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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 56

by K. Anderson

  For the time being, though, the only thing Lindsay wanted to do was get in her car and go home. So, she buckled p and pulled out of the parking garage and made the short commute back to her home. Once there, she fed Abe and scratched him between his ears before moving into her bathroom to take a long shower, allowing the hot water to soother her muscles. As she cleaned herself, she let he mind wander, and her body shuddered as she remembered the exquisite pleasure she had just received from her employer.

  She felt a strange mix of emotions about what had happened between them. On one hand, the idea of fooling around with her boss appalled her. She knew it was unethical to behave in such a way. But on the other hand, she had never been so aroused and turned on by anything before. If he had brought her such pleasure with his fingers a lone, she couldn’t imagine what else he could do…

  Suddenly blushing, Lindsay shook her head to clear her mind of such thoughts. She suddenly felt very overwhelmed and exhausted. So, she toweled off and braided her hair so that it would not tangle as it dried. Then, she moved out of her bathroom and collapsed onto her bed. It did not take her very long at all to fall into a very deep sleep.

  The next day, Lindsay arose and began dressing for the day. She couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous at the prospect of having to interact with her colleagues at the office. She wondered what she would say to Cassie when she asked about the meeting. The whole idea of having a conversation about this at all was unnerving, and she was terrified of arousing suspicion.

  Another part of her mind schooled her to relax. Erik’s playboy reputation was well known. Surely one instance of fooling around would not be enough to surprise the office or to condemn her. Still, Lindsay couldn’t help but feel nervous as she walked out of the door toward her car.

  Lindsay drove the distance to the office, her thoughts running absolutely wild all the while. She tightly gripped the steering wheel, and had to work hard on concentrating on the traffic around her. By the time she made it to the parking garage, she was an absolute mess.

  She sat in her car for several minutes, breathing deeply and really trying to compose herself. She mentally prepared herself for any questions, and she prepared herself for what might happen if she ran into Erik. Eventually, she felt her mind calm, and she felt ready to go back into the office.

  Lindsay quickly passed through the parking lot end entered the office. She held her breath as she made her way toward her cubicle. Much to her relief, nobody said anything to her, or even cast her a second glance. As usual, everyone seemed too preoccupied with their work to pay anyone else any notice.

  Lindsay was suddenly grateful for the business of the office as she began to unpack some of the files form her bag and put them on her desk. As she was arranging the papers, Cassie turned in her chair behind her.

  “Good morning,” the woman said.

  “Morning,” Lindsay replied, trying to keep her voice natural, in spite of the nerves she could feel welling up inside of her.

  “How did your meeting go last night?” Cassie asked her, her voice lowering somewhat.

  Lindsay swallowed drily and prepared to give her rehearsed answer.

  “It went well,” Lindsay said, working hard to keep her voice calm. “It’s just I was getting a little behind and he wanted to see if there was anything I needed help with.”

  “How considerate of him,” Cassie said, though Lindsay saw her eyes narrow suspiciously.

  “What?” Lindsay frowned, deciding to act as though her coworker’s suspicions were unfounded.

  “Well,” Cassie scoffed, shaking her head. “A late meeting? Come on! How much more conspicuous does it get than that?”

  “Well, first thing,” Lindsay protested. “The meeting actually wasn’t late at all, he caught me just as I was finishing up a few things, so it only ran a little while after work. Secondly, we didn’t even go into his office- he just talked with me right here. We went over a few files, talked about a couple of properties, and that was it. End of story.”

  Lindsay turned away from Cassie to sit down at her desk. Her heart pounded, and she prayed fervently that her friend would believe the lies she had just told her.

  “Oh,” Lindsay heard Cassie say from behind her. “Look, I’m sorry to assume… it’s just with his reputation and all…”

  “Hey, it’s fine,” Lindsay said, making her tone gentler. “I really do appreciate the concern. But nothing happened. It wasn’t even a meetings o much as a conversation, really.”

