The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas

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The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas Page 6

by Dylan Thomas

Time kills me terribly.

  ‘Time shall not murder you,’ He said,

  ‘Nor the green nought be hurt;

  Who could hack out your unsucked heart,

  O green and unborn and undead?’

  I saw time murder me.



  Altarwise by owl-light in the halfway-house

  The gentleman lay graveward with his furies;

  Abaddon in the hang-nail cracked from Adam,

  And, from his fork, a dog among the fairies,

  The atlas-eater with a jaw for news,

  Bit out the mandrake with tomorrow’s scream.

  Then, penny-eyed, that gentleman of wounds,

  Old cock from nowheres and the heaven’s egg,

  With bones unbuttoned to the halfway winds,

  Hatched from the windy salvage on one leg,

  Scraped at my cradle in a walking word

  That night of time under the Christward shelter:

  I am the long world’s gentleman, he said,

  And share my bed with Capricorn and Cancer.


  Death is all metaphors, shape in one history;

  The child that sucketh long is shooting up,

  The planet-ducted pelican of circles

  Weans on an artery the gender’s strip;

  Child of the short spark in a shapeless country

  Soon sets alight a long stick from the cradle;

  The horizontal cross-bones of Abaddon,

  You by the cavern over the black stairs,

  Rung bone and blade, the verticals of Adam,

  And, manned by midnight, Jacob to the stars;

  Hairs of your head, then said the hollow agent,

  Are but the roots of nettles and of feathers

  Over these groundworks thrusting through a pavement

  And hemlock-headed in the wood of weathers.


  First there was the lamb on knocking knees

  And three dead seasons on a climbing grave

  That Adam’s wether in the flock of horns,

  Butt of the tree-tailed worm that mounted Eve,

  Horned down with skullfoot and the skull of toes

  On thunderous pavements in the garden time;

  Rip of the vaults, I took my marrow-ladle

  Out of the wrinkled undertaker’s van,

  And, Rip Van Winkle from a timeless cradle,

  Dipped me breast-deep in the descended bone;

  The black ram, shuffling off the year, old winter,

  Alone alive among his mutton fold,

  We rung our weathering changes on the ladder,

  Said the antipodes, and twice spring chimed.


  What is the metre of the dictionary?

  The size of genesis? the short spark’s gender?

  Shade without shape? the shape of Pharaoh’s echo?

  (My shape of age nagging the wounded whisper.)

  Which sixth of wind blew out the burning gentry?

  (Questions are hunchbacks to the poker marrow.)

  What of a bamboo man among your acres?

  Corset the boneyards for a crooked boy?

  Button your bodice on a hump of splinters,

  My camel’s eyes will needle through the shroud.

  Love’s reflection of the mushroom features,

  Stills snapped by night in the bread-sided field,

  Once close-up smiling in the wall of pictures,

  Ark-lamped thrown back upon the cutting flood.


  And from the windy West came two-gunned Gabriel,

  From Jesu’s sleeve trumped up the king of spots,

  The sheath-decked jacks, queen with a shuffled heart;

  Said the fake gentleman in suit of spades,

  Black-tongued and tipsy from salvation’s bottle,

  Rose my Byzantine Adam in the night.

  For loss of blood I fell on Ishmael’s plain,

  Under the milky mushrooms slew my hunger,

  A climbing sea from Asia had me down

  And Jonah’s Moby snatched me by the hair,

  Cross-stroked salt Adam to the frozen angel

  Pin-legged on pole-hills with a black medusa

  By waste seas where the white bear quoted Virgil

  And sirens singing from our lady’s sea-straw.


  Cartoon of slashes on the tide-traced crater,

  By lava’s light split through the oyster vowels

  And burned sea silence on a wick of words.

  Pluck, cock, my sea eye, said medusa’s scripture,

  Lop, love, my fork tongue, said the pin-hilled nettle;

  And love plucked out the stinging siren’s eye,

  Old cock from nowheres lopped the minstrel tongue

  Till tallow I blew from the wax’s tower

  The fats of midnight when the salt was singing;

  Adam, time’s joker, on a witch of cardboard

  Spelt out the seven seas, an evil index,

  The bagpipe-breasted ladies in the deadweed

  Blew out the blood gauze through the wound of manwax.


  Now stamp the Lord’s Prayer on a grain of rice,

  A Bible-leaved of all the written woods

  Strip to this tree: a rocking alphabet,

  Genesis in the root, the scarecrow word,

  And one light’s language in the book of trees;

  Doom on deniers at the wind-turned statement.

  Time’s tune my ladies with the teats of music,

  The scaled sea-sawers, fix in a naked sponge

  Who sucks the bell-voiced Adam out of magic,

  Time, milk, and magic, from the world beginning.

  Time is the tune my ladies lend their heartbreak,

  From bald pavilions and the house of bread

  Time tracks the sound of shape on man and cloud,

  On rose and icicle the ringing handprint.


