One Last Chance: A Small-Town Romance (Oak Grove series Book 3)

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One Last Chance: A Small-Town Romance (Oak Grove series Book 3) Page 17

by Nancy Stopper

  “It sure seems so. We’ll talk about him the next time we meet.”

  The buzzer on the doctor’s desk sounded. “That’s all for today, Rachel. Keep up the good work. I’m really proud of you.”

  Rachel bounced down the steps and onto the sidewalk. The heavy weight on her heart no longer pushed against her chest. She’d come to some big conclusions today. If things got worse before they got better, like the doctor said, Rachel was ready. She was strong and she could handle anything life handed her.

  THE WORDS ON the page kept blurring. Sawyer scrubbed his eyes and tried to focus, but nothing worked. He’d do better to just give up on the form he’d been staring at for—he looked at his watch—twenty minutes. Maybe he could get some work done if his mind wouldn’t keep wandering down the street to Rachel’s appointment. Sure, he’d calmed Rachel’s frayed nerves before he’d dropped her off, but nothing he did so far had kept his own in check.

  “Knock, knock.” Robert stood in the doorway. “I thought today was your day off.”

  “Hey, boss. Come on in.” Sawyer gestured to the chair in front of his desk. “I was. I am. I’m just catching up on some paperwork while I wait for someone.”

  “The Bennett girl?”

  Busted. He’d told Robert about bringing Rachel home the first night but hadn’t told him she never left. “How do you know about Rachel?”

  Robert tapped his temple. “Small town. Something you’ll do well to remember when you’re sheriff.”

  Damn. Sawyer had put off the campaign long enough, but it was time to focus. He’d gotten the necessary signatures and turned in the paperwork to get his name on the ballot. Now came the hand shaking, business visiting, and baby kissing.

  “Just be careful. Watkins filed his paperwork and has a bug up his ass about you. Something about the Bennett call.”

  The call had been by the book. Sawyer had done nothing improper. Watkins was just looking for trouble. He didn’t care about Oak Grove. This job was just a means to an end for him. His family were prominent residents in Philly. Hell, they probably socialized with Shane’s Assistant DA father. That could explain how easily Shane’s behavior had been excused for so long. Oak Grove didn’t need the likes of Watkins protecting the safety of their town. “Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.”

  “Sawyer, talk to me. What’s going on?”

  He shuffled the papers. If only his phone would ring, his radio squawk. Something to get him out of this uncomfortable conversation. “Rachel’s been at my house since that night.”

  “I know.”

  “She’s got a lot of shit going on. She doesn’t need someone like Leon Watkins stirring the pot.”

  “Hmm. Has Buckley stepped out of line?”

  They hadn’t seen Shane since he’d been dragged from the trailer kicking and screaming. Could he have been nearby that day when they’d left the bakery? At least if someone had seen him, they could keep tabs on him. The not knowing was killing Sawyer. “Not that I know of. Do we know where he went after posting bail?”

  “I’ve had the guys do some drive-bys at the trailer. His car’s been there, but who really knows? As long as he isn’t violating his PFA, we can’t do anything about him.”

  If Shane violated the protection order, he’d have more to worry about than jail. “If anyone hears anything, let me know. This is a bad time to run for sheriff. If my running is going to hurt Rachel, I’ll withdraw now.”

  “She’s that important to you?”

  He eyed his mentor. Robert knew Sawyer didn’t let people in easily.

  “Right. Okay.” Robert nodded. “Thought I’d let you know… she’s waiting for you out in the lobby.”

  Sawyer leapt from his chair. “Little tip… in the future, lead with that.”

  Robert chuckled. “She’s fine. She’s talking to Maureen.” He backed toward the doorway. “And Sawyer?”


  “I’m happy for you.” Robert tapped the doorframe twice and then strode away.

  Sawyer grabbed his keys and cell phone and rushed out the door.

  Rachel stood at the front desk, her arms propped on the counter, her head thrown back in laughter. Her cheeks had filled out some since that day at the trailer, and her dark, shiny hair fell long and loose over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled.

