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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 20

by K. Anderson

  “I saw you last weekend, with your hand on her thigh,” Jake replied, his eyes full of jealousy. “You’re way too protective of her, not letting her get a real man that can be here for her.”

  Brandon slammed the door in Jake’s face, not wanting or needing to hear anymore. He wasn’t sure exactly what Jake was insinuating but he didn’t care either. He just wanted him gone and out of his house. He locked the door behind him and went back out onto the back patio, where he also locked the side gate to the yard.

  “Everything okay?” Kylie asked. She had once again sat back down on the lawn bed, and he hadn’t seen her sitting there.

  “Come here,” he growled, pulling her up into his arms and smashing her lips into hers. The kiss was rough, carnal. Kylie sensed a predatory nature coming out of him, and it turned her on even more. She adjusted slightly, and deepened into a real kiss.

  “Take me inside,” she panted, her lips leaving and coming together with Brandon’s in a sweet tease.

  Obediently he picked her up and carried her into the house, locking the patio door with one hand before taking her upstairs to the spare bedroom. As soon as they were in the room he pulled the dress down her arms along with her thong and had her naked. In the heat of the moment, he unzipped his pants and picked her up again, only to press her against the wall.

  “Yes,” Kylie breathed, feeling his erect cock ready to thrust into her. “Now, make love to me right now,” she moaned.

  Brandon didn’t have to be told twice, and in one swift motion he was surging through her hot, wet petals and into her warm, tight center. At the angle he could go deeper than before, and he moaned in ecstasy at the feel of her walls gripping him.

  For a moment, Brandon didn’t move. He simply stayed buried inside of Kylie, taking in the feeling of her wrapped around him.

  The reminder that Gerald and Cassie would be home at any time spurred him into gear though, and he began to rapidly piston his hips. He watched in pleasure as copious amounts of pleasure passed over Kylie’s face as he rode her body deep and hard. She looked wild and untamed against the wall, her green eyes practically glowing as her wild curl draped like a curtain around her bare shoulders.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned happy to once again be a part of him. Inside she could feel the ebb and flow of her pleasure, and knew that an orgasm was inevitable. She loved and hated it all at the same time, for she knew that if she didn’t finish with him, she’d merely be teased into a frenzy yet again, only to left writhing in torture for the night. Still, no matter how hard she tried to hold her, her body had other plans. Within minutes her juices were trickling down her thighs and over Brandon’s legs.

  Brandon moaned in gratitude as he felt her orgasm swell up and spill over. He loved the scent she put in the air whenever she came, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his nose between her legs and taste what she so willingly offered. Try as he might though, he simply couldn’t leave the warm, wet confines of her passage, and with each stroke of his cock he found himself growing closer and closer to his own bliss. He was just about to come when suddenly they heard the phone ring, freezing them both.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Brandon whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Kylie panted, but you better get it. Regretfully, Brandon put Kylie down on her wobbly legs, and walked bowlegged over to the bed stand to pick up the phone.

  “Hello?” He asked.

  “Brandon, honey, hi! Why didn’t you or Kylie pick up your cell phones?” Cassie asked from the other end of the line.

  “Oh, um, they’re on vibrate I guess. I think mine’s in my room. Why? What’s up?” He asked, peeking out the window to see if they were coming down the street. When he saw the coast was clear, he let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the bed.

  “Well your father and I are getting ready to walk back home, and we were wondering if you kids wanted us to bring any ice cream home for you?”

  Brandon couldn’t help but laugh as he relaxed. “Yeah, yeah that’d be great. I’m sure Kylie will want the strawberry shortcake, and I’ll take a banana split please.”

  A minute later Brandon hung up the phone and flopped back onto the bed, covering his eyes. It had been a close call, but luckily it wasn’t a ‘why the hell are all the doors locked?’ call. They were safe. He opened his eyes when he felt Kylie straddle his lap, her hand on his shaft.

  “They’re on their way home,” he warned.

