Book Read Free


Page 12

by Melissa Pouliot


  Dragging up the past


  ‘Hello Christine, this is Louise…from Kings Cross Detectives.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I know who you are. Hello Louise.’ Christine was breathless, her heart had stopped beating the minute she heard Louise’s voice on the other end of the line.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind me calling. I’m just wanting to ask a few questions, if that’s okay. About Annabelle, well, of course it’s about Annabelle.’

  Christine laughed, relaxing as soon as she realised Louise was as nervous as she was. ‘Are you reopening her case?’

  ‘Well, yes, I guess, in a way. It hasn’t really been closed as such. Just not solved. So I’m having a look into a few things. You mentioned you’d run into a fellow from the old days. Alan, Andrew?’

  ‘Antonio. Ant.’

  ‘Can you tell me a bit more about him?’ Louise probed gently, knowing very well who Ant was. That he’d taken Rhiannon and Andy to the party spot. That he’d been a known drug dealer at the time. That he had connections in the police force which kept him out of trouble. That he’d cleaned up his act, as far as she could tell, and was living a quiet life working in a motorcycle workshop in Melbourne for an honest wage.

  ‘Well,’ Christine blushed, her mind still filled with memories of when they’d been together back then, memories which were becoming more vivid and frequent since they’d stayed late at the pub and shared a passionate parting kiss. Her mind filled with the wicked acts they had shared. So deliciously wicked that the wickedness overshadowed any feelings of guilt over her thoughts being a direct betrayal of Danny.

  ‘I hadn’t seen him for, well, since not long after Annabelle disappeared. I lost touch with him, with everyone. And twenty something years later, you wouldn’t read about it, there he was on my train. I’ve asked him about what he remembers, and there’s nothing new that he hasn’t already told the detectives when they first investigated.’ Christine was still blushing as she tried to keep her mind on her conversation with Louise. Once she was back in the present, her thoughts turned to Annabelle.

  ‘He was the one who took them out to where she disappeared, told them everything he knew. But he has a strong alibi for that night…’ Christine’s voice faded and Louise strained to hear. ‘…he was with me. Ant was with me, and that makes it my fault. I told her we wouldn’t be long. I told her I’d get her some smokes. I left her there, all on her own, by that fire. And then I got caught up, with, with Ant. And I didn’t go back.’

  Louise listened patiently, sifting through the words. She made sure Christine had finished before she spoke again.

  ‘It would be good if I could speak to Ant, hear his version of the night again. I know he’s already told it, and a lot of time has passed, but there might be something he didn’t think was important back then which might be important now.’

  ‘Sure, I’m sure he’d be happy to speak to you. I’ve got his number, right here.’ Louise noted down the number and started to say her goodbyes.

  Christine was reluctant to get off the phone. Now she’d started talking about Annabelle’s disappearance again, and had the ear of a new investigator, she didn’t want the conversation to end. She wanted to keep talking in case she remembered something, even the most minor detail might be significant. There might be some tiny little piece of information she didn’t even know she had which solved it. She felt driven now that the wheels were in motion. And she didn’t want to miss a thing.


  Louise didn’t waste a second after getting off the phone from Christine before dialling Ant’s number.

  ‘Hello Ant, it’s Louise Whadary from Kings Cross Detectives, Christine passed on your number.’

  Ant felt his heart skip a beat. Christine had messaged him the moment she got off the phone to let him know the call was coming, so even though Louise had been quick, Christine was quicker.

  He’d been dreading the call, knowing it would come after Christine told him she wanted to get the case reopened. He didn’t want to be dragged back to those days. Now he’d found Christine again he realised just how much he had to have her in his life. He just wanted to get on with that life. Live in the here and now. Not in a past which would destroy them.

  ‘Yes, I’ve been expecting your call,’ he said awkwardly. ‘But I’m not sure I can shed any light on the situation. I don’t have anything new. All that’s new is that I’ve met up with an old friend, Christine, and I guess that’s what’s sparked her to try and find out if this case has been solved yet.’

