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Kidnapped by Her Mate (An Ironhaven Pack Romance Book 5)

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by Piper Fox

  She kicked her feet and pounded her fists against his lower back. “Put me down!”

  Garrett didn’t bother answering as he wrapped his around her thighs so she couldn’t flail her way off him. He strode over to his car and popped the trunk. Then he leaned forward dropped her into the empty space carefully, not wanting to hurt her, even though he wasn’t entirely gentle as he manhandled her and closed the hatch over her.

  Gods, had she always been this stubborn?

  He slid into the driver’s seat, ignoring her shouts and her anger. The roar of the engine quickly drowned them out, but it couldn’t hide her scent filling the car. Surrounding him like he was a teenager hot boxing with a joint.

  Except Lexi’s smell was so much more enticing. Even through the anger in her scent couldn’t cover the tempting aroma of toasted marshmallows and melted chocolate, like s’mores cooked over a campfire.

  Shaking his head, he slammed down on the gas, spun around and jolted toward Ironhaven.

  “Garrett! What the hell?” Lexi was still shouting, kicking at his back seat, anything she could do to try to get his attention, as if that would get him to stop.

  He chuckled as he sped through town, ignoring the fact that he’d just kidnapped her. She was being stupid, risking her life, and he wasn’t going to let that fly. As he pulled into his garage, he shut off the engine and closed the garage door before he got out to open the trunk.

  Lexi was red with anger, her blonde hair wild around her face as she sat up. She braced her arms like she was ready to spring from his trunk and run away. “What the fuck?”

  Garrett caught a good eye-full of her cleavage as he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder as he carried her inside. “You going to stay here on your own, or should I tie you to the bed?”

  Lexi pushed against him, scowling deeply as she tried to squirm out of his grip. “You can’t keep me here, Garrett.”

  “The hell I can’t. You’re not taking care of yourself. If you can’t even be trusted to leave your burned-out house for one night, I’m not leaving you alone until whoever did this is taken care of.”

  He smirked as he plopped her onto his big, four-poster bed. “Last chance before I get out the ropes.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes. “You wouldn’t really tie me to the bed.”

  “You don’t know me very well if you think I’m above using ropes on a woman.” He smirked and stepped back toward the dresser, waiting to see what she’d do.

  His wolf was howling at the sight of her, sprawled out on his dark sheets.

  Lexi jumped off, running for the door.

  Garrett was faster. Stronger. And he knew the layout of the room better than she did, and he was already closer to the door. He grabbed her around the middle and growled at her. “The ropes it is.”

  He hauled her back to the bed and straddled her as he looped a fabric cuff around one wrist, then the other. It wasn’t exactly rope, but the sex cuffs were designed to bind a woman to his bed, and she looked damn good splayed out like that.

  The whole time, she writhed underneath him, fighting her hold.

  Tempting him with her scent.

  Garrett just smirked as he moved down and tied her ankles too.

  “You can’t keep me here. I’ll scream.” She scowled at him, but her body was giving him different messages.

  Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, like her heart was racing. Her eyes were locked, not on his face, but closer to his crotch. Even through the denim of her jeans, he could smell her arousal.

  “Go right ahead. But if you insist on screaming, I could think of more fun ways to use those ties. Better reasons for you to strain your voice.” He sat on the edge of the bed and looked her up and down. “Come on, Ms. Perry. You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about me.”

  She shook her head. “You’re too cocky for your own good. If you think you can just kidnap me and that’ll get me swooning, you’ve got another think coming.”

  Garrett smiled as she tugged against the cuffs. “Maybe some time alone will help you see reason.” He patted her hip before he got up and walked to the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  Lexi snarled as she spat out, “Like I could! God, my hands are going to go to sleep!”

  Garrett shook his head as he closed the door behind her. He knew he didn’t make the cuffs too tight; if she really wanted to, she could slip loose.

  Not that he’d let her get that far.

