Just One Catch
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Cohn, Sidney Elliott
Cold Spring, N.Y.
Cold War
college students
Colline Emiliane restaurant, Rome
Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, South Carolina
Columbia Pictures
Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital
Columbia University
Placement Bureau
Comfort, Bernie
comic books
Comics Magazines Association of America
Condé Nast
Condon, Richard
Coney Island
beauty of
decline and degradation of
immigrant population of
in JH’s fiction
JH’s old pals from
swimming in the ocean, far out
uncleanliness of
visitors to
“Coney Island whitefish” (condoms)
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
Conrad, Joseph
Conroy, Gert
Cooper, Art
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, James H.
Cooperman, Mort
Copland, Aaron
Coppola, Francis Ford
Apocalypse Now
Coughlin, Father
Cover, Major
Cox, Wally
Cozzens, James Gould
Craig, David M.
Crane, Stephen
“The Open Boat”
The Red Badge of Courage
Cronkite, Walter
Crumb, R.
Cuban missile crisis
Cuccia, Vincent
Cunningham, Merce
Curtis, Tony
Dallas Independent School District
Daly, Joe
Dante, Inferno
Dasko, Henry
David, Saul
David (character)
David and Goliath story
Davis, Kenneth C.
Two-Bit Culture: The Paperbacking of America
Davis, Miles
Dawe, Margaret
“The Death of the Dying Swan”
de Graff, Robert Fair
de Kooning, Willem
Delacorte Press
Delbaum, Miss
DeLillo, Don
Dell Publishing
Denham, Alice
My Darling from the Lions
Diamond, Edwin
Diamond, Neil
Diamond, Paula
Díaz, Junot
The Dick Cavett Show
Dickens, Charles
Bleak House
Dickstein, Morris, Leopards in the Temple: The Transformation of American Fiction
digital rights
Dillon, Jack, Advertising Man
Dirty Dingus Magee (film script)
Discovery television channel
Disney, Walt
Disney Corporation
divorce, JH views on
Donadio, Candida
Donald, David Herbert
Donleavy, J. P., The Ginger Man
Donohue, H. E. F. “Shag”
Dorfman, Ariel
Dorsey, Tommy
Dos Passos, John
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Dramatist’s Guild
Dreamland, Coney Island
Dreiser, Theodore
Driver, Tom F.
Dr. Strangelove (film)
Drummond de Andrade, Carlos
Dubrow’s Cafeteria
Duke University
Dull, Chad
Durbin, Deanna
Dutch settlers
Dylan, Bob
Eaker, Ira
Eastern Color Printing Company
Eastern European immigrants
assimilation of
East Hampton, Long Island, N.Y.
writers of
East Hampton house on Skimhampton Road
contention over, during divorce proceedings
decoration of
purchase of
Educational Comics
Edwards, Thomas
Ehrenman, Henny
Ehrenreich, Abie
Ehrlichman, John
Eighth Air Force
888 Eighth Avenue, JH’s apartment on
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eisenhower, Julie Nixon
Ekland, Britt
Eliot, T. S.
Eller, Jonathan R.
Eller, Vernard
Ellington, Duke
Ellis, Bret Easton, American Psycho
Ellison, Ralph
Encore Books
Ephron, Nora
Epstein, Brian
Epstein, Jason
Epstein, Joseph
ethnic novelists
Evans, Bergen
Evans, Joni
Evans, Marvin
Evans, Rowland
Everett, Bill
Falstein, Louis
The Sky Is a Lonely Place (Face of a Hero)
Farrell, James T.
Studs Lonigan trilogy
Faulkner, William
Absalom, Absalom!
As I Lay Dying
Fawcett, Roscoe
Fawcett company
Felder, Raoul Lionel
Feldman, Charles K.