  This was the crucifixion on the mountain,

  Time’s nerve in vinegar, the gallow grave

  As tarred with blood as the bright thorns I wept;

  The world’s my wound, God’s Mary in her grief,

  Bent like three trees and bird-papped through her shift,

  With pins for teardrops is the long wound’s woman.

  This was the sky, Jack Christ, each minstrel angle

  Drove in the heaven-driven of the nails

  Till the three-coloured rainbow from my nipples

  From pole to pole leapt round the snail-waked world.

  I by the tree of thieves, all glory’s sawbones,

  Unsex the skeleton this mountain minute,

  And by this blowclock witness of the sun

  Suffer the heaven’s children through my heartbeat.


  From the oracular archives and the parchment,

  Prophets and fibre kings in oil and letter,

  The lamped calligrapher, the queen in splints,

  Buckle to lint and cloth their natron footsteps,

  Draw on the glove of prints, dead Cairo’s henna

  Pour like a halo on the caps and serpents.

  This was the resurrection in the desert,

  Death from a bandage, rants the mask of scholars

  Gold on such features, and the linen spirit

  Weds my long gentleman to dusts and furies;

  With priest and pharaoh bed my gentle wound,

  World in the sand, on the triangle landscape,

  With stones of odyssey for ash and garland

  And rivers of the dead around my neck.


  Let the tale’s sailor from a Christian voyage

  Atlaswise hold halfway off the dummy bay

  Time’s ship-racked gospel on the globe I balance:

  So shall winged harbours through the rockbirds’ eyes

  Spot the blown word, and on the seas I image

  December’s th
orn screwed in a brow of holly.

  Let the first Peter from a rainbow’s quayrail

  Ask the tall fish swept from the bible east,

  What rhubarb man peeled in her foam-blue channel

  Has sown a flying garden round that sea-ghost?

  Green as beginning, let the garden diving

  Soar, with its two bark towers, to that Day

  When the worm builds with the gold straws of venom

  My nest of mercies in the rude, red tree.


  Because the pleasure-bird whistles after the hot wires,

  Shall the blind horse sing sweeter?

  Convenient bird and beast lie lodged to suffer

  The supper and knives of a mood.

  In the sniffed and poured snow on the tip of the tongue of the year

  That clouts the spittle like bubbles with broken rooms,

  An enamoured man alone by the twigs of his eyes, two fires,

  Camped in the drug-white shower of nerves and food,

  Savours the lick of the times through a deadly wood of hair

  In a wind that plucked a goose,

  Nor ever, as the wild tongue breaks its tombs,

  Rounds to look at the red, wagged root.

  Because there stands, one story out of the bum city,

  That frozen wife whose juices drift like a fixed sea

  Secretly in statuary,

  Shall I, struck on the hot and rocking street,

  Not spin to stare at an old year

  Toppling and burning in the muddle of towers and galleries

  Like the mauled pictures of boys?

  The salt person and blasted place

  I furnish with the meat of a fable;

  If the dead starve, their stomachs turn to tumble

  An upright man in the antipodes

  Or spray-based and rock-chested sea:

  Over the past table I repeat this present grace.


  I make this in a warring absence when

  Each ancient, stone-necked minute of love’s season

  Harbours my anchored tongue, slips the quaystone,

  When, praise is blessed, her pride in mast and fountain

  Sailed and set dazzling by the handshaped ocean,

  In that proud sailing tree with branches driven

  Through the last vault and vegetable groyne,

  And this weak house to marrow-columned heaven,

  Is corner-cast, breath’s rag, scrawled weed, a vain

  And opium head, crow stalk, puffed, cut, and blown,

  Or like the tide-looped breastknot reefed again

  Or rent ancestrally the roped sea-hymen,

  And, pride is last, is like a child alone

  By magnet winds to her blind mother drawn,

  Bread and milk mansion in a toothless town.

  She makes for me a nettle’s innocence

  And a silk pigeon’s guilt in her proud absence,

  In the molested rocks the shell of virgins,

  The frank, closed pearl, the sea-girls’ lineaments

  Glint in the staved and siren-printed caverns,

  Is maiden in the shameful oak, omens

  Whalebed and bulldance, the gold bush of lions,

  Proud as a sucked stone and huge as sandgrains.

  These are her contraries: the beast who follows

  With priest’s grave foot and hand of five assassins

  Her molten flight up cinder-nesting columns,

  Calls the starved fire herd, is cast in ice,

  Lost in a limp-treed and uncaring silence,

  Who scales a hailing hill in her cold flintsteps

  Falls on a ring of summers and locked noons.

  I make a weapon of an ass’s skeleton

  And walk the warring sands by the dead town,

  Cudgel great air, wreck east, and topple sundown,

  Storm her sped heart, hang with beheaded veins

  Its wringing shell, and let her eyelids fasten.

  Destruction, picked by birds, brays through the jawbone,

  And, for that murder’s sake, dark with contagion

  Like an approaching wave I sprawl to ruin.

