Braden: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Braden: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 5

by York, Adora

  “I might have forgotten to do that…” I realized that we didn’t exactly trade pleasantries—it was more like hello, let’s fuck.

  “If his father is an attorney and knows me, he won’t have any trouble getting in touch with you if he’s interested.” He walked towards the living room.

  Braden was definitely interested, or at least he was interested long enough to do things to me I could never tell my father about. Just thinking about it made my pelvis start to tingle, despite the worry I had for Ronald’s safety. I took a step forward and realized that the tingle had left me a little more excited than I realized. I could feel the wetness between my legs. I walked into the living room and picked up my cell phone before darting upstairs. I fell back in bed and the thoughts came rushing back. I could feel my body being pushed against the wall, his cock slamming into my pussy over and over until I was completely soaked in desire. My breath picked up a little bit and I squirmed, squeezing my legs together. Braden was so damn hot, and he had left an impression on me, despite the pain inflicted on my body. I felt more tingling and closed my eyes before I realized it was my cell phone buzzing on the bed beside me. I picked it up, thinking it would be Ronald. I didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello?” I greeted the mysterious number apprehensively.

  “Hello, Angela.” I knew the voice; it was unmistakable.

  “Braden? How did you get my number?” I asked, but I really didn’t even care. I was just happy to hear from him.

  “I have my ways. I’m going to send you an address. Be there tonight at seven o’clock.” The line went dead.

  “Braden?” I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at it. A text message popped up with an address.

  Chapter 8: Braden

  After staring at Angela’s picture for several minutes, I shifted my gaze over to her father’s image. He was the source of my hate and he deserved it. I looked over at Danielle, Angela’s little sister, and contemplated making her my target. She was a plain kind of pretty, not the ravishing beauty Angela was. No, she simply would not do. The pain would still be there for her father, but she would not look good in the headlines. I needed a face that would make people take notice, and Angela certainly had the ability to captivate. The message had to be clear. It had to tug at the heartstrings and it had to instill fear. How could the city trust a District Attorney to protect them when he couldn’t even keep his darling daughter alive? I heard a knock at my door and when I opened it, I was surprised to see Don Abrami standing there. He walked into my room without waiting for an invitation, not that he needed one. Anything that belonged to a member of the Family belonged to him.

  “Stefano tells me that you were not successful on your mission last night.” He took a seat and I poured him a glass of whiskey.

  “Unfortunately, I was not. There were too many people around.” I shook my head and poured a second glass for myself.

  “Perhaps it was for the best. Vengeance does require proper timing.” He nodded as he took the glass and sipped it.

  “It still has to be swift.” I replied, stating something he said to Stefano after Mary was killed.

  “I don’t know if the other Families will have your back on this one, Braden. Killing the daughter of the District Attorney could have consequences for all five tables.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out two Cuban cigars.

  “I know.” I took one without hesitation and lit it up. “But he intentionally got my father killed. His name was on the document that stripped his protection in prison and threw him into gen pop.”

  “He did, but he wasn’t the one who stabbed him.” Don Abrami replied.

  “Yeah, a fucking Eight-Baller shanked him in the shower, but guess what—Madison knew that would happen! He knows we don’t have the numbers in prison, which is why we pay to keep them protected.” I shook my head in rage. “He declared war on the Mafia in his election campaign.”

  “All politicians say that. They use us to get elected, and then they take our money to keep the peace. I agree that Madison needs to go, but a bullet would do the trick.” Don Abrami lifted his cigar to his lips and puffed it, inhaling all of the smoke into his lungs before exhaling.

  “He’ll get one, but he needs to suffer first. He needs to know that his actions caused her to die, and he needs to grieve over her corpse.” I drummed the edge of the chair and then puffed my own cigar.

  “You’re a man who has felt pain, Braden. Most would settle for just revenge, but you know what it is like to lose someone close.” He shook his head back and forth. “It has turned you into a sadist.”

  “If you tell me to spare her life, I would do that. I respect you as much as I respected my own father.” I stared at him and narrowed my eyes.

  “You know I can’t do that. It is a violation of the code. If this starts a war, we will handle it just like we’ve handled it since our father’s fathers stepped foot on American soil.” He shrugged. “He spilled your family’s blood, so our Family will respect your decision, whatever it is.”

  “Thank you.” I let smoke roll out of my lips.

  “Your father didn’t want this life for you. You know that, right? He was proud of the soldier you were in Uncle Sam’s army and hoped you would choose a different path.” Don Abrami tilted his head and nodded.

  “I would have chosen a different path, too. Mary’s death changed that…” My words trailed off.

  “Yes it did. It changed things for you and for Stefano. I’m proud to have both of you in the Family. I could see either one of you sitting at our table one day.” He continued to nod. “Things didn’t use to be like this. We used to get respect. Harlem’s trash didn’t used to spill over to our streets. These common thug gangs like the Eight-Ballers used to stay out of our way and settle for whatever we didn’t want. All of the years the Five Families spent warring against each other made us weak.”

  “We’ll get that back. You’re the first man to be called Don in a long time.” I nodded my head in respect.