  “That your newest hookup, Truman?”

  Sawyer bristled and clenched his fists. Rachel was no hookup; she was a bright, sensitive woman and he was lucky she was in his life.

  Ignoring Watkins’s pointless questions was the best way to deal with him.

  “She’s looking good. Now that she’s available, I should give her a call.”

  Sawyer spun on his heel and stepped within six inches of Leon’s face. Rachel wouldn’t appreciate Watkins sniffing around. One dirt bag in her life was enough. Sawyer used the extra five inches he had on the man to his advantage as he stared down at him. If Watkins knew what was good for him, he’d walk away. But this jackass wasn’t known to do the smart thing. “Say another word about Rachel—”

  Watkins stuck out his chin. “And what? What are you gonna do about it?”

  “Just don’t. She’s off limits. Get that through your thick skull.” Sawyer shoved his finger into Watkins’s chest for good measure.

  Leon raised his hands and took a step back. But his expression said this wasn’t the last time they’d be having this conversation. “Message received.” He trounced off, mumbling, “Sonofabitch, I’ll get him good.”

  “We’ll see about that, Watkins.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “SO HOW DO we do this?” Rachel positioned herself opposite Sawyer on the mat. Her ponytail swung as she bounced. Her T-shirt stretched across her breasts that jiggled each time her heels hit the floor.

  This wasn’t such a good idea, her looking all cute and sexy when he was about to get physical with her. Literally. Sweat beaded on his forehead. “Settle down, for one thing.” He chuckled. “We’re not preparing for a prize fight.”

  She laughed and stopped bouncing.

  He adjusted his crotch and mumbled under his breath. Now was not the time for him to be sporting an erection.

  “We’re going to focus on the vulnerable zones. But in all seriousness, honey…” He stepped closer, his body crowding her until his nose stopped right in front of hers. Scowling at her like the drunk he’d thrown into jail three days ago, he said, “I have to touch you. In some ways that might be uncomfortable.”

  She stared at her feet. “I know. But I need to do this.”

  Maybe she wasn’t ready. Maybe he wasn’t. Hand to hand training was a necessary evil that he preferred not to use. After the reality of his feelings washed through him last night, he’d barely had time to adjust to the realization, and now Rachel wanted him to touch her. To wrap his arms around her. His body couldn’t handle her being that close. Besides, he’d sworn to never touch her in anger, and here she was asking him to come at her—fists and all. “If you need to stop, say ‘enough’, okay?”

  She nodded.

  He spread his arms apart. “The first thing to learn are the vulnerable zones on a man. If anyone tries to hurt you, you’re going to reach for one of those target areas.”

  She started bouncing again. Was she excited or nervous? After all this time living in close quarters with her, he thought he’d be able to read her by now. But her expression betrayed nothing of what feelings she held inside.

  “Nose, throat, gut, groin, instep.”


  “Those are the five zones I want you to think about. Usually you can reach at least one of them at any time. Say them back to me.”

  She did. He rested his hands on her shoulders and shifted her so she faced the mirror. He moved in behind her, and she flashed him an innocent smile in the reflection, her body pressing deliciously against him.

  For a minute, his mind wandered places he had no business contemplating… him and Rachel, together. But they couldn’t be
together. Despite her kisses, she wasn’t ready for another relationship, and who would be? If only his body would get the message. His erection thickened as she shifted her hips against him. No way was this going to work, with her body touching his, her smell wrapping around him.

  He sucked in a deep breath. “You can see what’s happening in the mirror during our lesson. And remember, say ‘enough’ if you need to stop. There’s no shame in that. It may take a few times before you’re comfortable having me put you through a full workout.” In a perfect world, she would never have to use these skills, but Shane Buckley had made her life a nightmare. And now the bastard was out on bail. He couldn’t blame her for wanting to protect herself. But if it were up to him, she’d never leave his side. Then he could protect her.

  “Okay. Look in the mirror. For now, you’ll see everything I’m doing before I touch you, but normally that won’t be the case.”