  “Well okay…” Cassie trailed off. “But level with me for a second. If he had… you know… come on to you… what would you have done?”

  “We really shouldn’t be talking about this,” Lindsay murmured, glancing at the entrance of their cubicle to make sure nobody was near enough to hear them.

  “Oh come on,” Cassie waved off her concerns. “We’re just talking. And you have to admit, he’s hot.”

  Lindsay couldn’t help but agree. She remembered the way Erik’s blue eyes had raked over her body, and she felt her stomach clench.

  “You’re right about that,” Lindsay admitted.

  “Of course I am,” Cassie said with a laugh. “There isn’t a woman in this office who would even hesitate if given the chance to get with him.”

  Lindsay faked a laugh with her coworker. Sure, Cassie was amused, but she wondered how her reaction would have been different if she had really told her the truth. For now, though Lindsay was just glad to have gotten through that confrontation.

  Now, there was only one other potential conversation and reunion that Lindsay was anticipating with dread- her first interaction with Erik himself.

  Chapter Five

  Lindsay avoided going out of her cubicle for as long as possible, but finally she had to cross the office to go make some copies. So, she took a steadying breath and gathered up her papers, and made for the copy room. She fully expected to run into him along the way, but she was pleasantly surprised that she did not even see him. In fact, she did not see him at any point for the rest of the day.

  Lindsay went home from work feeling relieved and happy. No disaster had unfolded, and it seemed as though her escapade with her employed had gone unnoticed, and she did not have to deal with the awkwardness of interacting with him at the office.

  Several days passed in this manner, and then a week, and then two. Lindsay put the escapade far behind her, locking them away in her memories. She had long since stopped feeling nervous every time she went into work. She had not seen Erik at all in those two weeks, nor had she heard from him. Perhaps he thought it best that they not be seen near one another. She couldn’t help but agree.

  Lindsay’s mind began to be occupied by other things, such as the office Christmas party that was coming up in a little over a week. Everyone was buzzing with excitement about it. Lindsay was new, of course, but she couldn’t help but be excited as well when Cassie told her about it.

  “It’s really always a lot of fun,” Cassie said. “There is an open bar, and music and just a lot of general hilarity. Everyone always gets drunk and we just have a blast- even Scott!”

  Lindsay laughed at the idea of Scott Reynolds, their supervisor that was usually so composed, losing his cool at a party. Lindsay found that she was looking forward to it more and more with each passing day.

  As the date of the party neared, activity in the office began to reach a peak. People bustled around like never before. Even Lindsay found that she was constantly busy and overwhelmed. Even so, the business did not hamper the spirit of the workers as winter descended upon them, bringing them nearer and nearer to the holidays.

  It was about this time that Erik began to be present in the office again. At first, Lindsay had been surprised, and a bit nervous to see him. The first time she ran into him again, she had actually dropped an entire stack of papers that she had been on the way to copy. Immediately, they had both knelt down to collect the scattered papers, Lindsay blushing furiously.

  “I’m sorry,”
Erik chuckled lowly as they both gathered up the documents.

  “Oh, I’m sure it was my fault,” Lindsay laughed lightly as she took some of the pages from him.

  They were both quiet as they finished up recollecting all the papers. They both stood as they finished cleaning up their mess. Lindsay looked up at Erik, and found that he was every bit as attractive as she remembered. His hair was a bit longer, and his blue eyes sparkled as he smiled down at her.

  “How have you been doing?” he asked her pleasantly. “I’ve been running around some of the other departments making sure everything is going well.”

  “Oh, I’d say I’m finally getting the swing of things,” Lindsay laughed lightly.

  “Excellent,” Erik smiled down at her. “Well, I won’t keep you long. I know it’s getting pretty busy around here these days.”

  “You can say that again,” Lindsay said with a nod.

  “You have heard about our annual Christmas party, right?” Erik asked her.

  “Oh yes,” Lindsay nodded fervently. “It’s anyone can talk about.”

  “And rightly so,” Erik smiled brightly. “It really is the event of the year. I never miss it.”

