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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 46

by K. Anderson

  “Why so late?” Paul asked.

  “Rick and I started dating sophomore year of college. He wanted to wait.”

  “Have you ever slept with a woman?” Paul continued his inquiry.

  “No Sir.” Jess replied.

  “When did you first want me to touch you?” Jess immediately blushed at Paul’s words.

  “I don’t know Sir,” she said quietly.

  “Think about it. How long have you wanted me to touch you?” he pressed.

  “I really don’t know Sir,” Jess had pleading in her voice. She did not want to go down this road of questioning.

  “When you started thinking about me, what did you want me to do to you?” Paul redirected.

  “I don’t know, just basic sex I guess.” Jess forgot to add the Sir and caught herself. “Sir.”

  Paul smiled to himself. She was a quick learner.

  “Just basic sex, so not something like this tonight?” he inquired.

  “No Sir. I have never done anything like this,” Jess confessed.

  Paul stood up and walked over to her. He sat on the couch next to her on the ottoman. His fingers began to trail up and down her inner thighs. Jess ached for him to touch her. His fingers ran over her bikini line outside the thong. Jess silently prayed he would continue and she would feel him deeper in her.

  “Well I need you to spend some time thinking about what you want from this and what you would like me to do for you. There are a couple of books in the den, on the third shelf of the bookcase. They will give you some ideas. I am going to untie you and send you to bed. We will talk more tomorrow.” Jess was shocked at Paul’s words.

  Here she was, naked, tied and blindfolded. He could have her any way he wanted and he was simply going to untie her and send her to bed! So unfair, she thought. Her body wanted him to touch her so badly and she was being sent away to do homework! She wanted to protest but her gut told her this would end badly for her.

  Paul unwound the ropes from her thighs and unbound her hands. He removed her blindfold. She saw he had dimmed the lights and lit three candles. The music still played softly in the background. She had been so involved with his voice she hadn’t realized music was playing for the last hour.

  “You did good tonight. Go do some reading, get a good night’s sleep and think about my questions. You need to pick the kids up tomorrow by ten.” Paul picked up the rope and blindfold and walked back to the Master bedroom. Jess heard his door click shut.

  Chapter Seven

  Jess sat on the futon in the den. She huffed then laughed out loud. She hadn’t pouted this hard about something since she was twelve. She didn’t understand what happened. She had made herself more than available to Paul. He was clearly interested. Yet, here she sat with a homework assignment rather than lying in his arms in post-coital bliss.

  She scanned the books on the third shelf: The Bottoming Book, SM 101, Screw the Roses Give Me the Thorns, Opening Up. She was too annoyed and to hyped up to try and read. She set her alarm for seven so she could make Paul his coffee then she would read a little before she picked up the kids. She opened her laptop and clicked on her file titled “consulting work” and then on the only video file in the menu. Her standard porn started to stream.

  * * * * *

  At 7:20 Paul emerged from the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. Jess handed him his coffee. “You doing okay?” Paul asked.

  “Yeah.” Jess replied.

  “I have a meeting ‘til six tonight. I should be home at 7:00 p.m. Feed the kids at the regular time. I will eat when I get home. We will chat after you put the kids to bed tonight.” Paul delivered his itinerary and instructions as if nothing was different. Jess wanted to talk, but didn’t know what to ask or how to begin.

  Paul finished his breakfast and left. Jess walked back to the den and thumbed through the third shelf. Several titles included some version of BDSM or SM in the title. She had thought she knew what this meant. In her mind BDSM looked like someone tied to something getting whipped and hit and they were screaming in pain. That had never appealed to her. What she and Paul did last night looked nothing like what she thought BDSM was. She figured those were not the books Paul was referring too.

  She thumbed through a few with titles that didn’t quite make sense to her, Screw the Roses Give Me the Thorns, Doing it for Daddy, Rough Tongues, but ultimately decided to check out The New Bottoming Book. She thought this might be a gay men’s book at first, all the “bottoms” she knew were gay guys. But the book seems the least odd of the bunch.

  She scanned the table of contents. Since she only had an hour to read, she chose the chapter she thought would be most helpful: Getting what you want, and more of it! Three pages in and she reached for her phone. Urban Dictionary was definitely needed at this point. She made it through the chapter. While her questions weren’t totally answered, it had given her questions to ask, which is more than she had when she woke up.

  She showered and left to pick up the kids. On the drive over, she took some time to begin to formulate her questions. What did Paul get out of all this, especially if he wasn’t sleeping with her? When were they going to have sex? Did she have any say in what she wanted or what would happen between them? Did he really want to beat and whip her? Where did this go from here?

  * * * * *

  That night after she tucked Jasmine in to bed, Jess went into the living room and sat on the couch next to Paul. He had some documentary on in the background, something about marijuana legalization and he was reading the same book. Jess sat down and pulled one foot up under her.

  “Did you read any of the books I mentioned?” Paul asked as he put his book on the end table.

