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The Vacant Throne: The Legend Of Kairu Vol 3

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by Tim McFarlane

  The Legend of Kairu: Vol 2

  The Vacant Throne

  Tim McFarlane

  Mirador Publishing

  First Published by Mirador Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 by Tim McFarlane

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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  First edition: 2013

  Any reference to real names and places are purely fictional and are constructs of the author. Any offence the references produce is unintentional and in no way reflect the reality of any locations involved.

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  IBSN : 978-1-909220-98-0

  To my girlfriend, Alex.

  Who believed in this series back when it was nothing

  but incoherent ramblings and half formed ideas.

  Not that much has changed...

  It has been over two cycles of the seasons since the young Mage, Andy Holcombe, set out from the Tower of the Watchful Eye with Cathy, the demon he shares his soul with. His task was simple, gather four items from the corners of Kalenden and return them to his Master, the Keeper of the Archives.

  However, because Andy helped the Evenawks rebel against the Mages, a civil war started within the Tower. Master Pryce, head of the School of the Elemental, was revealed to be possessed by a powerful demon and started a war against the other Masters with his army of possessed Mages. Andy returned home and fought his way to the Keeper.

  Upon Andy’s arrival, the Keeper revealed his master plan of destroying magic to free the oppressed provinces from the Tower’s influence. Having seen the negatives of magic his whole life, the Keeper tried to persuade Andy to see his way. Andy, seeing the Tower, not magic, as the source of the problems, banished the Tower to the Spirit Plane by deliberately mis-performing the spell.

  With nowhere to go, and little money, Andy travelled the countryside. He lived with Aaron and Natalie, friends from his journey, in Balendar before moving on to Donkor in Nesqa. He was forced to keep moving as the citizens of Kalenden became more hostile to magic users.

  The Mages who weren’t in the Tower at the time of its banishment were forced to hide their identities for fear of being attacked by the angry mobs. Some tried to band together to fill the void left by the Tower but were quickly struck down. The king of Balendar and the Emperor of Nesqa, quickly tried to regain control of the chaotic provinces.

  Out west, in the Ghanlar Plateau, the Evenawk Bird People were reclaiming their ancestral land from the remaining Tower Mages. The war would be a quick one, but Andy didn’t want any part of it. He moved to the one place he knew he would be safe. He headed north and joined the Nao, the Tree People of the Szwen Forest.

  They welcomed Andy back and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. They would grow him a house close to the lands of Balendar if he took on the role of Kairu, Guardian of the Forest. Andy accepted and has been living in the forest for over a cycle now.

  It was driving Cathy crazy...

  Chapter 1

  I opened my eyes and stretched out in my poorly constructed bed. Its wonky form was my own fault, but it was the first thing I had ever built. Having no previous experience in woodworking, I was just happy it never broke in the middle of the night while I slept.

  At least it turned out better than the bookcase, Cathy said. I felt her engulf my mind before retreating to her usual spot in the back. Do you want me to show you the memory?

  “Oh, Void, no,” I responded. “Looking at the thing every day is enough of a reminder.”

  The bookcase only had one remaining shelf holding the book of spells and rituals I’d saved from the Tower and a couple of fiction books picked up on my travels. The other shelves broke when the second shelf down fell off its bearings and took everything with it. It was a nasty mess. The potted Ru flower I had received from Huntress Fawna had fallen and rooted into the dirt floor. Little orange and red flowers had spread around the bookcase.

  What’s on the agenda today? Cathy asked in mock excitement. Running around the forest? Practising magic? Singing campfire songs?

  I chuckled. “I was thinking more along the lines of hunting down bandits. It has been quiet in the forest lately. With the winter season coming up, we should stock up on trading supplies. I think a big, juicy bandit camp will give us enough trade items.”

  I could feel Cathy’s happiness grow. That is a good idea. Can we use Ice Fists this time?

  “Of course,” I responded.

  I sat up into the bed and heard it creak. I waited for a second before standing up. The bed remained in one piece for another day. I crossed the house to the crooked dresser with the one stuck drawer and grabbed a set of simple clothes. I had to ditch my Mage robes after I heard of the attacks on anyone with magic. Dealing with people was hard enough without them wanting to break your nose.

  Out of the five pieces of furniture I had built, the dresser was probably the best. The bookcase and bed were disasters, the chair’s legs were uneven and the table couldn’t hold any weight. The fact that only one dresser drawer was stuck was a sign I was improving.

  Without money to buy proper furniture, I was forced to build my own out of dead trees and sticks. The Nao don’t need or use furniture because their bodies act the same way as trees. I was just happy they grew me an impressive house. It had protected me against some of the worst winds, rains and snows I had ever seen. But I still wanted to pick up some extra blankets for the winter. I had made the mistake of not worrying about it last winter.

  Fully dressed, I attached the sheath to my waist and slid my short sword in. It was a basic iron short sword I picked up shortly after I left Aaron’s farm. The weapon was more for show so I could be easily mistaken for a farmer or peasant whenever I go to Davalin, the closest major city, to trade.

