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A Change for the Good

Page 5

by Melanie Jayne

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Having someone here with the patient is the most important thing, especially when they wake up disoriented. She doesn’t know how she got here or why she is hurting.”

  “Again, you have my thanks,” He moved the chair back to the bedside and took Zoe’s hand. He was fighting to stay in control, he wanted to scream and punch a wall in frustration. Who would hurt this woman?

  Making circles on the back of her hand with his finger, he tried to organize his racing thoughts and review everything Zoe had told him about the events from the past few weeks. Hopefully the police found evidence and Zoe could give a description of her attackers.

  Sooner than expected, a doctor entered the room and introduced himself. He questioned Tony regarding the manner that Zoe woke and what she said. He then asked Tony to wait in the doorway, assuring that he could watch the exam from a distance.

  Zoe seemed to fade in and out but from what Tony could hear, she answered the questions correctly and moved arms and legs upon command.

  The doctor motioned for Tony to return to her bedside and explained, “Ms. Crawford will experience headaches from the concussion and there could be other side effects. The wound required twenty staples and should heal cleanly. I would like to keep her overnight for observation. She should not be left alone for at least seventy-two hours following discharge in case of dizziness or other complications. The staff will let you know when her room is ready.” He thrust out his hand, shook and exited the room.

  Tony made arrangements with the nurse to be notified when Zoe was ready to be transferred to a room. He left his cell number and full name for a page if necessary. He walked with purpose to the waiting room to find Geno waiting with the police officers.

  After several hours, Zoe had been moved to a private room, with one of Geno’s employees standing guard outside the door. It was clear to the Alessi brothers that C.P.D. was treating the break-in as a random incident. Tony’s instincts screamed that this was a coordinated attack as were the earlier events Zoe had described. Geno had arranged for his people to replace Zoe’s front door with a heavier model and install the heavy duty locks.

  Tony and Geno stood in the hall outside of Zoe’s room talking quietly. “So you like her?” Geno asked, tilting his head toward Zoe’s room.

  “Yeah, from the moment I saw her,” Tony answered honestly. It served no purpose to lie to Geno. He hoped that Zoe would be in his life as his woman. “It’s early, but there is a definite connection.”

  Geno gave his little brother a nudge with his shoulder as he grinned. “She must be special, you’re in protective mode and that’s not the norm for you. You aren’t acting like your typical laid-back self.”

  “Like I said, we connected.”

  “So what’s her story?” Geno pressed a little harder.

  Tony answered slowly. “I met her at the gym. She moved here from Denver to start over after her divorce.”

  “How much does she know about you?”

  “Not too much, and nothing about Atlanta. I want her to get to know me before we talk about that. We’re just starting this thing. I don’t want to scare her.”

  “I suppose it has occurred to you that the reason she wanted to start over in a new town is that she may have some history of her own?” Geno asked.

  Zoe stirred from her nap so Geno said goodbye and Tony returned to her bedside. She had a bit more color in her cheeks, but her large blue eyes kept looking around the room with uncertainty.

  “Welcome back. How’s the head? “

  Zoe’s eyes focused on Tony. He considered what he must look like. He was running on a few hours’ sleep and felt wiped out. His shoulder length hair was loose and his dark beard was filling in rapidly.

  “It’s getting better, not throbbing so hard, just an ache. What time is it? Did they say when I can go home?” Her voice was stronger as she peppered him with questions.

  “Slow down. If you continue to improve you can go home in the morning. I’m going to stay with you for the next couple of days since you’re not supposed to be by yourself. I have some guys repairing things at your place right now. You need to tell me what you need so I can go by and pack a bag for you.” Zoe seemed to be more responsive and the pain had lessened all good signs.

  “You don’t have to stay with me.” She paused. “I’ve imposed on your time too much already. I mean, you don’t have to do this for me.”

  The muscle by his jaw jumped as he considered his next words. “I think I need to call the doctor because you must have some memory loss. If you recall, I am involved with you. I will take care of you. I want to help you.”