  “The unification of the Families kept them pacified for a while, but as we bicker among ourselves over territories and money, they get stronger. It is only a matter of time until they hit us again like they did the day Mary died.” He stood up.

  “I’ll kill them all before I let that happen.” I stood up and took his hand.

  “Now that is something all Five Families will support you on.” He clasped my shoulder and walked towards the door.

  The day Mary died was still burned in my memories as if it was yesterday. The heads of all Five Families were having the first sit down discussion in a long time, hoping to find some sort of common ground. Just when the talks looked like they were headed in the wrong direction, the Eight-Ballers drove by the restaurant and opened fire. I saw the van coming, but I didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. I was a different man then, still fresh from my last tour of Iraq and ready to begin a new life with Mary. She was smiling at me when the first gunshot rang out, but her smile quickly faded and was replaced by blood. She wasn’t a part of their war; she wasn’t a part of any war. I was the soldier, and I was supposed to protect her. It was that failure which brought on my rage, turned me into a monster, and pulled me into the Family. Five years later, my father faced the same fate, a victim of a war ignited by Angela’s father. I decided that I needed some distraction, so I picked up the phone and called downstairs.

  “Hey, this is Braden. Send a girl up to my room. How about the one from last night, the blonde? Thanks.” I ended the call as they were going over details; I didn’t need to hear the details. Pussy was pussy.

  After the Five Families found common ground following the attack, Dario Abrami, the head of our Family, was named Don. Everyone agreed that he would lead and make the final decisions regarding the direction of our cause. Our compound, a house with a large underground network, became headquarters for the Mafia. Single guys like Stefano and I could live there full time, while others came and went as needed. It o
ffered everything we could get in the outside world: booze, girls, and even drugs for those who liked that sort of thing. Drugs really didn’t interest me, but I loved having an endless supply of liquor and the other things I desired. I sat down in my chair and waited for the slut to arrive. The feeling inside of me was hollow and empty. I didn’t even care that there was a woman coming to take my cock. It was barely more than a business arrangement.

  “Braden?” She asked as she pushed open my door.

  “In here.” I said and clicked off the lamp. In the dimly lit room, she looked a little bit like Angela.

  “I didn’t think you’d want me again; you didn’t seem to enjoy it very much last time.” She said as she walked in.

  “Take off your clothes.” I said as I sipped my whiskey.

  Pieces of her clothes began to hit the floor as I struggled to become aroused. It had never been a problem before. Normally the swelling would come if I simply thought about the relief it was going to bring. The whore stood naked in front of me, and while she resembled Angela before I had been with the District Attorney’s daughter, she didn’t look anything like her anymore. Angela was a vision of perfection and the woman in front of me was nothing more than a whore who had been used by every man in the building. She disgusted me. Instead of my cock getting hard, I felt it retracting inside, almost hiding from her visage. There was no reason to undress or even stand up. I knew the whore couldn’t do anything for me. I sipped my whiskey as she got closer and each step revolted me further. I held up my hand and made her stop. I slowly moved my eyes up and down her body, trying to find something that would spark an interest. Her breasts were fake, her lips were fake, and even her ass was fake. I shook my head back and forth.

  “No. Get dressed and get the fuck out of here.” I said angrily.

  “What? You made me come all the way up here just to turn me away?” She looked shocked and confused. I knew she had never felt rejection before.

  “Look, whore.” I stood up angrily, towering over her. “Unless you want me to throw you down the fucking stairs, get dressed and get the fuck out of here!” I roared with anger and pointed at the door.

  Her face went pale and color drained from everything except for her collagen soaked lips. She didn’t even bother to get dressed. She practically tripped over her clothes and shoes as she gathered them up and ran towards the door. I poured another glass of whiskey and sat down with rage building inside of me. Angela’s face stared from behind my blade, taunting me with her smile. How could one fuck turn me sideways? I spat angrily towards the board and picked up Ronald’s cell phone. It had been deactivated to avoid tracing, but it still had power left in it. I flipped through the images on the phone, finding thousands of photos that contained Angela. One by one my thumb slid across them, watching her life unfold in pictures. Ronald had never bothered to purge them, and it appeared that her face persevered, even as the camera on his phone got better with upgrades.

  “What a sad little dog you are, Ronald.” I shook my head as I continued to thumb through them.

  Ronald had clearly been obsessed with her since they were teenagers. The oldest photos on the phone went back to 2008. She was pretty, even back then, but she aged so well. When I got to photos of her in a bikini, sitting on the edge of what appeared to be Ronald’s yacht, I felt myself getting aroused. It was too bad that I had already sent the whore on her way, because I could have probably used her mouth at that point. I kept scrolling through the photos, continuing to watch Angela’s life unfold. At some point, Ronald went off to college, and she appeared in them less frequently, but eventually she became the main focus once more. I sat there for what must have been hours, drinking and looking at her photos, feeling connected to her life in a way that I hadn’t felt since I lost Mary. My rage returned when I found a picture of Angela handing an award to her father. My head trembled with anger as his smiling face filled the screen next to her. I looked at my watch and nodded.

