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A Change for the Good

Page 10

by Melanie Jayne

  “All things considered, I feel pretty good. I’m more stiff than sore, like I should stretch for a while, but no headache.”

  “Still, take it easy.” Tony cleared the plates from the table and started the dishwater. She followed him to the kitchen and started scraping the frying pan, he gave her a stern look. “Hey, I will do that. Go find something else to do.”

  She laid the pan down and slid behind his body. Her hands traveled around his hips and stroked his belly and hard chest. She pressed her cheek against his shoulder blade and whispered, “Like this?”

  Tony’s hands were immersed in the dishwater and he continued with the washing, his muscles tensed under her palms.

  He didn’t shrug her off, so Zoe pushed his shirt up and trailed kisses down his spine. She could see the goose bumps rise and felt his breathing hitch. She was giddy from the sexual power. Her hands moved downward to the front of his jeans, happy to feel his erection straining against the denim. She felt Tony shift and widen his stance for easier access. Her hands moved lower, cupping his balls through the worn denim.

  “Zoe, what do you have in mind?”

  “Hmm, don’t mind me, I’m just going to make you a bit more comfortable.” Her hands made quick work of the button and zipper on his jeans. His penis freed, it brushed against his belly. Tony was thick and felt smooth like velvet. She reveled in this moment, loving that he was letting her take the lead. Standing in his kitchen, she felt confident and sexy.

  She turned his body so he could lean his ass against the sink’s counter facing her. She pulled his head down for a passionate kiss. Her lips travelled lower, down his chest and muscled stomach, kissing and licking the ridges of his abs. She made sure her hands were keeping a slow, rhythmic pumping motion on his cock.

  She pulled him forward by the waist of his open jeans to the kitchen chair behind them. Before he sat, she pushed the jeans below his knees to the floor. Lowering her body between his open thighs, Zoe looked into Tony’s eyes. She hoped he wanted this as much as she did.

  His cheeks were flushed and his eyes shining. “Please, Zoe.”

  She giggled and lowered her mouth to the head of his cock. Her lips were wet and her mouth was still warm from the coffee. She took him in deep, lightly tonguing the underside of his cock as she pulled back, her hand still pumping at the base. She released the head and slowly kissed down the shaft and then licked with a wet upstroke. Up and down with her tongue, she continued. Now his cock was wet and her hand was pumping with increased pressure and a twisting motion. Zoe turned her attention to his sac. Sucking each ball into her mouth slowly and gently rolling it.

  Tony let out a low growl. His breathing was labored and there was sheen of sweat on his face and one of his hands gently kneaded her shoulder. She turned her attention back to his cock. It was so hard, the taste held a dark spice that made her want to feast on all of him. She licked and used strong suction on the head. She snaked her tongue into the slit, gaining more of his essence. She then sucked his cock further into her mouth.

  Stronger strokes caused him to thrust deeper into the back of her throat each time. Zoe concentrated on relaxing her throat muscles and swallowing Tony’s cock. She was surprised that it had worked like in the books that she read and she hummed her approval.

  Tony’s gripped her shoulder tightly as he started to thrust his hips.

  “I’m close, Zoe,” he rasped and attempted to pull out of her mouth.

  Zoe used her nails on his hip to signal that she didn’t want to lose her connection with his cock. His strokes became shorter, rougher as she continued the suction. He thrust deeply one last time as she felt his cum pour into her throat.

  Zoe swallowed. Her jaw ached but she didn’t want to let his cock leave her mouth. She loved having a part of Tony in her, becoming a part of her. She had never experienced emotions like this with Nate. She wanted to suck Tony until he was hard again and begin anew. She gave his softening cock several tender licks and then pressed a kiss onto his inner thigh.

  Tony shifted his hands under Zoe’s shoulders and pulled her to her feet, then onto his lap. He ravenously kissed her lips, his tongue searching her mouth as if he had to taste his cum on her, in her.

  Zoe had to separate for oxygen and both of their chests heaved. Her lips were swollen from his cock and kisses. Tony’s chest was sweaty and his eyes were a bit dazed.

