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Wilson's Hard Lesson

Page 85

by K. Anderson

  “Mm!” David was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of Lydia gagging and having trouble breathing. He sighed, pumped into her mouth a few more times, and groaned as he met his completion. Lydia took every last drop into her mouth and looked him in the eyes as she swallowed his semen. David watched with hungry eyes as he waited for his breathing to go back to normal.

  “Take off your bottoms and lie on your back,” David stepped away from Lydia then and made his way back to his desk to get the foil packet that he had locked away in his desk. Lydia took off her pants and slid her G-string to the side, before lying on the couch. Walking back to the couch, David ripped the condom packet with his teeth and quickly covered his length with it. He placed one finger inside of Lydia and then inserted another finger and moved it around for a few moments.

  “That feels good,” Lydia said as her hips starting humping David’s fingers. After making sure she was wet enough, David positioned himself towards Lydia’s entrance and thrust all the way to the hilt into her. “Ah!” Lydia called out and immediately covered her mouth with her hands. David didn’t take his time; he enjoyed sex fast and hard. Gripping Lydia’s hips with one hand, David forced her up so that he could go deeper inside of her.

  Damn it! So good,” David groaned and clenched his eyes shut. The sex was absolutely fantastic, but David couldn’t help but have his mind wander. He wondered what sex would be like with Rachel and if she was as half as good as Lydia. If he had no choice but to marry the woman, at the very least Rachel’s sex drive had to match his. I can teach her a thing or two if she’s lacking, David thought to himself. He had to make this work for the time being, he hated compromise but he knew that compromise was going to play an important part in getting what he wanted.

  “David! I’m coming!” David looked down at Lydia as her face contorted in pleasure as her orgasm swept through her body. Usually, he would have scolded anyone who called him by his first name, but when it came to sex, a woman screaming his name was one of the highest honors that he could receive, an honor that belongs strictly to him and not his father’s name. As Lydia came, her walls clenched around David’s member and he was brought over the edge. As he came, his hips sped up to an inhuman pace and his groans were deeper and a tad louder. As soon as he was spent, David stood up.

  “Alright, you can go on by your business now,” David said as he placed the condom in a Kleenex and discarded it into a nearby trashcan. Even though Lydia said that she’d use David the same way that he used her, his way of speaking about the sex that they had just made like it was a mere business transaction still wounded Lydia’s ego and pride.

  “Fine, call me if you need anything.” Lydia rearranged her underwear and slipped back into her pants and was out of David’s office without looking back. As soon as his door closed, David had completely forgotten that Lydia was just there.

  “I wonder how soon Rachel would be willing to get married.”


  After what seemed like hours of talking on the phone, Daniel pushed out of his desk and made his way towards his brother’s office. What his father just told Daniel confirmed the fact that David was a complete idiot. Daniel wasn’t planning on telling David that he accidently stumbled across David’s email, but due to new developments, Daniel felt the need to spread a little light on his findings.

  “I can’t believe he’s going through with it,” Daniel muttered to himself as he made his way through the hallway. The people who worked in the building stopped what they were doing and stared at Daniel. The man rarely showed his anger at work, but this time, he was unable to contain it.

  “He looks pissed off,” Daniel heard one of the maids for the building whisper to another worker. He didn’t pay either of them any mind as he started walking down the hall where David’s office was situated at. As Daniel approached David’s door, he was taken aback to see Lydia rushing out of it. This time, Lydia didn’t even try to hide the hurt that was in her eyes. Daniel stopped in his stride and a concerned expression marred his handsome features.


  “Stop, please…I don’t want to talk or think about it.” Lydia cut Daniel off quickly and Daniel stopped what he was about to say. After getting a good look at the woman’s flushed skin and disoriented clothes, there was not any doubt in Daniel’s mind that David had just slept with her. From the looks of it, the aftermath didn’t appear to be that pleasant.

