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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 74

by K. Anderson

  Clara met his eyes and read the intensity in them. “You are right Lexi. She is beautiful.” At his words her face grew warm with her blush. She averted her gaze only to bring it right back and meet his again. She sucked in a breath at the desire she read in his eyes. He held his hand out to her and without thought she took it with her own. As she let him help her up into the seat beside Lexi she smiled down at him. Smiling back He looked up at her with such a warm gaze it made another blush creep into her cheeks. The ride was short and they listened to Lexi’s chatter the whole way. They had made two pies to take with them and Lexi was excited to tell everyone that she helped make them.

  As Craig helped her from the wagon she looked around at all the people. There were a lot more there than she would have thought.

  “Craig. It’s about time you got here.” They turned to see an older man making his way across the ground. He had to be in his early seventies but he still never missed a step.

  “Ah, Papa Jones. It’s good to see you.” She smiled at the man as he got closer. “This is Clara.”

  “Papa, can I go play? I see Louise and Joan.”

  “Yes go ahead.” His chuckle was deep as he smiled at his daughter. Turning back to the man in front of him he smiled.

  “Ms. Clara welcome. May I ask was that lilt girl Lexi?”

  Craig chuckled again. “I have to say yes.”

  “Why I never thought I would ever see her in a dress again. Not since her momma died. ” The man looked at the little girl running away with wide eyes.

  “That credit will have to go to Clara. It is all her doing.”

  “Well, Linnie will be, please.” He smiled at Clara. “Linnie is my wife and she has been trying for the last year to get that girl into a dress and cleaned up. She will be glad you finally succeeded in that.”

  “I have to say it wasn’t too hard. Just a little persuading and bartering.” She laughed.

  He laughed again. “You just stay away from the game tables then. If you could persuade that hellion into a skirt I would hate to see the pile of money in front of you at the end of the night.” They all laughed. “Come on in. I’ll introduce you to the women folk.”

  They made their way inside the barn and she looked around. The hay had been cleared out completely and the walls of the stalls pushed against the sides. There was one huge room and although there were sporadic pieces of hay on the ground one would never know it was a barn. All around were lanterns hanging from the ceiling showing off a light glow. There were musicians in one corner who were playing and there was one long table that was filled with food. There had to be a hundred dishes on the table.

  “My Linnie likes to go all out for these things.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “It makes her happy plus I get to dance with all the pretty ladies.” He grinned over at her. “Which means you have to save me a dance young lady.”

  She laughed over at him. “Of course.”

  “That is after she dances with me of course.” Shocked Clara looked up at Craig as his dark blue eyes looked down at her. Their eyes locked for a moment and embarrassed she looked away.

  “You must be Clara. I could smack you Craig for not bringing her over sooner.” The gruff voice came from an older woman who was as round as she was tall. Her cheeks were pink with color and she had a wide smile on her face.

  “This is my wife Linnie.”

  “It is nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Oh please, child call me Linnie. Now come away from those men and come meet the ladies. You two go find some mischief while you can. We will be eating soon and Jonesie you’re saying grace.”

  “Yes, dear.” Although his voice sounded aggravated he smiled at his wife as he kissed her cheek. “Anything for you, my love.”

  “Oh, hogwash; go on with you now. You won’t get no extra food trying to butter me up.” They laughed as they walked away. Clara looked back at them as he was carted away and Craig was moved in the opposite direction. Their eyes met and they smiled at one another as the turned around.

  As Linnie brought her over to the women she began sprouting off names as the women nodded towards them. At the end she guessed there were over 30 women.

  “There is a lot, of us, but you will get it eventually. Come on ladies let’s get the food ready. I’m sure everyone is ready to eat.”

  Chapter 5 – Meeting the Neighbours

  Clara stood next to the other women and began to help uncover the food. Just then a handful of children came in and stood by the table. “Uh huh, Christopher and Susan back outside and wash up.” One of the women said. As each woman sprouted off their children’s names they kids began to leave until Lexi stood there alone.

  Clara looked down at her with a stern look. “Go on with you. The rules from home apply here as well.”

  The young girl sighed before she turned around. “Yes. Ma’am.” She hurried off to clean up as well. Just then her eyes came up and met Craig’s he grinned her way and she smiled in return.

  “Why I never. Was that little thing Lexi?” One of the women asked.

  “Yes.” Clara looked at the woman who had asked the question. Just then a handful of men came over and the people around the table began to make plates and leave to eat.

  “What was that all about?” She knew it was Craig’s voice but she didn’t know who he was asking.

  Linnie’s voice answered his question. “All of us women were just wondering how long it was going to take you to marry this woman. Don’t let her get away. She’s a keeper.” Clara’s head snapped up to look at the other women. Linnie winked before moving down the line on the table. Choosing to ignore the comment she watched as the children came to their mothers for help with their plates. Suddenly Lexi was at her side.

  “Uh. Can you help me Clara? I can’t reach the middle of the table and those green beans look mighty tasty. I normally just go for the stuff around the outside that I can reach.” She looked up at her sheepishly.

