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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 6: The Wedding

Page 2

by J A Fielding

  When she got to the office, she was doing flip flops in her head even though physically, she was almost falling over. When she got to her office, Tony her new assistant was waiting for her holding two brown paper bags in each hand. She raised an eyebrow and looked at her as she walked right past him and into her office. He put one paper bag on his desk and followed her in before he put the other one on her desk.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Something to drown your sorrows,” Tony said as he pulled out a bottle of chardonnay from the bag.

  “I’m not sad. But thanks for the bottle,” Julie said with a smile.

  “Really? You look like you could use the whole damn bottle,” he said.

  “I’m just tired, Tony. Nothing more,” she said.

  “In that case…” Tony started before he ran out of the office. Julie watched as he dashed to his desk and grabbed the other bottle from his desk and then dash back. “ need this,” he said as he pulled out a bottle of Tequila from the bag. Julie smiled.

  “You realize I still need to drive back, right?” she asked.

  “Well, you don’t need to drink it here. You just need to take it home with you because you managed to do the impossible,” he said as he opened the bottle of tequila. “You managed to sell that awful property and it doesn’t even matter what you sold it for,” he said. Julie raised an eyebrow over the other one.

  “Even if I sold it for nine hundred grand?” she asked. Tony almost dropped the bottle.

  “Wait, someone bought the house with a toilet in the middle of the living room for nine hundred thousand?” it was more of an exclamation than a question. She smiled and nodded. “What?” he asked and Julie nodded again.

  “I was just as surprised when people began haggling for it. The winning bid was from this guy who had nine hundred grand in cash,” she added in a low voice. Tony shook his head.

  “What kind of a person would want to eat and poop at the same time?” he asked.

  “The kind of person who is worth four hundred million dollars and whose last name in Bailey,” she said. Tony smiled excitedly.

  “Paul Bailey bought the place? The Paul Bailey?” he asked. Julie shook her head no.

  “Close. His brother, Pierce bought it,” she said smiling.

  “Hold up, Pierce Bailey. The one guy running Bailey and Associates?” he asked. Julie smiled. Apart from Steven who regularly rubbed shoulders with the high and mighty, the Bailey brothers had all the Hollywood contacts on their speed dials. Julie smiled. She was not even sure how she managed to get them to come to her open house and in person no less. She shrugged.

  “And Steven had nothing to do with it. That was all moi,” she said proudly.

  “Wow, you are in for a really generous commission,” Tony said. Julie nodded proudly. “So, this might be a good time to ask you for a raise?” he asked. Julie shook her head.

  “It’s about time you left,” she said with a smile. Tony smiled back at her.

  “Well, this isn’t over,” he said as he reached for the chardonnay.

  “Hey…what do you think you’re doing?” Julie asked as she raised her hand up at him.

  “Taking the sad drink and leaving you with the happy drink,” he said. She shook her head.

  “I will need both bottles. Now, go. Leave the goodies,” she said with a smile. Tony shook his head and walked out.

  “By the way, you have a meeting with Pamela in an hour,” he said stopping at the door. She looked up at him and sighed.

  “Damn it,” she said under her breath. “Is it too late to reschedule it?”

  “Like I said, an hour,” he said before he walked out.

  “So it is too late to reschedule,” she said under her breath. She had completely forgotten about the meeting. She had just come in to take care of Tony’s emergency before…wait, the emergency. She pressed her intercom button. “Hey Tony, you said there was some sort of emergency,” she said.

  “Oh yeah. The Sohn property has been greatly affected by the disclosure statements the previous owners signed. The rates have shot down greatly,” he said.

  “How bad is it?” Julie asked.

  “The house is now listed at half price.”

  “Damn it. What the hell happened?”

  “The disclosure statements were leaked so now every potential buyer knows that there used to be a meth lab in that house,” Tony said.

  “Who the hell leaked that info?” She was getting increasingly agitated by the second.

  “If you ask me, it’s the wife. You know the whole woman scorned thing,” he said. Julie rolled her eyes and looked at the paperwork on her desk. “The whole file is on your desk,” he added. Julie nodded.

  “Fine. I’ll take care of it,” she said before she hung up. She flipped through the pages and then ran her fingers through her hair. This had just ruined the buzz she had going on. Now she had to tell the world that she was selling a house that used to belong to a meth dealer. That was a realtor’s worst nightmare. It had just gone from being a two million dollar house to, what? Six hundred grand? There was no telling how much depreciation that information had caused. As she scanned the pages, she was pretty sure that she was close to exploding every two minutes. She switched on her laptop and began drafting a letter to her lawyer.

  Dear Mr. Hayes,

  This is regarding the Sohn property on McGregor Drive…

  She shrugged. All that sounded pathetic. She deleted the whole paragraph and then looked at her computer again. She shook her head. She had absolutely no words. Everything she thought of seemed wrong. She took a long deep breath and started typing again.

