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Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3)

Page 22

by MF Isaacs

  “I got a little bored today, so after I cleaned the kitchen, prepared dinner, and washed the sheets. I had Hannah take me to the dealership so I could get you a surprise. Surprise!” I am so excited she’s here, I didn’t care one way or the other about the truck. I pull her into me and kiss her hard. “You like?”

  “I more than like. I love you. I missed you today so seeing you standing here is exactly what I needed to get me through the next three hours of practice.” I held her close and kissed the side of her head.

  “I meant the truck.” She sounded disappointed.

  “I know what you meant. I am just happier to see you than a truck. I like that you picked it out, but honestly it’s just a truck. You are you, which automatically makes you better than a truck.” I lean my head back so I can see her face, she’s trying to keep from smiling as my words sink in. “You want to stay and watch first day of practice?”


  “Yeah, Hannah and Steve helped me get the truck here. I’m kind of stuck here since I had them drive the Discovery home for us.” As soon as he heard that, he guided me to the bleachers so I could watch him work with the guys.

  He was totally in his element. He had changed into a track suit which allowed him to get hands on with showing the guys how to do the drills the way he wanted them to. They ran for more than half the practice, sprints followed by a slower paced lap around the field, then more sprints. I can’t imagine anyone willing to subject themselves to the torture. At the end of practice, the guys gathered around Curtis as the other coach stood off to the side watching and listening. He encouraged them, he knew their names and had something positive to say about each one. Some he complimented as part of a group, others he pointed out individually. By the time they were done, each boy walked away smiling despite getting their asses kicked out on the field.

  As soon as the kids were gone, I watched as the real head coach did the same thing with him. He praised him for the things he’d done well and offered suggestions for areas that he still needed help with. I watched as Curtis soaked up the feedback, it was clear he was eager to be the best he could be.

  He stopped at the bleachers to get me and I couldn’t help but see the sheer happiness that radiated off him. At the truck, he opened the door and helped me in. He tossed his gym and messenger bags in the back and climbed in behind the wheel. A nervousness tried to seep in, but when I looked over at him he smiled at me and all the worry dissipated.

  “Let’s go big guy. Your dinner is waiting for you at home. I assume you like pot roast, since you bought one.” I couldn’t help but giggle. I would gladly cook, if he would do the grocery shopping.

  “I haven’t had pot roast since I was in high school and Grandma Rose was alive. It’s been so long; I honestly don’t remember if I like it, but when I saw it at the store...” He shrugged his shoulders as he pulled out of the parking lot.


  The next couple of weeks followed the same pattern. She took care of everything at home, cooked, cleaned, and supported me in ways that I can’t even explain. I spent the days teaching and afternoons coaching. As far as I was concerned the only thing missing was a couple of kids. We made daily attempts to take care of that, most days we made multiple attempts.

  The day we planned to leave town for Jimmy and Shelley’s wedding was the same day she had a doctor’s appointment for her leg. She was hopeful she’d get to ditch the cast for their wedding. She was ready to get back to work, Luke refused to let her work a regular shift with her cast. She went in a few times to help Hannah in the office, but that wasn’t what she liked to do. She liked dealing with the people.

  Her appointment was first thing in the morning and we planned to leave right from there. I’d been with her in the hospital but hadn’t gone to the doctor’s office with her before, so I was shocked to find out that her doctor was about my size, looked to be about my age, and apparently, he has the same taste in women as me. The man didn’t even try to hide his attraction to Natalie. I’d been sitting in the extra chair in her exam room while she sat on the exam table. As he was standing in front of her removing her cast, I watched his eyes dilate and his hands rub up and down her fucking leg. I couldn’t stay in my seat, I stood alongside her on the exam table. And, I’m guessing by the way they both looked at me, I couldn’t stay quiet either. It’s quite possible that I growled like an animal, but seriously, he didn’t need to feel her up and down, up and down. One touch would have been sufficient. Then, he started touching her unbroken leg and I just about lost my shit.

  After a few minutes of feeling up my girl, he told us he wanted to get a couple quick x-rays before he agreed to let her go cast free. It was the first thing that was said or done so far that I agreed with. Then he asked the million-dollar question, “Before I have the x-ray tech come get you, we just have to ask if there is any chance you might be pregnant?”

  I couldn’t have stopped the physical response even if I wanted to; my chest literally expanded three to five inches and my cock probably grew just as many. She glanced at me before turning back to him and responding, “Um, yes.”

  I felt his eyes dart in my direction. You have to figure a handful of guys in my position wouldn’t be thrilled with that answer; I however, am not one of them. The Dr. had already been half way out the door when he asked the question, but with her response he came back into the room opening her chart as he did. “It says in here your last period was, well, it actually doesn’t say. Do you know when you started your last period?”

  She glanced at me and suddenly I was nervous. I hadn’t even thought twice about her period. Now, faced with the question, I realize I don’t remember her ever having a period. I sure as shit would have remembered if she’d closed up shop on me and she hadn’t. “I’ve never been regular so I don’t remember when I had my last period.”