  Garrett could completely understand Lexi’s need to take care of herself, and he didn’t begrudge her that. But he wasn’t going to let her be stupid about it. Bellemare wolves were nothing to mess with, and if Zain was willing to stoop so low as to curse female wolves, Garrett doubted he’d stop at just the wolves.

  Especially now that the pack was healing. Now that wolves were finding mates, finding the strength that came from that bond.

  Garrett’s cell phone rang. He pulled it out and saw Merrick’s name.

  “Hey, boss.”

  “Trevor told me he saw you haul Lexi away. Everything okay?”

  He snorted. “She was being stubborn. I brought her home to keep her safe.”

  Merrick chuckled. “I bet she loved that. Do you need backup?”

  “I can’t imagine those Bellemare twats will come here looking for her. Any sign of them?”

  “We caught their scent, but they hightailed it back to their territory. I’ve got extra patrols on them. You sure you’re good with Lexi? She can stay with me and Sierra.”

  “I’ve got her.” He didn’t like the possessiveness roaring through him as he thought about his Alpha taking Lexi away.

  “You got a thing for this woman?” Merrick asked.

  “Hardly. I just don’t want her stubbornness getting her killed.”

  “Call if you need anything. I’ll send Roark around to check on you throughout the night.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  He tossed his phone on the counter and grabbed a couple beers from his fridge and took them out to the back porch, staring out into the woods that backed up to his property. Almost every night, he came out here, hoping Owen would show up. Hoping Owen would shift back into his human form and sit with him, even just for a while.

  Sometimes, he’d see the big, black shape of his brother’s wolf at the edge of the trees. Sometimes, he’d just catch the reflection of the moon off his eyes. But usually, he drank both beers and toasted to Owen, hoping he’d come home one day.

  Tonight, though, even if Owen did show up, Garrett was too in his own head to notice.

  Lexi Perry was tied to his bed. Tormenting his wolf with her scent. Torturing his cock with her curves, her pouty, full lips, and that sweet, husky moan. He craved more of that moan. He wanted to know what she sounded like in the throes of passion with his face or cock buried between her lush thighs.

  If he hadn’t just kidnapped her, he would’ve made better use of the curvy minx tied up in his bed.

  The first time he saw her, she was covered up to her knees in mud spatter, hair a mess, barely hidden under a cowboy hat, cursing up a storm under her breath as she stomped into the hardware store. Barely eighteen, trying to hold together a ranch that was too big for her on her own.

  And just about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  She was off limits then. Human. Vulnerable, but still tough as nails.

  Now, though? The pack was mating humans. And now that his wolf had her scent, all he could think about was kissing those pouty lips and finding out if she was worth breaking all his self-imposed rules for. Would Owen approve? He didn’t feel right looking at a mate, pondering whether she’d want his bite, when his brother was out in the woods, lost to a madness Garrett couldn’t begin to imagine, because he’d lost his own mate.

  When both beers were empty, Garrett resignedly headed back inside. He knew he couldn’t keep Lexi forever, and he doubted she’d stay if he let her out of the ties.

  But at least for the night, he intended to keep her s

  As he opened the bedroom door, his jaw dropped.

  Lexi’s shirt had ridden up, exposing just the bottom of a bright red, lacy bra, and her hair was tousled around her face. Her cheeks were pink, and when she caught him staring, she glared as if one stern look could kill.

  “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Not tonight, Ms. Perry.” He smirked as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him again. “Tonight, at least, I know you’re safe.” He gripped the bottom of his shirt and tugged it off over his head. “Might as well get comfortable.”

  Temptation for Two

  Lexi’s mouth went dry at the sight of him shirtless. As he crawled onto the bed, straddling her again, all those naughty fantasies she’d had about the hot fireman came rushing back. Only this time, it was so much more real. His bare skin brushed against her belly as he leaned close, reaching up to one of her wrists.

  Just the idea of being with him, at his mercy, made her panties wet. Shaking her head, she knew she should be fighting him. He kidnapped her. Tied her up. And all she could think about was him ripping off her jeans and taking her body in any way he wanted.