  Zoe sighed in resignation and rolled her eyes. “You’re right, I would like my own things.

  “I’ll start a list,” Tony added helpfully while trying not to grin.

  “I need a sweatshirt, yoga pants, underthings and shoes. Dig around in my chest of drawers on the right side and in my walk-in closet on the shelves to the left. Anything will be fine. I don’t want to touch anything that I had on earlier.”

  “I get that.” He didn’t look up from the small notebook he was writing in.

  Zoe dropped her gaze. “I don’t mean to be difficult, but this is a lot to take in. I’m not sure how to handle it.”

  Softening his tone, he moved closer. “Okay, here’s the deal. We missed dinner because you were sleeping. I wasn’t going to wake you for some unidentifiable soup and pudding. I’ll run over to your place and check on the progress of the repairs and grab your things. Then I will pick us up some food for dinner. I have a guy named Eric outside your door in case you need anything while I am gone.“

  “Tony, I appreciate all of this. I do. It has been a long time since someone helped me without my having to ask. I’ve had to depend on myself for so long or go without any support.” Zoe’s voice had a note of uncertainty as she added, “I’m glad you are here. It makes me feel better. Can you be patient with me, while I get used to this?” She gave his hand a squeeze.

  He felt a jolt of satisfaction as he smiled at Zoe’s confessions. “I’m going to spend the night here. I don’t want you to be alone especially if you wake up disoriented.” He stood, leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. At the door he looked back and teased, “I’ll get Eric so you can meet him and no flirting.”


  The first thing Tony did was survey the work inside Zoe’s apartment, the new front door was installed and two guys were replacing the locks on the windows. He nodded at the man sitting on the sofa. The hulk was called Red and he was the one of the most badass men that Tony had ever met. Geno had earned Red’s loyalty while he was working patrol early in his time with the C.P.D. Only the two men knew the real story behind the friendship, but there had been times that Geno had called Red to be his backup. Geno’s radar must have felt a ping over Zoe’s attack for Red to be called in. Geno was being protective of the new woman in his brother’s life.

  Tony dropped into the chair beside the sofa. “So I’m surprised Geno called you in. This early, we don’t know who or what, we are dealing with.”

  Red let out a snort of laughter. “My orders are to watch and listen. At regular intervals, I’m to make my presence known. I think that means for me to take a brief walk out to my truck in the parking lot, except I’m not to flash my firepower. If somebody has eyes on this place and is local, they’ll know who I am. Simple stuff. Not the usual type of job from G., but family was attacked, I get his concern. Your woman has my protection.”

  “Yeah, don’t scare Zoe’s neighbors any more than you have to,” Tony added dryly.

  Red flipped him off.

  “Thanks for coming. I don’t know what shit is going on, but my wom.., uhm friend got knocked out.”

  “Took the boys some time to get the blood cleaned up in the kitchen. Geno said something about a head injury. She okay?” Red shifted on the sofa.

  “She has one helluva headache. The doc says she will be fine.
I stopped by to grab some clothes for her, then to my place for my stuff, and I need to get back to the hospital.”

  Red pointed to the bag sitting by the coffee table. “Fast mover, your brother.”

  “That my bag?” Tony stared at it.

  “Looks like Geno says you’re moving in.”

  Tony chuckled as he headed up the stairs to pack Zoe’s things. Hunting for the requested clothing, he could not help but notice some intriguing pieces of lace and satin in Zoe’s top drawer. She liked fancy bras and panties which brought to mind ideas of her modeling them for him. Her voluptuous body draped in red lace wearing stilettos would be quite a vision. He looked forward to seeing Zoe in sexy lingerie, he would strip her bare and love her body.

  He checked on the windows and looked at the cleanup in the kitchen. Happy with the results, he returned to Red. “Things look good here. Hit my cell if there is anything to report. “

  “Got it.”

  Tony continued. “Thanks man. I appreciate you helping out.”