  “If this is the reward for dishpan hands, I’m volunteering for full-time kitchen duty,” he teased. He cradled her close to his chest. “Seriously Zoe, that was amazing. Shit, I almost blew my balls off when I came.”

  “Well, I am glad you liked it.” She felt warmth in her heart that she had pleased Tony.

  “I did,” he answered with a growl. “But did you?”

  “I like oral, you know giving.” She was blushing, “I sometimes, I mean, I don’t always come. It usually takes a lot of work. Nate would get mad at me.” She had lowered her head by the time she finished her confession.

  Tony gently lifted her chin with two fingers. “Your mouth is incredible, any time you want to suck me off, just let me know.” Tony slowly ran his finger over her swollen lips, “Or if you want me to go down on you.”

  She could feel her cheeks heating more. “I don’t want you to get mad at me.”

  “Babe, you told me and I have no problem working with that info. In fact, I look forward to testing different techniques on you.” His eyes crinkled at the sides as he smiled.

  “There are a few things I would like to try. I’ve read about positions and toys but I have never had the courage before or the partner,” she shared bravely.

  “Any time.” He slowly kissed her lips again as he hugged her to his chest. “I mean that Zoe, any time.”

  He lifted her to feet and stood slowly, then tucked his cock away before he zipped up. “I want more than anything to take you back to bed and make love to you. Christ Zoe, what you just showed me here on your knees…us together, I fucking cannot wait.”

  Her heart was pounding and her panties were soaking wet. She smiled. “I’m ready.”

  “Babe, you were in a hospital bed yesterday. Soon, I promise. I want my cock buried in your hot pussy. I want to watch you come with me buried deep. I want to hear you say my name over and over cause I’ve made you feel so good.”

  “Tony, I…”

  “Let me finish. I want to hold you after and fall asleep wrapped around you. That’s what I want, Zoe.”

  “Really?” Her eyes were shining with tears. He was telling her about what she had yearned for during her marriage.

  His tone softened. “There’s more. I want there to be no hesitation when it comes to me giving you what you need. Just say it. Tell me. No boundaries, no embarrassment. If you are curious, we’ll try it. I hope that in time, you will give me your trust, because I’m ready to give you mine.”

  She nodded then squared her shoulders. “I’d like that. I mean, I’ll try. I will try that with you.”

  He let out an audible sigh and pulled her into his arms.

  Chapter Eleven

  The hours flew by. Tony brought in a mountain of firewood then disappeared to install the motion sensors. Zoe finished cleaning the cabin, some dusting, sweeping and attacked the bathroom. Nothing was too dirty, just dusty from disuse.

  She was taking a break, reading on the sofa when Tony threw open the kitchen door and walked to the living room. “Want to take a walk around to see the sights?”

  Zoe jumped up from the sofa and headed to her suitcase. “Yes, I am dying for a tour.”

  He added, “Put on your hiking boots.”

  “Only my boots? Won’t I get cold?”

  “Zoe…,” he growled mockingly.

  “Yes, Mr. Alessi?” She tried to look innocent and felt the smile turn into a giggle.

  “Babe, don’t temp me.”

  An hour and a half later they returned to the cabin, Zoe’s cheeks were pink from the bite of the wind and she couldn’t stop smiling. She ha
d fallen in love with his property. She held onto this moment, wishing they could stay like this forever. I would be content to live like this, she told herself.

  “I’ll make coffee, you look like you need to warm up,” Zoe said as she headed to the kitchen. “I love how the backyard rolls down to the river,” she called over her shoulder. “From the window it looks like you would be walking through a thick group of trees, but it is more meadow than forest. I would put a picnic table at the drop off so we could enjoy that river view while we ate dinner and watched the sun set.” She turned to look at Tony, realizing that she was speaking of a future with him.

  “Sounds good to me. Now bring me my coffee, woman,” Tony said patting the sofa cushion next to him.

