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Erotic Classics II

Page 196

by Various Authors

  To the rest of us, it was a lovely spectacle. The two girls fitted each other perfectly—while the contrast between Connie’s look of delighted satisfaction as she gratified her lust after Molly, and the forlorn, woebegone, distressed expression of the latter, as she passively let her cunt minister to Connie’s concupiscence, was enough to rekindle my ardor and determined me to ravish Molly as soon as Connie had finished with her.

  She did not keep me waiting unnecessarily. After testifying by her hot salacious kisses her satisfaction at holding Molly in her arms, cunt to cunt, she began to girl-fuck her ardently and with fast increasing erotic rage, rubbing herself raspingly against her victim’s cunt till she felt Molly beginning to quiver under her. Redoubling her efforts, she went into a veritable paroxysm of thrusts and shoves and wild friction, which quickly brought on the delicious spasm of pleasure to both herself and Molly, whose unresisting lips she again seized with her own as she quivered and thrilled in the delicious consummation of her lust.

  ‘There, Lady Betty, Molly has spent!’ cried Alice gleefully as she gloated over the spectacle with eyes full of desire, which she turned hungrily on Lady Betty and then on me, as if begging leave to inflict some torture on her. But I shook my head. Lady Betty had now to witness her daughter’s violation.

  Presently Connie rose, after giving Molly a long clinging kiss expressive of the most intense satisfaction. Molly began to raise herself, but I quickly pushed her down again on her back and, lying down myself beside her, I slipped my arms ’round her so that we rested together, her back against my chest, her bottom against my prick, while my hands commanded her breasts and cunt.

  ‘Let me go, Jack!’ she cried in alarm, hardly understanding, however, the significance of my action, but it was quite patent to Lady Betty who screamed, ‘No, Jack, no!’ while Alice and Fanny exchanged smiles of delight.

  ‘Lie still, Molly dear!’ I said soothingly, gently seizing one of her delicious breasts, while with my remaining hand, I played with her cunt.

  ‘Oh, Jack, don’t!’ she cried, quivering exquisitely as she submitted reluctantly to my wishes and let my hands enjoy themselves, still not comprehending what was to follow! Presently I whispered loud enough for the others to hear, ‘Molly, you’re quite ready now, let me have you, darling!’

  She lay still for a moment. As her fate dawned on her, she made one desperate furious spring, slipped out of my hands, and rushed to Lady Betty.

  She fell at her mother’s knees and, clasping her convulsively, cried, ‘Don’t let Jack have me, Mother! Oh, save me! Save me!’ Alice and Fanny again exchanged delighted smiles with Connie, all three girls intently watching for the order to bring Molly back to me.

  I rose from the couch and nodded to them. Like young tigresses, they threw themselves on Molly and dragged her away from her mother’s knees in spite of her frantic resistance as she shrieked, ‘Mother, save me,’ while Lady Betty, frantic at her helplessness and distracted by her daughter’s cries as she was being thus dragged to her violation, cried hysterically, ‘Jack! For God’s sake, spare her!’

  The girls had by now forced Molly on the couch again. I saw she would not yield herself quietly to me, so while they held her, I fastened the corner cords to her ankles and wrists and set the machinery to work. As soon as the girls saw the cords tightening, they let go of Molly, who immediately sprang up, only to be arrested and jerked onto her back on the couch. Inch by inch, she was extended flat with widely parted arms and legs as she shrieked with terror, while Lady Betty went into hysterics, which Alice and Fanny soon cured by twitching a few hairs off her cunt.

  I seated myself by Molly, bent over her, and said gravely, ‘Now you’ve again broken your promise, Molly. I shall consequently amuse myself with you before I violate you!’

  ‘No, no, Jack!’ she shrieked as she again struggled to break loose. ‘Let me go! Don’t . . . shame me! Oh! Don’t . . . have me!’

  I ignored her pleading and began to play with her breasts, which I caressed and squeezed to my heart’s content, finally putting her little virgin nipples into my mouth and sucking them lovingly, at which the three girls laughed gleefully as they now knew that another part of Molly would also be sucked while virgin. Then I tickled her navel, a proceeding which made her squirm exquisitely. After that, I devoted myself to her cunt!