  “Okay, let’s just get a quick test to make sure one way or the other before we have any x-rays done. Sound good?” Neither of us answered but we both nodded our heads in agreement. “I’ll have my nurse come get you as soon as she has everything ready. Once you’re done it will only take a couple of minutes for the results. We’ll decide what to do at that point.” As soon as he closed the door, I moved to the end of the exam table and pushed her legs apart, making room for me to stand between them. Instinctively, her hands went around my neck and mine went to her hips, neither of us spoke as we waited for the nurse.

  A small knock on the door and a young nurse poked her head in, “Ms. Huggins, I can show you to the restroom if you’re ready?” I realized then that I didn’t like her not having my last name. Natalie scooted off the paper covered exam table and followed the nurse out the door. I started to follow as well before the nurse told me, “You can wait here, it will only take a minute.”

  Alone in the exam room, my mind went back to her name. I thought I was cool with waiting until May, but if she’s already carrying my baby I won’t be able to wait. If she’s pregnant and we come here once a month or whatever you have to do when you’re pregnant, that’s too many times I’ll have to hear “Ms. Huggins”. fuck that she needs to be, Mrs. Morrison already.

  It didn’t take her a minute, it took her seven. I know because I watched the clock in the room as I waited. As soon as she walked back into the room, I could see the panic starting to creep in. I wanted to fix it, but I was suddenly nervous that she was panicking because she didn’t want to be pregnant. I don’t know how I would deal with that if that were the case. “Come here Hot Stuff.” I opened my arms and she immediately collapsed into my hold. “Please don’t panic. Let’s just wait to see what the results are before we do anything. Okay?”

  “I’m trying. I know I have no control at this point whether I am or not. I’m just nervous.” She looked up at me with tears building in her eyes.

  I wanted to ask her if she was more nervous about it being positive or negative, but didn’t get the chance because the doctor was back in the room. I helped her back up on the exam
table and stood next to her, rubbing her back as he stood at the small sink. “Okay, results are back. Congratulations, you are pregnant. Based on the positive pregnancy test and you not knowing when your last period started, I think it is best to get you into the Obstetrician and have an ultrasound before we worry about x-rays on your leg. The down side to that is, cast needs to stay on until then.” She didn’t tense at the confirmation that we’re having a baby, but she did when he said the cast had to stay on. She didn’t cry when he said ‘you are pregnant’ but she did when he said ‘cast needs to stay on’. Before he could continue to explain, I had my phone out and was texting Sierra for her Obstetrician’s phone number. I’d do what I could to help move this along.

  “I’m confused, why do I need an ultrasound first? What is it going to tell you that will make it okay or not okay for the x-ray?” It was a valid question; I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to have x-rays done while pregnant.

  He didn’t respond right away, he just rubbed his stubble covered jaw for a minute before he told us the truth. “Here’s the deal. The rule of thumb is x-rays should only be done during pregnancy when the benefits outweigh the risks. I am not willing to make that decision without first knowing how far along you are. The reality is, it’s probably safe; but if it were my baby, probably safe wouldn’t be a good enough answer. I would feel more comfortable, again if it was me, going without the x-ray all together. Your bone should have healed by now provided you have kept the cast on as instructed.”

  “Okay. I’ll keep the cast on until I can get an ultrasound. One small request, we’re heading to a wedding this weekend and I would really like to ditch the cast for it. Now that I won’t be drinking at the reception, what’s the possibility of me going without the cast for a few hours?” This is the final determination on exactly how much this doctor and I are alike. If it was me and she gave me the look she is currently giving him, I’d cave 99.9% of the time.

  He stares her down, completely ignoring the pleading look. “If I knew you were going to be drinking the answer would be absolutely not. You’d probably be dancing on the tables, wouldn’t you? Never mind, don’t answer that. Here’s the deal, I am pretty positive your leg is healed which means going without the cast for a couple of hours is okay so long as it doesn’t hurt. Please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t do it if it hurts. Listen to your body. Think of your baby.”

  “Thank you. I’m so happy I could kiss you.” Yes, that comment created a serious growl. There will be no kissing the doctor.

  “Not necessary. Okay you two, once you get your appointment scheduled for an ultrasound, call and make an appointment here to see me afterwards. If you have any questions, feel free to call the office and the nurses will help you out if I am not available. Any more questions before I let you go?”

  “No, I think we’re good.” She glanced at me as she answered. I had questions, I had a lot of fucking questions but I wasn’t about to ask this guy. I’d pray that the Obstetrician was a woman and that we could get in right away.

  We followed him out the door, he went one direction and we went the other. As soon as we walked outside, I checked my phone and saw that I had eight text messages and three missed calls. All from Sierra. The only one I was concerned with was the contact for her doctor.

