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Wannabe in Wyoming (Antelope Rock Book 1)

Page 22

by J. B. Havens

  Willow and Jeremiah both signaled for Dale to stop, and he cut the engine before getting out of the truck and striding back to them. “Honestly, I’m cold as fuck. I’ll unhook it tomorrow. Thanks for your help today, Jeremiah.” Dale extended his hand to the other man.

  It took him a long moment, before he accepted the gesture, shaking the man’s hand firmly but not meeting his eyes and letting go as if the touch had burned him. He was clearly giving off the vibe that he couldn’t wait to get away from Dale.

  “I’ll be by in a few days, Willow. Give me a call if you need anything.” He hugged her quickly before rushing off to his own truck that he’d left parked next to hers. His hurry to leave apparent to them both.

  “No need to be rude, you know!” Dale shouted at his retreating back. Jeremiah froze, his shoulders stiffening, before he turned and glared.

  “Listen here, I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but get the fuck over yourself, Dale. I’m not doing this with you every time I see you. I’ll be here sometimes, so you’d better get used to seeing me and learn how to keep your fucking fool mouth shut.”

  “Guys. Please. Can we not do this right now?” Willow’s attempt to calm their flaring tempers failed as Dale’s long legs ate up the distance between him and Jeremiah, irritation evident in his every step.

  “Get over myself, huh? You first, fucker!” Dale shouted as he stopped in front of the other man, propping both hands on his hips.

  Willow’s head bounced back and forth like a ping-pong ball, as she tried to figure out what in the hell was going on with the two of them and stave off the headache they were giving her. She’d obviously missed something but hadn’t a hint as to what it was. Whatever had happened between them at the rodeo was coming to a head like a festering wound.

  “What? You’re pissed that I won’t fall to my knees for you? You act like you have some sort of clue what my life is like! Newsflash, dipshit, you don’t! So, yeah, fuck off, fuck you, and fuck yourself while you’re at it!” Jeremiah was right in Dale’s face, jabbing his finger in the bigger man’s chest. “My life, my call. You don’t get to judge me.”

  Dale snarled, slapping Jeremiah’s hand away from his chest. “Yeah, I do. The way you look at me is just begging for me to judge you.”

  Willow hesitated, not sure what to do. One man was her best friend and the other was now her employee. Deciding she’d let them continue unless it came to blows, she stayed well back and observed. Maybe they just had to blow off some steam after being at each other’s throats all day.

  “Begging? Begging! Not on your sorry fucking life will that ever happen!” Jeremiah’s face was bright red with the combination of anger and the cold air. She’d never seen him so pissed off and didn’t want to ever again.

  “I don’t recall asking you to, now did I? I said what I said at the rodeo, and I meant it. Until that day comes, not that I think it ever will, you need to keep your pissy fucking attitude around me in check. You have no one to blame but yourself.”

  “Again, asshole, you have no clue what my life is like.” Throwing his hands in the air, he gave the foreman his back. “I’m not doing this. Not now. Not ever. What I do or do not tell people about myself is none of your fuckin’ business.” Opening the door to his truck, he glanced over at Willow. “I’ll see ya, Willow-girl. Tell Nathan I said hey. Call me if you need me.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched her best friend drive away before turning toward her new foreman with a scowl. “Way to spend your first day at a new job, huh? Baiting my best friend who left his own ranch to help us? I don’t know what’s happening with you two, but if I see that sort of display again, I’ll be finding a new foreman.” She kept her tone cold and firm. “This sort of macho dick-measuring contest bullshit is a waste of everyone’s time. You don’t have to like him, but you’ll be civil toward him when you’re on my property.”

  Looking at his boots, Dale had the grace to look ashamed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And for crying out loud, don’t call me ma’am.” She allowed herself to smile, just a little, trying to soften the blow of her words. She needed his respect, but she didn’t want him to dislike her. They would be working closely together every day and needed to maintain a good relationship.

