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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 15

by K. Anderson

  She lowered herself back into the water once she had washed her body. She then held her breath as she dipped her head under the water. With her hair wet, she was free to lather a shampoo into her hair, and then rinse it out and follow it with conditioner. She released a little of the water down the drain, and used a small shower head to rinse the conditioner out.

  Nicole was just about to call for Jackson to help her out of the tub when she realized that her legs could do with a shave. She easily caught sight of a razor on the edge of the tub, and picked it up. It was a nice, five blade razor, and she was sure it would get the job done.

  She ran the razor up her legs until she was certain she had gotten every last hair. She was about to call it a day before she remembered to get her underarms. She felt herself flush as she lowered her hand between her legs. She bit her lip and considered it for a moment. She decided to go through with it, and she ran the razor over her pubic hair until it was completely gone.

  Feeling fresh, she finally decided that she was clean enough for her own satisfaction. She drained the tub and turned on the water of the small shower head and rinsed off her hair and body one last time. She stood in the empty tub for a moment before sitting down on the edge.

  Nicole figured that she could probably get out of the tub and dry herself off on her own, but she was still slightly worried about slipping and falling. Besides that, she admitted to herself that she just wanted Jackson there. She felt a slight tingle at the thought of him seeing her this way, and she resolved to all him in.

  “Jackson?” Nicole called out, loud enough so that he could likely hear her wherever he was in the house.

  It was only an instant before he stepped in through the door. He looked at her curled up on the floor of the tub, and she saw a mixture of emotions pass through his eyes. She shivered at the look, and wondered how far she could make this go.

  Chapter Nine

  A heavy silence filled the room before Nicole found the strength to speak.

  “Can you help me out?” she asked, holding up her arms like a child asking to be picked up.

  “Oh, yeah, of course,” Jackson said hastily, shaking his head and clearing his throat.

  He moved over the room toward her and held out his hand. Nicole took it, and moved to stand with his support. She saw his eyes widen as he took in her naked, wet body, and she saw his eyes linger hungrily on her freshly shaven mound.

  “You shaved,” he noted, his words hoarse.

  “Yes,” Nicole said breathlessly.

  Jackson said nothing, and helped her to get her leg over the edge of the tub, and kept her steady as she stepped down the stairs. Nicole shivered from the water still clinging to her skin, and also from the force of her slightly building arousal.

  “Let me get you a towel…” he murmured, and moved over to a cabinet on the other side of the room. He withdrew a dark green, fluffy towel and gently wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “There,” he said with a smile, and she thought she heard relief in his voice. Nicole had hoped that this would go on for a while longer, and she felt a mischievous flutter in her stomach as she decided to press his limits a little.

  “Would you mind combing out my hair?” Nicole asked, her tone sounding soft and innocent. “I don’t want it to tangle.”

  Jackson’s expression dropped a little.

  “Oh, sure,” he said. He moved over to a drawer, and retrieved a wide toothed comb. He moved over and stood behind her, gently running the comb through her hair. As he did, Nicole dried herself off with the towel and wrapped it around her body.

  “There,” Jackson said as he finished and put the comb back into the drawer. “All set?”

  Nicole nodded, but didn’t speak, looking up at him intensely instead. Nicole made sure he was looking at her and giving her his full attention before she untied the towel around her chest and allowed it to fall at her feet, baring her body to him.

  Jackson cleared his throat, and his eyes traveled down her body and then back up. He looked into Nicole’s eyes, his own filled with hesitation.

  “You…” Jackson started to say, but trailed off. “You dropped your towel.”

  Nicole didn’t even look down at him. She stepped over it and moved carefully toward him. She staggered slightly, and Jackson immediately reached out to catch her, and she fell neatly into his chest.

  “Jackson…” Nicole breathed out. She trailed her hand down his front, and she heard him gasp as she palmed his erection through his jeans.