  “I have to purge this bitch from my head, and get the vengeance I need.” I flipped over to Angela’s number and dialed it with my phone.

  Chapter 9: Angela

  I couldn’t believe Braden had actually called me. The mysterious stranger was apparently as interested in me as I was in him. I had to get to know him more before I took my clothes off again. I needed to find out who he was, what he was about, and figure out if I was indulging a fling or if there was a possibility of more. I got dressed, choosing a dark crimson dress and a matching pair of shoes. The address he sent me was a fancy club, one that was more upscale than the usual ones I hit with Ronald on a Saturday night. My parents were playfully bickering in the other room, trying to figure out where they were going to have dinner. Danielle had even decided to go with them, which was a strange activity for her on the weekend. Once they were safely out of the house, I turned on the fan in the bathroom and lit up a cigarette, needing one to calm my nerves before I made my way to meet Braden. I checked my phone one last time and sighed when I found a blank screen.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” I heard the taxi outside and flushed my cigarette down the toilet.

  All the way there, I psyched myself up and started to mentally prepare a few questions I wanted to ask Braden. First of all, I needed to know what his last name was. That would make it easier for me to investigate him further, find out if he had Facebook, Twitter, all the things people normally had. The taxi pulled up in front of the club and there was a long line. I was a little annoyed, wondering if I actually had to wait. After standing there for a couple of seconds, a man in a suit walked up to me and motioned for me to follow him. I trailed behind him to the front of the line where he opened it and let me pass. The music was a little overwhelming, but I didn’t get a chance to take much of it in. The man who escorted me into the club took me upstairs to a door. After a couple of knocks, he opened it and I saw Braden sitting on a couch inside.

  “What is this, a private room?” I looked out the large tinted window which overlooked the club.

  “This is the VIP section, well think of it as the VIP of the VIP.” He stood up and walked towards me.

  “So, Mr. Braden…” I felt tense as he got closer. “Tell me something about you that I don’t know—so basically anything.”

  “Shut up.” He locked his lips with mine and my mind went blank.

  His kiss set off fireworks in my head. My breathing picked up and I could hear his escalating as well. His hands wrapped around my back and started to remove my dress. As many questions as I prepared, all I wanted was to feel his touch. He moved his hands up and down my body as I sank into his kiss completely. By the time my dress hit the floor, I had already pulled his tie loose and pushed his jacket off of his shoulders. The beat of the music in the club was fast and he seemed to move along with it as his lips drifted down my neck and started to kiss my shoulders. I found myself getting more forceful as well, practically tearing his shirt off when I got a couple of buttons undone. His hands cupped my breasts through my bra and then he quickly removed it, tossing it on the floor next to my dress. His flesh was warm and I could feel his chest moving against mine. His hands moved back to my breasts and cupped them again, squeezing them tightly as his tongue and lips moved to my ear.

  “You want to know something about me?” He asked with an edge in his voice.

  “Yeah…” I said with a gasp as his lips lightly grazed my ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you.” He reached down to my panties and twisted them around his knuckles, ripping the fabric with a quick yank.

  “Those were expensive!” I said as he turned me around. I already knew he was going to fuck me. That wasn’t new information.

  His hands slid up my back and then he slammed me down onto the table face first. The impact was sudden and unexpected. I struggled to get my wits about me. The table was cold, but his fingers started to warm me up as the slid down my back and then moved to my thighs. He pushed them apart slightly and I could feel the fabric of his pants pressed ag
ainst my pussy. His cock was hard and it made me even wetter than his touch already had. I heard his belt being unbuckled and his pants shuffling down. His hips pressed against my ass and then his cock rose up against my pussy. I tried to look back at him, but his hand clenched the back of my neck and kept my chin tight against the table. He rubbed the head of his cock against my clitoris several times and then it began to move up and down my labia. He pulled back for a moment and then with a quick thrust, he buried himself inside of me. I reached out and grabbed the edge of the table as I felt him.

  “Oh my god…” I said with a gasp.

  “Did you miss me?” He asked with that same angry edge to his voice.

  “Yes…” I said with a sigh.

  I wondered how Braden managed to be so cruel, yet so unbelievably hot at the same time. Rough sex was never my thing, and I certainly didn’t like pain, but it was like he used it as a tool. The bliss that followed the pain made the shock of the infliction evaporate. He started to thrust hard and fast, still keeping me pressed to the table as he did. Why on earth did I like it so much? He filled my pussy with his girth, driving himself so deep that each time he went all the way in, I could feel him teasing my g-spot. I felt a flood of pleasure each time he did. I tried to shift my body slightly as the edge of the table cut into the top of my thighs, but he was holding me there so tightly I couldn’t have moved if I wanted to. After a dozen or so hard thrusts, they became steady and fast, even faster than the beat of the music echoing around us. The light in the booth was dim, but I could see the reflection of his face in the glass surface of the table. His steel colored eyes were filled with desire and his face was locked in an expression that resembled a mixture of rage and passion.

  “Don’t stop…” I whispered as my body continued to demand more.

  “I wouldn’t stop, even if you begged me to.” I felt his cock swelling even larger inside of my pussy.


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