  I shut the door to the house and welcomed the early morning with another stretch. The claustrophobic Szwen Forest loomed over me but I was close enough to the edge that I could stare out into the countryside. The Balendar farmlands and Archanion Field stretched out as far as the eye could see. As boring as the forest could be, it had started to feel a bit like home.

  Not by much though, Cathy added.

  I turned my attention back to the forest and stretched out with my mind. The buzz of forest life filled my head and I tuned it out and focused for Human or Nao life forces. It was part of my guardian duties for the Nao; assist the Nao huntresses in fending off bandits and redirecting lost travellers.

  I caught the unmistakable feeling of Nao magic and focused on it, trying to see through it. Three Nao huntresses had cast a spell over eight Humans. I had to re-count the Humans to be sure. This was the largest group I had seen since spring when a caravan was attacked outside the forest. When I counted eight Humans the second time, I broke my focus on the group and sprinted into their direction.

  The Nao magic was mainly Illusion work to scare away travellers. If they deemed someone a threat, they would trick the unsuspecting person into a false sense of security and feed on their souls. I had always thought the soul suck
ing was a horror story to keep children in line, but I had seen it over the summer. My appetite didn’t return for two days.

  What do you think it will be? Cathy asked.

  If the Nao are aggressive, it will be an armed group.

  The bandits came to us today, Cathy said excitedly.

  I wove my way through the trees and bushes of the forest with practiced ease. One of my first goals had been to map out the forest in my head for faster travel and improve my physique. I am proud to say that I am no longer the weakling I was when I left the Tower for the first time.

  I emerged into the clearing where Huntress Fawna and two other Nao surrounded a group of armed guards. I recognised Fawna by her vine work. Nao bodies are Human-like, but completely green with a pale light that seems to glow from within. Leaves and branches grow from the top of their heads like hair and vines cover their bodies in unique patterns. Fawna’s vines wrapped around her ankles, travelled up her side and wrapped again around her biceps.

  The Humans weren’t bandits or even travelling merchants. They were the armed guards of the city of Davalin; I recognised the blue cross on their shields. One was a giant of a man in plate mail with a two-handed war hammer on his back. The leader of the group was a small blonde woman in well-crafted steel armour, fit for either high standing officials or royalty. Either wasn’t good news.

  I approached Huntress Fawna quickly and raised my arm. From deep within my body, the power travelled through me and out of my hand in the form of a Dispel. It hit Huntress Fawna in the side and I felt the magical trap break. Huntress Fawna spun towards me and raised her arm, but dropped it when she recognised me.

  “Kairu,” she bowed slightly. “Why did you stop us?”

  “What’s going on here?” the leader shouted.

  I quickly walked into position in front of the Humans and tried to stand in a non-threatening manner. “I trust there is a good reason for the Davalin guard to be trespassing in the Szwen Forest.”

  The guardsmen had their swords out and the Nao were working their way slowly to hide behind me.

  “Watch out, my lady,” the giant said. His war hammer was ready and looked dangerous. “He’s a Mage.”

  “But not the one we are looking for,” the leader said, intrigued. “Put your weapons down.” Everyone hesitated. “I said put them down!”

  The guardsmen put their weapons away quickly and the giant stared at me with hatred before complying with the little blonde girl’s command.

  The leader turned to me. “We apologise for entering the forest. I am Lady Sandra Middleton, daughter of Lord Middleton of Davalin. We are hunting the Mage, Davenport. When he gave us the slip, we ended up lost in the forest.”

  I couldn’t prevent shock from spreading to my face. I turned to Huntress Fawna. “Has a Mage come through here recently?”

  “Not to my knowledge, Kairu. Let me check,” Huntress Fawna answered. Her black eyes turned grey as she started communicating telepathically with the other huntresses.

  “What did this Mage do?” I asked.

  “You don’t know?” Lady Sandra asked, confused.

  “I do not get much news out here,” I answered.

  “You live out here?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “That makes sense then,” she replied. “You’re the Hermit of the Forest.”

  Cathy laughed in my head. Hermit of the Forest? Is that for real?

  “You are the one the villagers talk about?” Lady Sandra continued. “You guide the caravans, hunt the bandits and trade with the farmers.” I nodded. “Davalin owes you its thanks then.”

  “You never answered my question,” I stated.

  Lady Sandra smirked, but her face quickly returned to normal. “No, I didn’t. Davenport murdered the royal family and tried to seize control of Balendar.”

  The news hit me hard as I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I had only met the king once on my trip around Kalenden. He seemed like a fair ruler and pleasant man and was very well liked by the citizens of Balendar. I couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for the province now.

  Get away from those thoughts, Cathy said. No politics. Remember?

  “You better start from the beginning,” I said to Lady Sandra.

  “We don’t have time for this,” the giant snapped.

