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Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3)

Page 16

by MF Isaacs

  As soon as his eyes landed on me, he quickly made his way to me. Kneeling alongside my chair, he disproved my concern when he pulled a little black box from his pocket. “I have to make this official. You can’t give me a different answer just because we aren’t trapped in the truck anymore, okay? Natalie Marie Huggins, will you marry me? Please?”

  He opened the box, but I didn’t need to look inside to know that my answer was the same as it had been the night before. “Yes, Curtis I will marry you.” I tried to lean, but it shot pain up my back and side. Instead he came to me to kiss me. It was gentle and totally appropriate given our audience. As he pulled back from the kiss, he pulled the ring from the box and slid it onto my left ring finger. The first thing I noticed was the weight of the ring, he did good, it’s solid. As soon as his hand was out of the way and I was able to see the ring, tears sprung out of nowhere. I am not that girl, the one who needs flashy things; but there is something about knowing he was willing to spend that kind of money on me. Just me. It was more than I expected, and for a brief second I wanted to forget about my broken ribs so I could kiss him hard, regardless the audience.

  Since the gang was still hanging around, Amy and Mom gave us the ideas that they had come up with while I’d been sleeping and Curtis had been shopping. Amy assured my mom that she could totally have the wedding planned by New Years Eve. I shot that down, I was not going to get married with a cast on my leg. Next option was Valentine’s Day. Curtis shot that down. Thank you, baby Jesus. Third option, was a destination wedding either over Spring Break or as soon as school gets out.

  Curtis and I kept looking at each other with excitement building. I liked the idea but I was only willing to do it if everyone could go. That meant Sierra had to find out from her doctor how late in her pregnancy she could travel. It also meant that Kyler had to find out what his sports schedule was during the Spring. Once we determined which time would work, we’d figure out the location. Everyone had an opinion and I really didn’t care, so long as it was sunny and there was a beach.

  Within an hour, we knew Sierra could fly until she was 4 to 6 weeks away from her due date and Kyler’s school got out on May 17th. Everything worked out to where we could fly somewhere on the 18th and get married on the 20th. Now we just had to decide where. So many places were suggested; Hawaii, Jersey Shore, Ft. Lauderdale, Mexico, Cayman Islands. We did things the old fashion way; wrote all the locations on piece of paper, put the papers in a hat, Curtis held the hat, and I picked the winner.

  First pick was Mexico. I vetoed it, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for Sierra to go to Mexico while she is super pregnant. Let me pick again.”

  I didn’t hear any complaints so Curtis stood beside me with the hat and I picked the next location. “Jersey Shore.” I was a little disappointed with that spot. I just thought of the reality show and how stupid it was. Curtis must have sensed my dislike for that location because he held the hat up again. “Cayman Islands. I think that’s still not a good idea for Sierra. She needs to stay in the United States.” The hat goes up again, “Okay, there are only two choices left. Hawaii or Florida. Hawaii is a long fucking way away. The flight would be really long; I don’t think that’s a good idea for Sierra. Florida would be perfect.”

  Curtis laughs and turns to the room, “Okay folks looks like we’re getting married May 20th in Florida. Ft. Lauderdale, right?” I nod barely containing my excitement.

  Before my Mom left, she exchanged contact information with Amy. Caroline did the same with Hannah and Sierra. My Mom promised to return with my Dad in a few days, said she’d have research done by then regarding the wedding. I know my perception isn’t necessarily an accurate reality, but them being here felt like the first time they did something just for me. Sure, my sister might have had a selfish reason, wanting to get away from her in-laws, but I still benefited.

  That night lying in bed with Curtis, the only thing I wanted was to snuggle. We couldn’t; between the cast and my ribs, it was impossible for me to snuggle without being in pain. So, we settled for holding hands while lying side by side. It felt juvenile and old fashion to hold his hand, yet it felt comfortable and nice to hold his hand. We spent the next two hours planning our future.

  “So, about those babies, how many do you want?” I was nervous to hear his answer. I honestly didn’t see myself having a million kids, but I secretly always wanted a big family. Having just me and Caroline growing up was kind of boring. I loved going to the neighbor’s house because they had five kids and their house was always loud and fun.

  “I am willing to negotiate. I loved it when I was little and there were four of us. I know for sure two is not enough. I think six is possibly too many. I think I really want four. What about you, how many do you want?” He squeezed my hand telling me he was nervous for my answer.

  “Today, I agree that two isn’t enough. I might change my mind after being pregnant and giving birth. I think I could do four. Do you want boys or girls?” I didn’t care one way or the other, but knew plenty of guys who felt strongly about needing to have a son.

  “I think those guys who say they want something specific are assholes. I will be happy with all boys, all girls, or a mix. I’ll love them all the same.” Hearing his answer made my heart expand just a little more. I’d always thought those guys were assholes too.

  We talked about names and how far apart to space them. Once our family plan was in place, we moved onto our housing plan and employment plans. We decided to stick with the condo until we outgrew it, which ultimately meant we could stay until child number two or three came along. Employment plans; he is committed to student teaching and coaching this spring with hopes of being hired on full time in the fall. I will stick with the McMann dealerships; I really did enjoy working there with Steve and Calvin. Once we had kids we’d reconsider our options.

