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The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga)

Page 11

by McDonald, Jeanne

  Ignoring Richard’s stuttering, Drew continued, “I got delayed in court, then had to deal with traffic.” Drew wrapped his arm around my waist. “You know how it is. Men see a sexy blonde sitting alone at a bar and assume she’s free for the taking.”

  “It’s disgusting,” Richard muttered, gulping down his drink. His face winced as the liquor seared the back of his throat. Part of me wondered if he was also winced in response to Drew’s deliberate display of public affection.

  “I agree. Just because she’s sitting here alone doesn’t mean that she’s in fact alone. Not only that, but what man would expect her to be unfaithful? It’s disgraceful.”

  Drew’s fingers trailed down the length of my jaw, leaving a delightful burning sensation in their wake.

  Richard stared down at his now empty glass, snarling. “Disgraceful.”

  Drew softly nuzzled his nose to my neck and continued, “But I’m a lucky man to have such a sexy, loyal wife to come home to every night.” He moaned softly, inhaling deep. “God, baby, you smell good today. Is that a new perfume?”

  The feel of his breath against my neck caused my pulse to race. I was paralyzed by his closeness; intoxicated by his presence. I couldn’t even think of anything witty to include in the conversation while encompassed in Drew’s arms. Feeling him that close to me caused every nerve ending in my body to feel charged with electricity. I cursed myself for my lack of self-control.

  “Umm…yeah,” I whispered.

  “It’s delightful. Did you wear the panties I asked you to?” Drew continued. His hands moved down my arms, stopping at my hips, where he hooked his finger into the waistband of my skirt. I gulped hard.

  Richard pushed the empty glass away from him. He motioned for the bartender. “Yeah. Well, it was nice meeting you both,” he grumbled. “Enjoy your lunch.”

  “You too, Dick,” Drew replied.

  Richard paid his tab and left the restaurant without looking back. As soon as he was out the door, Drew fell apart laughing. “What a tool. What was his name anyway?” He released me from his hold and sat down on the barstool next to me.

  “Richard,” I dead-panned.

  Drew’s boisterous laugh caused people to turn and look at us for a moment.

  The bartender reappeared. A snarky smirk teased his lips. He had obviously seen the whole thing. “What can I get you, sir?” he asked Drew.

  “Vodka cranberry. And it looks like the lady needs another beer.”

  “Right away, sir.” The bartender served us the ordered drinks.

  When Nate and I first broke up, if I wasn’t hanging out with Drew and Olivia or Jared, I was sneaking around drinking a bottle of wine. Drew caught me in the act one night, and told me a story I would never forget.

  While he didn’t give me the root cause, he explained to me the reason he didn’t drink was because he was a recovering alcoholic. He was able to hide his urges at first, just like I was, but over time, a little sip wasn’t enough to dull the pain.

  Eventually, he started drinking enough to induce stages of blackouts. He’d wake up in someone’s bed, or on a park bench, and had no clue when or how he got there.

  Gavin was his savior. When Drew hit rock bottom, Gavin forced him into rehab. Later, Gavin took on the role of Drew’s AA sponsor, and helped Drew keep in line.

  So, when Drew ordered alcohol, I nearly had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I knew something was wrong.

  And that’s when I noticed Olivia absence.

  “Is everything okay, Andy?” I asked. “Where’s Liv?”

  “Not coming.” His cheery mood evaporated into a vacuum of anger.

  “Why not?” I took a sip of my fresh beer, watching his face.

  His forehead wrinkled and his jaw clinched tight. He stared down into his glass. “What is it with her and her clothes?” he blurted out abruptly.

  I leaned back in the seat, not saying a word. He had something on his chest and I was going to let him talk. It was usually me moaning or complaining. I owed him this.

  “How could she think what she had on was acceptable attire? And to wear that to work? So unprofessional.”

  Drew took off his jacket and tossed it gingerly over the back of the barstool. “To call that a dress,” he ranted. “That was a shirt with a fucking belt. That’s what that was.”