  “Yes. I read part of the Bottoming Book,” Jess replied.

  “So, what did you learn? Do you have questions?” Paul was opening the door to conversation.

  “Yea. So, um, what happens now?” Jess asked.

  “That will depend. You have to decide if this is something you want to continue to try. I don’t do “basic sex” as you called it last night. I am a Dom. I need to be in control of what happens. I prefer telling my partner what to do and I prefer having sex only when she is tied up,” Paul explained. Jess flashed on an image of her sister tied to the bed and getting laid. She shut her eyes to force the image out of her head.

  “Ok, but you do have sex, right?” Jess asked.

  “Sometimes. Sometimes it’s more like what we did last night. For me, sex is not the only way to be intimate with someone and it is not always the end goal of the night. Sometimes, like what we did last night, I get to know someone better and it’s exciting and fun and it doesn’t end in traditional sex.”

  Paul had found in the past explaining the idea that you can have an intimate and sexy night with someone that didn’t involve intercourse was hard to explain to vanilla people.

  “Do you kind of understand that?”

  “I think so,” Jess replied, still a little unsure.

  “Are you going to want to beat or hit me?” Jess asked. “I don’t think I would like that.”

  Paul smiled.

  “I am more into rope and bondage than things like impact play. Hitting people doesn’t really do much for me.”

  “Okay,” Jess was relieved by this. “So if I want to do this, what happens from here?”

  “We can try another scene, something a little more than last night. But going forward, this can only happen if Maggie is out of town. I am not okay with coming over to your place or meeting you somewhere when she is in town. I want to protect her from this. You have to agree to those terms. If you ever ask to meet “just us” when she is in town I will cut this off immediately. Can you agree to those terms?”

  Paul was set on these terms. He and Maggie had agreed when she was collared that he could choose to sleep with other people. They had agreed he did not have to tell her, but she had stipulated that she preferred to know and wanted some say in who he slept with. Sleeping with Jess did not technica
lly violate their agreement, but it definitely pushed the boundaries.

  Jess thought for a minute then agreed.

  “Good.” Paul confirmed. “Please shower, wear a loose dress, hair down, and meet me in the master bedroom in half an hour.”

  Jess got up without saying anything and went to shower. When she dressed tonight she only put on a dress, nothing underneath. She combed out her long hair then walked to the master bedroom. She knocked softly.

  Paul opened the door. He had candles lit on the dresser. It smelled of sandalwood and black pepper. There was a large pillow on the floor. Jess noticed a couple of ropes draped over the footboard.

  “Are you ready to begin?” Paul asked.

  Jess nodded. Paul closed the door. He used a hand on her hip to guide her to the middle of the floor.

  “What do you say if something gets to be too much and you want it to stop?” he asked.

  “Red Sir.”

  “Very good. Lift your arms for me.” Jess complied and Paul lifted her dress over her head.

  “You are a fast learner,” Paul noted when Jess stood there naked before him. Jess smiled.

  “I want you to kneel on that pillow Sit on your heels and lace your fingers together behind your neck,” Paul instructed.

  Jess knelt. Paul circled her, running his hand over her face, neck, shoulders and biceps. He picked up a length of rope and began to secure Jess’s hands. He wove the same rope into cuffs around her biceps and draped the two ends over her shoulders. He knelt before her and pulled the two sides of the rope over her shoulders and down her sternum. He secured a knot between her breasts, then wrapped the rope to form what Jess could only call a bra. He secured the last of the rope in another knot between her breasts.

  “I will help you stand, Paul said.

  He helped Jess to her feet, something she found remarkable more difficult while tied up. She stood before him, bound so that her breasts were fully exposed and she didn’t have the capacity to cover them even if she wanted too.

  The realization that Paul had secured her in a way that her body was open and exposed to him and she couldn’t hide it if she wanted to both scared her and made her incredibly aroused at the same time.

  Paul circled her, keeping his palm pressed to her skin as he moved in slow circles. He stopped in front of her and looked her in the eyes. He held her gaze, wrapped his hand in the back of her hair and pulled so her face tilted toward his. He kissed her gently. A long, slow, drawn out kiss. Jess was in heaven.

  Paul continued to kiss her softly as his left hand began to explore her body. He spent a remarkable amount of time touching her hips, stomach, the small of her back and her shoulders. Jess was use to Rick half-assing foreplay and jumping right into sex. Being kissed and touched on the less sexualized parts of her body made Jess ache for Paul.

  Paul released her hair and stepped back.

  “Please sit on the bed.” Jess sat. Paul’s broad palms pressed on the inside of Jess’s thighs and pressed her legs wide open.

  “Your job is just to keep your legs open and sit there.”

  “Yes Sir.” Jess replied.

  Paul walked over to dresser and opened the second drawer. He pulled out something white and fuzzy. On his way back to Jess he put the rabbit fur mitt on his hand. He leaned in close and rubbed the soft fur over her body.