  “Alright,” Daniel said slowly unsure of what he should say to the distressed woman. “I hope you feel better.” Lydia nodded her head and walked around Daniel. Daniel looked at the young woman who was legitimately sorrowed because of the hurt that she must have been feeling at that moment. Seeing the young woman so hurt fueled the flame that was already burning in Daniel’s heart. Daniel’s legs moved eagerly and before he knew it, Daniel’s hand was on the doorknob to David’s office and he roughly pushed the door opened and then slammed it behind him. David looked up at him in alarm, but immediately scowled when he saw his younger brother storming into his office.

  “What the hell…” Before David could finish what he was going to say, Daniel was up on him like a cheetah that had finally caught up with its prey.

  “I just saw Lydia crying walking down the hall. What did you do asshole?” Daniel gripped the collar of David’s neatly pressed shirt and his hands shook, not in fear, but in anger. David didn’t take too kind to anyone placing their hands on him, especially not his little brother. David stood up then quickly and pried Daniel’s hands off of him.

  “How dare you come in here and put your hands on me,” the steel dripping from David’s voice matched the steel in Daniel’s eyes. “It’s none of your damn business what happened between Lydia and I. Don’t think just because we’re at work that I won’t kick your ass.” David didn’t care who he upset, it was no business of Daniel’s.

  “You make a habit of sleeping with your employees? I’m sure dad wouldn’t like hearing that you’re screwing around on the job!” Daniel knew that telling on David was something that a little kid would do, but David needed to get punished in some way for his behavior.

  “You sound like a child. Stop sticking your nose in places it don’t belong. Now get out of my office before I call security.” Daniel raised his eyebrow at David and snorted.

  “You scared I’m going to hurt you?” Daniel challenged David with a smirk on his face.

  “I’m only afraid that I’d beat you to a bloody pulp,” David countered. Daniel decided to be the bigger man and leave David’s office because no matter how unprofessional David was acting, Daniel was at fault here.

  “I’ll go David, but just know that karma is going to come for you. You’re an ugly and desperate person.” Daniel said moving towards the door. “It’s a shame that you play around with people’s hearts just to get what you want and it’s a pity that you’re so desperate to inherit this company that you’d hire a mail order bride. I never thought you’d stoop so low to resort to a prostitute.” David’s mouth hung open at what Daniel said and before he could deny Daniel’s allegations, Daniel slammed the door.

  Chapter Nine

  “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” David said as he slammed his fists onto his desk. David couldn’t comprehend how Daniel had found out about him going through a mail order bride agency so that he could get married in a hurry. He never told anyone about it, David wasn’t ashamed per se about what he was doing, but it was definitely not something he would have brought up in conversation. David thought back trying to dig into his brain to when Daniel could have possibly found out and he couldn’t. Daniel had never even been in his office when David wasn’t there and even if he did, David never left his email signed on.

  “So how does he know?” David asked himself over and over again. David could easily deny it to his father if Daniel brought it up because he was aware that even though Daniel had somehow found out, the man had no hardcore evidence because he left none lying around. “I’ll just have to casuall
y mention it to Rachel that I’d prefer that my family does not know how we met. I’ll give her some sob story about them disowning me and it should be fine.” Looking up at the calendar on his wall, David knew that he’d have to think of something quickly before Rachel came to town. Unfortunately, the woman didn’t have a cell phone, but she did inform him that times had been rough for her lately. “I’ll need to get Rachel on board with everything without revealing my true intentions.” It was going to be difficult juggling lie after lie, but David was sure that he’d be able to do it.

  Daniel was starting to get under his skin now. David’s little brother had been annoying him more and more since his father dropped the news on them. It made some sense to David to degree, if David were in Daniel’s shoes he’d probably be feeling the heat as well.