  He dropped his hand from the ties on her wrist, moving to press his palms to the pillows on either side of her head. “Yes, Ms. Perry?”

  God, why was that hot? She’d never been turned on by someone using her last name. Before tonight she couldn’t remember Garrett ever calling her Lexi, or even Alexandra.

  “What are you doing?” She licked her lips, staring at his mouth instead of his eyes.

  “What do you want me to do?” He ground against her. “I can smell how wet you are.”

  She shook her head, even though there wasn’t really any denying it. And based on the rock hard, thick cock pressing against her, he wasn’t denying it either. “It’s stupid. God, I’m stupid.” She tugged against the cuffs. “Does tying girls up make you hot? Do you kidnap all the women you fuck?”

  He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her neck. “Usually I only tie up the ones who want me to.” He smirked. “But I think you like being tied up, Ms. Perry.”

  She writhed under him, pressing up with her hips. “What are you going to do with me?”

  He looked down at her and asked again, “What do you want me to do?”

  Lexi could feel the blush creeping into her cheeks, her chest, as she mumbled, “I don’t know.” She knew she should want him to let her go, but more than that, she wanted him to fuck her. After the night she had, she just wanted something to feel good and not like she’d lost everything.

  Garrett surprised her by pressing his lips to hers, claiming her mouth in a rough, forceful kiss. It took next to no time for his tongue to plunge into her mouth, slicking over hers.

  God, he was a good kisser.

  His hips rotated against hers again, pressing her pelvis into the mattress.

  As he pulled away, he growled out, “Fuck.”

  She stared at him, a little dazed by the kiss, and wanting so much more. “What?”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have kissed you.” His eyes were gold, like a good glass of whiskey, and almost glowing in the dim light. His teeth were just a little longer, just a little sharper, as if his wolf was fighting to come out.

  She’d talked to Nichole enough to know what that meant. She blinked a couple times, almost wishing she read the signs wrong. He’d kissed her and she felt it everywhere, to the depth of her bones.

  “I’m your mate,” she murmured. What surprised her most of all was she was excited at the notion of being his mate. She’d never considered one of the Ironhaven wolves as a partner, but Garrett certainly held her attention. She knew how the wolves claimed their mates and she wanted it. She wanted him to bite her and really make her his.

  Did he want her too? Would he want to claim her?

  But the growl, the possessive way his hands slid under her and pulled her up against his chest, just added to the certainty.

  “Mine.” He kissed her again, grinding against her harder, making her moan against his lips.

  In a breath, he ripped her shirt open, severed the front of her bra, and dropped his head to her breasts. His mouth on her made her feel like she was on fire, and she was sure she was soaking her panties, her jeans, maybe even the bedding beneath her. She panted heavily, her body aching for more. For all of it.

  “Garrett… I want you inside me.” It was a demand she’d never made of a lover, preferring to use unspoken cues. With her hands bound, her legs splayed wide beneath him, held in place by his fucking cuffs, she couldn’t touch him, couldn’t wrap her legs around his thighs.

  Garrett groaned and pulled back, kneeling between her legs. The way he was staring at her, at her exposed body, made her moan.

  “Are you sure about this?” His claws were out, and he leaned down to grip her wide hips.

  Lexi nodded. Her whole body craved his, and with him so close, the taste of his lips still on hers, the last thing she wanted him to do was stop.

  He slid his hands to the waistband of her jeans, the claws just barely scraping against her skin before he shredded the denim and pulled her pants away from her body.

  “Gods, you’re perfect. And all mine.” He stood just long enough to take his own jeans off, but his eyes never left her body. Her spread legs.

  She’d never felt so on display in her life. Or so wanted.

  Garrett licked his lips as he reached down and stroked his cock. His long, hard, huge cock. He crawled back on the bed, between her thighs, and grinned at her. “If we do this, I want it all. I want to claim you. I’m not going to make the same mistake my brother did.”