  First I stroked and caressed it, she all the while frantically crying out and jerking herself about in vain endeavors to escape my hands. The girls now wheeled Lady Betty alongside the couch. Her hands were still tied behind her back so that she could not use them to shut out the dreadful sight of Molly spread-eagled naked, and was forced to look on and witness the violation of her daughter right in front of her eyes!

  When Lady Betty had been properly placed so as to see all that went on, I leaned over Molly, seized one of her breasts with my left hand, and while squeezing it lovingly, I gently ran my right forefinger along the tender lips of her cunt, intently watching her telltale face as I did so.

  A great wave of color surged furiously over her cheeks, even suffusing her heaving bosom as she screamed, ‘Don’t, Jack, don’t!’ her eyes full of shame while her involuntary movements of hips and bottom betrayed her sexual agitation. It was simply delicious to have her thus at my absolute disposal, to know that the feeling of utter helplessness and the knowledge that her private parts were utterly defenseless was intensifying the mental and physical agony that my proceedings were making Molly suffer, and despite her prayers and her mother’s imploring, I continued delightedly to tickle Molly’s cunt with my finger till I considered she was sufficiently worked up to be sucked. I quietly rose, placed myself between her thighs and began to kiss her cunt, keeping my eyes on Lady Betty, so as to note the effect on her of this fresh torture to her daughter.

  Lady Betty’s eyes opened wide in shocked surprise and, as a half-strangled shriek broke from Molly, she screamed, ‘Oh, my God! Don’t Jack! You’ll drive Molly mad!’ My tongue commenced to play on Molly’s cunt, working along her lips, darting between them when they began to pout and every now and then caressing her clitoris, the subtle titillation sending Molly into shrieking convulsions as she felt she was being slowly driven against her wishes to the spending point! Again Lady Betty screamed, ‘Stop, Jack, for God’s sake, stop!’ as she saw her daughter squirming and quivering and heard her now half-inarticulate cries. I made a sign to the girls and promptly Alice and Fanny seized Lady Betty’s breasts, while Connie forced her hand between Lady Betty’s thighs and tickled her cunt! ‘Oh, my God! Leave me alone!’ she shrieked, struggling frantically but unavailingly, her eyes remaining fixed on her daughter’s now violently agitated body, for I had forced her to the verge of spending. A great convulsion shook Molly. ‘Oh-h-h,’ she ejaculated, then spent with exquisite tremors and thrills while an unmistakable shriek from Lady Betty proclaimed that Connie’s fingers had brought about an unwilling but nevertheless delicious discharge.

  Impatiently I waited till the thrills of pleasure had ceased. I sprang on her, seized her in my arms, brought my prick to bear on her cunt, and with a vigorous shove, I succeeded in forcing its head inside her maiden orifice in spite of her cries and frantic struggles. There her virgin barrier blocked the way. Gripping her tightly to me, I rammed fiercely into her, evidently hurting Molly dreadfully, for her shrieks rang through the room as I strove to get into her, Lady Betty, also terribly upset by the sight of her daughter’s agonies and cries, frenziedly crying, ‘Stop, stop!’ Molly was very tight, and in spite of her being tied down, she wriggled her strong young body so desperately that it was some little time before I could get a real good thrust, but presently I managed to pin her for a moment, then shoving furiously in her, I burst through her virgin defenses. A fearful shriek announced her violation, Lady Betty (whose breasts and cunt were still being handled and fingered by the girls) crying hysterically, ‘Oh, my darling! My darling!’ as with eyes dilated with horror, she watched her da
ughter being ravished right in front of her and, indeed, recognized the very moment when Molly lost her maidenhead!

  Now firmly lodged inside Molly, I drove my prick up to its roots in her smarting cunt and lay motionless on her for a moment till her cries ceased.

  Then I set to work to fuck her in real earnest, first with long slow strokes, then with quicker and more excited ones, Molly submitting passively, as if recognizing that resistance now was useless. The deed had been done, her virginity had been snatched from her! Presently however, she began to agitate herself under me involuntarily as she succumbed to the imperious demands of her now fully aroused sexual emotions and erotic impulses. As my movements on her became more and more riotous and unrestrained, she responded half-unconsciously, half-mechanically, by jogging and heaving her bottom and hips upward as if to meet my vigorous down strokes. Soon our movements became a tempest of confused heaves, shoves, thrusts, and wiggles, then the heavenly climax overtook us! I felt a warm discharge from her as she quivered voluptuously in my arms. I spent madly, pouring my boiling essence into her virgin interior in rapturous ecstasy as I deliciously consummated Molly’s violation, reveling in her exquisite thrills and tremors as she felt my hot discharge shoot into her, her movements being astonishingly like those of her mother when I spent into Lady Betty. But such was the violence of the sexual orgasm that shook Molly for the first time in her life that she went off into a semi-trance!

