook with terror.

  Before Lady Betty could reply, Connie appeared, naked save for shoes and stockings. She went straight up to Molly, threw her arms ’round the shrinking girl and passionately kissed her flushed face, gently rubbing her breasts against Molly’s and murmuring, ‘Oh, you darling! Oh, you sweet thing!’ She slipped behind Molly and gently seized her lovely breasts.

  ‘Don’t, Mrs. Blunt!’ shrieked Molly, now turning and twisting herself agitatedly. Just then Alice emerged, and seeing how Connie was amusing herself, she quickly slipped behind Lady Betty and caught hold of her huge breasts and began to squeeze and handle them in a way that drew cries from Lady Betty. It was delicious to watch the mother and the daughter writhing and wriggling, but I did not want their cunts touched yet by the girls and so appeared on the scene with Fanny, whom I had refrained (with difficulty) from fucking when she exposed herself naked in my alcove.

  ‘Stop, darlings!’ I commanded, and reluctantly Connie and Alice obeyed.

  Under my instructions they pushed the padded music-bench under the skylight. We released Lady Betty’s wrists from the pulleys and forced her onto her back on the bench, where I held her down while Alice and Connie and Fanny fastened first her arms and then her legs to the longitudinal bars of the bench, in fact, trussed her like a fowl, her arms and legs being on each side of the bench, her knees being separated by the full width, thus exposing her cunt to our attack! Having thus fixed the mother, we turned our attention to her trembling daughter. We placed a chair in a position to command a view of Lady Betty. I seated myself on it, and the girls dragged Molly to me and forced her onto my knees with her back to me. While I held her firmly, they drew her arms backwards and made them fast to the sides of the chair. Seizing her delicate ankles, they forced her legs apart and tied them to the chair legs. In short, they tied Molly onto the chair as she sat in my lap, thereby placing her breasts and cunt at my disposal and in easy reach of my hands.

  It is needless to say that this was not effected without the most desperate resistance from both Lady Betty and Molly. The former struggled like a tigress till we got her down on the bench, while Molly had really to be carried and placed on my knees. But now both were satisfactorily fixed and nervously awaited their fate, their bosoms panting and heaving with their desperate exertions.

  ‘Now, my darlings, Lady Betty is at your disposal!’ I said with a cruel smile.

  ‘I’ll take charge of Molly! My pet,’ I added, as the girls hastily arranged among themselves how to deal with Lady Betty, ‘I’ll try and make you comprehend what your mother is feeling, from time to time!’

  ‘Let me have charge of Lady Betty’s breasts,’ cried Connie.

  ‘Excellent!’ said Alice. ‘Fanny and I want her cunt between us! Now, your Ladyship,’ she added as Fanny knelt between Lady Betty’s legs and Connie stationed herself by her shoulders, greedily seizing Lady Betty’s breasts in her little hands, ‘you’re not to spend till we give you leave!’ And kneeling down between Connie and Fanny and opposite the object of her admiration, she placed her hands on the forest of hair and while Fanny’s fingers attacked Lady Betty’s crack, Alice proceeded to play with Lady Betty’s cunt.

  ‘Oh, my God! Stop!’ yelled the unhappy lady as her breasts and private parts thus became the prey of the excited girls. ‘Mother! Oh, Mother!’ shrieked Molly at the sight of her naked mother being thus tortured. I seized Molly’s breasts. ‘Don’t, Jack!’ she screamed, agitating herself on my lap, her plump bottom roving deliciously on my thighs and stimulating my prick to wild erection. Molly’s breasts were simply luscious, and I handled them delightedly as I watched her mother’s agonies and listened to her cries.

  Steadily and remorselessly, Connie’s hands worked Lady Betty’s breasts, squeezing, kneading, stroking, pulling, and even pinching them. She simply reveled in the touch of Lady Betty’s ripe flesh, and while she faithfully attended to the duties committed to her, she delightedly watched Alice and Fanny as they played with Lady Betty’s cunt. Every now and then they would change positions, Alice devoting herself to the gaping orifice itself, while Fanny played with the hairs. It was while they were thus d
ividing the duty that Alice suddenly rose and fetched the box of feathers.

  Connie’s eyes glittered delightedly as Fanny lent herself to Alice’s caprice by carefully parting the dense mass that clustered on Lady Betty’s cunt and thus cleared the way for the feather. With a finger on each side of the pouting slit, she kept the curling black hairs back. Then Alice, poising her hand daintily, brought the tip of the feather along the tender lips.

  A fearful shriek burst from Lady Betty, followed by another and another, as Alice continued to tickle Lady Betty’s cunt, now passing the feather along the slit itself, now inside, now gently touching the clitoris! Every muscle in Lady Betty’s body seemed to be exerting itself to break her fastenings and escape from the terribly subtle torture that was being so skillfully administered. She wriggled her hips and bottom in the most extraordinary way, seeing how tightly we had fastened her. She would arch herself upwards, contorting herself frantically and disturbing Connie’s grasp of her breasts, all the time shrieking almost inarticulate prayers for mercy. It was a wonderful sight—a fine voluptuous woman, naked, being tortured by three pretty girls, also naked—and my lust surged wildly in me.

  So far, I had confined my attentions to Molly’s delicious breasts so that she should not have her attention distracted too much from her mother by her own sensations. She was wild with grief and terror at the sight of the cruel indignities and tortures being inflicted on her naked and helpless mother, and with flushed face and horrified eye, she followed every movement. But when she saw the feather applied to her mother’s cunt and heard her fearful shrieks and witnessed her desperate struggles, she completely lost her head.

  ‘Mother, dear, dear!’

  ‘Oh! My darling! Stop them, Jack! Stop, Alice, you’re killing her! Oh, my God, stop!’ she yelled as she desperately endeavored to get loose and go to her mother’s aid. I really had to hold her tightly, lest she hurt herself in her frantic efforts. But it was now time for me to intervene, for Lady Betty was fast being driven into madness by the terrible tickling of so sensitive a part of herself; so I called out to Alice, who reluctantly stopped, Connie and Fanny at the same time ceasing their attention.


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