  Kylie gave him a wicked grin as she sank herself over Brandon’s hard cock. “We better hurry then.”


  Kylie tossed and turned in her bed, trying to ignore the ache between her legs. As she predicted, she had ridden Brandon into a frenzy and was brought close to an orgasm; only to be abruptly stopped when he came, and they saw their parents coming home through the window. Brandon had dressed and flew into the TV room, while Kylie hid in the shower, trying to wash away the smell of their lovemaking.

  When she was finally able to go to bed, she had hoped to bring herself relief, but try as she might, her hands were not doing the trick. With a fretful sigh she gave up, and picked up one of her books in an effort to distract herself from her torture. Near one o’ clock, she heard a soft knock on her door, and a moment later Brandon crept into her room, wearing an old white t-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms.

  “What are you doing?” Kylie asked, her voice low. “Where are mom and Gerald?”

  “Sound asleep for over two hours now,” Brandon promised her, giving her a wicked grin. He flicked the light switch off, and pulled the covers back to slide into bed with Kylie.

  “That still doesn’t explain what you’re doing,” Kylie pointed out. Though if she were being honest with herself, she was kind of excited that he was there.

  With his eyes looking deep into hers, his hand ventured the length of her cotton nightdress, pulling the fabric up lightly until he could massage the apex of her legs with his fingers. He kissed her as a gasp attempted to leave her lips, and whispered to be quiet.

  “I could feel how close you were earlier,” he whispered, pulling her panties down and away from her waist. “I wanted to make sure that you were completely satisfied.

  Before Kylie could reply, Brandon disappeared beneath the covers, and nestled between her legs. His tongue, ever the explorer, found its way to her deepest caverns, and quickly began to lap and suckle at the sweet honey that had gathered there. Kylie closed her eyes and bit into her pillow as she felt the beautiful intensity of Brandon’s tongue between her legs. She truly loved how well he seemed to know what she liked. Instead of rushing her, he took his time to slowly bring her to her orgasm, letting her body writhe and tense until it spasmed uncontrollably, giving him the sweetest of her honey.

  Kylie’s body went limp as she finally found her satisfaction, and a smile spread across her lips as she felt Brandon slowly kiss his way up her nightgown and up to her lips. His dark hands continued to massage over her hips and stomach as they lay down together. It was a sensation that Kylie feared she would get used to.

  “What are you thinking?” Brandon whispered, his eyes on her half-lidded ones.

  Kylie made a small sound in her throat, and forced her eyes open. “I’m falling for you,” she admitted.

  In her eyes Brandon could see the torment of her confession, and his heart went out to her. He wished he could appease her fears. However, he knew it was slightly out of his reach.

  “I have to leave,” he told her, stroking his knuckle over her cheek. “At the end of the summer. You know that.”

  “I know,” Kylie sighed, snuggling into him. “I just wish it wasn’t so.”


  For the next few weeks, Brandon and Kylie continued their sneaking around. At first, they were fine with finding ways to be with one another one a week or so. But as their desire grew, so did their need for one another. It was becoming risky, and more than once they almost got caught sneaking out of one another’s rooms. As a way of distraction from i
t all, Kylie finally returned all of Daisy’s missed calls, and agreed to meet her for dinner one night at the pizza parlor.

  Needing to get out of the house, Kylie decided to leave early and order their pizza. The owner and chef, Leo Petroni, came around the corner in his white apron and gave her a bear of hug when she walked through the door. He had owned and operated the shop since she had been five, and had on more than one occasion donated pizzas to her softball team when they would win a game-sometimes even when they would lose.

  “Look at you, bella Kylie. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman!” Leo exclaimed as he finally sat her down on her feet.

  “It’s good to see you too, Leo,” she said through squeezed ribs. She loved the giant of a man, and was happy to see that his chemo treatments for his lung cancer seemed to be working. “You look healthier.”