  “Nicole,” he breathed out her name, and tilted her head up to look at him. She felt her inner muscles clench at the hunger in his eyes.

  Without another word, Nicole flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. He groaned into her mouth and held her body tightly against his. Nicole gently rocked her hips into his thigh, and she felt his grip tighten around her middle. She whimpered slightly as he pressed against her bruises.

  “I’m sorry,” Jackson whispered softly, and loosened his grip.

  “Please,” Nicole panted as her sex began to throb. “Take me to bed.”

  Jackson looked down at her, and it seemed for a moment that he was going to protest. But at length, his arousal must have drowned out his concern, for he hastily nodded. In the next second, he gathered Nicole up in his arms and easily carried her out into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.

  Jackson wasted no time, and began to tear off his clothing until he was bare before her. Nicole nearly moaned just at the sight of him, and she panted quickly with her excitement.

  Jackson moved back over to the bed and began to lavish her with kisses all over her body. He dragged his lips and his teeth along her chest between her breasts, and Nicole thought her heart would combust. She felt the tip of his member brush along her thigh, and she released a heavy, ragged moan.

  “Turn over,” Jackson whispered the command in her ear.

  Nicole’s breath caught, and she felt a gush of wetness between her thighs. She was sure that this was not so exciting for him, as he must have been doing this for the last five years. For her, though, it felt like the first time. She had always fantasized about being ordered around in the bedroom, and to hear him tell her what to do served to turn her on immensely.

  Nicole did as she was instructed, and she allowed Jackson to maneuver her so that her legs were resting on the floor, and her body was bent over the bed. He used his feet to push her feet further apart, and Nicole felt the cool air swirl over her exposed wetness.

  Before she could fully process her change of position, she released a small cry as she felt his lips place a kiss on her nether lips, and his tongue snake out to gently caress her clit. His hands gently gripped her hips and supported her as he worshipped her with his mouth.

  Nicole squirmed at his touch and she moaned at the feeling of his wet mouth against her sensitivity. She was nearing her climax, as she felt her inner muscles start to twitch in anticipation of the pleasure she was about to receive. Just before she would have come, though, Jackson pulled back.

  Nicole whimpered at the feeling of loss, and she was going to plead with him not to stop, but before she could get a word out, she felt his hot tip against her, slowly sliding inside. From behind, it was even more intense, and Nicole released a string of incoherent pleas as he slowly moved in and out of her.

  Nicole was once again nearing her orgasm as he picked up his pace, and she delighted in the sound of his soft pants as he pounded into her. Nicole released a high, keening moan. She felt one of Jackson’s hand slip down between her legs, and his fingers circled her clit.

  Nicole gasped, and her fingers tightly clasped the sheets beneath her. Every muscle in her body twitched as her orgasm slowly spread throughout her body, and finally crashed over her. She heard Jackson gasp and moan as her inner muscles massaged him, and she felt him jerk as he, too reached his end.

  Nicole felt him soften inside of her, and she shuddered as he gently pulled out. He helped her to lie b
ack down on the bed, and she curled up on her side. Jackson laid down beside her, facing her on his side. His hand gently cupped her face, and he pressed his lips against hers in a soft kiss.

  Nicole smiled and snuggled into him, feeling safe and very loved.

  Chapter Ten

  For the next several days, Nicole felt her bond with Jackson growing stronger and stronger. They ate and drank and interacted together, and all the while, Nicole felt a warmth build up in her stomach. She discovered that he largely worked from home, so he was able to be there for her at almost all times. Even when he left, he wasn’t gone for long. Nicole vaguely considered never going back to work at all.

  Nicole felt better and better every day under Jackson’s careful watch. Her bruises were fading, and she found she could move with more stability with each passing hour. She could clearly see that was a great source of relief for Jackson, and she was glad that soon he wouldn’t have to watch over her so carefully.

