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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 70

by K. Anderson

He didn’t answer the question, just smiling and looking back down at his menu. “I often get the same thing when I come here. The chicken salad is supreme.”

  “Is that why they call it Chicken Salad Supreme?” She found it on her menu and then laughed at him a little, her eyes meeting his and sparkling.

  “I guess so, I guess so.”

  “Is that what you’re having then?”


  “I’ll have the same.”

  “What are you, just copying me? First you’re having my water and now you’re having my chicken, what else are you gonna be having next, mm?” He passed a tongue over his bottom lip, dimples forming in his cheeks as he smiled, clearly flirting a little bit again now.

  Alexis liked it and she was definitely starting to relax around him.

  As lunch continued, she found him easy to talk to and a joy to eat with and forgot her early nervousness in the pleasure of his company.

  He asked her about how she’d been getting on at work and the people she’d met, what she thought of them, what she thought of the company and the work she’d been given so far. She answered honestly and he listened with attentiveness. Then he steered the conversation away from work topics and asked her how her home life was.

  That was a little trickier. She didn’t want to bore him or overload him by telling him all about her sick mother and how hard it was looking after her, although she had mentioned it briefly at the interview. She skirted around the subject, saying that things were good and they were getting on fine, which wasn’t exactly a lie. Things had been better recently, and there was definitely a lot of pressure taken off them now that Alexis had a full time job and money coming in soon.

  “That’s great,” Bradley smiled at her cheerfully, picking at his salad as they came to the end of their lunch. “And what do you like to do in your spare time? When you’re not working or looking after your mom?”

  “Well uh…I don’t really…do anything in particular.”

  “No boyfriend then?”

  It wasn’t very subtle but then, subtlety had never been one of Bradley’s specialities.

  “No…no boyfriend.”

  “And you’re not looking?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. If the right guy came along, then maybe. But it just seems like an extra hassle to go along with everything else right now.”

  “Ahh, I see. So…relationships – no, but cheeky office blowjobs during interviews – yes. Is that the way we’re working it?”

  Alexis nearly choked on a piece of lettuce, picking up her glass of water to help her swallow it down, her cheeks burning.

  Bradley just chuckled quietly to himself.

  It was the first time he’d mentioned it, acknowledged it properly, since the incident, and Alexis was both embarrassed and surprised, but Bradley didn’t seem like he was bothered by it at all.


  “It’s alright, you don’t have to say anything…” He put his hand out and placed it over hers, smiling at her warmly. “Except maybe…whether you’d be willing to do something like that again. We never really got to uh…”

  She thought she saw a faint blush on his cheeks to match her own, which was getting rosier and deeper by the second.

  Thankfully, at that point, the waitress came over and interrupted them, asking if they’d like anything else.

  “You want dessert?” Bradley asked her.

  “No, I’m fine, thanks. Pretty full.”

  “Me too. We’ll just have the check, thanks.”

  Alexis was kind of relieved, although she was starting to wonder what her answer would have been, and she was leaning towards a yes, particularly with the way Bradley had been with her over lunch. It had only made her fall for him even more. Perhaps that had been his intention all along.

  On the walk back to the office, he continued his full on charm of her, meandering slowly through the streets and actually taking her hand in his about halfway along, brushing his thumb along the edge of her knuckles.

  At first, she gasped, slightly surprised. But she didn’t pull her hand away or say anything to him. She felt a little thrill of excitement go through her; her hand and arm tingling from where he was holding her.

  Then she looked up at him and smiled, and squeezed his hand slightly.

  That was when he stopped walking.

  He reached out with his free hand and searched for hers, taking both her hands in his now and twisting her towards him slightly, so they were stood on the street facing one another, the busy people of New York City moving back and forth all around them. Neither of them paid the least bit attention to anyone else. They were far too focused on one another, staring into each other’s eyes, Alexis mesmerized by Bradley’s intense gaze, as though he was burning right through to her soul.

  Then he slowly began to move forwards.

  One hand left hers and moved up to her chin instead, cupping it slightly in his large, firm palm and tilting her head up towards his, his eyes closing at the last second as he touched his lips to hers in a small, gentle kiss.

  She melted against his mouth, letting out a small moan.

  Even though she saw the kiss coming and knew what he was going to do, it still took her slightly by surprise and her stomach lurched with excitement, her hands immediately sliding around his waist and leaning into the kiss, tilting her head slightly to let it continue, not wanting just one small kiss but a more lingering caress.

  He relented and parted his lips to her, his tongue running across her teeth slightly as she submissively opened her mouth wider and allowed him access.

  He slipped his tongue into her mouth, sliding it gently over hers and prolonging the kiss for a few seconds longer, teasing her a little before pulling back.

  They were both slightly breathless and dazed, but Bradley had a huge smile on his face and she was pretty sure she did too.