  “Well that won’t do at all will it?” Clara smiled down at her and was rewarded with a returning smile. “Let’s see what we have here that looks good Lexi.”

  They made their way down the line and Clara filled both their plates. When they were done she looked around. The place had been sectioned off by families. It was as if each family was in a small huddle. She stood there for a minute not knowing where to go. “Come on. We’re over here.” She looked down at Lexi and smiled as she followed her over to a corner where Craig sat with Linnie and Papa Jones. Lexi took the seat next to Linnie putting Clara next to Craig. She felt his leg brush hers multiple times and she felt herself thinking things she shouldn’t. She was still a married woman and until she married another those type of thoughts were unacceptable. The others at the small gathering began talking and soon her thoughts were changed as she laughed with the others. Soon they cleared all the trash away and the music began to play again. Lexi ran off outside to catch lightning bugs with her friends. Clara stood there as she watched the dancers twirl around the room.

  “Well come on Linnie. I may be old but I can still shake it with the best of 'em.”

  “You know just the words to say to melt my heart.” The older woman laughed as she let him whisk her onto the dance floor.

  “Would you dance with me Clara?” She looked up from the hand that was outstretched in front of her to Craig.

  “I would love to.” She let him lead her onto the floor and then sucked in a breath when she felt his hand curl around her waist. His other hand still had hers inside his. The music started around him and she was only slightly aware of what went on around them. For that one moment it was just the two of them dancing. She looked up into his eyes as he looked down at her.

  “Are you ok?” His voice was soft and gentle.

  “Yes. It’s just. It’s been a long time since I’ve danced with a man. My husband was sick for so long that it’s been years since I’ve been in the arms of a man. It just took me by surprise is all.”

  “It h
as been a long time for me as well. Well not dancing with a man but a woman. I would always spend my time outside. I would watch but never seemed right to join in you know.”

  “Why did you now?”

  “Because of you.”


  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” She looked up at him in surprise.

  “For everything with Lexi and helping out. She seems to like you a lot. She hasn’t had a woman in her life in such a long time.”

  “She is a beautiful and splendid young girl.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hey you two know that the song is over right? And if you don’t mind I’d like a dance with the lady myself.” Jack was there wiggling his eyebrows at her. Before she knew what was happening he was whisking her off to the beat of a fast past song. He whirled her around over and over and by the end of the song she was panting and laughing all at the same time. The night was filled with laughter and she danced to so many songs she had lost count. Her last song was another slow one with Craig and it seemed that it made the ending of the day that much sweeter. Craig made a pallet in the back of the wagon for Lexi and before they were halfway home she was fast asleep.

  “Oh my. That was so much fun. I am exhausted though.” She laughed as they started the trek home.

  “Yeah. It looks like you’re not the only one.” He gestured his head backwards to show her an already fast asleep Lexi.

  “I see that.” She laughed.

  As they pulled in front of the house he tied the reins to the front of the railing. “I’m gonna take her on up and then I’ll come back and get the buggy into the barn and such.” He helped her down and then she smiled as he hoisted a sleeping Lexi into his arms. Murmuring soft words he walked into the house. Knowing he must be tired as well, Clara began to walk the buggy into the barn. She was just taking off the reins when she heard him come up behind her. “I can do that. You don’t have to worry yourself.”

  “No. It’s ok really. I love to work with horses.”


  “Yes. Do you have a brush? I’ll start brushing them down.”

  He gestured towards the wall of the barn and she grabbed one and started working on the first horse while he brushed the second one. Finished they both walked towards the house. Just as they reached inside they both turned towards the other and bumped into each other. His arm shot out to steady her. What started off as stopping her from falling turned into a caress as he looked down at her. Before they could stop it, his lips grazed hers. Softly he kissed her and she tentatively responded in return. Standing straight again he looked down at her softly. “Good night Clara.”

  “Good night,” She whispered. She walked into the bedroom and softly touched her lips where he had kissed her. They were both unaware of a little head peeking over the balcony watching them. They were also unaware of the smile that crept across her face.

  As soon as he got to the top railing Craig knew his daughter was awake. “Go to sleep Lexi.”

  “Yes, Pa but do you think we could have a picnic tomorrow? You know like we used to at the lake and then maybe if Clara is ok with it, we can go swimming too?”

  “That sounds like fun, but you have to help me plant the next day.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Lexi was asleep in a matter of minutes. He laid awake for a while and realized that he was thinking of the woman downstairs. He heard the door open and leaning over the railing he looked down, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Making his way down the ladder, he opened the front door and looked out. There was a cool breeze and he stepped out onto the porch to feel the warmth stir the hair on the back of his head.

  “Couldn’t sleep either uh?”

  He turned and smiled at Clara. He hadn’t known she was out there. That must have been where the noise came from. “Nope. I see I have another bad sleeper in the house. Sometimes it just is too nice out to sleep.”

  “I agree. It’s beautiful.”

  He sat down in the chair beside hers and they sat in the quiet listening to the crickets chirp. The minutes went by in a flash and covering a yawn behind her hand she rose.