  Now I had learned years ago to never question Olivia on something she was wearing. The woman had claws and fangs if you approached her sense of style in any way. Actually, it was more than that. Olivia didn’t like anyone telling her what to do; period. Her clothes were just the tip of the iceberg. When she left the condo earlier that morning, wearing a beige mini-dress that barely covered her bottom, my first thought was to tell her to put on a pair of pants. But liking the ability to breathe, I chose to keep my mouth shut.

  “I take it you said something to her about it?” I asked.

  “Damn right I did. I told her she needed to put her pants back on so we could go to lunch. That’s when she told me it was a dress. I laughed. I honestly laughed at her.”

  I covered my mouth, knowing full well where this was going.

  Drew wrapped his long, slender fingers around the glass and downed his drink in one gulp.

  “I’m sure she only wanted to look sexy for you. See, I told you this was a date.”

  “Mickie, I called her right before I texted you. She had no idea what my plans were,” he argued. “Why can’t she dress more like you?”

  “Me?” I squeaked. “I have no sense of style what-so-ever.”

  The corner of Drew’s mouth tilted into a crooked grin. “I’d never see you wear something like that. You present yourself with respect.”

  I glanced down at my denim skirt and white t-shirt. With it being a short day and Friday, I allowed myself to indulge in the school’s casual dress policy. Looking at myself, I was almost embarrassed to be dressed so unprofessionally, having come from work. “Uh, thank you,” I mumbled. I took a sip of my beer trying to hide my embarrassment of having him notice me.

  “Besides, I happen to like how you dress, and I think Olivia needs to take a few pointers from you. Her clothes are getting skimpier and skimpier by the day.”

  “She’s a fashionista,” I mumbled.

  “For once I’d like to see her wear a pair of sweat pants or something not so binding. I feel like I have to dress up just to drop by for a visit.”

  “You saw her sweats not too long ago. Remember?” I said.

  “Honestly, I didn’t. She darted off so fast that I didn’t even see what she was wearing.” He sighed heavily and thrust his hands through his hair. “For once, I’d like to hang with you two and not feel like I have to be dressed for work. I want to be comfortable in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Is that too much to ask?”

  I thought back over the last month and realized he was right. Never had I seen him underdressed. The most casual I’d ever seen him was in a pair of khakis and a cotton Polo shirt.

  “I don’t think it is, but what I think doesn’t matter,” I admitted.

  “It does to me,” he whispered.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. “Well, for what’s it worth, I’d love to see you in a pair of jeans.”

  “My ass looks great in jeans,” he noted with a wink.

  “Oh, God,” I breathed.

  “I hear that a lot, but it’s usually someone screaming.”

  “Drew!” I exclaimed.

  He laughed, and patted the top of my hand.

  My throat became dry and thick, preventing me from speaking. The intense look in his eyes spoke volumes.

  Slipping my hand away from his, I wrapped both hands around my drink, taking a quick sip to wet my throat.

  In order to bring the subject back into focus, I crossed my legs, and turned to face him. Drew cocked his head to the side, his eyes traveling over me. I forced myself to ignore the intense heat that flooded my body. This was about him and Olivia, not about how a single glance f
rom him made me ache with need.

  “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this,” I started, “but Liv thinks you’ve lost interest in her.”

  Drew waved to the bartender to bring him another. “Say what?” His voice rose and his brows lifted.

  Swallowing hard, I fought back the urge to change the subject entirely. Most nights I had to fight my mind from thinking of Drew and Olivia in bed together just down the hall from me. I shouldn’t feel the way I did about him, and here I was, about to tell him that their lack of intimacy was wearing on Olivia.

  “She thinks you don’t want her anymore because y’all haven’t had sex in awhile,” I rambled.

  “God, I adore your accent,” Drew said, his sweet smile teasing his lips.

  “I’m serious,” I reiterated.

  The bartender delivered Drew’s next drink and before he could sit it down on the bar, Drew had it in his hand and gulped it down. He ran his fingers through his hair, bringing his forehead to rest in the palm of his hand.