  The corners of his mouth ticked upward, but he was smart enough to keep the smirk or smile from fully forming. “Understood.” Burying his hands in his coat pockets, he continued, “I’m going to get a few things set up in the RV and have some dinner. I’ll do another check on the stock later before getting some shuteye. I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll be up at dawn, but you’re the boss—I won’t expect you until I see you.”

  Nodding once, he spun on his heel and walked to his trailer. The door slammed behind him as he went inside, and Willow questioned if she’d handled the situation correctly. She’d have to ask Nathan when they Skyped later tonight.

  Stomach growling, she saw it was dinnertime—not only for her, but for the chickens and Ethel too. Once the hens were safe and secure for the night, Willow headed back into the house, cold and hungry. She threw some kibble in the cat’s dish in the laundry room, then checked the pantry for something for herself. Soup sounded good—it was fast, easy, and hot, just what she needed to warm up and still be ready in time for Nathan’s call. Grinning for the first time in hours, she hurried to fix her meal, anxious to talk to him.

  Reclining in bed, Willow propped her laptop on her thighs and opened the Skype app. She tapped her fingers and watched the clock tick over, impatient to see Nathan. Every time they spoke, she struggled more and more not to confess her feelings and beg him to come live at the ranch with her when he was finally discharged from the army. She was desperate to tell him she loved him but knew it would be more meaningful coming from her in person, not over the internet. She would only get the chance to say those words for the first time once, and she didn’t want to screw it up.

  She tried not to think about Andrew, but the man had pissed her off to no end—again. He’d called twice while she’d been eating her dinner. As usual, when she saw the Philadelphia area code, she’d sent both calls to voice mail. Since she’d blocked his number, he’d started calling her from other phones-––she didn’t know or care who they belonged to. She listened to the messages for all of two seconds to confirm they were from her ex, and not someone else trying to get in touch with her for some reason, before deleting them. The man wasn’t going to get a dime from her no matter how much he begged. Let him find someone else to bail him out of whatever trouble he’d found himself in.

  The chime sounded on her computer, and when she connected the call, Nathan’s face and upper body appeared on the screen. He was shirtless and coated in a fine sheen of sweat. She grinned into the camera. “Nathan, why are you all sweaty? You know that’s mean right? Teasing me . . .”

  Laughing, his eyes dancing, he swept a hand down his shiny face. “My workout with Ramsey ran long, and I didn’t get a chance to shower yet. I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m complaining about your appearance, since seeing you all flushed and glistening with sweat does things to me.” She gave him a sassy wink.

  “Don’t distract me, woman. All settled in there?” He grabbed a towel from somewhere off screen and wiped his face and chest off. Lucky towel.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed, knowing he was talking about the animals. “They were no trouble at all. It was a long day, but so worth it. Dale said he was going to do another check this evening, but I’ll go out too when we’re done talking. I just want to see for myself that they’re doing okay. I feel like a first-time mom or something. Well, a second-time mom since I already adopted Ethel, and Fred sort of adopted me.”

  “I’m so happy for you, and I can’t wait to see them. You’ll have to take a video of them tomorrow and send it to me. I loved all the pictures you sent throughout the day. Especially the one with Lucy mugging for the camera. Or was that Desi?”

>   She giggled. “It was Desi. Apparently, he loves getting his photo taken.”

  Reaching out, he ran a finger down the computer screen, no doubt tracing the image of her face. She could almost feel his touch along her jaw. His expression softened into something akin to longing. “I wish I was celebrating with you.” They stared at each other in silence for a few moments before Nathan suddenly sat up straighter. “Which brings me to my other news. I’m only working a half day on Friday. I can fly up to you that afternoon and stay until Sunday afternoon.”

  “Really! You’re sure? You can really come?” Her exhaustion faded and pure elation flooded through her.

  “Yes, Wannabe, I’m sure. I was just about to look at flights. As soon as I get it booked, I’ll text you the details. Will you be able to get away to come pick me up?”