  Chapter IX

  As soon as I had recovered from the delirious ecstasy of my spending, I kissed Molly’s still-unconscious lips, rose gently off her and cruelly displayed my blood-stained prick to Lady Betty and the excited girls. After exulting over Lady Betty’s distress and the sight of this evidence of her daughter’s violation, I said, ‘I fancy you would like to attend to Molly yourself, your Ladyship. If I let you both loose for that purpose, will you promise to allow yourselves to be fastened again in such a way as I may indicate?’

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ she cried feverishly in her maternal anxiety to attend to Molly.

  Immediately we set them free. Hastily, Lady Betty caught up Molly in her arms and, after passionately kissing her, led her away to the girls’ alcove, while they delightedly bathed and sponged away the marks of my victory from my rejoicing prick, kissing and caressing it as if in sweet congratulation.

  ‘Now we’ll wind up with a great orgy of cruelty, dears,’ I said. ‘You heard Lady Betty’s promise?’ They nodded excitedly. ‘It would hardly have been possible for us to have forced them into the soixante-neuf position; at any event it would have been very difficult. We’ll now make them place themselves so, on the half-bench, then tie them down, Lady Betty on Molly. We can command their cunts for feeling and fingering and tickling and frigging. By slightly moving Lady Betty backwards, we could suck them and I could fuck them standing upright, but you won’t be able to do so. Do you want to do it?’

  They glanced at each other for a moment, then shook their heads. ‘We shall be quite content to satisfy our desires when they get too imperious by fucking each other, Jack!’ said Alice merrily. ‘Connie and Fanny haven’t tried each other yet and will be delighted to do so presently.’ The two girls glanced tenderly at each other and blushed deliciously. ‘My God, Jack! What a doing the poor things will have had by the time we let them away. Do you think they can stand it?’

  ‘Oh, yes, dear!’ I replied with a smile. ‘They are very strong. And it is about time we all had a little refreshment.’

  So I opened some champagne and poured out six tumblers, adding a little brandy to the two glasses meant for Lady Betty and Molly, who just then emerged from the alcove, Molly with both hands shielding her cunt. Lady Betty covered hers with one hand, while her other arm was passed ’round her daughter. Both looked terribly forlorn and disconsolate as they approached us, and when the girls crowded ’round Molly and congratulated her on having become a woman, poor Lady Betty’s eyes sought mine with a look of shocked horror. I handed the champagne ’round and we all partook of it with relish, especially Lady Betty and Molly, who seemed to revive.

  ‘Now let us resume,’ I cried cheerfully. ‘Come along, girls, come, Lady Betty, bring Molly with you.’ I moved towards the bench with the girls while our unhappy victims followed slowly and reluctantly.

  ‘Now, Molly, you just lie down on your back on this bench, just as your mother was made to do. Open your legs, put one on each side.’ Reluctantly she obeyed, and soon she was lashed firmly to the bars by her wrists and ankles, a lovely sight.

  ‘Now, Lady Betty, place yourself on your daughter reverse ways, your head between her thighs, her head between your legs. Lie on her, and when we have arranged you properly, we’ll tie you down!’

  Lady Betty flushed painfully, horror-stricken. ‘Oh, Jack, I can’t! Really, I can’t do it! It’s too horrible!’ she exclaimed, burying her face in her hands and shuddering at the idea.

  ‘Now remember your promise, Lady Betty,’ I said somewhat sternly, as if I was annoyed. ‘Come, no nonsense—lie down on Molly.’