  “I know you are. It’s funny though.”

  My gut was tied in knots. I tilted my bottle to the side watching the foam rise over the brown glass. There was no telling what he might be thinking.

  “What is?” I asked.

  Drew tilted his face just enough so I could see the anguished look flash over his masculine features. “It’s usually the guy pressuring the girl.”

  Seeing him so hurt, broke my heart. “I’m sorry, this really wasn’t my place.”

  He shifted his eyes, glancing in my direction. “Don’t apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong here. This is about me.” He tapped his glass. Within seconds the bartender had his third drink in front of him. “But that still doesn’t give her a reason to wear that in public.” He shrugged, downing his drink. “I guess I like some things left to the imagination.” Placing the glass back on the surface, he slowly twirled his finger along the rim. “I’m sorry she told you all of that. She should have talked to me about it. Truth is, she’s lucky I stay over at all. She can’t expect me to perform every night when I have to work the next day.”

  The blue in his eyes flowed like water in the ocean. It would have been easy for me to sit there, staring into his eyes, watching the colors change with this tide. “We both know how Liv is. She has to talk to someone. I’m just glad it’s me and not someone else,” I said. “And I’m positive I’m out of line by telling you that, but I felt you needed to know why she’s acting this way.”

  He rested his hand on the back of my barstool. His eyes never left mine. There was a long pause of uncomfortable silence between us. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to look away from his intensified stare.

  It was a blessing when he decided to release me from his gaze. His whole body relaxed and the smile that I loved reappeared. “You’re a good person, Mickie.”

  “I owe you so much for all you’ve done for me this past month. Anything I can do to help, I will,” I whispered.

  His expression was soft, but the fluidity of his crystal eyes was hardened. His chest rose slightly, as he moved his fingers over the top of my hand. My body sang with excitement, but my mind screamed to pull away. “McKenzie,” his voice deepened, “I care a great deal for you. You owe me nothing.”

  “Mr. Wise,” the hostess addressed Drew. “Your table is ready, sir.”

  Drew reached for his jacket, laying it over his elbow. He hopped down from the barstool and offered me his hand. “Let’s eat, shall we?”

  Staring at his hand, my mind reeled with everything that had occurred between us. The realization that I was alone with Drew for the first time hadn’t escaped me. I took his hand and slipped off the chair. He wrapped my hand into the cusp of his elbow and escorted me to our table.

  Chapter Nine

  “Your server will be right with you,” the hostess simpered. She placed our menus on the table and walked away.

  Drew pulled out my chair.

  “Just goes to show you that chivalry isn’t dead,” I mumbled, thinking no one could hear me. Pushing my skirt under my legs, I sat down in the seat he offered.

  Once assured I was comfortable, Drew took the seat across from me, and picked up the menu.

  “Not completely, thanks to my mother,” Drew said. His mouth turned up in a lopsided smile, sending my heart into palpitations.

  “Huh?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Chivalry. It’s not dead thanks to my mother.” He unrolled his napkin and placed it on his lap. “My mother taught us boys to always treat a lady with respect. A true gentleman opens doors for a woman. He pulls out her chair in the appropriate situations. And above all, he reminds her of how special she is,” he added

  For a moment he seemed almost shy, which was completely opposite of the Drew I knew.

  I glanced over the menu, already certain of what I wanted. “Remind me to thank your mother if ever I meet her.”

  My eyes cut to Drew, only to catch him looking at me over his menu. While I couldn’t see his lips, I knew he was smiling by the tiny lines crunched together around his eyes.

  A shadow loomed over us, as a voice interrupted our silent interaction. “Good afternoon. My name is Kelsey, and I’ll be your server today. Would you care to see the wine list?”

  Drew glanced in the direction of the young waiter. Kelsey was tall and very slender with deep green eyes and bright red hair. Freckles spotted his entire face and neck.