  Dear Mr. Hayes,

  It has come to my attention that the Sohn property has depreciated in value. We will have to get the buyers to depose them and maybe set a new price for the…

  “Screw this!” she thought as she looked at the computer screen. “Maybe I should be delegating this to Tony rather than do all this crap,” she thought just as Tony poked his head through the doorway.

  “Pamela is here,” he said. Had it been an hour already?

  “Show her in,” she said with a smile. “Hey, Pamela,” she said smiling as the vibrant wedding planner walked in.

  “Hey, how are you doing today?” she asked. Julie shrugged.

  “I’ve been better?”

  “Sorry to hear that but I hope the news I have will get you all excited,” Pamela said as she pulled out her portfolio. “Three new places that I know you will love. Let’s start with Aspen.” There was a hint of hope in her voice.

  “Aspen, really? Don’t people just go there to ski?” Julie said as she raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes but for people who are as adventurous as you, there are a number of great venues for a nice intimate wedding. And the best part is that you don’t even have to get all particular with them. They work around your schedule,” Pamela said.

  “This is not for me,” she frowned.

  “Well, not to worry. There is this other place in Miami…” she didn’t even get to finish her sentence. Julie shook her head.

  “No beach weddings. Too humid,” she said. Pamela smiled and nodded.

  “Okay last but definitely not least is this place down in Eastwood. Now the best thing about it is the fact that it is flexible as far as the guest list is concerned. You can have three thousand guests or three hundred and they can still take care of you,” she said. Julie looked at her and smiled.

  “That’s good to know,” she said. “Oh by the way, speaking of guest lists. I got this, this morning actually,” she said as she printed out the guest list she got from Steven.

  “Oh this is perfect,” she said as she took the paper from her. “And I am sure you will love this place,” Pamela said as she pointed at a small photograph on the corner of the page.

  “Alberta’s Creek,” Julie read before she looked at Pamela who was now nodding.

  “Alberta’s Creek is one of the most sought after venues, you
know,” she said with a smile. “You can do all kind of outdoor stuff and still have the perfect wedding up there. They have canyon swings, high rope obstacle courses, mountain climbing, camping…” she was still talking when Julie smiled.

  “This is it,” she said in a low voice. Pamela looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “What?” she asked.

  “This is it,” Julie said as she looked at Pamela. “Seriously, I just feel like I am looking at the one thing that would cater to the classy side that is Steven’s family and the competitive side that is mine.”

  “Great. We have a venue. I will make the call right away,” she said as she grabbed her phone and walked out. Julie was all smiles as she leaned back in her chair. The one thing she had been putting off for the longest time was over. She was officially ready to take the next step in making her wedding work.


  “I’m home,” Julie yelled when she got home. “Steven?” she called out as she kicked her shoes off. She suddenly felt stupid. She was so used to getting home when Steven was there or when she went to his place. “And he is not here. Dumbo,” she muttered under her breath. She staggered a little as she walked to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water. She opened the bottle and closed her eyes as she gulped down the cold water, thanking God she took a taxi rather than driving back home. She, Tony and Dana ended up celebrating the ugly house finally getting sold and the fact that she had finally picked a wedding venue. It was long overdue especially considering the fact that she and Steven had already set a wedding date. When she finally put the bottle down, she let out a loud burp.

  “I hope you have some space left for what I made for you,” she heard a male voice behind her. She shrieked and turned around to see Steven standing in her dining room. He had set the table for two and just then, the sweet aroma of some kind of meat sizzling in the oven became apparent.

  “You scared me,” she said in a low voice, exhaling her relief. Steven smiled and slowly walked towards her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in,” he said. Julie raised an eyebrow.

  “I am pretty sure I announced myself when I walked into the house,” she said. Steven held her and smiled.

  “Is that whisky…rum, on your breath?” he asked. She shook her head.

  “Tequila,” she said.

  “Really? How much did you have?” he asked. She shrugged. “Is it possible that you thought that you announced yourself when you really didn’t?” he asked. She smiled and nodded. That happened a lot when she was under the influence. She looked at him as he lowered his head to kiss her.

  “Are you sure you should be doing that?” she asked when he pulled away. He nodded.

  “Of course I should. It’s a romantic dinner and we’re celebrating,” he said in a low voice.

  “So, you heard about the house?” she asked. Steven raised one eyebrow over the other.

  “What are you talking about? What house?” he asked.

  “The ugly house, the one I told you about?” she said.

  “Oh that. What about it? Don’t tell me it sold,” he said. She smiled and nodded. “Seriously? Who bought it?”

  “Pierce Bailey,” she said almost too proudly.

  “Of course he did. He and his brother are nothing but spoiled troublemakers.” How much did they pay?”

  “Nine hundred grand and it was just Pierce. Paul was a no show,” she said with a smile.

  “Well, that is great but the celebration I was talking about was you getting a wedding venue. Amber’s Creek, huh?” he said.