  She poured coffee into two mugs and settled next to Tony on the deep sofa. After a few minutes had passed, she confided, “I like this. I feel good, warm and relaxed, must be the country air.” He pulled her closer and kissed her head. They stayed huddled on the sofa each lost in the moment.

  After dinner, a car horn caused Zoe to jump. Tony took his Glock from the kitchen drawer and tucked it into the back of his jeans in a practiced move. “That’s the signal from Wyatt but we can’t be too careful. The gate’s been unlocked since our walk earlier. Go to the bathroom and lock the door until you hear me call for you. If you sense a problem, break the window in the shower, use the bat that’s in the corner behind the door and get out. Head toward the river and hide. Zoe take your phone with you.”

  Zoe checked her pocket for her phone and did as Tony ordered without hesitation.

  Oh my God, Wyatt talked a mile a minute, barely pausing for breath. He had covered many topics including an invitation to dinner with his family.

  “I know Jenny would like to meet you, Zoe and see you again, Tony.”

  “Give us a call to set that up. It would be great to see your family,” Tony responded with a smile.

  Wyatt put his coffee mug down on the table. “Now about this other business, I can see about getting some more cars to patrol the area.”

  Tony did a one shoulder shrug. “Do what you can but without sharing too much. Okay?”

  The group gathered by the front door saying their goodbyes, Wyatt held both of her hands as he stared intently into her eyes. “I’m sorry to hear about your troubles, Zoe.”

  She nodded, really what could she say to that?

  Wyatt continued looking at Zoe. “You must know that Tony here is the best protection you can get.” He then pointed a finger in Tony’s direction. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you’re armed as we speak. I can see the outline and I bet you are strapped at your ankle too.”

  Tony did the one shoulder shrug then started to speak, but Wyatt waved him off.

  He put both of his hands up in the universal surrender pose, “Hey, no offense taken, in your position I’d do the same. You have to protect what’s yours.”

  Tony started the process of unlocking the door, signaling the issue was closed.

  Wyatt pointed a finger at Zoe, “You listen to this guy.”

  She smiled while nodding, “I will, I promise.”

  “Tony, you call if you need help. I’ll even shut that security gate out there and lock it for you.” Wyatt smiled at Zoe and gave Tony a man-hug and left. Tony locked up and calmly returned the gun to the kitchen drawer.

  Zoe had so many questions that she felt like she was about to burst. Wyatt was a talker, jumping from subject to subject. “He seems nice. So, how did you two kids meet?” She attempted to pry using a joking tone.

  “At college, we were both criminal justice majors. Wyatt wanted to stick close to home because of Jenny. She was two years behind us in school. We pledged the same fraternity and stayed in contact.” Tony spoke, but seemed miles away.

  “Did they have anything to do with you buying property out here?”

  “Yeah. Wyatt let me know when it went on the market. He knew that I wanted a place in a quiet location. Their house is about twenty minutes from here in a subdivision with lots of families.”

  “Good friends.”

  “I guess. My life took a different direction after school. I was more driven and wanted to relocate to a large city. Wyatt and Jenny started a family right away and the boys are their focus. I told you, that life isn’t for me. It’s nice to visit, but I don’t see myself there.”

  The busy day was catching up with her, Zoe decided to leave Tony to his thoughts. “I’m tired, so I’m going to bed.”

  “Is your head hurting?”

  “No, I feel good considering everything I did today. I’m just getting sleepy,” she answered truthfully.

  Zoe relaxed in the big bed buried under a blanket and antique quilt. She wished Tony would join her. She missed his body beside hers. I want Tony. I want to taste him, run my hands along the hard muscles and feel them flex under my hands. When she had his cock in her mouth he allowed her latitude, but still he guided her to show what he wanted. This gentle and determined side of Tony was all that she had experienced so far in and out of bed, yet she yearned for him to let loose. She knew he needed that freedom. As they’d grown closer, she’d realized how tightly he kept his emotions in check. There had been times she could almost see the anger radiating from him but he would regroup and bury it.