  Ruin, the room of errors, one rood dropped

  Down the stacked sea and water-pillared shade,

  Weighed in rock shroud, is my proud pyramid;

  Where, wound in emerald linen and sharp wind,

  The hero’s head lies scraped of every legend,

  Comes love’s anatomist with sun-gloved hand

  Who picks the live heart on a diamond.

  ‘His mother’s womb had a tongue that lapped up mud,’

  Cried the topless, inchtaped lips from hank and hood

  In that bright anchorground where I lay linened,

  ‘A lizard darting with black venom’s thread

  Doubled, to fork him back, through the lockjaw bed

  And the breath-white, curtained mouth of seed.’

  ‘See,’ drummed the taut masks, ‘how the dead ascend:

  In the groin’s endless coil a man is tangled.’

  These once-blind eyes have breathed a wind of visions,

  The cauldron’s root through this once-rindless hand

  Fumed like a tree, and tossed a burning bird;

  With loud, torn tooth and tail and cobweb drum

  The crumpled packs fled past this ghost in bloom,

  And, mild as pardon from a cloud of pride,

  The terrible world my brother bares his skin.

  Now in the cloud’s big breast lie quiet countries,

  Delivered seas my love from her proud place

  Walks with no wound, nor lightning in her face,

  A calm wind blows that raised the trees like hair

  Once where the soft snow’s blood was turned to ice.

  And though my love pulls the pale, nippled air,

  Prides of tomorrow suckling in her eyes,

  Yet this I make in a forgiving presence.


  When all my five and country senses see,

  The fingers will forget green thumbs and mark

  How, through the halfmoon’s vegetable eye,

  Husk of young stars and handfull zodiac,

  Love in the frost is pared and wintered by,

  The whispering ears will watch love drummed away

  Down breeze and shell to a discordant beach,

  And, lashed to syllables, the lynx tongue cry

  That her fond wounds are mended bitterly.

  My nostrils see her breath burn like a bush.

  My one and noble heart has witnesses

  In all love’s countries, that will grope awake;

  And when blind sleep drops on the spying senses,

  The heart is sensual, though five eyes break.


  We lying by seasand, watching yellow

  And the grave sea, mock who deride

  Who follow the red rivers, hollow

  Alcove of words out of cicada shade,

  For in this yellow grave of sand and sea

  A calling for colour calls with the wind

  That’s grave and gay as grave and sea

  Sleeping on either hand.

  The lunar silences, the silent tide

  Lapping the still canals, the dry tide-master

  Ribbed between desert and water storm,

  Should cure our ills of the water

  With a one-coloured calm;

  The heavenly music over the sand

  Sounds with the grains as they hurry

  Hiding the golden mountains and mansions

  Of the grave, gay, seaside land.

  Bound by a sovereign strip, we lie,

  Watch yellow, wish for wind to blow away

  The strata of the shore and drown red rock;

  But wishes breed not, neither

  Can we fend off rock arrival,

  Lie watching yellow until the golden weather

  Breaks, O my heart’s blood, like a heart and hill.


  It is the sinners’ dust-tongued bell claps me to churches

  When, with his torch and hourglass, like a sulphur priest,

  His beast heel cleft in a sandal,

  Time marks a black aisle kindle from the brand of ashes,

  Grief with dishevelled hands tear out the altar ghost

  And a firewind kill the candle.

  Over the choir minute I hear the hour chant:

  Time’s coral saint and the salt grief drown a foul sepulchre

  And a whirlpool drives the prayerwheel;

  Moonfall and sailing emperor, pale as their tideprint,

  Hear by death’s accident the clocked and dashed-down spire

  Strike the sea hour through bellmetal.

  There is loud and dark directly under the dumb flame,

  Storm, snow, and fountain in the weather of fireworks,

  Cathedral calm in the pulled house;

  Grief with drenched book and candle christens the cherub time

  From the emerald, still bell; and from the pacing weather cock

  The voice of bird on coral prays.

  Forever it is a white child in the dark-skinned summer

  Out of the font of bone and plants at that stone tocsin

  Scales the blue wall of spirits;

  From blank and leaking winter sails the child in colour,

  Shakes, in crabbed burial shawl, by sorcerer’s insect woken,

  Ding dong from the mute turrets.

  I mean by time the cast and curfew rascal of our marriage,

  At nightbreak born in the fat side, from an animal bed

  In a holy room in a wave;

  And all love’s sinners in sweet cloth kneel to a hyleg image,

  Nutmeg, civet, and sea-parsley serve the plagued groom and bride

  Who have brought forth the urchin grief.


  O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies

  Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws

  Rape and rebellion in the nurseries of my face,

  Gag of a dumbstruck tree to block from bare enemies

  The bayonet tongue in this undefended prayerpiece,

  The present mouth, and the sweetly blown trumpet of lies,

  Shaped in old armour and oak the countenance of a dunce

  To shield the glistening brain and blunt the examiners,

  And a tear-stained widower grief drooped from the lashes


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