  He took her hand again and held it all the way back to the office where he let go just before they stepped inside through the revolving doors and headed to the elevator together, the pair of them a little flushed in the face but acting like nothing had happened.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day,” he said to her quietly once they got out the elevator, the two parting in the corridor, Bradley to go to his office and Alexis to go to her desk.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. “And thanks for lunch.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll…I’ll see you around.” He gave her a small smile then reached out and brushed his fingers over her hand briefly before turning and walking off, leaving Alexis standing there in a haze of emotions and excitement.

  Chapter Seven

  That night, she was still trying to process the kiss and get her head around what had happened as she settled down in front of the TV to try and relax for the evening. Her mother had eaten dinner and was watching her own television upstairs in bed, catching up with the Australian soap operas she loved to watch while Alexis sat in the main living room downstairs and watched some old horror movie. It was the type of thing she’d normally enjoy, but her concentration was most definitely slipping as her mind kept wandering back to Bradley.

  Then, out of the blue, her phone rang, nearly frightening her half out of her wits as she scrambled to answer it, not recognizing the number that was calling.


  She wondered who would be ringing her at nearly 9 at night.


  A shiver shot down her spine. It was him.


  “Oh, I have got the right number. Good.”

  “How did you get my number?” She hadn’t remembered giving him her cell number.

  “You forget I run Briar Finance, Alexis…I can get anyone’s number I want. And right now, I want you.”

  There was something about his voice and the way he’d said it that send a shudder through her.


  “That’s right.”


  “Don’t pretend
you don’t know what I mean.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “About today.”

  “Yeah…uh, today.” She blushed.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he murmured, his voice a hoarse whisper in her ear.

  “Neither can I,” she admitted.

  “Good. I need to see you again.”


  “Right now.”

  She gasped a little. “Right now?”

  “I’ll come and pick you up.”

  Once again, it didn’t sound as if it was a request.

  “You’re not busy or anything, right?” He asked.

  “Well uh…no…”

  “Good. I’ve got your address. I’ll be around in twenty minutes. Will your mom be alright on her own for a few hours?”

  “Y-yes, of course, but – “

  She was going to ask him, ‘but what will we be doing for those few hours’, but then he answered the question for her.

  “I have to have you, Alexis. I was so unsatisfied by that kiss. I want more. I need more. I need all of you.”

  She swallowed thickly. She was nervous, but excited at the same time, and she realized she wanted it just as much as Bradley obviously did.

  “I’ll be ready,” she found herself saying, then quickly hung up and ran upstairs to explain to her mother that she was going out with a friend.

  Her mom was over the moon, of course, especially since she’d been encouraging her to get out more recently although she didn’t exactly tell her what she was going out for.

  Once she’d cleared things with her mother though, and made certain that she’d be perfectly fine for the remainder of the evening on her own, she dashed through to her bedroom to get herself ready, unsure what she should wear. Not that it would matter considering Bradley would probably undress her as soon as he got her back to his. She shivered excitedly at the thought and picked out her shortest ‘sluttiest’ dress, that didn’t really cover much of her thigh, then put on a pair of heels, touched up her hair and did her makeup.

  She was just about ready by the time she heard the honking of a horn outside her house. Her heart fluttered with nerves and excitement.

  She tottered outside on her heels and Bradley leaned over to open the passenger door for her, glancing her up and down with those sparkling, roaming eyes of his and smiling warmly.

  “You look wonderful. You didn’t have to get dressed up for me.”

  “I wanted to,” she shrugged and slid into the seat, closing the door and doing up her buckle.

  He immediately leaned in and reached out with one hand, tilting her head towards him so he could press their lips together in an eager kiss, his other hand touching her thigh and sliding upwards, underneath her dress, going oh so high but not quite close enough to touch between her legs.

  “I want you so badly,” he growled as he pulled back from the kiss and turned his attention back to the wheel.

  Alexis shuddered and looked across at him. “Me too.”

  The journey was short but heated, and she felt as though his eyes were on her the whole time and not on the road, which worried her slightly, but also excited her further, looking forward to getting back to his.

  As soon as he’d parked up, he leaned in and had his lips on hers again, so eager to be close to her that he seemingly couldn’t even wait until they’d got out of the car.

  It was with great effort that they undid their buckles and managed to stumble inside.

  As soon as they were in the house, he slammed the door closed and pushed her back up against it, his mouth capturing hers in a snaring kiss that left her light headed.

  His tongue slid between her teeth and she opened for him. He tasted so sweet she couldn’t get enough. Alexis moaned, he groaned, and they both whimpered like they couldn’t get enough of each other fast enough.

  He slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders and she heard her bra popping open a few seconds later before it fell to the floor, his expert and quick hands all over her within an instant.

  She whimpered, her legs going weak as he held her up against the wall, then he bent forwards and she felt his hot mouth on her nipple. He sucked it deeply between both lips, teasing and nibbling while he tweaked and pulled on the other with his finger and thumb. He knew exactly what he was doing and she melted into his touch.

  She moaned and cried out, frantically pushing his jacket off his shoulders and running her hands through his hair.

  “Mine,” he growled, “all mine.”