  Tony listened to Zoe settle into bed as he watched the flames in the fireplace. Seeing Wyatt was a reminder of how much he had changed. His friend didn’t challenge him on being armed for his visit, but he didn’t let it pass. What kind of person had he become that it was second nature to be armed when greeting a friend? His inner self answered, a smart one. He had learned the hard way that it was better to be prepared for the worst. The main objective was met and Zoe was safe at the end of the day.

  He rose from the sofa, checked the doors and walked to the bed. He undressed quickly, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to wake Zoe.

  “It’s about time you joined me Mr. Alessi,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Why, Ms. Crawford is there something you need?”

  “Yes. This.” Her lips found his.

  Tony kissed her deeply with lots of tongue, his hands roamed along her back then to her ass to pull her body against his. She felt so good in his arms, his body burrowing into her softness.

  “Zoe, we need to slow down or I don’t think this can end anyway except with my cock buried inside of you,” Tony’s rough voice cautioned. “I don’t want to hurt you or you to hurt yourself. You are still healing.”

  “No, don’t slow down.” Zoe sounded short of breath. She sat up and pulled her long t-shirt over her head. “Less talking, more touching.”

  He needed no more urging. His lips travelled to her breasts, her nipples hard and begging for his attention. He sucked the left point while palming the right and then switched.

  Her hips were pumping, following the rhythm he set and revealing how much she wanted to be filled. He reluctantly left her breasts and began kissing a line down her stomach, dipping his tongue in her belly button which made her squirm. He tongue fucked the indentation for a few moments.

  “Tickles. Stop.” She tried to move away while giggling.

  His mouth travelled lower, her pussy his obvious destination. As he neared her pubic bone Zoe yanked his hair with both of her hands.

  “Forget the oral, just fuck me. Please, I need you to fuck me.”

  To his ears it sounded like she was begging. Tony continued kissing her velvety lower belly, just above the hairline.

  “Jesus, I’ve been waiting for good sex my whole life and now more delay. What do I have to do to get you inside of me?” She dug her nails into his shoulders.

  “Just give me a second. I want this, probably more than you,” he growled.

  “Again, less talk,” Zoe ordered.

  Tony smiled. He liked this verbal and demanding side of Zoe. Her hunger was palatable.

  “Hang on, I gotta grab a condom.” He sounded out of breath even
to his own ears as he stretched to open the drawer on the nightstand. He fumbled with the packet like a sixteen year old boy. Zoe’s need was wreaking havoc on his composure. The firelight kissed her ample curves, highlighting her breasts and thighs. Christ, he was on his second attempt to roll the latex onto his cock.

  “Jesus, I am a wreck. I’m usually smoother than this.” He returned to his place between Zoe’s legs.

  “Finally,” she teased. “Now fuck me.”

  As he kissed her lips, he inserted a finger into her pussy and pumped to check if she was wet enough to take him, then added another to stretch her opening. His lips had moved to her throat when she started to make mewing sounds, he knew how much she loved to be finger fucked.

  “God damn it Tony, fuck me now or I swear I’ll kick your ass.” Her eyes were flashing wild with need.

  Tony lifted her thigh over his hip and looked into her eyes. “Zoe,” he was panting.

  “Please Tony,” she pleaded.

  He aligned the head of his cock with her entrance and pushed in, not stopping until he was balls deep. Zoe moaned his name as he stretched her. Tony palmed her knees and pulled them higher on his sides, angling her pussy so that he could go even deeper with every thrust. Then he began to ride his woman, hard and fast. She was so hot and tight. He set a reckless pace and soon drops of sweat fell from his body.

  Zoe chanted, “Yes, yes, yes.” Her nails dug into his biceps. He was grinding his hips into hers as skin slapped against skin. He raised her knees higher and hit a spot that caused her inner muscles to contract around him as she raked her nails down Tony’s back.

  He heard the moans coming from Zoe as she gripped his biceps.

  “Please Tony,” she was turning her head from side to side, her eyes were wide.

  He felt the burn at the base of his spine. It built quickly and spread up his back and down his legs.

  “You with me, Zoe?” He ground the words out, watching her closely.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  “Say my name, babe. Say it when you come,” he ordered.


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