  Before dozing off, he turned to his side and propped his head up with his bent arm. Looking down at me he smiled the smile I’ve so quickly grown to love. I felt myself returning the smile. For the first time, I feel like I have something that is all mine. He’s shown me over and over that I am enough. I don’t have to share. I don’t have to fight for his attention. I can simply be me and that is enough.

  The reality hit me, it is very possible he is feeling those same things and if he isn’t he should. “You’re all I want. All I need. If I only get to have you for the rest of my life, I will still be happy.” I felt the tears rolling down my cheek before I even realized I was crying. They were happy tears. Sure, my body felt broken but my heart felt whole for the first time in all the years I could remember. And I could remember waaaay back when.

  He rotated forward so he could kiss away the tears from my face. His smile grew bigger than before when he acknowledged that my words were exactly what he needed to hear. “Thank you for wanting just me. You’re all I need too. I couldn’t imagine sharing you with anyone.” He kissed me gently while his hand trailed down my cheek and gripped my neck. When he pulled back from the kiss, he kept his hand in place and rested his forehead against mine. Eye to eye, he spoke quietly, “I am dying to make love to you right now. I know it would hurt you too much, so I just want to touch you and maybe taste you. Is that okay?”

  Slowly, he released his grip on my neck and his finger trailed down and circled my t-shirt covered nipples. Instantly, they stiffened into peaks, while my pussy clenched with desire. He buried his face into my neck on my uninjured side, the softness of his breath increases my arousal. I could feel his erection pressed against my thigh. Before I could reach for it, he stopped me with his words. “Not this time, this is just for you.”

  His hand trailed lower until he brushed his fingers over my panty covered pussy. I carefully moved my cast covered leg, spreading my thighs, giving him better access to where I wanted him. He made no move to get into my panties, he simply trailed his finger up and down my core, gently circling my clit on each pass. It was driving me crazy, I wanted to rotate my hips to seek more
pressure and more pleasure. “Please Curtis. More.”

  “Be patient Hot Stuff. I’m going to make you feel good.” He followed through with his words. Slowly, he drove me so close to the edge that I didn’t realize he’d pulled my panties off to the side until he was driving one, then two fingers into me and sending me soaring. He did the work my hips wanted to do, he drove my orgasm until I gripped his arm telling him it was too much, at which point he confirmed, “I will never get enough of watching you cum. Now get some sleep Babe.”

  “I love you Curtis.” I lazily turned my head to see him still looking down at me in admiration.

  “I love you more Natalie.”


  The following morning Natalie thought she was ready to move around. I knew it was probably too early but I wasn’t going to argue with her. We stopped for coffee on the way back to her apartment. We had approximately two hours before the gang of soccer players were meeting us at the condo to unload and assemble the furniture.

  Once inside the studio apartment, I guided her to the bed where I propped her up with all the pillows she had. As soon as she was comfortable she gave up all her hiding places. Pulling toys from all her hiding places reminded me of an alcoholic hiding their extra bottles throughout the house. I swear, I wouldn’t have been surprised to find something hidden in the tank of the toilet. Thankfully there wasn’t anything there, it was in the bottom drawer of the bathroom vanity. I’ll fully admit I didn’t know what to expect, I will also admit I was looking forward to using many of the items on her. Although, I don’t know why one woman would need a half dozen different kind of vibrators. I checked out her limited supply of porno movies, she was quick to let me know, “I stopped buying movies a few years ago, now I just watch it online.”

  I fucking love that she isn’t shy about it. I thought when she was worried about my brother and the McMann guys finding her shit, as she called it, that she would be shy about what she has. Not the case. Not the case at all. By the time we were finished at the apartment, I had filled her small carry on suitcase with all her “shit”.

  I brought her back to the McMann’s so she could rest while I met the kids at the condo to unload and set up. I stopped on my way and picked up a case of bottled water and some soda, I wasn’t sure how many kids would be there but I figured it was least I could do.

  Turns out the soccer guys are a pretty tight group. Kyler isn’t the only one who plays multiple sports and I recognized his buddy from Cal and Sierra’s wedding in Vegas. Their team work is admirable and despite working hard, it was fun listening to them. I couldn’t help the excitement from bubbling like a school girl when I realized I would be working with these guys for the next few months.

  I stood back and watched while I tried not to get overwhelmed with emotion. I realized my life had fast forwarded so much in such a short time. I can’t be sorry for the shit I went through, because without it, I might not have recognized how amazing things are right now. I wouldn’t have left Western State. I wouldn’t have met Callie and Will. I wouldn’t have walked away from them. I wouldn’t have met my one and I wouldn’t be looking at my future with all these kids in my home.

  It was like thinking of my past summoned it. I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered without paying attention to the caller ID. “Hello.”

  “Hey Curtis. It’s Jimmy.” I could hear the hesitation in his words. I was confused to be hearing from him but not bothered by it.