  “Are you kidding? Nothing could keep me away. I can’t wait to see you! I miss you.” She figuratively bit her tongue, stopping herself just in time from telling him how much she loved him, how much she wanted him in her home and bed. He belonged here with her—she knew it in her heart. She just hoped he knew it too.

  “I miss you too, Wannabe, more than I can say. I’ll see you Friday, baby. Clear your calendar and tell Jeremiah to occupy himself elsewhere. This trip, I want you all to myself. Understand?” His tone dropped low, causing shivers to break out along her skin. Her nipples tightened and her panties grew damp, and all because he spoke to her in that commanding tone of his that made her knees weaken. Damn the man.

  “Y-yes.” She couldn’t wait to experience everything his wicked grin and desire-filled gaze promised. Twice.

  Chapter Thirty

  Willow barely had front door shut behind them before she was pinned up against it. Nathan’s mouth was on hers in a heart beat, and all thoughts of what to make for lunch fled from her mind. She kissed him back with fervor, giving as much as she took. His tongue swept into her mouth as he pushed her coat off her shoulders.

  Moans, gasps, and sucking noises filled the air as they quickly divested each other of their clothes. Boots thunked against the floor, and she stumbled as she kicked her jeans off. Willow hoped like hell Dale didn’t need anything or Jeremiah stopped by. Both men always knocked before opening the backdoor to her kitchen, but there wouldn’t be enough time for her and Nathan to duck out of view if either of them entered. Being caught standing there in her underwear by her employee or her best friend, while being ravished by her boyfriend, wasn’t how she wanted to start her weekend.

  Today hadn’t come fast enough for Willow. Since she’d found out Nathan was coming up to see her again, she’d been counting the hours and then the minutes until she’d met him at the airport.

  “Bed-bedroom,” she managed to tear her mouth free of his and blurt out in between gulps of air.

  Grabbing her hips, Nathan lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he demanded before resuming his assault on her mouth. They were both in just their underwear, and she hissed in pleasure as his bare skin pressed against hers. His chest hair rubbed against her stomach and breasts, sending tingles all through her and raising goosebumps on her exposed arms and back.

  His hands cupped her ass as he carried her down the hall to her bedroom. After he deposited her onto the mattress in a heap of wanting flesh, he knelt between her legs and flicked the front clasp of her bra, letting her breasts fall free. He crawled onto the bed, his body covering hers, surrounding her in his warm scent, as his mouth latched onto one of her nipples. His tongue flicked her piercing causing her to gasp and moan in pleasure. Willow writhed beneath him running her hands through his short hair, over his strong shoulders, and down his back. His skin was hot under her palms, fueling her desire. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted to touch and taste him everywhere, all at once. “Mmm, hurry, please.”

  Apparently, that’d been the wrong thing to say because he slowed down immediately. Sitting up, he straddled her thighs and reached for her right wrist, bringing it to his lips. He’d done this before, and it drove her crazy—in a good way. His tongue snaked out and licked where her tattoo sleeve began, before tracing the interconnecting designs upward to her elbow and then further to her shoulder. Occasionally, he’d stop and suck on her skin for a few moments before moving on. Whenever they were naked in bed, he loved to study the ink, finding new things to comment about each time.

  While he teased her, she moaned and twisted her hips, desperate for friction where she needed it most. By the time his tongue worked its way across her upper chest, her clit was throbbing in time to her pounding heart. “Nathan, please,” she begged again. “I missed you. Need you so bad. Tease me later, please . . .” She was so wet and nearly incoherent with need.

  He slid just a bit down the bed, and she spread her legs, so he could nestle his hips between them. His hardness rubbed against her mound, and she lifted her pelvis to try to increase the pressure. Rubbing against him, she cried out as the head of his cock bumped her clit directly, shooting an arc of pleasure through her.

  Nathan kissed his way down her torso, licking, sucking, and tasting as much of her exposed flesh as he could. He tongued her nipple rings, pulling on them gently with his teeth, knowing it drove her crazy, before nuzzling the undersides of her breasts, kissing the soft skin there. She touched him everywhere she could reach, scratching her nails along his shoulders and arching her back to get closer to him.