  Lexi groaned as he slid his cock through her folds, teasing her. “Take me, Garrett. Claim me.” She knew she should’ve hesitated, even for a second, to think about it, but with the way he was looking at her, the intensity of emotions coursing through her, knowing that she was not only going to live out her fantasies, but that they could be forever, she didn’t care about the timing.

  Being mated to a wolf had always sounded particularly hot.

  Garrett kissed her hungrily as he thrust in slowly. His hands gripped her hips roughly, digging in as he stretched her wide.

  Lexi moaned, rocking her hips up against his, straining against the ties holding her. She wanted more, wanted to wrap around him, hold him tight as he took her.

  He thrust in slow and deep, taking his time to kiss everywhere he could.

  “God, Garrett!” She groaned as he nipped at her nipple playfully. It was like he knew exactly what her body needed, exactly how to touch her to make her come.

  He leaned back, keeping his cock buried deep as he released her feet.

  Immediately, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he dropped back down to kiss her again. The freedom of her feet gave her leverage, and she rocked against him harder, needing more. Of everything.

  Garrett nipped at her lip and pulled back slightly, growling out, “Come for me, Lexi. Let me feel your release.”

  She arched up, pressing her breasts closer to him. “Touch me. My breasts, my clit. I’m so close.”

  He bent, flicking his tongue over one nipple as his hand slid between them.

  Lexi moaned, her whole body tense with need, so close to release as his hands and mouth worked her over. When she came, she groaned out his name, gripping the binds holding her to the bed.

  She ached to touch him, to run her hands through his short hair, to grip his shoulders, anything to keep him close.

  Garrett thrust in deep as his teeth scraped the top curve of her breast, just before he bit into the flesh there.

  The addition of his bite pushed her deeper into her orgasm, and a moment later she felt him let go too, filling her with his release.

  When she started to come down, Garrett reached up and untied her wrists, rolling them so that she was sprawled across him. “Don’t run, okay? I’m nowhere near done with you.”

  Lexi smirked as she pressed a soft
kiss to his lips. She doubted she could even walk right then, let alone run.

  Garrett kept Lexi up most of the night, fucking her in every position they could think of, and some she was sure only existed in his bedroom.

  She was thankful that she spent so much time working on the ranch, hauling things, stretching her hips wide riding horses. Even though she wasn’t ever going to be a size six, she was strong, and she was flexible.

  And Garrett made great use of both. The man had so much stamina, she was kind of amazed she kept up. She supposed that had to do with the bite.

  On top of all of that, she felt amazing. Alive. And powerful. She knew the bite would change her, but she had no idea it would work so fast. Like she was meant to be a wolf’s mate.

  Garrett was asleep. Curled up around her, looking just as perfect as ever. Maybe even more perfect. And he was hers. The back-to-back crescent moons on her breast confirmed it.

  Even though it still felt like a fantasy.

  Lexi wanted to stay in their bubble, stay in the fantasy with him. But the real world was still out there. And wolf’s mate or not, she wasn’t giving up her ranch to the fucking Bellemare mayor, or any of his pack.

  She slipped out of bed and found something she could wear. She didn’t know yet how she was going to get back to her ranch in next to nothing, but at least if she could get out of Garrett’s house, she could go back to protecting what was hers.

  When Garrett didn’t grab her, didn’t stop her, she snuck to the end of the driveway and called Nichole.

  “Hey! I heard about your house. Are you okay? Where are you?”

  “I’m at Garrett Tyler’s house. I need a ride.” She bit her lip. “And I need you to not tell your wolf about it.”

  “Ooh, intrigue.” Nichole chuckled. “Okay. I’m on my way. As soon as I find some pants.”

  Lexi was nervous the entire time she waited. Nervous that Garrett would come after her. Nervous that he knew she was gone and didn’t care. Nervous about what she’d find when she got home.

  “You were holding out on me!” Nichole pushed open the passenger door and laughed. “You weren’t just at Garrett’s house. You were in his bed.”


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