  He pressed his body fully against her and her muscles tensed.

  He rested his head on her delicate shoulder. Warmth coiled through his limbs. He brushed his lips across her cheek. “Relax. You don’t know I’m the bad guy waiting to come up behind you.”

  She giggled. “Duh. Got it.” She shook out her arms and twisted her head in a circular motion.

  This was his chance—when she was at her most vulnerable. He wrapped his arms above her elbows and laced his fingers together in front of her.

  She stiffened and trembled.

  He stiffened, too. Her face was bone white in the mirror. “Are you okay?”

  Her lips flattened but she wrenched out a response. “Keep going.”

  He smiled at her strength. She had this. The woman he’d tucked into his cruiser in the yard of Shane’s trailer would never have been able to continue her lessons today, nor would she have asked for self-defense in the first place. “What are you feeling right now?”


  “Right. But is your entire body trapped?”

  “Yes?” Her voice trembled and her answer came slowly. This wasn’t a good idea. It was too soon. But a flash of determination across her face encouraged him to continue.

  “No. What part of your body is trapped?”

  “My arms.”

  The short answers, the clipped responses, betrayed her anxiety. Heat rose off her body and sweat dripped onto his hands. Should he let her go and tell her she’d never need these skills? Part of him said “yes,” because he should be her protector, but he’d made it his mission to help Rachel reach whatever level of independence she wanted. Only then could she make an informed decision about their budding relationship. Besides, he wouldn’t want someone always protecting him, and she deserved the same respect—the right to learn the skills to defend herself. “So what are you going to do now?”

  She stopped trembling. “I don’t know.”

  Fair enough. The average person wasn’t trained to use their body as a weapon against an assailant. “Do you remember the five zones I told you about?”

  She recited them back, and as she did, awareness dawned on her face.

  “There are two vulnerable zones you can get to right now. My instep and my nose. Swing your head back and smack me in the nose.”

  Her pink lips puckered. “I can’t do that. I’ll hurt you.”

  She wouldn’t physically, but as for his heart, that was another story. His fragile heart couldn’t take much more hurt. He’d loved his parents and they’d died. His grandmother died while he was an ocean away, unable to hold her hand and tell her that he loved her. Then there was Kyle, alive one minute and blown to bits by an IED the next. For him, love always lead to sorrow. He wouldn’t have to suffer the pain again if he didn’t put himself out there. But Rachel had already burrowed her way into his life and while the hurt may be different, it would still leave a hole in his soul when she left.

  “I know it’s hard, but you can’t think like that. This man has your arms trapped. Hurt him. Your goal should always be to injure him enough to get away. Now swing your head back and smack me in the nose.”

  She flipped her head back and her ponytail brushed across his face. He tilted his head sideways. Not a bad start, but not enough to take out the likes of Shane when he was angry… or drunk… or both. “Good. Try again, like you mean it.”

  This time she whipped her head hard and fast. She clipped him on the jaw before he could fling his head out of the way. A burn crept up his cheek.

  Her hands flew to her mouth and she spun on her heel. “Oh, Sawyer, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. You did great.” In just a few tries, she was headbashing like a pro. But having her in his arms, her body flush against his, aroused him in unwelcome ways. To this point, he’d been able to keep that attraction in check. This was serious business and deserved his full attention. “When he lets go of you, what do you do?”

  “I run.”

  “That’s right. You run and yell as loud as you can. That will scare most assailants off. Now let’s try again.”

  They repeated the sequence a few more times. Each time he grabbed Rachel’s arms, her firm ass melted against his crotch like an open invitation. Before long, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from taking her into his arms and letting every emotion he’d stuffed down since the day she’d moved in bubble over.

  Maybe someone else could help her with the physical back-and-forth while he instructed. And not another guy, because that might scare her. More along the lines of Maureen or Stacey from the fire station. Yeah, that was a much better idea than having Rachel’s body rubbing against his over and over.