  That was all he was prepared to say. He didn’t want any part of this new investigation. Distracted for a moment he didn’t hear Louise’s next question.

  ‘Pardon, could you please repeat that?’

  ‘Are you absolutely sure the party site where you took the police was the right place?’

  Ant answered quickly. ‘Yes, absolutely sure. I’d been there many times before.’

  Louise noticed the slight catch in his voice and made a note.

  ‘What were those parties like?’

  ‘They were great. Good times.’

  ‘Do you remember who was there? What you all got up to?’

  ‘Oh, you know, just drinking. Smoking. Mainly blokes, a few chicks. Wild chicks. All from The Cross.’

  ‘So the crowd this night, was it the same crowd all the time?’

  ‘Nah, I wouldn’t say that. The crowd came and went, just like in The Cross. Someone’s there one day, the next they’re gone. So it wasn’t exactly the same people all the time, but I guess if you define a crowd, then it was probably the same sort of crowd. Bikies. Druggies. Pros. Petty crooks. Lowlifes. Street kids.’

  ‘Did things ever get out of hand? You know, messy?’

  ‘Yeah, all the time. Brawling, fist fights, knife fights. Same as on the streets. Binge drinking and drug sessions always tended to play out the same way. But never any real harm done. Once the fights were over, everyone just went back to being mates.’

  ‘Right, I see. So did you know everyone on the night Annabelle disappeared?’

  ‘Yeah, pretty much. Actually, I did. Knew every single one.’

  ‘Did everyone come in cars, or were there bikes as well?’

  ‘Cars mostly. A few bikes.’

  ‘When you left with Christine, she said there wasn’t anyone around. Where was everyone? Had the party pretty much finished when you left?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t really remember,’ Ant became vague. He was sweating bullets and was glad Louise couldn’t see him through the phone line. It was taking all his focus to appear cool, calm and collected.

  ‘I can’t remember who was still there. It was pretty late, and we’d been going for a while. There were a few who’d snuck off into the bush for a root, there was this one chick there who was keeping quite a crew entertained.’

  Louise scribbled down another note. There was no mention of this on the file, no mention of a girl who’d been taking turns. She didn’t know if there was any significance in it, why would he mention this now and not then? She’d come back to that later.

  ‘Did Annabelle know everyone there?’

  ‘Nah, don’t think so. Just Christine and me. Maybe she’d seen a few of the others. But it was mainly us three.’

  ‘So it didn’t worry you that you were pretty much leaving Annabelle all on her own, you didn’t think that she’d be stuck out there without a ride home?’

  ‘No, didn’t worry me. I had my mind on other things.’ He smiled as his mind went back to that first night with Christine. Hot, sweaty and naked. In his bed. Then the times after that. On his kitchen table. On his couch. Anywhere, and everywhere.

  ‘On the file there’s a reference to another bloke who was there. Carl Thorn. From what it says here you were known to this man?’

  Ant remained silent. Carl was a person he’d wiped from his life. A no-good, low life he wished he’d never met.

  ‘Ant? Do you know who I mean?

  ‘Carl. Mmm. Just trying to think, the name rings a bell but I just can’t place his face. It was so long ago, and I gotta say, those years are a bit hazy in places if you get my gist.’

  ‘Yes, I get your gist,’ Louise said jokingly, trying to keep him relaxed, sensing another change in his demeanour.

  ‘I’ve tried to find this bloke, this Carl. But nobody seems to know where he is. He’s vanished off the face of the earth. Last time his family saw him was around eighty-eight and his mother said she’d heard he was lurking around The Cross. Christine said she thought she’d seen him a few times with you, that’s why I ask.’

  ‘Oh, nah.’ Ant paused for effect. ‘Can’t say I can remember him. Sorry.’

  Louise moved on, she’d hit a brick wall.

  ‘I’ve just got one more question Ant, then I’ll let you go. Something bothering me with the photos of the party site. It seems really clean. Tidy. No bottles or cans on the ground. No signs of a wild party at all. No bits of clothing someone forgot, no scrunched up packets of cigarettes. No broken bongs.’