  Red gave Tony a cold stare and then spoke. “Geno asks, I come.” He looked Tony up and down. “Good to see you healin’ up. She must be good for you because you got that fire in your eyes again.”

  Chapter Six

  After the five a.m. visit from the nurse to check Zoe’s vitals, Tony decided to give up on the idea of getting more sleep. He threw some water on his face and used the toothbrush and paste that a nurse had procured for him. He then sent a quick text to Geno. Dropping into the chair next to Zoe’s bed, he made a list of things that Geno had not included in his bag for his stay. He assumed they would return to her apartment. Tony had already figured Zoe for the “get back on the horse” type. He needed to speak with Geno in case she needed a place to stay. His apartment was not fit for a lady. It was fine as a temporary place to crash, but Zoe was used to nice surroundings, not a one bedroom apartment sparsely furnished with odds and ends, in need of a paint job.

  She stirred, then looked directly into Tony’s eyes. “You did stay.”

  He feigned disgust. “Didn’t I say I would?”

  “Well yes, but I know that futon couldn’t have been very comfortable. I thought it might get so uncomfortable that you would go home and sleep, then come back. I knew you would come back.” She then did a full body stretch that brought Tony’s attention to her lush body. She displayed a sheepish grin. “Uhm, I need to use the bathroom.”

  Tony helped her sit up on the side of the bed and immediately she grabbed onto his forearm as the color drained from her face. “Whoa, hang on a sec.” He draped his arm around her shoulders to help balance her.

  She leaned into his body. “I’m so dizzy”. Resting a few moments to calm her equilibrium, he kept his arm draped around her back, holding her against his side.

  He waited patiently, it felt great having her body so close. “Want to try to stand?”

  She nodded.

  “Tell me when you can walk.”

  After a few moments, they shuffled to the bathroom.

  “No, you don’t need to go in with me.” She looked mortified that he might follow her. Zoe shut the door in his face.

  After a flush, she opened the door only wide enough to stick her head out. “Hey, could you find a nurse? I would really like a shower and I need to know the rules about getting my head wet.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay in there?“

  “I’m better, just moving a little slow. My body is sore and stiff. I think a shower would be really helpful. Plus, I feel yucky and want to clean up.”

  “That’s what I’ll tell the nurse, ‘my girl feels yucky.’ We can’t have that.”

  Zoe was dressed and sitting on the side of the bed swinging her legs back and forth, waiting for the doctor to clear her release. “Maybe I should ask the nurse to check to see how much longer?”

  “You can, but it’s always hurry up and wait.” His answer came out shorter than he intended. He was fighting impatience and fatigue. He dropped his head back against the futon and closed his eyes.

  “After you drop me off, you can go home and get some sleep. I’ll take it easy and it’ll be fine.”

  Tony raised his head and used a deadly serious tone. “I told you that I was going to stay with you. The doctor mentioned that there could be bouts of dizziness like you had this morning. Plus, I’m not comfortable with you being alone after the attack.”

  “Look Tony, I appreciate everything that you are doing. I know that there are things that you and your brother have done that I don’t know about, but I am a grown ass woman who can take care of herself. Plus, you’re acting like you would rather be somewhere else.”

  “Just because I am taking the opportunity to rest does not mean that I want to be gone, Zoe. If I wanted to be somewhere else, I would be. But I am here with you. Get used to it.”

  Her eyes grew large at his statement and she said nothing.

  Again Tony waited, using the silence to his advantage as he watched her.

  Zoe started to laugh, a real laugh that went on until Tony joined her. She raised her hands in surrender. “Stop with the stare. I get it, YOU have spoken. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful or difficult. I don’t like to feel helpless. I’m scared and that irritates me.”

  “Do you feel scared right now?” It was crucial that Zoe realize she was in danger. The sooner she accepted that mind-set, the easier it would be for Tony to protect her.

  Lowering her eyes and in a shaky voice she answered, “Yes I’m scared. I’ve been scared for the last week.” A tear escaped and ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped her face and looked into Tony’s eyes. “It’s better when you are here. I trust you to protect me.”