  Jess wanted to purr. This was like the best petting every. Soft, silky fur caressed her back, her chest, her face and thighs. Paul began to rub her back with the mitt. Jess leaned her face into his chest and inhaled his smell. This was bliss.

  Paul set the mitt on the bedside table and walked back to the drawer. This time Paul came back wearing a black glove. The tips of his fingers glinted in the candle light. Jess furrowed her brow.

  “They are called vampire gloves,” Paul explained. “They have sharp metal points on the fingertips.”

  Jess’s eyes opened wide. What was he going to do with those?

  Paul began gently scratching her back.

  “Very nice Sir,” Jess was happy that the gloves didn’t hurt. Paul ran the sharp metal points down the inside of Jess’s bound arms. She squirmed with discomfort. Her legs closed a bit.

  Paul stepped between her legs. “I said keep your legs open. You have one job.”

  “Sorry Sir,” Jess opened her legs wide. The tips of the gloves moved from her upper chest, outlined each breast, and traced the slight six-pack of her stomach. Jess moaned involuntarily. Paul pinched her right nipple between the index and thumb of the glove. Jess cried out, more from surprise than pain.

  He set the glove on the nightstand with the mitt.

  “Let me see your eyes,” Paul said.

  Jess looked up and met his gaze. Paul held her gaze while his hands unbuttoned his jeans. Still holding Jess’s gaze, Paul reached in his jeans and pulled out a hard cock.

  “Open your mouth,” Paul instructed. He wrapped his right hand in the back of Jess’s hair.

  “I am going to show you how I like blow jobs. Keep your mouth open and I will guide you.”

  Jess nodded. Paul rested the tip of his member on her lips.

  “Just hold it there,” he instructed. He used her hair as a handle and moved his hips to guide his cock in and out of her mouth. He told her to stick out her tongue for a while. For more than a minute he just rested his hard on in her mouth, unmoving other than his heart beat she could feel in the back vein.

  This was unlike any blowjob Jess had ever given. It was slow and took time to build. She knew Paul was getting just what he wanted and that pleased her. Paul pulled out of her mouth, released her hair, and replaced his still-hard cock back in his jeans. Jess waited for what came next.

  “You did very good. Thank you.” Paul complimented her.

  He stepped close. Jess wondered what was next. Paul’s fingers began to untie her knots. As the last of the rope was unwound from her wrist Jess sat there, confused.

  Paul sat next to the now unbound Jess. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a spooning position on the bed.

  “You are good at following instructions,” he petted her hair.

  “Are we done?” Jess was confused. There had been no intercourse, no orgasm for either of them. She didn’t know what to make of an encounter that didn’t end when the guy climaxed.

  “Yes, for tonight.” Paul continued to stroke her hair.

  “But you didn’t come?” Jess continued.

  “No. Like I said, I can have encounters where orgasm and sex are not part of it. I have found that people who do not do what I do have a hard time with that concept. I have found the best way to break that expectation is to practice it from the start.”

  Paul pulled Jess into his body and held her.

  “Yes Sir,” Jess replied.

  She began to relax into Paul’s embrace. When he finally spoke again Jess realized she had drifted off.

  “You should go back to the den. It’s late. Thank you for tonight.”

  Jess got out of bed.

  “Thank you Sir.” She walked back to the den and checked her phone.

  Three in the morning.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning Jess got up at seven to make Paul his coffee. Over breakfast Paul reminded her that Maggie’s flight got back at three and she needed to be at the airport to pick her up by 3:20.

  “Maggie has another tip in a couple of months. Hope you can help out again.” Paul smiled. “I’ll send you a reading list in the meantime. You could be a lot of fun.”

  Jess walked over and leaned into Paul’s neck.

  “Thank you Sir,” she whispered.

  Stretched By My Neighbor

  By: Lucy Peters

  Stretched by My Neighbor

  © Lucy Peters, 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, exc
ept in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to the seller and purchase a copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter One

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Erin Dempsey rolled her hazel eyes as she listened to her boyfriend – ex-boyfriend, she reminded herself – ask the same question for the fourth time today. She did not stop or look up from her task, grabbing another sheet of bubble wrap and using it to protect a hurricane glass she had kept as a souvenir from her twenty-first birthday party in New Orleans last year. “I really don’t like to keep repeating myself, Zach,” she said.

  “You sounded just like your mother, when you said that.”

  Erin had to stop and snort out a laugh, shaking her head at Zach’s obvious attempt to get a rise out of her. “Nice try,” she said, and placed the wrapped glassware into the nearly full cardboard box sitting on her twin bed. “You’ve never even met my mother. Overhearing one Skype conversation doesn’t make you an authority on her, either.” Erin moved around Zach, avoiding all physical contact which was a feat unto itself in the small dormitory room. “I wish you would just accept that it’s over between us and move on.” She shot him a thin smile. “You know, like I am?”


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