Fellini, Federico
Felt, Mark
Feltman, Charles
hot dog stand, Coney Island
Fenichel, Tedda
Festschrifts, JH’s contributions to
fiction. See American literature
Fields, Bernie
film industry
Film Writers International Group
Fine, Don
Fire Island
Fish, Mary Kay
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, Scottie
Fitzgerald, Tom
intense and accurate
Flanner, Janet
Flight Time (base newspaper)
Flippo, Chet
Floyd Bennett Field
Focke-Wulf Fw-190 fighter planes
Foley, Martha
Foote, Shelby
Forbes FYI
Ford, Gerald
Ford company
Forman, Milos
Fort Dix, New Jersey
Fort Worth, Texas
Founding Fathers
Fox, Sylvan
Fox, William Price
Fox Comics
France, JH visit to
Frankel, Carl
Frankel (gunner)
Freeman, Joseph, Proletarian Literature in the United States
French, Marilyn, The Women’s Room
French Hospital
Freud, Sigmund
Friedan, Betty
The Feminine Mystique
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Friedman, Ginger
Friedman, John
Friedman, Kinky
Fulbright Scholarship
Funnies Inc.
Furlani, Andre
Fussell, Paul
Gable, Hortense W.
Gaddis, William
The Recognitions
Gaines, William
Garfunkel, Art
Gates, David
Gates, Theodore J.
“Gatsby parties”
Gedin, Per
Gehrig, Lou
Gelb, Arthur
ty Room
Gelb, Barbara
On the Track of Murder
Gelbart, Larry
Gelber, Mrs.
General Motors
General Motors Building, New York
Genet, Jean
“Genius Club,” 508n334
Gernsback, Hugo
Gerstein, Ruth
Gertrude (Gail)
G.I. Bill
Gielgud, John
Gingrich, Arnold
Gino, Carol
Ginsberg, Allen
Ginsberg, Tom
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
“Girl from Greenwich”
Glaser, Milton
Gleason, Ralph J.
God Knows (novel)
advance on
conception and writing of
publication and sales
God Knows (stage adaptation)
Gold, Bruce (character)
Goldbas, Moses
Goldman, Jeannie
Goldsmith, Davey
Goldstein, Israel
Goldwater, Barry
Gollob, Herman
Gonzalez, Arky
Good as Gold (novel)
advance for
conception and writing of
publication and sales
Goodfellow Field
Good Friday
Good Housekeeping
Goodman, Jack
Goodman, Joan
Goodman, Martin
Goodman, Walter
Gormé, Eydie
Gottlieb, Robert
Goudard, Maurice
“Gourmet Club”
The Graduate (film)
Graham, Billy
Grann, Phyllis
Grant, John
Gravesend Bay
Gray, Linda
Grayson, Melvin J.
Great American Novel
Great Books TV series
Great Britain
Great Depression
Greek theater
Green, Julius (Julie)
Greene, Graham
Greenwich Village
Greer, Germaine
Grine Felder resort colony
Groce, Ernie E.
Groom, Winston
Grossinger, Tania
Grossinger’s resort hotel
Grosskopf, Clifton C.
Grow, Colonel
Guaymas, Mexico
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Gulf War
Gulf & Western
Gunn, Harold A.
Gunn, Thomas
gunners (in bomber crew)
Gussow, Mel
Gwathmey, Charles
Hackett, Buddy
Haddon, Pete
Hahn’s Roosevelt Baths, Coney Island
Haldeman, H. R.
Half Moon Hotel, Coney Island
Hall, Donald
Halle, Germany
Halley, Rudolph
Hamill, Pete
Hamner, Earl, Jr.
Handwerker, Nathan
Happy’s Luncheonette, Coney Island
“Happy Valley”
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Hardy, John
Harris, Barbara
Hart, Moss
Harvard Crimson
Hasek, Jaroslav, The Good Soldier Schweik
Hasidic Jews
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, Harold
Heaney, Seamus
Hearst, William Randolph, Jr.
Hearst Corporation
Hearst papers
Hebrew Home for the Aged, Coney Island
Hebrews, ancient
Hecht, Ben
Heer, Jeet
Held, Bernard (Barney)
Held, Dottie
Held, Shirley
failure to grow with JH and develop own career
illness and death of
worried about portrayal in Something Happened
Held family
Heller, Erica
“It Sure Did”
Heller, Isaac Daniel
death from an operation
JH’s memory of
relations with his children
Heller, Joseph
(1923) birth
(1927) tonsillectomy and abandonment in hospital
(1930) first grade
(1937) high school
(1939) messenger job
(1941) graduates from high school, looks for job
(1941) job with insurance company
(1942) laborer job at Norfolk Navy Yard
(1942) enlists in army
(1942) basic training
(1943) commissioned 2nd Lt.