  Eventually, though, it came time for them to go out into the real world to dinner with their family and friends, and it seemed to Nicole that Jackson was every bit as nervous as she was. Their nervousness, though, could not really negate the fact that they had made their commitment and were going to go.

  Nicole had been shocked by the contents of her wardrobe, and it wasn’t hard for her to select a nice, blue dress for the occasion. Jackson selected a pair of dark gray slacks and a plain white shirt, as well as a gray sweater. Nicole noted that he looked very good, and she had to work to keep from looking at him too long.

  When they were both ready, they got into Jackson’s car, a very nice, sleek Mercedes Benz. Jackson opened the passenger seat door and waited until Nicole was settled in the seat until he moved around to the driver’s side. Nicole did not miss the way that Jackson gripped the wheel, and she saw that his jaw was tight as he clenched his teeth.

  “Are you okay?” Nicole asked softly, reaching over to place her hand gently on his thigh.

  Jackson looked over at her and raised his brows, seeming surprised by the question.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, shaking his head. “Are you?”

  Nicole nodded, though she could still feel her nerves dancing around inside of her. Jackson turned the key in the ignition and the engine purred to life. Jackson easily pulled out into the street, and started toward their destination.

  Jackson has suggested that they invite Angela and her husband as well, and upon receiving that news, Angela suggested that they have the dinner at her house. Nicole had liked the idea, and she presented it to her parents, who were happy to accommodate.

  Jackson knew the way to Angela’s house, and they arrived in short order, pulling into the driveway.

  Jackson turned off the car and got out, then crossed to open the door for Nicole. No sooner had ne helped her out of the car than Angela had stepped out of her home and waved at them from her doorway.

  Jackson waved back, and Nicole smiled as the approached the entrance to their friend’s home.

  “Good to see you again,” Angela said. Jackson gave her a kiss on the cheek in greeting, and Nicole allowed the woman to give her a gentle hug.

  “You beat the crowd,” Angela said as she ushered them inside. Nicole immediately saw a man that she had never met, but recognized from the photograph in her apartment.

  “Hi there,” the man stood, his voice strong and deep. “I’m James. I’m sorry about your accident.”

  “Thank you,” Nicole smiled, and shook the hand that the man offered.

  “Here, both of you come sit down,” James gestured to a small sitting area just outside of the dining room.

  Nicole and Jackson moved into the room. Nicole sat down on a small sofa, and Jackson took a seat beside her. He placed a hand on Nicole’s knee, and began to nervously rub his thumb along her skin.

  Nicole couldn’t help but notice that Angela and James were looking at them closely. She supposed that she had just been in a wreck, and that maybe they felt awkward that she didn’t remember them. They looked between her and Jackson with strange smiles. Nicole tried to dismiss her strange feelings, and she resolved to ignore time.

  They chatted in the sitting room for a short while, until a knock on the door pulled them out of their conversations. Angela got up to get the door, and Nicole felt Jackson stiffen beside her. She looked up at him, concerned, and he gave her a tight smile.

  James got up and moved toward the dining room, and Nicole and Jackson followed suit. James guided Nicole and Jackson to their seats at the table, though they did not sit.

  Nicole’s parents moved into the room, and a broad smile crossed over her face. She immediately went to them and embraced them in her arms.

  “We’re so glad to see you,” Her mother said as they hugged, and her father smiled down at her, lightly stroking over her hair.

  “I’m glad to see you too,” Nicole said, pulling back. These were the only faces she had seen recently that she could actually remember, and she felt a warmth at that knowledge.

  When she had finished greeting her parents, she expected them to go to Jackson, but they did not. Her mother greeted him with a strained smile, and her father gave him a stiff nod, which he returned. Nicole frowned, and wondered if her parents didn’t like him for some reason, and moreover what that reason could be.

  Everyone took their place at the table and Angela proceeded to serve a fabulous meal of spaghetti and salad with wine. Nicole declined to drink the wine due to the fact that she was still allowing her body time to recover, and she didn’t want to consume alcohol and potentially slow down the process.