  “Yes,” she cried. She would say anything at that point, as long as he didn’t stop what he was doing.

  She grabbed his belt and unbuckled it while he switched to the other breast, then he pulled back and took her by the hand, dragging her eagerly over to the couch. They both fell onto it in a heap of legs and she attempted to get at more of his clothing.

  His hand was under her dress and her panties were ripped clean off. Half of her started to wonder if she needed to pinch herself, to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Then he slipped a finger inside her and rubbed his thumb over her clit, and she wasn’t able to think clearly anymore.

  Her hands fumbled uselessly at his pants, shaking and trembling, and he sat up ever so slightly to help her push them down, soon wriggling out of them altogether then dragging her dress off over her head then stripping off his shirt so that they were both completely naked and writhing around together on the couch.

  She’d heard all the stories about him, perhaps she shouldn’t be so surprised that all this was happening so quickly, but Bradley was just too darn hot and she never got it that lucky with guys. She wasn’t going to stop him now, no way.

  She began to run her hands up and down his back, even scratching at him lightly with her nails, wanting to let him know that she was enjoying it. She let out small, little moans of pleasure in between the kisses, when they paused for the occasional split second to take a breath before diving right back in again.

  He responded by doing the same, his own larger and stronger hands exploring her lower back, and one of them even slipping down to touch her butt and squeeze it gently.

  She moved her hands down his chest then lower until she felt his pulsing length in her grasp. Alexis gasped as she felt how big he was. She didn’t think she would be able to take him. He slipped another finger inside her and moved them in and out furiously while he circled her clit. Capturing her mouth once again, he mimicked what he was doing with his fingers with his tongue.

  “I want you so much, you’re all mine, pretty girl,” he murmured near her ear.

  Alexis was too far gone to think about what he was saying as he slipped yet another finger inside her wetness. She was quickly losing control. She spread his pre-cum over the head of his length and used it to work her hands up and down. He growled and quaked from her touch.

  “Won’t be able to last much longer if you keep doing that,” he whispered, pushing her hand away and then spreading her legs, lining himself up. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you?” He smirked and looked into her eyes. “Know how to pleasure a guy.”

  “It’s been a while,” she admitted. “Glad I can still remember what to do.”

  “It obviously comes naturally to you, baby.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, drenched by his touches and ready for him, so wet and horny as he slammed into her with one quick thrust. She screamed out his name, feeling stretched to the hilt and so full, but overwhelmed with pleasure at the same time.

  Then he started moving inside her and Alexis’s eyes crossed and rolled to the back of her head in pleasure.

  “You’re so hot and tight…can’t control myself,” he gasped.

  “Don’t,” she said roughly, feeling like a wild beast as he moved hard and fast, hitting her G spot over and over again, letting herself go and scratching at his back, tucking her legs tight around him, clinging to him as he made love to her.

  Again and again he thrust into her, a steady but d
eep rhythm that began to gradually get quicker and more passionate the closer both of them got to a climax.

  When it finally came and crashed over them, they were both sweaty and panting from the exercise, and it was one of the most intense orgasms she remembered having.

  She screamed and he took her mouth against his to smother more her noises, drinking them all in as she bucked against him and he filled her up, neither of them having thought about using condoms in their haste and eagerness.

  He broke off and pressed his lips to her neck, sucking a mark in her skin, a big red bruise, as if he was claiming her as his own.

  She shuddered and ran her hands gently up and down his back as they both slowly came down from their high.

  “Stay the night,” he murmured.

  “I can’t…I have to get back to my mom.”

  “At least stay for pizza then.”

  She did do. He cuddled her to his chest, kissed her on the cheek, told her he liked her better than all the other girls, that he wanted her to be his girl, and his only.

  She blushed and squirmed and took on all the compliments, flattered by them, although he never asked her directly if she would be his girlfriend or anything like that. She wasn’t sure whether he was just being nice to her or not, or whether he really meant it, but she enjoyed the rest of their evening together and found him to be pleasant company.

  They kissed some more too, making out quietly on the couch, but managing to keep their clothes on this time, once they’d given in to their desires for one another.

  She tried not to worry about the fact that they hadn’t used a condom. Bradley promised her he was clean despite his other relations with women and she would pick herself up a prescription in the morning.

  A couple of hours later, with her belly nice and full with pizza, he dropped her back off at her house, kissing her cheek and promising her he would see her very soon.

  Chapter Eight

  Alexis wasn’t exactly sure what the sex meant for her future working relationship with Bradley Briar. Were the two of them an item now? Or was it just a one off thing? He seemed pretty into her but then…how could she trust him? As far as she knew, he could be like that with all the girls he bedded, although he insisted he wasn’t and she found it hard not to believe him when he spoke to her that way…held her hands and looked deep into her eyes as if he was falling for her. Still, she couldn’t let herself believe that he would ever fall for her, couldn’t let herself go down that path, because she was bound to end up disappointed and heartbroken in the end. Besides, it was totally inappropriate considering she worked for them and was just a lowly office girl.


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