(1943) trained as aviator
(1944) in transit overseas, to North Africa
(1944) arrives at Alesan Air Field, Corsica
(1944) promoted to 1st Lt.
(1944) bombing missions
(1945) shipped home
(1945) back in Coney Island
(1945) trip to Grossinger’s
(1945) meets Shirley at Grossinger’s
(1945) awaiting discharge in San Angelo, Texas
(1945) woos Shirley and gives her a ring
(1945) officially discharged
(1945) marries Shirley
(1945) goes to California to go to college
(1948) attends NYU
(1949) graduate studies at Columbia University
(1950) Fulbright scholarship, goes to Oxford
(1950) applies to teach at Pennsylvania State College
(1950) teaches at Pennsylvania State College
(1953) looks for job in New York
(1955) advertising and magazine jobs
(1961) Catch-22 published
(1966) revisits Corsica and war locales
(1967) playwright-in-residence at Yale
(1967) political involvement, stumping for Eugene McCarthy
(1971) professorship at City College
(1974) Something Happened published
(1980) affair with a North Carolina lady
(1980) midlife crisis
(1981–82) mysterious illness of (Guillain-Barré syndrome)
(1981) divorce proceedings
(1986) Air Force Academy invitation
(1987) marries Valerie Humphries
(1995) spinal surgery
(1996) Great Book award to
(1997) speech on the Literature of Despair
(1999) cruise to Norway’s Arctic region
(1999) death of
(1999) funeral and burial
affairs while married to Shirley
books and stories read in teenage years
books read as child
childhood in Coney Island
childhood summer camps (and the unpacked suitcase)
courage to ride the Coney Island rides
did well in school
dreams recurring to
exercise regime
favorite foods
finances, after illness
first memories
as grand man of letters
“haunted imagination” of
high school clubs
interviews with
Jewishness of
lasting importance of
learns to smoke
military awards
money worries and preoccupations
musical interest
near-death experiences as child
nervousness of, as child
newspaper route as kid
not a natural flier
political leanings
a precocious reader
psychological testing of, before taking a job
psychotherapy of
reflections and reminiscences
repressed feelings of
sexual yearnings
speech habits
success and failure handled well by
teenage interest in girls
vow never to fly again, after return from combat
war-hero status
wartime experience
Heller, Joseph, family
affection among
appreciation of Shirley
foreign travels
home life
marital strife
photographs with family
relations with Erica and Ted
socializing by
stay in Hollywood
Heller, Joseph, writing career
authors who influenced
fiction-writing courses
first sentences of, as inspiration
JH’s ambition and plan
literary awards
playwriting ambition
reaction to negative reviews
studios for writing
theater studies
writing method and rituals
Heller, Joseph, writings
college assignments submitted commercially
early published stories
essays in Forbes FYI
essays in the underground press
first stories submitted and rejected
first story accepted
included in Best American Short Stories
script rewrites
titles given to
wartime diary keeping
Heller, Lee (Hillel Elias)
abandons idea of college, and goes to work
jobs worked at
reserved personality of
runaway to California
surrogate father to JH
wedding to Perle
Heller, Lena
death of
falls off stool and breaks hip
Sam, brother of
senile decline of
“You’ve got a twisted brain”
Heller, Paul
Heller, Perle
Heller, Sylvia
job hunting, and secures job at Macy’s
Heller, Theodore Michael (Ted)
marriage and daughter of
Slab Rat
Heller, Valerie. See Humphries, Valerie
Heller family
confusion over Lee and Sylvia’s parentry
move after death of Isaac
poverty of, and living conditions
relatives’ visits
“Hello, Genoa, Hello, Genoa” (unfinished)
Hemingway, Ernest
“Cat in the Rain”
“The End of Something”
The Killers
“Soldier’s Home”
Henderson’s Music Hall, Coney Island
Henry, Buck
Herr, Michael
Herriot, Édouard
Hiassen, Carl
High and Low cultures
High Holidays
Hijuelos, Oscar
Hillman Comics
Hills, Rust
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hoberman, J.
Hoffman, Dustin
Hoffman, Joseph, How to Make Love and Like It
Holiday, Billie
Holland, Chase, III
Hook, Sidney
Hornstein, Lillian
Horovitz, Israel (playwright)