  Leo grinned widely, showing off his mix of white and gold teeth through his large black beard. “I feel better, toots. The chemo actually worked, and I’ve been in remission for the last eight months now.”

  “That’s so great to hear,” Kylie said excitedly. She meant it too. He was, and had always been, a good man.

  “So, what can I get you? The usual root beer float and sausage and mushroom pizza?”

  Kylie nodded her head, and went to the usual booth that she and Daisy would share. Though she was a half hour early, Daisy had the same idea and came in a few minutes later. Her brown eyes looked over Kylie’s figure, and decided against the lecture that she was going to give her friend for ignoring her. Whatever the reason, it was obviously eating at her dear friend.

  Sliding into the opposite side of the booth, Daisy immediately asked Kylie what was wrong. She knew that there was something, and she vowed not to let her leave the parlor until she confessed. Knowing that Daisy would do such a thing, Kylie promised to spill it all as soon as their pizza arrived. When Leo came out with the root beer floats, he gave Daisy the same greeting that he gave Kylie, and promised her that he’d put some battered broccoli in the fryer for her.

  “So, what’s been happening with you and Thomas?” Kylie asked, after taking a long sip of her root beer float.

  Daisy gave her a sheepish grin, happy to finally have her friend to talk to. “Okay so I have to admit. He’s not just a dumb redneck like I first thought he was,” she admitted.

  “He’s actually really deep. Poetically I mean. He writes these beautiful songs, and then sings them along with his guitar at a few bars in the next county over. He says he’s too shy to play them here, but I don’t know why. He has a really sexy, deep southern voice.”

  “That’s great, Daisy,” Kylie replied, happy to feel distracted. “Did you guys…you know?”

  “Yeah,” Daisy whispered excitedly, nodding her head like a bobble head doll. “It was so good too. He’s such a giver! Not like most guys his age.” She paused, a look of confusion masking over her face. “I think I’m really falling for him, Kylie. He’s probably one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met.”

  “What are you going to do?” She asked. They had been so intent on their conversation, that they barely noticed when Leo sat down the scrumptious smelling pizza and the basket of cheese and broccoli fritters for the girls. They each took a large slice and put it on their plates, and broke open a couple fritters to cool down.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Daisy sighed, dipping half of her fritter into the marinara sauce. “I really like my life a young, single powerhouse, you know? I pay my own bills, I have my own place, and I’m paying for my own car. I don’t want that to change.”

  “Who says you have to?” Kylie asked, swallowing a bite of the hot, delicious pizza. “Thomas doesn’t seem like the guy to keep you barefoot and pregnant you know.”

  Daisy shrugged, then nodded her head. “I know you’re right. And now that I know him a little better, I think that he could actually be a really great boyfriend.”

  “Then what are you afraid of?”

  Kylie watched as a nervous and emotional tear welled up in Daisy’s left eye, and she quickly came around the booth to put both arms around her in a tight hug. Daisy had always been an independent woman, ever since she was in kindergarten. Her favorite movie had been The First Wives Club when they were little, and she soon after became all about girl power.

  “I’ve just spent so much time taking care of myself and staying away from dating that I didn’t realize how nice it could be to be part of a couple. Especially with Thomas. I don’t want to lose who I am, but I don’t want to him either.”

  Kylie soothed her friend and assured her that the answer would come when she was ready to receive it. Until then, she should just enjoy what she was having with Thomas and not worry about the future. It was hypocritical, she knew, but maybe Daisy could follow the advice better than she could.

  “Anyway, enough about me,” Daisy said, picking up her piece of pizza again. “Tell me why you’ve been ignoring me!”

  Though Kylie knew the conversation was inevitable, she still winced when Daisy brought it up. A small part of her had wished that with all of the other stuff they talked about, she would forget. Of course, she should know better that Daisy would never forget a promise.

  Kylie told Daisy everything, from the very beginning all the way to the night before where she went on her knees for Brandon in the bathroom while he was supposed to be taking a shower. Daisy listened the entire time, not interrupting her friend, but instead waiting until she was completely done with her story before she sat back, took in a deep breath, and contemplated the entire story.