  She stopped speaking, deliberately not asking a direct question, instead waiting to hear the first thing that came out of his mouth.

  ‘Was that a question?’

  He’d outsmarted her at her own game.

  ‘Oh no, not really a question. More an observation. Strikes me as a bit odd everyone cleaned up so neatly after themselves. Which they wouldn’t necessarily do if it was just another one of the usual parties. Not a care in the world. I can’t imagine any of the crowd you described going around the next morning with a garbage bag singing the Do the right thing jingle.’

  ‘I can’t remember that level of detail,’ Ant cut her off abruptly. ‘If there’d been anything in it I’m sure that other female copper would have followed it up. Then there was the old detective who was with her, he didn’t say much, but he didn’t miss much either.’

  Louise backed off, and not for the first time wished she could speak to Rhiannon or Andy in person. She was considering putting one dollar into a jar every time she had this thought; she would have herself a nice little nest egg by the end of her investigation.

  ‘Thank you Ant, you’ve been really helpful. Do you mind if I call you again, you know, if anything comes up I need to check?’

  ‘Sure, if you want to.’

  ‘Great, thank you, I really appreciate it.’ Louise was gushing now. Another habit of hers she wished she could break. Overly thanking people when she didn’t need to. She must learn to keep things brief. Story of her life.

  ‘Yeah, no wuckas.’

  No wuckas? She’d never heard that saying before, her upbringing in Kent didn’t involve any wuckas.

  Long after the conversation finished, Louise still puzzled over what he’d said and how he’d said it. He was hiding something. She knew it. But what? Was it connected to Annabelle? Or was it just that he was worried about getting busted for past drug dealing activities?

  Louise had her reservations, despite Christine’s placing of Ant on a pedestal. It was obvious they had something special back then, and meeting up may have rekindled whatever that was. Louise had to see past what Christine couldn’t see. She had to pick at the scab until it eventually peeled away, revealing the pus and blood that she knew was lurking underneath.


  Stuck in the eighties


  ‘I’m meeting up with Ant again,’ Christine said breezily. ‘Wanna come?’

  Danny tried to remain nonchalant, despite the squirming going on inside. This was the first time, since that late night home when she’d scared him witless, she was seeing him in person. As far as Danny knew, they’d only shared a couple of short phone calls to help Christine with the spreadsheet she was compiling of dates, times, places and people. She’d called Ant to clarify some of the more specific details. It was just basic, general contact.

  What Danny didn’t know was that late at night they’d furiously message each other on Messenger, sharing thoughts they could never say out loud, but which tapped out easily on the phone keypad.

  ‘Not sure,’ he looked at his watch. ‘I’ve got a deadline. Might need to hunker down and get that sorted. Otherwise I would.’ Liar, liar, pants on fire.


  ‘Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll meet him next time,’ he replied, continuing his casual not feeling insecure one little bit facade.

  ‘No probs, see you in a few,’ Christine replied, trying to hide her thank Christ he’s not coming facade.

  She kissed him with as much passion as she could muster before she breezed out the door, her stomach a flutter of butterflies all colours of the rainbow.

  They were meeting at the cafe, Miss Marmalade. It was one of Christine and Danny’s favourite hangouts, so she deemed it a safe meeting place. She had also deliberately chosen an early morning get together to minimise the risk of any drunken pash ending their meeting.

  The minute Ant walked through the door, her safety veil fluttered straight out the window. He was dressed in a black T-shirt, black denim stonewashed jeans and black desert boots. She was his contrast in her tight white singlet and light, fluttery, pastel-coloured short skirt. She smiled coyly as he walked towards her with his cool, lazy walk.

  ‘Hey Babe,’ he said.

  ‘We’re not in the eighties anymore, been a long time since anyone’s called me Babe,’ she was aiming for mock offence but the last few words caught in her throat. Ant pulled his chair around so it was next to her, then seated himself in close. Christine wondered if tiny sweat beads on her top lip were showing.

  ‘Coffee?’ she asked.

  ‘Righto. Long black.’