  “Yeah, it’s the perfect blend of adventure and fun. Just like our families,” she said. Steven looked at her and smiled. He thought she looked so perfect at that moment. She was beautiful and she was his. He pulled her to him again and claimed her lips in a long sensuous kiss before he pulled back and smiled at her.

  “I love you,” he said in a whisper.

  “I love you too,” she whispered as she looked at him. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Stuffed chicken Genovese,” he said in a whisper. She smiled.

  “Sometimes I think you make these names up because you know that I won’t know.”

  “It’s a real thing. You can Google it,” he said. She smiled up at him as he moved even closer. If he moved any closer, she was going to feel his cock against her. He was looking down at her and she knew that look. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked.

  “You know exactly what I’m doing,” he said in a low voice before he lowered his head and met her lips in another long searching kiss. He moaned softly as he felt her tongue against his.

  “The food,” she said in a low voice when she pulled away.

  “It’s fine. There are still thirty minutes on the timer,” he said before he kissed her again. She gasped silently when she felt him pulling her zipper down. She was tired and drunk and she wanted to tell him to stop but her body had a mind of its own. As he kissed her and made her beg for him with her moans, she was getting wetter by the second. He pushed her dress off her shoulders and pulled away from her. He looked into her eyes and moaned softly when she accidentally brushed her hand against his crotch.

  “Babe…” she finally managed to say but he didn’t do anything. He shook his head.

  “If you want me to stop, all you have to do is ask me,” he whispered as he turned her around. He held her against his body and softly kissed her shoulder. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as he slowly brought his hand up, cupping a feel of her mound. She exhaled loudly as he caressed her and kissed her. She wanted him so much. She opened her eyes when she felt him push the dress lower, past her hips and saw him on his knees. He held her ass and kissed her thighs softly making her moan softly. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt him running his tongue up one thigh, getting closer and closer to her pussy. He had her moaning and gasping for breath by the way he was running his tongue all over her thighs. She looked at him and held the back of his head as he pulled down her panties with his teeth. He looked up at her and smiled.

  “Do you still want me to stop?” he asked as he used his finger to stroke her already hard and distended clit. She shook her head and leaned against the table before she stepped out of the mess around her ankles that was her dress. She spread her legs and threw her head back as he used his tongue to compel her body to give in. Soon enough, she was moaning and trying hard not to grind her hips on Steven’s face. He pulled away and looked up at her for a second before he began fucking her with his tongue. He was going so hard and fast, she felt her pussy give in and deposit into his waiting mouth. Steven pulled away and took her hand to pull her down to the floor. She knelt next to him as he quickly undid his belt and pulled down his pants. He then got her under him and entered her in one swift move. Julie gasped and clawed at his back as he worked himself in and out of her. She loved the way he was moving in and out of her. He didn’t even start slow. He just went right in for the kill and she was loving every minute of it. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in, making him slam against her with every downward stroke. It did not take very long before he suddenly began with longer and deeper strokes. She was having a hard time keeping it together. It was therefore no surprise when she suddenly exploded around his cock. Her orgasm prompted his own strong orgasm sending his head spiraling into an emotional frenzy. That was when all his emotions bubbled to the surface and beads of sweat crowned his face.

  “I cannot wait to make you my wife,” he said in a low voice. Julie held his face in her hands when he pulled back and kissed him softly. She was too exhausted to try and speak.

  Chapter 3

  “Has anyone seen my passport?” Julie asked as she ran around her father’s living room.

  “Where did you last see it?” Michael asked as he zipped up his bag.

  “I don’t know. Somewhere around here,” Julie said irritably. She was sure the last place she had seen it was on the kitchen counter. She was absolutely sure about it. She loo
ked up at her Nana and shook her head.

  “Nana…did you move my passport?” she asked. Her Nana smiled and shook her head as she ran around looking for her own stuff. God knows the house was chaotic. “Has anyone seen my damn passport?” Julie yelled.

  “Why do you need a passport anyway? You are getting married in the States aren’t you?” her Nana asked.

  “Well, my honeymoon is across the oceans,” Julie said as she walked into the living room and began throwing cushions around.

  “Just throw everything around, why don’t you,” Michael said as he walked past her. She rolled her eyes and she wanted to say something like, ‘be condescending to your daughter, why don’t you’ but she knew better. The more she concentrated on herself throwing things around, the faster she would stumble upon her passport. She burrowed through the cushions and then it hit her. The kitchen drawers. “What, you’re not even going to straighten the place up?” Michael yelled just as Meg walked into the house.

  “Hey! I’m here to…whoa,” she said when she closed the door. She looked around at the mess and smiled. “Did everyone lose themselves or something?” she asked as she looked at Julie who was now trying to get past her Nana and Michael who was now pulling a suitcase down the stairs.

  “Dad and Nan are…I’m not sure what is happening and I am trying to find my passport that was here a few minutes ago and …voila! Found it!” Julie yelled as she waved the passport over her head. “Everyone seems to have lost something today,” she said as she walked towards Meg.


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