  “That doesn’t mean you try to push your anxiety off on me. If you lose, you lose so you need to accept it.” David said out loud like he was actually speaking to his brother. After the hell his brother has been trying to put him through, David knew that once the company was his, he and his little brother was going to have a little talk about Daniel’s future employment with his business. “After all, a boss doesn’t keep an employee who continuously disagrees with their methods,” David smiled at this and closed his eyes. Everything will work out in his favor because he had the brains and the wit to make it happen.


  Jeffery Marshalls watched as Daniel stormed out of David’s office. He really regretted not having cameras placed in their offices, but he did want to grant them some privacy within his company.

  “Those boys of mine are really bumping heads lately,” Jeffery stood up and allowed the security guard on watch to sit back in his seat.

  “Yes sir, then again Daniel isn’t the only one to come storming out of David’s office,” Keith said and Jeffery raised his eyebrow.

  “Oh? Who else has my eldest son pissed off?” Jeffery knew that Daniel’s and David’s frequent altercations were because of Jeffery’s incentive when it came to one of them running the company after he died. Keith rolled his seat to the other surveillance cameras and pressed rewind on one of them. Jeffery moved in close and crouched down so that he’d be able to see a little more clearly.

  “Would you like to sit back down?” Keith asked and Jeffery shook his head.

  “No, these old bones of mines need to get up and stretch.” Jeffery saw a young woman go into David’s office and that’s when Keith started playing the tape. “I can’t remember that lady’s name, but I know that she’s David’s personal assistant. She’s quite the looker with that fiery red hair.” Jeffery said. When it took longer than several minutes before Lydia exited David’s office, Jeffery told Keith to fast forward. Keith did what he was told and fast forwarded the tape until it got to the part where Lydia stormed out of David’s office.

  “As you can see sir, it is apparent that this young woman is angry. You think your son fired the girl?” Keith asked and Jeffery shook his head and frowned. Even though he couldn’t remember the girl’s name, he already knew that the woman was definitely not this ‘Rachel’ lady that he was going to meet in a few days. As the heartless accountant’s father, Jeffery knew what had transpired between David and the woman. David seduced her and sent her packing without a second glance.

  “That boy doesn’t have any decency.” Jeffery frowned and shook his head. “My son used that girl, that’s why she came out of his office looking like that.” Keith looked at Jeffery in shock and Jeffery lowered his eyes so that his eyes were looking straight into Keith’s eyes. “Don’t give me that look, Keith. I may be old, but I am a man and that is my child.” Jeffery felt sorry for the girl, but in his mind, she deserved it for her unprofessionalism. “Keep me posted on how many times she goes into my son’s office and how long she stays in there.”

  “Yes sir,” Keith said and Jeffery turned on his heels so that he could make his leave. Jeffery knew that David was trying to pull a fast one on him because if he really cared about this ‘Rachel’ girl, then he wouldn’t be fooling around with his employee in his office.

  “What am I going to do about that one?” Jeffery asked himself as he slowly walked towards his office. Deep down Jeffery felt that David was a better choice to run the family’s business, but he wanted to give Daniel a fair chance as well which is why he came up with the good ole brotherly competition. However, Jeffery hated the way that David was trying to acquire his business which was through deception and manipulation. “This is supposed to be a family business,” Jeffery whispered as he made his way back to his massive office and closed the door. Jeffery knew for a fact that if David got married and had a child first, that after Jeffery died, David would more than likely throw his ‘family’ away because they served their purpose.

  “I can’t allow that,” Jeffery said and sat down at his desk. He wasn’t going to tell them that the competition was off; but Jeffery was definitely going to pay more attention to his eldest. “This will be a fair competition.” Jeffery said with a look of determination in his eyes.

  Chapter Ten

  David stood and walked back and forth at the airport waiting for Rachel’s plane to land. The plane was already forty-five minutes behind.

  “C’mon now, I’m tired of waiting.” David’s jaw clenched as anger started to build inside of him. He found that he was anxious and a little nervous. Not nervous because he thought that Rachel wouldn’t like him, he was nervous when it came to her accompanying him to dinner that night. “I just don’t want her to say the wrong thing and mess this whole thing up for me,”

  “Are you waiting for the New York plane to arrive sir?” David turned to his side and saw an elderly old man standing next to him.