  Christine caught the eye of the waitress, who efficiently took Christine’s standard order for an English breakfast tea and Ant’s coffee, before successfully upselling them both a freshly baked raspberry and white chocolate muffin.

  ‘So, what’s happening?’ Ant asked, edging slightly closer so their arms touched. Christine looked down, then straight into his eyes as she moved her arm away. It took effort, but it was important she regain control. After all, she’d chosen Danny.

  ‘Not a lot, still haven’t gone back to work full-time. Got a heap of leave owing, so using my time wisely to see if I can get Annabelle’s case going again…’

  She babbled as she updated him on where she’d got to. ‘…and when I got a call from a young detective at Kings Cross, her name is Louise, to tell me she’s having a closer look, well I’m bloody over the moon I gotta tell you. Fresh eyes, she said. Tiny steps but maybe, just maybe she’ll find something we’ve all missed. By the way, did she call you?’

  Ant had stayed quiet, listening intently, not interrupting. He didn’t answer her question. ‘You don’t think it’s too late?’

  ‘No way,’ Christine said firmly. ‘It’s never too late.’

  ‘You said you called her Mum. How did that go?’

  ‘Okay, sort of. She didn’t really want to talk to me. I understand, I guess. But it’s frustrating. That’s all water under the bridge. Such a long time ago, none of it matters anymore. All that matters is that we find Annabelle!’

  ‘You sure none of it matters?’ Ant moved closer again.

  Rattled for a moment, Christine didn’t answer. The arrival of their food and drink gave her time to compose herself. She then realised he still hadn’t answered her question.

  ‘Did Louise call you?’

  Ant’s heart skipped a beat but he hid it well. ‘Yeah, all good. Probably not much help though, already told ‘em everything I know.’

  He leaned in closer and wiped a crumb from her lip.

  ‘Why do I get the feeling you’re not really listening?’ She took a sip of her tea and chased it down with another delicious, mouth melting bite of her muffin.

  ‘That’s because I can’t get my mind off how fucking amazing it is to be sitting here with you. After all these years you’re as beautiful as ever.’

ristine flushed. ‘You don’t beat around the bush, do you?’

  ‘I figure it’s fate we crossed paths again, so no time for beating around the bush.’ Ant turned serious. ‘I let you go once. I’m not about to let you go a second time.’

  The soft, delicious muffin turned to gravel in Christine’s mouth. She didn’t know what to say. When she was with Danny she felt safe, happy and sure of her future. Ant, on the other hand, made her feel wild, excited and what else? Giddy? Reckless? Yes, definitely, but also something more. Alive. That’s what she felt when she was with him, talking to him, messaging him. Alive.

  ‘I’m sorry Ant,’ she moved away again, sipping her tea thoughtfully. ‘But I’m with Danny now. I have a life. A happy life. A good job. I can’t just upend the whole lot and disappear down memory lane with you.’

  Ant stared intently while she spoke, and she hesitated under his sexy gaze.

  She continued. ‘We’ve got a common goal, we want to find Annabelle. So can we just focus on that? I just want to be friends,’ she ended lamely.

  ‘Are you sure?’ Ant put his hand under the table and ran it under her flirty summer skirt and moved higher onto her bare, hot inner thigh. She gasped as his fingers found the edge of her lace knickers and moved deftly underneath to her soft, smooth skin.

  ‘Ah, a Brazilian,’ he groaned into her ear, feeling pressure on the stonewash denim jeans he wore all year round, no matter what the temperature. Before she knew what was happening she had moved her thighs apart to allow his fingers to find their way into her throbbing moistness. She was oblivious to everyone around them, thankful for the corner table she’d chosen, well away from prying eyes. They were so well hidden he was able to finger fuck her until she came, without raising one single bit of attention. People chatted and sipped and got on with their lives while Christine melted in the corner as Ant’s deft fingers moved inside her.

  The waitress came over to clear their cups and plates. ‘Would you like another tea and coffee?’ she asked efficiently, not noticing Christine’s glazed eyes and hot cheeks.


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