  Heat flickered in her bright eyes. The more they practiced the sequence, the quicker she responded, until he didn’t have to remind her what to try. But did she feel the attraction arcing between them like he did?

  They worked until she had a decent handle on stomping his instep and slamming her head into his nose. Sweat poured down his face and soaked his shirt. But exertion wasn’t the only reason his body was overheated.

  Rachel stood across from him, sweat pooling between her breasts and glistening on the bare skin in the vee of her T-shirt. Her breath came in spurts, and he could imagine her panting like that as he made her come. The smile, the look of confidence in her expression, did him in. Desire flooded the depths of her green eyes, deepening them to the color of lush grass after a spring rain. He snatched a towel out of the bin and threw it at her, holding a second one in front of him. “That’s enough for today.”

  “That’s all? I want to learn more. Please?” She poked out her lower lip, her eyes pleading with him.

  What a vixen. How could he refuse anything she asked when she pouted and begged? He’d much rather suck that pouty lip into his mouth and kiss her until she forgot all about why they’d started training in the first place.

  Get your head in the game, here. He shouldn’t be thinking about throwing her down on the mat and taking her until she screamed his name. An icy cold shower would wash away what her tight, toned body had done to him.

  “Can you show me…” When her shoulders slumped, a flash of the old Rachel appeared in her downcast head and pale skin. “Show me how to get away when I’m pinned down?”

  Pinned down? Him on top of her? His crotch against her flat belly? His hands gripping her sleek wrists? Her hips bucking to throw him off? By the end of that, she might not fear Shane, but Sawyer would be a whole other issue. Hell, just the thought of her beneath him had him ready to seduce her, strip off the T-shirt clinging to her breasts, and feast on those proud, erect nipples.

  Where was that cold shower?

  “Are you scared I’ll beat you? I could easily throw you off of me. You just don’t want to try because you know I can.” Now she was baiting him. Did she have no shame?

  “You think so, huh? You forget, honey, I’ve been trained, both by the army and the sheriff’s department. I think I can take you.” He crossed his arms. At least this way he wouldn’t reach for her. Wouldn’t lower her to the m
at and brush his lips across hers.

  She waggled her finger toward him. “I don’t believe you. Not unless you show me.”

  He took a step toward her. But instead of backing away to the mat, she stalked toward him like a cat and waggled her eyebrows.

  When she turned those sexy eyes on him, he’d give her anything she wanted.

  “Lie down.” He forced the words out.


  He gritted his teeth. “I said lie down on the floor so we can practice some wrestling throws. This is what you wanted, right?” He cocked his brow.

  Her full mouth spread into a big smile, and she ran her tongue across her lower lip. “Yes, it’s what I want.” But instead of lying flat on her back, she got down on all fours and stuck her ass in the air. Great, now he was thinking about how he could slide into her from behind, reaching around her body to feel her wetness.

  She spun her head back and fluttered her lashes.

  Her eyes raked down his body, over his shoulders and down his chest. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel her fingers following the path of her gaze. But he stared at her face, attempting to appear unmoved, as she continued her perusal. She stopped at his erection and her eyes widened before her smile grew.

  He rolled his eyes and adjusted his crotch. He couldn’t hide his desire from her anymore, and frankly, why should he?

  Finally, she rolled to her side and sprawled on the mat, her arms wide and her legs open. She lowered her chin and looked up at him through hooded eyes. He straddled her on all fours, his knees on either side of her hips and his hands beside her shoulders. Her breath hitched in her chest, and her pulse thrummed heavy in her neck. It wouldn’t take much for her body to be flush against his, her core hot against his erection. His erection hardened to the point he could pound nails. Rachel stared up at him, her innocent eyes betraying nothing.

  He focused on the lesson. What else could he do? “So, now I’ve got you trapped. And I could do anything I want…”

  “What do you want to do?”

  He wanted to lower his mouth and slide his tongue against hers. To drag her into the shower and take her from behind until her moans echoed off the wet tile, to watch the water sluice off her breasts and down her lithe body.


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