  Chapter 6 – Get Some Sleep

  “I guess I better go try to sleep again.”

  “Yeah.” Her foot caught on a rock and she began falling headfirst. His arms wrapped around hers and brought her tightly against him where he was now standing. Her arms came up to wrap around his neck and his lips dropped to hers in instinct. She moaned deeply as his tongue slipped into her mouth tracing each corner. She pressed herself tightly against him. He pushed her up against the door and kissed her harder. “Come on.” Turning he took her hand and pulled her towards the barn. One inside, he lit the lantern there with the matches on the side and then pulled her down into the hay with him. She was surprised to see that it was actually quite soft and comfortable as his body laid over hers. He began kissing down her neck and back up to her lips before he was helping her to remove the dress and then her long underwear underneath. She quickly helped him to remove his shirt and pants. She gasped at the first contact of his skin on hers and she moaned as he kissed along her collarbone and down to gently bite her nipple.

  “Oh god.”

  He lavished her breasts with his mouth and tongue, not leaving one piece of them untouched and the he grasped her hips as he looked down at her he positioned himself at her entrance. She looked up at him with half hooded eyes and marvelled at him looking down at her. As he slowly began to push inside her she gasped at the feeling of herself stretching. It had been so long since she had sex that she had forgotten the feeling. Her head fell back as she closed her eyes and just felt him slide into her. He pulled out before thrusting inside her again, repeating himself over and over. She felt her body slide along the hay as he pushed inside of her over and over. He began to thrust faster and harder and she couldn’t help but want more. She was making small mewling sounds as she met each of his thrusts with her hips. He watched her head toss back and forth on the ground. Grabbing both sides of her head with his, hands he lowered his mouth to kiss her deep as he began thrusting more and more. She was glad when he leaned up again so that she could see the desire across his face. The pleasure was building inside her and she couldn’t fight in anymore. She knew he was holding back, making sure she got pleasure from their union. She felt herself clench around him with her climax as she burst in ecstasy. Somewhere in the midst of her orgasm she heard him utter his satisfaction as he himself exploded above her. They laid there for a few minutes in each other’s arms and then he sat up on the hay.

  “I am sorry. That should not have happened.” He felt horrible taking advantage of her. She deserved better than that. She was almost dressed when she looked at him and answered. Thinking he was having second thoughts due to his wife she wanted to make sure he understood. Nodding she turned to head back to the house.

  “It’s ok. I understand. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to. I better get back.” She hurried back to the house before he could see the tears welling into her eyes. She didn’t want to make him feel any worse than he already did. She laid on the bed with her head in the pillow as she heard the door a few minutes later. Soon she was fast asleep.

  The next day they Lexi awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. “Oh man that smells so good.” Lexi laughed as she made her way down the ladder.

  “Thank you.” Clara turned to smile at her.

  “Pa said we could go to the lake today and have a picnic. Can you swim? We go swimming there too when we go.”

  “I wanted to make sure it was ok with her first Lexi. Breakfast smells wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” She handed him a cup of coffee as she flipped the eggs. She avoided his gaze feeling a little embarrassed about what had happened the night before. She did, however, tell herself that morning that it wouldn’t change anything. She wouldn’t let it. “So a picnic uh? Well, I have just the thing. I have some chicken I can put with some biscuits I m
ade this morning. I made extra for dinner and I have something special. Lemonade.”

  “What’s that?”

  Clara looked over at Lexi in wonder. “You have never had lemonade? Well, honey, you are in for a treat today. It is so refreshing and sweet. You will love it. I promise. I put some in a jug we can put into the lake to keep cool.”

  Lexi bounded up and down in excitement. “Ok and there’s a pear tree and peach tree there too.”

  “Yum. Maybe we can pick some before we leave and I’ll make some jam.”

  “Yes, please. But I have to help Pa plant tomorrow.”

  “That’s ok. How about this. We can both help him tomorrow and then the next day we will make the jam.”

  “Can we Pa? Uh?”

  “Yes. Lexi that sounds good.” He looked up and his eyes met Clara’s. They both smiled at the other aware that the other was thinking the same thing they were. Their kiss the night before.

  The picnic was wonderful and Clara was marvelled in the beauty of the landscape as she sat on the side and watched the two of them jump into the water in their long underwear. She had worn her own as well and wanted to go in but was a little embarrassed about undressing in front of Craig.

  “Come on Clara. You have to come in. It’s fun right Pa?”

  “Yes please do. It’s nice and cool.”

  Shrugging she walked over to the side of a huge rock and began to undress. Laying her clothes on the rock, she gently stepped into the water. She was unaware that the man right down from her watched every move she made.

  Craig watched as she began to walk to the lake. He would have thought them crazy if a man had told him that a woman looked sexy in long underwear, but there was Clara looking gorgeous as always. The underwear did little to hide her curves or her body either and he could only imagine what they were going to look like when they were wet and plastered against her skin. He needed to think about something else. Turning, he hoisted Lexi high in the air and laughed at her squeal as he tossed her. She came up sputtering and laughing. He felt her presence beside him before he heard her.


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