  “Hey Man. How’s it going? You have a good Christmas?” We’d been best friends for a few years so I didn’t feel awkward asking about his holiday.

  “Yeah, good. I’m calling because um, I’m getting married. We’re getting married. She’s got a handful of sisters and she wants them to all be in the wedding. Any chance you’d be willing to be a groomsman? I understand if you don’t want to.” I know from the sound of his voice, that he is expecting me to flat out deny him. And before I respond, I realize it’s not just about me, it’s also about Natalie.

  “Wow, congratulations Jimmy. That’s great news. You happy about this?” I realized he didn’t sound happy, he sounded stressed.

  “I think so. It’s all still new. We’re having a baby. So, she wants to get married before she starts to show. We’re getting married the 28th of next month.” If I’d learned all this before I met Natalie, I would have been jealous. Jealous of his relationship, of him getting married, and of him becoming a father. Right now, I just wanted him to be happy.

  “That’s so cool man. I know you’ll make a great Dad. So, I guess I should let you know, I’m getting married as well. I wish we were getting married next month, but we’re not. Our wedding isn’t until May 20th. Her name is Natalie and I’d be lucky as hell if she were pregnant by the time our wedding rolls around.” I couldn’t contain the happiness from my face and voice as I filled him in. “I need to talk to Natalie before I give you an answer. It cool if I call you back later tonight or tomorrow?”

  “Crazy how it’s all working out huh? Yeah, talk to Natalie and give me a call. Hey, regardless of whether you want to be in the wedding, I’d love to have you both there. Your sister and Steve too.” It was then I realized he probably didn’t know that they were both married now.

  “Hey, we need to catch up. I’m in the middle of moving and have the high school soccer team here earning uniform money.” That made him chuckle. “I’ll talk to Natalie tonight and call you back. Maybe you and Shelley can come visit. You guys already have plans for New Years? I start student teaching as soon as school starts on January 2nd.”

  “I’ll check with Shelley. Call me later.” I smiled to myself at how quickly any awkwardness disappeared.

  “Will do. And Jimmy?”

  “Yea man?”

  “It’s good to hear your voice. I’m glad things are going good for you.”

  “You too. Talk to you soon.” With that he hung up.

  Kyler walked out onto the back deck just as I hung up. I could see that all the furniture in the living room was set up. “We’re all done. Bed is all set up. We didn’t make it, figured you’d want to wash the sheets before using them. I checked the laundry room and there wasn’t any laundry soap so…”

  “No worries. Thank you for everything. Do you know where you guys are at in fundraising?” He shook his head. “When I talked to the head coach the other day I think he said you guys were a couple hundred short. I’ll touch base with him and let him know I’ll cover the shortage.”

  Kyler’s smile was big. I was excited to see him play. I know soccer was Amy’s best sport, even had a college scholarship to play. From what the family has said, Kyler is the naturally athletic one. He could take his pick of which sport he wants to play when it came to playing college level and possibly even pro.


  I didn’t mind hanging out at the McMann’s. Between Amy, Sierra, and Hannah, there was always someone there; but I missed Curtis when he was gone. Crazy, since he’d only been gone for a couple of hours.

  When he returned from the condo, I could see the happiness coming off him in waves. It made me excited for what was to come. I was surprised when he sat next to me and instantly told me about his phone call with Jimmy. I didn’t hear much of what he said, because I was so caught off guard by the happiness that poured out of him. Happiness that I thought came from the fact that Jimmy called him. Happiness that I didn’t think had anything to do with me. Happiness that I wished I was the cause for.

  My stomach was instantly in my throat. I swallowed the bile that threatened to come up. I fought the tears that wanted to fall. The pain that shot through me hurt more than the broken leg and more than the broken ribs. Unfortunately, I couldn’t just walk away from this, I was stuck needing help to move around. Unable to drive, shit for that matter, I didn’t even have a fucking car. Not to mention an apartment. Half my stuff was here, some still at the apartment, and the rest already at the condo.

  I was frozen
and I don’t know how long Curtis talked about Jimmy before he realized that I was not listening. I wasn’t focused, all my efforts were being used to keep myself together until I could figure out an escape plan.

  Without my consent, he picked up my hand and kissed the back of it. I pulled my gaze away from the blank television and pretended to look at him, but really looked over his shoulder. When he tugged on my hand, I realized he was waiting for an answer to a question I didn’t hear. No matter what I said at this point, it would be crystal clear that I hadn’t heard the question. I choked out the question, “I’m sorry what?”

  “I said, I invited ‘em for New Year’s Eve. I need to call him back about the wedding. You okay with that?” He looked like a kid on Christmas, only grown up.

  I did what I guessed he hoped I would, “Um. Sure.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth he jumped up and kissed my cheek before he took off to call Jimmy back. As he walked away, he took a piece of my heart with him.

  Thankfully, as soon as he walked away, Calvin walked into the room and saw the look of devastation on my face. When he sat down by me he gave me what I needed most, an out. “You want me to get you out of here for a bit?”


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