  “Baby, it’s all right, you should feel scared. Somebody has been stalking you and they hurt you. Being scared probably saved your life. You thought to hit the emergency button on your phone. That took guts. I want to be here to help and protect you. Now get that through your head, which I think has been proven to be very hard.” He stood and walked to her bed, then reached over and wiped the new tears cascading down her cheeks.

  She grasped his hand and brought it to her lips. Then she lowered their joined hands to her chest. “Thank you.”

  Tony watched Zoe scoot and settle back onto her pillows. He knew that he had passed a test. He wanted Zoe to be honest with him about her feelings and her fears and he would try also. He moved back to the futon to rest while they waited.

  After what felt like forever, Tony walked into the living room area of Zoe’s apartment, and he caught Red’s smirk.

  “What?” Tony was chagrined.

  “Nothing. Just watching you run around like a crazy man.”

  He dropped into the large chair feeling the tiredness deep in his bones. “Man, I appreciate all you have done. Zoe got sick on the ride home. We had to stop twice for her to puke and she was so embarrassed. Plus it took forever to get her discharged. Can you hang just a little longer? I didn’t have time to stop to get her meds so I need to go back out.”

  “Man, you need to sit for a minute and catch your breath. Did your woman go to bed?”

  “Yeah. She asked me to thank you and apologize for falling apart in the kitchen. I know she is having problems dealing with all of this. It hit her hard when she saw where it happened.”

  Red released a deep belly laugh. “Man, you got it bad, don’t ya? When she started bawlin’ in the kitchen your face said it all.”

  “I don’t like that someone broke down her door and hurt her.”

  The chuckles stopped and Red’s expression turned serious. “Listen up, this is what’s gonna happen. You go crawl into bed with your woman cause you’re dead on your feet. I’ll go get the meds and leave them on the kitchen table.”

  Tony considered the offer and advice for a moment. “Thanks, I’m dragging ass. I had planned on crashing on the sofa.” Sharing a bed sounded so good, with a soft, pliant Zoe nestled in his arms.

  “Go get next to her. I’ll ge
t a buddy to sit in the lot to keep eyes on things.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “Now go.” Red’s tone left no room for argument, so Tony climbed the stairs.

  In Zoe’s bedroom Tony quickly stripped. He slipped into the bed, settling in close behind Zoe’s body, draping his arm gently over her waist. She felt so right as she adjusted, nestling into his body.


  Zoe woke slowly, the pain medication made things fuzzy as her eyes opened. She took stock of her surroundings before attempting to move. The clock’s display said it was morning, she was in her bedroom, and her head was not throbbing. But she wasn’t alone. There most definitely was a body plastered against her back, with a protective arm thrown across her waist. That body was warm, definitely male, and although it had been years since she had felt an erect penis along the crack of her ass, it was a feeling a woman didn’t forget.

  The arm tightened and pulled her a little closer. “I hope you are feeling better.” Tony’s voice tickled her ear.

  “My head is much better.” Zoe lightly stretched and adjusted her body closer to his with a relaxed sigh.

  “I’m getting the idea that you don’t object to finding me in your bed,” Tony’s deep voice purred in her ear.

  It was too early to start thinking about those words and their implications. She glanced down to see that she was wearing. A t-shirt, and from the feel of things resting against her back, Tony wasn’t wearing a thing. “I don’t think I have decided. Maybe some convincing would help.”

  “I would be more than happy to.” He kissed a trail from behind her ear to her shoulder.

  “That tickles.” Giggles escaped, but Zoe did not pull away. In fact, her hips were pushing backwards into Tony’s hard cock.

  Tony’s hand moved up her ribs and started touching her unfettered breast. Massaging lightly in circles with the tips of his fingers, her breathing hitched as he gently drew her nipple to a peak.

  “I love your tits. I can think of things to do to them that will make you moan.” Tony’s voice took on a rasp. “I plan on spending hours playing with them.”


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