  “Not today, thank you,” Drew replied, “but I do believe we’d like another round of what we had at the bar.”

  That would make this either his fourth or fifth drink. To be honest, I had lost count. What I did know, was the excessive amount was worrying me.

  “Drew, are you sure about that?” I asked. “I mean, we’ve both had enough, don’t ya think. How about a Coke instead?”

  At first I thought Drew would be upset with my boldness. His face contorted and his fists clinched, but that was it. He nodded, released his balled hands, and looked up at the waiter.

  “The lady’s right, two Cokes please,” he requested.

  A smile appeared on Drew’s face. “Thank you,” Drew mouthed to me.

  “Certainly, sir. Are you prepared to order?” the waiter asked, fidgeting with his pen.

  Drew looked over at me. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded. “I’d like the grilled chicken salad.”

  “Ugh, rabbit food,” Drew complained.

  I rolled my eyes. He was always complaining about my salads.

  “I’d like the smokehouse angus burger, well done.”

  Kelsey jotted down our requests. “Excellent choices. I’ll return shortly with your order.” He collected our menus and disappeared.

  Drew drummed his long fingers against the wood table, as he started to look around the restaurant. “How was work today?” he asked.

  “Good,” I replied with a chuckle. “I was in house today, and only had two students which made for a very slow day.”

  His brows furrowed as he focused in on me. “Why so slow?”

  “Today was a half day. Why else would I be drinking?”

  “Good point.” He nodded. “So, you’re off work for the rest of the day?”

  I rested my elbows on the table, picking at my finger nails. “Yep. Most of the teachers are still there, but I’m pretty anal about finishing my reports as soon as I’ve been with a student. So that means I get a half day too.”

  “And Jared?” Drew grumbled, twirling the tip of his napkin into a tight twist.

  “He went to Tampa for the weekend to help his sister.”

  Drew released the twist. It unraveled quickly only for him to start coiling it again.

  “I guess that means you have the rest of the day off to yourself? Lucky you.”

  “Oh, c’mon. You get to go back and sit in your plush office and do nothing. Which is like having a day off,” I jeered. Drew worked hard; there was no doubt about that. To say he was a workaholic was a drastic understatement, bu
t I did have fun teasing him about his work environment.

  His face lowered and his eyebrows rose. “Do nothing?”

  “Did I stutter?” I asked, sarcasm dripping in my tone.

  “You think I do nothing?”

  “I think you get to look all pretty in your three piece suit and Donald Trump tie while pretending to practice law.”

  Drew pressed his hand against his chest and gasped. “You think I wear a Donald Trump tie too? I’m at a loss for words here.” He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. “I’ll have you know, I work very hard for my money, and I have impeccable taste in clothing.”

  I mimicked his stance, eyeing him mischievously. “Is that so?” I countered.

  Kelsey delivered our sodas, without a word, and vanished as quickly as he did before.


  “Prove it,” I demanded.

  Drew relaxed back in his chair and stared at me for an impregnated moment. Flattening his lips in a straight line, he tapped his chin contemplating his next statement carefully. “Okay. I could be disbarred for telling you this, but seeing you’ll never meet my clients, and I know this case won’t go to press, I’ll tell you.”

  He glanced over his shoulder and then turned back to me. “I just took on a case where the husband is suing his wife for divorce due to her infidelity.”

  I sunk back into my chair, crossing my arms over my chest, and rolled my eyes. “Andy, that happens every day.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “True, but there’s a prenup involved.”

  I feigned a yawn.

  His lips curled into a half grin. “Did I fail to mention that her entire affair took place online?”

  I tilted my head curiously. “I do believe you failed to mention that. Now how the hell does something like that occur?”

  Drew began explaining the logistics of his case. I couldn’t understand half of the legalese he used, but I couldn’t deny he piqued my interest.

  While he talked, our food arrived. My mouth watered over the decadent aroma of grilled chicken and cheese. I speared a piece of chicken with my fork and popped it in my mouth. Drew sliced his burger down the center, and took a bite.


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