  Completely focused on getting Natalie an appointment for an ultrasound, I didn’t realize we’d made it to the car already. I helped her in the passenger door before calling Sierra’s doctor. I may have embellished the story a little bit, when I told them she needed to be seen as soon as possible due to her broken leg. Whatever, they got us scheduled for Monday at 8:00 in the morning.


  We drove for about an hour in silence, okay not silence because the radio was still playing. I think his mind was as loud as mine, but I had no clue what his was saying. Mine was yelling at me that I should be married before getting pregnant. That I didn’t want to be judged for getting pregnant before I got married. I couldn’t help but think of all the times before this that I’d thanked all that was holy when I started my period after having gone a little wild the month before. I always used protection, but I’ve seen the statistics and knew there was still a chance I’d end up pregnant. Now, even knowing that we’re already engaged and planning to get married, I am judging myself, putting myself down. This isn’t what I wanted to feel like when I found out that I am going to be a mom.

  Curtis still isn’t talking, I’m guessing he called Sierra’s doctor or maybe it was Sierra. I don’t know, his lack of talking is making me nervous too. I thought he was going to be happier. I wonder if he is having second thoughts, I can’t have a baby by myself. I can’t even take care of myself, just like Caroline says. I glance over at him and I can feel the energy swirling around him. It isn’t until he looks over his shoulder to change lanes that he even sees me looking at him. His smile is forced and does nothing to appease me or my panic.

  He changes lanes again, making his way to an exit. I’ve been so lost in thought I didn’t even know how far we’d driven. He pulled into a gas station and I realized we were about half way there. “I need to go to the bathroom and figured we could get some drinks. You want to stay in the car or come in?”

  Now I know he isn’t ignoring me, “I better use the bathroom since we’re here.”

  We make our way to the back of the convenience store where there is a line of women waiting while he’s able to just walk right into the men’s bathroom. I’m still waiting in line when he comes out, “What do you want to drink? I’ll get drinks while you go. There are no guys, you should just use the men’s so you don’t have to wait.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right out.” I follow his suggestion and use the men’s bathroom. Surprisingly, it’s cleaner than the women’s; probably because it’s used less than ours.

  Back in the car, he hands me my water and takes a drink of his energy drink. “How are you feeling? Has it sunk in yet?” He’s turned toward me and hooked his hand behind my neck. His eyes searching my face for something, although I don’t know what.

  “Physically, I feel fine. I’ve been trying to decide if there were any signs that I missed. No nausea, my boobs aren’t sore, I don’t track my periods because they have never been regular. I’m still trying to process it all. You?” I held my breath as I waited for his response.

  “I’ve been planning everything in my mind. My mind is racing so bad; I feel like I’m going crazy. It’s twisted, I know we agreed to all kinds of things when we got engaged. I knew each and every time I was inside your body that we could be making our child. I prayed to my parents and sister and grandparents to please give us that, so to say I am shocked this happened is a bold face lie. I can tell you I am so fucking happy that we made this baby. I can tell you I am so fucking excited to be a parent with you. I can tell you that I already love this baby more than I ever thought I would.” Hearing those words felt like a huge weight lifted off me, then he continued. “The flip side. I know we agreed that we wanted to wait until May to get married, but I realized something today. I fucking hate that you don’t have my last name. I wanted to freak the fuck out on the nurse when she called you Ms. Huggins. I need you to be Mrs. Morrison during this pregnancy. I need us to be married, not just engaged. I will pay and do whatever I need to, please just tell me you don’t want to wait until May?”

  I knew the tears were rolling down my face, and I was pretty sure they were taking every last bit of mascara I had on with them. I didn’t care a single bit, Curtis just proved once more that I found my match. I’ll be this twisted crazy person all day, every day, so long as he’s twisting with me. “I don’t want to wait. I want to be married. I want to be called Mrs. Morrison at my appointments. I want to know we’re a family, that this baby wasn’t an accident.” He’s kissing my tears as I babble on, neither of us worried about who is watching us in the parked car at the gas station.


  We had to get through Jimmy and Shelley’s wedding
first then we could worry about our own. Cal, Sierra, Steve, and Hannah were coming to the wedding, but they were only planning to spend one night. Natalie and I planned to stay three nights since I was in the wedding party.

  The rest of the drive we talked about who we wanted to tell. I know the minute we tell any member of my family, McMann’s included, that we aren’t going to wait until May, they will know she’s pregnant. I think her family will figure it out as well. She is still worried her past behavior will influence people’s opinions of us and that they will judge her. I say fuck them, but it’s easier for me to say that because the only people I worry about, are people who aren’t going to judge us. She’s still influenced by her family and their opinions. I can’t relate because my parents aren’t here.

  I finally agreed to wait until after her appointment on Monday to say anything about the pregnancy. She’s decided going without the cast at the wedding and reception is reason enough to tell people why she isn’t drinking. Hannah will be the only one to even notice that change. I take that back, Hannah will be the only one missing a drinking partner but everyone will notice she isn’t drinking. They all thought she was fucking funny on New Year’s Eve.


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