  “I assure you I can help you,” I countered. “If Davenport is in this forest, you are going to need me as a guide.”

  “We could just burn this forest to the ground and be done with it,” the giant snarled.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Huntress Fawna tense up and take a step forward. I rested my hand on her shoulder and she relaxed slightly.

  “One more outburst and I will send you back to Davalin,” Lady Sandra said raising her voice. She turned back to me. “You’ll have to forgive, Ser Wilson. It has been a tense few days. He is right, though, we have to be quick.

  “Alfred Davenport was the advisor to the king. Since the Tower’s destruction, things had been tense between Mages and civilians. King Victor wanted to help create harmony and brought in Davenport to help. Davenport repaid that kindness by poisoning the entire family during dinner. He seized control of Thurlborn Peak and started a campaign against the Lords. He invited them all over and tried to poison them during dinner. My father saw through this and he and a couple of the Lords escaped before Davenport and his guards could have them killed. They gathered their armies and took back Thurlborn Peak.

  “Davenport escaped before he could be sentenced and I gathered this group to hunt him down. We followed his trail to this forest before he gave us the slip. Now we need to get out of the forest and try to pick up his trail before he gets away.”

  I nodded slowly and rubbed my chin as she told her story. She was holding something back as if the memories brought her great pain but I knew she wouldn’t say anything. She seemed too proud and driven to show any sign of weakness.

  I like her already, Cathy said.

  What do you make of the story?

  Mages sure do love to cause problems, Cathy answered. It’s not like there aren’t enough problems.

  There are still some who believe they are entitled and seek power.

  Well, if he was in here, we would have already known it, Cathy stated.

  I nodded. “That is quite the story and I understand the need for speed.” I turned to Huntress Fawna. “What do the other Huntresses say?”

  “No Mage has entered the forest,” she responded. “There were reports of a Human male running west. He was observed, but nothing could be done unless he entered the forest.”

  I nodded and turned back to Lady Sandra. “He wouldn’t risk entering the forest if he knows the Nao are watching. Heading west is an even bigger mistake. The Evenawks will not greet him with open arms. It may be safe to say that Davenport will be dead shortly.”

  “Until I plunge my sword into his chest myself, I will not believe he is dead,” she stated. Again, the feeling of something hidden crept into my mind. Or it could just be Cathy creeping around.

  Sure, blame me for everything, Cathy said.

  “Then I offer my services as a guide,” I said.

  “We don’t need your help, Mage,” Ser Wilson said, keeping his tone civilised.

  “I know the forest, plains and mountains very well,” I countered. “We will make up the lost time and my friendship with the Evenawks will be invaluable.”

  “A Mage that is friends with the Evenawks? That is hard to believe,” Lady Sandra said.

  “It was easy enough to achieve. All I had to do was liberate Scert’chak from the Mages,” I stated, crossing my arms.

  Lady Sandra’s eyes widened in surprise. “What do you want in return for helping us?”

  “Winter is coming,” I answered. “I could use some extra supplies.”

  “Easy enough,” Lady Sandra said. “You have a deal...Kairu, was it?”

  I nodded and pointed out of the forest. “You ca
n get out of here through there. I’ll meet up with you after I grab my things.” I turned to Huntress Fawna. “Inform Mistress Carlia of where I’ll be.”

  “Yes, Kairu,” Huntress Fawna said, slightly bowing.

  The Davalin guards were already filing out of the forest as Huntress Fawna led the Nao away. This was definitely a change from what I had expected.

  Yes, but a good change, Cathy said.

  Do you think this is going to be an easy trip?

  Oh, Void no, Cathy exclaimed. Knowing our luck, we’ll be fighting a dragon by the end of this.

  I laughed and headed for my house.

  Chapter 2

  There wasn’t much to pack at my house. I threw some extra clothes, my maps and my water flask into the backpack, but still had tons of extra room. When I grabbed the ritual book from the bookcase the final shelf collapsed, sending the few fiction books into the flowers.

  “I’ll take care of that later,” I said looking down at the squished flowers.

  Is it really worth it? Cathy asked rhetorically.

  I started for the door but stopped and headed back to the dresser. Hidden amongst the clothes in a drawer was a shard of the old white staff from the Forge of Kings. It was the only piece I could find after the Tower’s destruction and I kept it around as a good luck charm. I wrapped it in an old shirt and placed it in my bag before heading out the door.

  Lady Sandra’s group were exactly where I had directed them and I pulled out the map to show them the easier route. If Davenport was tracing the outside of the forest to get to Ghanlar, he would still have to travel south before heading up the mountain. I showed the route through the Archanion Field that would help us make up for lost time.

  “I’m not too keen on crossing Archanion,” Ser Wilson said, studying the map. “If you follow the rumours, the local wildlife has become more aggressive since the Tower’s destruction.”

  “It is still the best route to Ghanlar,” I responded. “It would be more dangerous to stay close to the forest if wildlife is your main concern.”


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