  “Are you mad? Embarrassed?” Kylie asked, biting her lower lip. It’d been several minutes since she’d finished the story, and Daisy still hadn’t said anything-something that Kylie was not used to when it came to her.

  “Well,” Daisy said finally. “I guess I’m totally surprised. But you have some valid points. You two aren’t related by blood, and it’s been a long time since you two have seen each other. You’re practically strangers again.”

  She stopped, a new thought popping into her head. “Wait, what happened to Jake? He said he was pretty into you.”

  Kylie had forgotten all about the awkward encounter, and quickly gave Daisy the details. “It’s like he wasn’t getting it, Daisy. I tried to tell him I was not interested over and over, but he kept saying, ‘yeah, but.’ It was so annoying, and I’ve never felt so ignored. He’s definitely not my type. But apparently Brandon is, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Daisy raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “What do you mean you don’t know? Follow your own advice, girl. Enjoy the summer; take it one day at a time. If there’s really something there, you’ll make it happen.”

  “But this is different,” Kylie urged, on her second root beer float. “You and Thomas are set up in your careers. You have great jobs and have decided to stay in this town. I still have a lot of school left, and Brandon has to fly back to Germany in about a month.”

  “Hmm…that is a little different,” Daisy admitted. She thought over Kylie’s predicament, taking her time to weigh certain options. “And you’re falling for him?” Daisy asked.

  “Yeah,” Kylie rasped, lowering her head. “Really hard.”

  “Well girl, it looks like you’re stuck. Unless of course, you were willing play dirty.”


  Later that night, Kylie locked her bedroom door and thought about what Daisy had told her, about stretching the truth a little to make Brandon stay. At first, Kylie was completely against the idea. But after a while, she began to think of what would happen if she used Daisy’s suggestion. Would Brandon actually stay? Or would he go anyway? It was a mighty big risk to take with a lie.

  Around midnight she heard the soft jingling of her doorknob. Her body wanted so badly to open the door for Brandon, but her heart and head were screaming at her to stay in bed. She had to figure out what to do about this, and fast.

  Outside Kylie’s room, Brandon knocked as softly as he could. Kylie ha
d never locked her bedroom door before, even when they weren’t messing around. He had missed having her in his arms all day, and was looking forward to simply holding her. Her admission of falling for him rung in his ears everyday, and he wished he’d had the courage to reply with his true feelings. He was falling for her just as hard. Never in his life had he felt something so real and explosive, and the fact that he had to leave in a month was torturing him every single day.

  It was coming to a point where he couldn’t take not spending more time with her. He needed to figure out how to spend more time with her, without the fear of being walked in on. As he gave up on Kylie’s door, a plan began to form in his head; one that he was sure was going to work. Back in his room, he took out one of his old notebooks and began making a list of everything he would need.


  “Brandon, it’s too early for this,” Kylie grumbled, rubbing her eyes. She’d woken up to the sound of Brandon’s radio playing loudly at eight in the morning. Trying to get him to shut it off, she stumbled into his bedroom and slammed her hand down on the power button.

  “Why are you so grumpy?” Brandon asked, leaning his hip against his desk as he brought his coffee cup up to his mouth. “Didn’t sleep very well?”

  Kylie, in her white tank top and red booty shorts, curled up onto Brandon’s bed and nestled her head into his pillow. It smelled like him, and she took a deep inhale. When he was gone, she would have to make sure she took it before her mother tried to wash it.

  “Actually no, I didn’t. I haven’t for a while now,” Kylie told him.

  “Is that why you locked me out last night?” Brandon asked, his tone soft.

  A pang of guilt hit Kylie in stomach. “Yeah,” she said softly.

  She didn’t say anymore. She didn’t have to. Brandon knew what she was feeling. How could he not? He put on a smile and rolled over to his bed in his old desk chair.


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