  “Yes, do you know what’s keeping it?” David asked. He wasn’t welcoming any conversation from the older man; he just wanted the man’s response to why the plane was taking all day.

  “It had a little turbulence issues. It should be here within a few minutes, I’m waiting for my wife so I can tell you’re impatient because you’re waiting for a loved one.” David gave the man a false smile and nodded his head.

  “Yes, I just can’t wait for her plane to touch down.” The man nodded his head and followed David’s gaze outside of the window. Just like the older man said, the plane finally touched down five minutes later. Finally, David thought to himself and made his way to where Rachel would be walking in at. It was crowded in the airport and David had to push through a lot of people to get closer to the front. This is all for a good cause, David thought and watched as a lot of people came rushing through the doorway.

  People hugged and kissed each other and all of the public display of affection was making David queasy. Just when David considered walking back to his seat and waiting for Rachel there, Rachel walked through the doors. The young woman was even more gorgeous than her pictures. Rachel had her auburn hair hanging loosely around her shoulders and David could see her light green eyes from across the room. She looked innocent, almost like she just got out of high school despite the fact that she was in her twenties with a bachelor’s degree. David couldn’t lie, Rachel was breathtaking, but even so he would not take their marriage seriously. David pushed his way towards Rachel and she froze when their eyes met and a small blush appeared on her pale cheeks.

  “It’s show time,” David muttered and plastered the most charming smile on his handsome face that he could manage. “Rachel? I knew it was you from across the room,” David walked over to Rachel and took her gloved hand into his large one. “You are even more beautiful than your pictures, my sweet Rachel.” After kissing her hand, David’s eyes went up to her light ones and Rachel’s cheeks darkened.

  “Wow,” Rachel said slowly. “You’re very handsome as well.” Rachel said and David grinned. It was an unnecessary compliment, but he still appreciated her honesty.

  “Thank you. Come now; let me hold your bags for you. I’m sure they’re heavy.” Rachel only had three bags with her and tha
t made David frown on the inside. Great, I’m probably going to have to spend a heft penny on her. David took Rachel’s bags and escorted her back to his car. Going out of his way to help another individual out like this was bothersome for him, but as he looked down at the younger woman, David couldn’t help but smile. She’s attractive, so I suppose that I can endure it, David thought to himself.

  “It’s quite warm here,” Rachel said and took off her white gloves. She was wearing a yellow sundress, with a shawl draped across her shoulders. It really wasn’t all that hot in New York, so she didn’t think it’ll be this hot in Texas.

  “Yes, I’ve been to New York a few times, all during the winter season. It is a major difference far as the temperature goes. I know that you’re a proper lady, but I’d advise you to perhaps lose the shawl. I wouldn’t want you fainting on me.” David said as they made their way to his car. Opening up his spacious trunk, David placed Rachel’s bags into it and then walked around to open the car door for Rachel. Rachel blushed and gracefully got into the car.

  “Have you lived in Texas your whole life?” Rachel asked making small talk. She had never done anything like this before, far as signing up to be a mail order bride, so she couldn’t help the butterflies forming in her stomach. David started the engine and made his way out of the terminal. Glancing at Rachel from the corner of his eye, David nodded his head.

  “Yes, born and raised. I personally love it here and I’m sure you will as well.” Great, she’s one of those people who prefer small talk instead of silence, David thought to himself bitterly. Rachel looked at the side of David’s face and smiled. David was charming, gorgeous, and he appeared to be the perfect gentleman. Rachel was quite shy and inexperienced when it came to dating, but she felt as long as she does what she’s told that she’d be a great wife for David. While Rachel looked at the charming David, David thought of ways for them to speed this whole thing along. “Are you hungry?” David asked as he maneuvered his vehicle onto the freeway.


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