  When he reached her hot-pink lace panties that matched her bra, he knelt by her feet, lowering the material down her legs and off. His gaze roamed her naked body, almost reverently. “God, you’re so damn beautiful, Wannabe. What did I do in my life to deserve you?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer before he dipped his head, parted her folds with his thumbs, and buried his face between her legs, forcing a gasp from her throat. “Damn, you taste amazing.” He groaned against her flesh, alternating between sucking on her clit and licking inside her until she grabbed his hair, pulling him up and off her. His face was glistening, and he grinned before wiping his face on the sheet.

  Smiling, she reached between them and palmed the bulge in his boxer briefs, making him groan and shift his hips closer to her touch. “You just had to be you, Nathan . . . nothing more, nothing less.” She paused for a moment before meeting his blue eyes, blazing with desire, and letting the words she’d been holding back spill from her lips. “I love you.” Her voice was soft and hesitant, as her heart hammered against her ribs with both desire and fear.

  His eyes widened, then he leaned forward, pressing his chest to hers and propping his hands on either side of her head. He lowered his mouth to hers, giving her the sweetest, most heart-felt kiss she’d ever experienced. “I love you too, Wannabe. I think I fell in love with you the moment I read your first letter.” He whispered the words against her lips, his breath puffing against her mouth. “And I’ll love you to my dying day.”

  Before she could respond, his lips were on hers again, taking possession of her mouth. In that moment, she knew . . . he owned her. For the rest of her life, her heart would belong to him and no one else.

  He quickly removed his underwear and ran two fingers across her pussy lips, dipping them inside her, making sure she was ready for him. She could’ve told him he didn’t have to bother though—she was soaked. When he lined his cock up and entered her, her body yielded and stretched to accommodate him as if the final piece of its complex puzzle was sliding into place. With a few short strokes, he was soon buried to the hilt. This wasn’t sex between them . . . not anymore. It was the melding of two hearts and two souls.

  As they climbed a precipice of pure pleasure, Willow’s senses were aware of nothing but Nathan. The way he touched her and murmured endearments and promises into her ear. The way his scent surrounded her, and how his skin tasted on her tongue. The way he moved within her with deep and sure strokes, touching every part of her heart and body. All of that didn’t send her over the edge though, until he lifted his head just enough that she could see the love burnin
g in his eyes. When he said, “Come for me, baby,” she shattered and screamed his name as her orgasm crashed over her, sending her tumbling into a sea of bliss.

  When Nathan followed her, Willow felt his heated release bathe her insides. It made her feel so close to him, without the barrier of latex in the way. She never wanted anything to keep them apart, not even something as simple as a condom. The possibility of children was a concern, but not a big one. A little girl or boy, with Nathan’s dark hair and her eyes? Maybe one day.

  Lying sated, with her head on his chest and Nathan’s fingers in her hair, she now understood the impassioned love her father had felt for her mother. She also understood how Jason’s heart had shattered at the loss of the woman who’d been his soul mate.

  Willow caressed Nathan’s taut abdomen, her fingers playing with the dark hair there. She could almost feel her father channeling the courage he hadn’t been able to find until it was too late into her mind as she lifted her gaze to Nathan’s. She refused to repeat Jason’s mistakes and let fear and regret prevent her from seizing her happiness. “When your discharge is final, move in with me?”

  His eyes filled with hope. “You mean it? This isn’t just my superior love making skills messing with your head, right? You really want me here?”

  Laughing, she shoved him. “Jerk,” she teased, kissing his chest before nipping at his nipple. “I’ve thought about it almost constantly since you left. I love you. I love being with you. If it’s not something you’re ready for, I understand, but I really hope it is.”

  He continued to run his fingers through her hair, letting the strands fall against his bare arm. “Yes, Wannabe, I’d love to live here with you. And no, I don’t need time. If you hadn’t asked, I’d planned to just keep showing up and slowly bring more of my stuff with me each time.”


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