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Dark Warrior Unbroken

Page 22

by Dark Warrior Unbroken (lit)

  “Tell me more.” Her eyes begged him to make his argument convincing.

  “The oldest one, Sean, has a Talion’s talents. They are close to going out of control, but I believe that proper training will rectify that. I’m pleased to say that the girl, Tara, has some of your own ability to calm, as well as to share healing energy. The youngest is just now coming into his Kyth abilities, so they will require further evaluation, as well as training.

  “I believe that it would be wrong to destroy lives that have never been given an opportunity to flourish. And I would like to believe that our concept of justice can be flexible enough to allow for second chances. If not, then I will return them to their home unharmed—I promised them that much. I would then have no choice but to resign from your service.”

  “And what would you do?” This from Ranulf.

  “I would make a new life with Lena.” As she entered the room, Sandor held his hand out to the woman he loved. “That is, if she’ll have me.”

  “She will.” Lena stood shoulder to shoulder with him, her fingers intertwined with his as she met Kerry’s gaze. “Though I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere.”

  “You are right,” Kerry said, “and I believe your decision has merit. While Dame Judith might not have reached the same decision, she did entrust the care of her people to me. These children are our people, even though they had no way of knowing that before tonight.”

  Sandor looked toward Grey Danby. If he was reading the Brit correctly, that was approval in his eyes. Good. Sandor had put Kerry in a tough spot, because it had been a toss-up as to whether Grey would view Kerry’s rescinding an order of execution as a mercy or a weakness.

  “Bring them in,” Kerry said.

  As soon as she saw the three teenagers, it was clear she wanted to wrap her arms around them and protect them.

  “You must be Sean,” she said, looking at the older boy.


  “Which makes them…?” she asked, looking first at the girl and then at the younger boy.

  “Tara and Kenny.”

  “Have you all understood what Sandor has been telling me?”

  The three looked at each other before nodding. “Yes, we’ve understood,” Sean said on behalf of the group.

  Kerry smiled and looked at everyone in the room. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do…”

  Sean couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so full. Maybe he shouldn’t have had that last piece of pizza, but he’d learned never to waste an opportunity. Meals could be few and far between-though if these people were on the up-and-up, that was about to change.

  Kenny sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”

  “In a little while. Go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Kenny quickly drifted back to sleep.

  Not only had Dame Kerry fed them but she’d also given them each a serious jolt of energy. For the first time in months, Sean didn’t feel the driving urge to be out hunting. And that monster big husband of hers had promised to teach him how to control his needs. That was one scary dude, but Sean would listen to anyone who could make it safe for him to stay with Tara and Kenny.

  Tara was in the next room, on the other side of that giant bathroom. Ranulf had said that it used to be his room but Tara could use it as long as she liked. Sean wasn’t sure how he felt about moving in with Kerry and Ranulf, but he was willing to give it a try for Tara and Kenny’s sake.

  He really hoped that this worked out. Thanks to Sandor sticking his neck out for him, Dame Kerry had made it clear that she would allow Sean a second chance to control his need for energy, but not a third. One screwup and he’d be facing Sandor or Ranulf—and this time there’d be no walking away.

  He’d promised Sandor he’d give it his best shot, and the tall Talion had gravely nodded and said his training would start immediately. There had been another guy in the room who’d also offered to help him, but Sean hadn’t caught his name. No matter how it turned out for him, though, at least Tara and Kenny would be looked after.

  Suddenly, there was a lump in his throat. Maybe he should try to get some sleep. For the first time, tomorrow held hope.

  Lena knew they were both running on pure adrenaline and would crash any minute. Ranulf had promised to drive the three kids back to their apartment tomorrow to pack up their things; no one had wanted to let them go back there tonight. Evidently Kerry had continued Dame Judith’s policy of keeping extra clothes and toiletries on hand in case of unexpected guests, and they’d found enough to get their new charges through the night. It was a good first step.

  Although Kerry had offered her and Sandor a room, he’d insisted on going back to his bungalow. Lena had convinced him to leave his car at Kerry’s and to let her drive. Although everything had turned out for the best, the evening had taken a toll on him.

  They still had a few things to settle, then she’d be leaving for the East Coast. The only question was whether she’d be staying there permanently, or only long enough to pack her things to move back to Seattle.

  Bracing herself, she left the bathroom to face the man waiting for her in bed. Sandor’s dark eyes followed her every step until she got under the blankets.

  “Why did Kerry ask you to resign as Chief Talion? That hardly seems fair, after all you’ve been through.”

  “It wasn’t a punishment. It seems that Grey Danby is here for more than a brief visit. Since he’s one of the strongest Talions, he’d make a good candidate for Chief Talion. Kerry figures that will keep him too busy to do much spying for the European branches, if that’s really why he’s here.

  “This will free me up to do more of the work I used to do for Judith, acting as more of an ambassador than an enforcer. Besides, someone needs to take charge of the kids’ training.”

  “That’s smart thinking on Kerry’s part.”

  “I thought so.” He moved closer. “So, I have a question for you.”

  She braced herself, knowing he was going to demand the words. She was far better at communicating by direct action. “Okay.”

  “Did you mean it?”

  Her heart fluttered when she saw the gold sparks flickering in his eyes. “Did I mean what?”

  “That you’ll have me.” He moved even closer, stopping just short of touching her.

  Feeling as if she were about to charge into a three-alarm fire with no equipment, she said, “Yes, Sandor, I meant it.”

  “And why is that?”

  She could feel the heat of his body seeping into hers, warming her from the inside out. “Because I can’t imagine living another day of my life without you in it. You made me fall in love with you.”

  That last small distance disappeared as his strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close with achingly gentle care. “I’d say that’s only fair. Because you made me love you, first.”

  “Not true. I loved you first, because you’re sneaky that way.”

  He smiled against her hair. “You know, we could argue about this until the day we die.”

  “If that’s how long it takes, so be it.”

  “I’m up for it.”

  Her hand trailed below the sheet. “I’m guessing that’s not all you’re up for,” she said with a grin.

  He laughed. “I’m a born multitasker.”

  Lena drew him in for a kiss. “It’s been a long day. How about we concentrate on one task at a time?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sandor loomed over her, gold flecks twinkling in his eyes. “You will have my undivided attention.”

  She smile up at her lover. “Smart man.”


  Grey Danby walked out to the far corner of the Dame’s rose garden, his bad mood showing in the flickers of blue that danced along his nerves and sparkled brightly in the morning sun. He yanked his cell phone out of his pocket and hit the first number on speed dial, resenting having to make the bloody call at all.

  In England, folks were very unhappy with th
e late Dame’s choice of a successor. A few were even out for blood. Judging by the cool reception he’d received from Kerry and Ranulf, they suspected the truth behind his unexpected visit and didn’t trust the motives that had landed Grey on their doorstep one bit. Their instincts were right on the money.

  He’d been ordered to evaluate the new Dame, determine her weaknesses, and report back as soon as possible. But Dame Kerry had trumped their move by offering him the position of Chief Talion in exchange for his sworn allegiance. He’d accepted without hesitation. So not only would he not be returning to Europe anytime soon but the Dame would also be keeping him on a short leash.

  Kerry Thorsen might be young, but she was obviously no fool. He’d have to work hard to earn her trust. The only question was if he would ever deserve it—or even want to.

  His contact answered on the second ring, and Grey wished he could see the look on the man’s face when he sprang this news on him.

  “Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I thought you’d like to know there’s been a change in plans.”




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