  ‘Oh, my God!’ she wailed. With an effort, she slowly went up to the bench on which poor Molly was lying, bound down and helpless, and shivering with dread. She stood still for a moment as if struggling with repugnance, then stooping down, she kissed her daughter passionately, whispering, ‘My darling, I can’t help it!’ Reluctantly she passed one leg over Molly’s face and laid herself down on her daughter as ordered. Promptly Alice and I adjusted her so that her cunt came within reach of Molly’s lips while her mouth commanded Molly’s cunt. We strapped her arms by the wrists and her legs by the ankles to the crossbar of the bench, one on each side of Molly, pulling the straps as tightly as we could, thereby further securing Molly, who now lay between her mother’s arms and legs and was pinned down by her not inconsiderable weight.

  The pair afforded a remarkable spectacle to us and for some little time we stood in gloating admiration. Neither could move in the slightest degree without the other being instantly conscious of it, and realizing its significance.

  Lady Betty now had her daughter’s freshly violated cunt right under her eyes and only a few inches off. Right above Molly’s eyes, and also only a few inches off, hung her mother’s cunt. Neither could avoid seeing what was being done to each other’s private parts! Were ever a mother and a daughter so cruelly placed?

  After a few moments of gloating, I said quietly, ‘Molly, dear, I’m going to see how your cunt has been altered by your having been deflowered!’ I knelt down between her widely parted legs while the girls crowded ’round to watch, Molly crying imploringly, ‘Don’t touch me there, Jack, it’s so sore!’ at which the girls laughed delightedly.

  Critically, I examined Molly’s delicious organ of sex. ‘I think it is swollen a bit, and that the slit is longer. Don’t you believe so, Lady Betty?’ I remarked.

  She only moaned inarticulately, evidently feeling her position acutely. With a gentle forefinger I proceeded to touch and press Molly’s soft, springy flesh, each touch producing a cry of pain from her and involuntary writhing which even her mother’s weight could not subdue. I gently drew apart the tender lips and inspected with curiosity the gash-like opening into which I had, with so much difficulty, effected an entrance, poor Molly crying, ‘Oh, don’t, Jack!’ Her cunt was clearly inflamed and she must have suffered a good deal of pain while being ravished, and, as I closed the lips again, I gently deposited a loving kiss on them as if seeking their pardon, Molly ejaculating, ‘Oh!’ and quivering deliciously as my caress tingled through her. Then I slowly and gently introduced my forefinger into her cunt!

  ‘Oh!’ shrieked Molly, writhing with pain. ‘Don’t Jack!’ cried Lady Betty, her eyes full of agony at the horrible sight she was being forced to witness.

  Remorselessly I pushed my finger into Molly’s cunt till it was buried up to the knuckle, and retained it there, gently feeling her interior and reveling in the warm, soft flesh, still moist wit
h my spendings, and noting delightedly how her gentle muscles were involuntarily gripping my finger as I tenderly touched her clitoris with my free hand and generally excited her. She was still deliciously tight, and the corrugations of her tender flesh clasped my finger in a way that augured exquisite pleasure to my prick when next it was put into her cunt.

  After a little while I withdrew my finger, to Molly’s great relief, then said to Lady Betty, ‘Now I’ll exhibit your cunt to your daughter, your Ladyship!’ She moaned inarticulately, knowing that it was no use asking for mercy.

  So ’round I went to Molly’s side, the delighted girls following me. When there, I leaned over Lady Betty’s bottom from one side of her, and as I looked down into Molly’s flushed and pitiful face, I said quietly to her, ‘Now, Molly, remember the pinchings and keep your eyes on your mother’s cunt!’ Gently, with both hands, I drew its lips well apart and exhibited the large pink gap through which she had entered the world, saying, ‘Look, Molly, this is the first thing you came through!’

  She was inexpressibly shocked at the sight of her mother’s gaping cunt and ejaculated tremulously, ‘Oh, Jack! How can you be so cruel!’ at which the girls laughed amusedly.

  To her horror I pushed my finger in and began to feel her mother just as I had done to her. ‘Don’t, Jack!’ cried poor Lady Betty, agitating herself spasmodically on Molly as my curious finger explored her sensitive interior, reveling in her luscious flesh which throbbed in the most excited fashion. But after Molly’s exquisite interior, her mother’s seemed almost coarse, and very soon I drew my finger out of her and said softly to Alice, ‘Get a couple of feathers, dear, and we’ll tickle them both at the same time!’

  ‘No, Jack, no!’ shrieked Molly in horrible distress at the approaching dreadful torture.


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