  A natural flow of conversation picked up, but she noticed that Jackson was not relaxed or talkative as she was accustomed to. Her father kept glancing between them, and she was beginning to become confused and more than a little flustered.

  After a while though, they finished their meals, and everyone sat around the table just finishing up their wine and chatting a little.

  “So,” her father spoke, clearing his throat and looking directly at Nicole and Jackson. “Is everything okay with you two? I mean… are you good now?”

  Jackson put his fork down forcefully on the table and hi jaw worked as he looked angrily over at Nicole’s father. Nicole, for her part, frowned in confusion.

  “I mean… yes?” Nicole asked, feeling a little lost.

  “I’m just trying to keep up with – ow!” her father raised his hands in a gesture of innocence as his wife swatted him on the arm and looked, embarrassed, down at her plate.

  “Keep up with what?” Nicole asked, looking between her father and Jackson, who was now openly seething, his hands clenched into fists beneath the table.

  Nicole’s mind was spinning and she had no idea what her father was taking about.

  “Keep up with what?” Nicole repeated, this time looking at Jackson, who refused to meet her eyes.

  The table was absolutely silent, and Nicole felt a cold weight settling in her stomach. She suddenly felt very tired and overwhelmed.

  “Well, we’re glad you all came out,” Angela said, her voice sounding stifled to Nicole.

  “Thank you for having,” Jackson said eagerly, taking that as his excuse to stand up. “I’m going out for some air. Nicole, I’ll be watching the door so I can help you out to the car. It was wonderful to see everyone.”

  With that, Jackson took several long strides out of the room. Nicole, still horribly confused, stood and moved around the table, thanking Angel and James for hosting them.

  She bid farewell to her parents, hugging each of them tightly. Her mother gave her a tight, apologetic smile, and gently stroked over her hair. Nicole smiled shakily back, and linked arms with her mother as they both left the house.

  True to his word, Jackson was outside waiting for her, and he immediately held out his hand for her to help her down the stairs of the porch. Nicole smiled at her mother and then took Jackson’s hand and allowed him to lead her over to the car.

icole was quiet as Jackson helped her into the passenger’s seat and she was lost in her thoughts as she waited for him to get in the driver’s seat. Their drive home was silent, and the atmosphere between them was tense. Nicole couldn’t help but feel slightly sick, and a little betrayed that Jackson had deliberately kept something from her that was obviously a large issue.

  Ch. 11

  They pulled into their spot on the street and Jackson got out of the car, then moved over to help Nicole out and onto the sidewalk. They were silent as they entered their home. They stepped inside, and Nicole moved slowly through the hallway. Jackson closed and locked the door, and then lingered there for a moment before following Nicole down the hall.

  Nicole moved into the living room and sat down on the couch. Jackson followed, and he paced slowly around the room, avoiding eye contact with Nicole at all costs. Finally, Nicole could take the silence no longer, and she resolved to address the problem.

  “What was my dad talking about at Angela’s?” Nicole asked softly.

  Jackson finally looked up at her, his expression grim. His eyes were guarded, and he looked like he had aged several years just over the course of dinner.

  “Jackson?” Nicole pressed, still feeling sick.

  Jackson sighed and shook his head. He moved over to where Nicole was sitting on the couch, and he sat down in front of her on the coffee table.

  “Your dad was talking about us,” Jackson said slowly, and Nicole listened eagerly. “Our relationship… was kind of falling apart.”

  Nicole blinked at the news, feeling confused.

  “We had been strained from the beginning when we were trying and failing to have a baby,” he explained. “You and I both felt guilty. We just became distant… we barely spoke. I spent all my time on different sites or at the office, and you were giving tours of houses all the time. Our whole lives were work.”

  Nicole was slightly crushed by the news. She had thought that she was living an ideal, happy life, and now she found out that her life was practically in ruins and her relationship was almost nonexistent.


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