  Lindsay heard his voice lower as he uttered those last few words, and she felt her stomach clench.

  “Great,” she managed to squeak out. “I have been planning on going.”

  “Excellent,” Erik all but purred at her. “Then I’ll see you there. Have a good afternoon Miss Baker.”

  “And you as well, Mr. Davis,” Lindsay said, ducking her head and hurrying back to her cubicle.

  Lindsay suddenly had a very different reason for looking forward to the Christmas party, and she found that she was all the more eager to attend it.

  The time seemed to pass in a flash, and days ticked away like seconds. Erik was once again a constant presence in the office, and Lindsay often found that their eyes met across the office. Each time, he would smile at her, his blue eyes flashing with promise. And each time, Lindsay’s stomach would clench deliciously.

  When the night of the party finally arrived, Lindsay invited Cassie over to her apartment to help her pick out an outfit. Cassie had been elated, and all too happy to help, and Lindsay sat by quietly as her coworker filtered through her closet. Lindsay was amused as she listened to Cassie mutter to herself in consternation as she tried to create the perfect ensemble for this event.

  “Here we go!” Cassie cried out in excitement, withdrawing a deep green dress from the closet. It was sleeveless, and it clung to her curves. Lindsay knew that it made her body look absolutely incredible and she couldn’t help but smile brightly at the idea of walking into the party wearing it. She relished the idea of Erik’s face when he saw her.

  The decision made, Lindsay quickly donned the dress, much to the approval of Cassie. Then, she applied a layer of makeup that really accentuated the angles of her face. When she turned back to look at Cassie, the other woman gasped.

  “You look incredible,” the woman said as she ran her eyes up and down her body.

  “You do too,” Lindsay said, and it was true. Cassie was also wearing a dress that tightly hugged her figure, and Lindsay knew that all eyes would be locked on her. This party was already shaping up to be an interesting affair.

  Once the two were completely ready, they got into their individual cars, and headed for the office. The two arrived in the parking garage and parked next to one another. They shared an excited glance, and they looked over one another for any wardrobe malfunctions. When they were each satisfied with their appearance, they joined arms and went in through the doors of the office.

  Rather than to their usual department, Lindsay allowed Cassie to lead her further into the office and toward a very large conference area. This space was usually used when the company hosted events within the community. Now, though, it was decorated extravagantly in all manner of green, red and gold, with an enormous Christmas tree in the center of the room.

  Lindsay beamed with excitement. People had already filled in from all manner of the other departments, and music filled the large space. The two women wasted no time finding the open bar, and mingling with the other men and women. There was a general air of excitement about them. It was as though at any moment the whole scene could erupt into absolute frivolity.

  And after not much longer, it did.

  Chapter Six

  More and more people filed into the space, and the music gradually became louder. Lindsay felt herself loosen up, and she and Cassie danced around the space with one another, rubbing bodies constantly with those around them. After a particularly exhausting round of dancing, Lindsay laughingly led Cassie back toward the bar.

  Lindsay was in the middle of ordering a drink when she caught someone approaching from the corner of her eye. She turned, and gasped as she suddenly came face to face with Erik. She felt her heart pound as she took in his appearance. He was dressed very sharply, in a black suit with a deep green pocket square. He looked down at her and smiled.

  “Good evening,” he purred at her, and Lindsay felt her stomach clench as she looked up at him.

  “Hi,” she said with a nervous laugh. The bartender handed her the drink she had ordered, and she took it numbly, taking a sip of it.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked her, his eyes dancing with mirth.

  “Yes,” Lindsay nodded immediately. “I’ve been spending a lot of time with Cassie.”

  Cassie, who had been chatting with someone nearby, turned to Lindsay as she heard her name. As soon as she saw Erik, she rushed immediately to Lindsay’s side.

  “Good evening, Cassie,” Erik smiled and inclined his head to her. Neither of the women missed the way his eyes ran over their bodies. Lindsay felt Cassie clasp her hand tightly.

  “It’s a fantastic party, as usual,” Cassie laughed.

  “Thank you,” Erik nodded. “It wouldn’t be half as fantastic without the two of you.”

  Erik’s eyes locked on to Lindsay’s and he shot her a disarming half smile. Lindsay, already a little buzzed, felt her knees weaken. She suddenly felt a wetness along the front of her dress.

  “Lindsay!” Cassie cried out in shock, and Lindsay gasped as she realized she had spilled her drink on herself.

  “Here,” Cassie fretted, taking the glass out of her hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  “This way,” Erik spoke up, his voice full of concern as well. “I have a key to an executive bathroom.”

  Suddenly, Lindsay found herself being bustled away from the activity of the party by Erik and Cassie. She felt Erik’s arm wound about her waist, and Cassie tightly holding her hand as they both led her away from the activity in the conference room.

  As the air around them quieted, Lindsay could not help but feel her blood begin to pound. Erik was holding her tightly so that she would not lose her balance, but her body remembered his touch in other ways, and she felt a tingle in her core.

  Soon, they arrived door, which Erik unlocked. Lindsay then allowed herself to be led into a large bathroom, complete with a sitting room and a shower. To Lindsay, it seemed to be more of a dressing room.

  Upon entering, Erik lowered her down onto a cushioned stool, and Cassie supported her as Erik moved to go fetch some paper towels.

  “Are you okay?” Cassie asked her, stroking her hand lovingly over her face.

  “I’m fine,” Lindsay asked, becoming immediately flustered as Erik returned with the towels. He began to rub at the wetness on her dress. Lindsay, in her somewhat inebriated state, couldn’t help but release a soft whimper as the contact ignited her nerve endings.

  Both Cassie and Erik looked up at her at the noise.

  “Lindsay?” Erik asked her, his voice low.

  “Sorry,” she uttered, feeling her arousal spike to a whole new level. Surprisingly, having Cassie there to witness her response to him was only making her more excited.

  “Sweetie,” Cassie said. “There is no way we’re going to be able to
get this dry with it still on you.”

  Lindsay felt her stomach clench.

  “And you can’t go back out there soaking wet,” Erik added. Lindsay shivered with delight, suddenly aware of a wetness elsewhere.

  “You’ll have to take it off,” Cassie said. Lindsay couldn’t be sure, buts he thought she detected a hint of arousal in Cassie’s voice. Lindsay let her eyes travel over her coworker’s body, and she felt a tingle in her core as she suddenly viewed her in a whole new light.

  “Okay,” Lindsay said breathlessly. “Can… can someone unzip me?”

  Lindsay watched as Erik and Cassie exchanged a glance. Cassie rose, and Lindsay shuddered as she felt Cassie take hold of her zipper and slowly lower it. Lindsay could feel the cool air brush against her skin, and she felt goosebumps rise up along her flesh. Her breath hitched as she became suddenly aware of Erik’s eyes on her, watching her very closely.

  “You okay?” Lindsay heard Cassie ask from behind her.

  Lindsay hesitated a moment before releasing a shaking breath and giving her friend a nod, her eyes locked on Erik’s the entire time.

  Lindsay gasped softly as she felt Cassie’s fingertips slip between her skin and the material of her dress, gently pushing the material off of her shoulders. Lindsay bit her lip as her skin saw exposed, and the dress fell to pool at her waist.

  “Stand up,” she heard Cassie whisper into her ear, and Lindsay did not hesitate. As she stood, her dress fell down to her ankles, and she immediately stepped out of it.

  Lindsay took shuddering breaths as she stood before Erik and Cassie, clothed only in her lace bra and panties. Both of them looked over her body hungrily, and it only served to increase her own arousal. Cassie stooped for a moment to gather up the dress off the ground, and hung it on a clothes rack.

  “There,” she said, looking back at Lindsay. “Now we just have to wait for it to dry.”

  Lindsay felt her stomach clench and her knees weaken. She had a very good idea of how to pass the time.


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